

单词 roasting furnace

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roasting furnace
a. With names of apparatus, utensils, etc., with the sense ‘used in or connected with roasting’, as roasting device, roasting fork, roasting furnace, roasting house, roasting kitchen, roasting machine, roasting oven, roasting pan, roasting rack, roasting range, roasting spit, roasting stick, roasting tin, roasting tongs, etc.
the world > food and drink > food > food manufacture and preparation > cooking > [adjective] > roasting, roasted, or roastable > that roasts
1353–4 in W. H. St. J. Hope Windsor Castle (1913) I. 166 (MED) Pro reparacione cooperture del Rostynghous.
1437 in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 10 (MED) Lego Williemo Basse..j par rostyngrakkes ferrea.
1444 in J. Raine Testamenta Eboracensia (1855) II. 100 (MED) Lego..j patellam ferream vocatam rostyngpan habentem j spout in utraque fine.
1525–6 in J. T. Fowler Extracts Acct. Rolls Abbey of Durham (1898) I. 107 Pro feodo le Rostyngrang.
1637 Edinb. Test. LVIII. f. 191v, in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue at Rosting Ane littell rosting speit.
1647 H. Hexham Copious Eng. & Netherduytch Dict. A rosting spit, een braedt-spit.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory (1905) iii. xx. 248/2 He beareth sable a Lanthorn Makers Rosting stick... It is of some named the Roasting tonges.
1724 London Gaz. No. 6270/9 Dealers..in Coffee may..Roast their Berries at such Roasting-Houses.
1789 H. Abbott Jrnl. Trip Aleppo to Bussora 110 A few cooking utensils, not omitting a small roasting spit and gridiron.
1839 A. Ure Dict. Arts 820 This is what is called a walled area, and sometimes, improperly enough, a roasting furnace.
1862 Internat. Exhib.: Illustr. Catal. Industr. Dept. II. xxxi. §5969 The London Roasting Range..with cast-iron chimney-piece.
1862 Internat. Exhib.: Illustr. Catal. Industr. Dept. II. xxxi. §5983 A large brick roasting oven.
1883 Archaeologia Cantiana 15 246 They repeatedly assailed Mr. Annesley..with pitchforks, stones, and roasting-spits.
1923 H. Crane Let. 5 Dec. (1965) 159 The ten pound bird was put into a wonderful roasting machine... You put the bird on a long spit that had a crank and catches... You must have seen one of these roasting devices.
1950 W. R. Bird This is Nova Scotia ii. 37 On the wall are such items as an otter head, and feet,..and brass roasting forks.
1960 E. David French Provinc. Cooking 66 A shallow rectangular baking or roasting tin.
1965 E. Tunis Colonial Craftsmen vi. 67 The ‘roasting kitchen’, a reflecting oven built as an arch-topped box on legs, with one open side to face the fire.
1981 Bon Appétit Mar. 32/3 Dark beer gets its added color and flavor from malt that has spent extra time in the roasting kiln.
2005 Olive Mar. 44/1 Spread the chips out in a roasting tin..and bake until golden brown.
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