

单词 right on

right onint.n.adj.

Brit. /rʌɪt ˈɒn/, U.S. /ˌraɪd ˈɑn/
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: right adv., on adv.
Etymology: < right adv. + on adv. Perhaps compare right adv. 6a.
A. int. (and n.)
Originally U.S. (in African-American usage). Expressing enthusiastic agreement, approval, or encouragement. Also as n.: a cry of ‘right on!’
the mind > attention and judgement > esteem > approval or sanction > commendation or praise > expressions of commendation [interjection]
hear- him1727
that's your sort1792
top marks1829
that's the spirit1853
good for you (also him, her, etc.)1855
good man1887
good egg1903
to go up (also down) one1909
right on1911
the mind > language > statement > assent > [adverb] > expression of assent > enthusiastic
right on1911
1911 Jrnl. Amer. Folk-lore 24 292 Railroad Bill was [a] mighty sport, Shot all [the] buttons off [the] high sheriff's coat, Den hollered, ‘Right on, desperado Bill!’
1968 B. Seale in Ramparts 20 Oct. 32/1 I said, ‘Right on.’ I was right behind him. This brother..knew what to do, when to do and how to do it.
1979 Daily Tel. 3 Sept. 4/1 A correspondent remarked: ‘You don't portray any crisis feeling.’ The President replied: ‘Right on.’
1989 Car & Driver Oct. 7/3 A hearty ‘right on’ to Pat Bedard for his unvarnished, plain-spoken assessment of the so-called sudden-acceleration reports.
1994 A. Sinclair Coffee will make you Black (1995) 227 ‘They think that the struggle is over. But black people have only just begun to fight!’ ‘Right on! Brother Roland! Right on!’ people shouted.
2005 L. Weisberger Everyone worth Knowing 119 ‘May I get a Tanq and tonic?’.. ‘Right on, dude, coming right up.’
B. adj.
Usually with hyphen. Admirable, worthy of approval. Hence: fashionable, ‘with it’, esp. in reflecting politically an approved liberal or radical stance. Sometimes mildly derogatory.
1970 Time 19 Oct. 45 In Boston, Homans is known as a ‘right-on lawyer’—he defends blacks, war protestors and poor people.
1975 Peace News 11 July 11/1 It's usually the right-on projects which have most and the con merchants and piss artists often go without.
1987 New Internationalist May 30/3 But you sense that it wants to reach beyond..to a wider (though specifically female) public which would surely find its politics too crudely right-on.
1992 Pittsburgh Nov. 12/2 Harry Schwalb's review of Mark and Jeff Zets in the September art column was the best damn right-on art piece that I have read in years.
1995 New Statesman & Society 17 Mar. 33/4 Idealistic young hardliner Father Greg..arrives in Liverpool to find his dogmatic faith confronted by feisty right-on colleague Father Matthew..who is cohabiting with his housekeeper Maria.
2007 Sunday Times Trav. May 92/2 Perhaps locals had been cowed by political correctness—conquerors are not right-on.
This is a new entry (OED Third Edition, March 2003; most recently modified version published online March 2022).

> as lemmas

right on
a. Modifying adverbs and prepositional phrases expressing place, as right at, right in, right on, etc. Precisely, exactly, quite; directly, fully. Cf. (right) on the button at button n. Phrases 12.
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > conformity with what is known, truth > freedom from error, correctness > exactness, accuracy, precision > [adverb] > exactly so, just > of place
eOE tr. Orosius Hist. (BL Add.) (1980) i. i. 12 Ryhte be eastan him [sc. the Bavarians] sindon Bæme.
OE Byrhtferð Enchiridion (Ashm.) (1995) ii. i. 72 On þam feorðan dæge..on ærnemergen þæs dæges uparas seo beorhte sunne riht on eastende þære heofon.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 6554 Te laferrd iesu crist. Wass borenn..Rihht i þe land off ȝerrsalæm.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) 781 Þa brac þat sweord in his hond, riht bi þere hilte.
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) 2495 Sket cam a ladde with a knif And bigan Rith at þe to For to ritte.
a1325 (c1250) Gen. & Exod. (1968) l. 1604 He lay bi luzan ut on nigt, A ston under hise heued rigt.
c1390 (c1300) MS Vernon Homilies in Archiv f. das Studium der Neueren Sprachen (1877) 57 273 (MED) His Arwes ful euene smat Riht on þe Olde Mon.
a1425 (?a1400) G. Chaucer Romaunt Rose (Hunterian) (1891) l. 3076 Ryght nygh the bothom [read botoun] pullede he A leef all grene.
tr. Palladius De re Rustica (Duke Humfrey) (1896) iv. 27 Into the lond let synke A reed right by.
1481 W. Caxton tr. Siege & Conqueste Jerusalem (1893) clxxiii. 256 In theyr comyng on they toke the barbycannes that were right ayenst them.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Josh. viii. C He made haist..to mete Israel..euen righte before the felde.
1589 G. Puttenham Arte Eng. Poesie iii. i. 115 Vpon a Ladies lips, or right in the center of her cheekes.
1645 J. Milton L'Allegro in Poems 33 Right against the Eastern gate, Wher the great Sun begins his state.
1669 S. Sturmy Mariners Mag. i. ii. 18 The Wind is right in our teeth.
1723 D. Defoe Hist. Col. Jack (ed. 2) 100 He was set right against me.
1775 B. Romans Conc. Nat. Hist. E. & W. Florida App. 28 Right abreast of this spot..is a very fine anchorage.
1816 J. Wilson City of Plague ii. iii. 55 Sitting..Right o'er St. Paul's Cathedral.
1830 Ladies' Repository 5 409/1 Right opposite the door, leading to the entry, stood the box at which she was engaged, down on her knees.
1891 C. E. Norton tr. Dante Divine Comedy I. xxviii. 156 When it was right at the foot of the bridge, it lifted its arm high.
1913 J. Conrad Chance i. i. 11 The first thing I saw right in front of me were three middle-aged men.
1971 K. Awoonor This Earth, my Brother xii. 152 These latrines are ever full. Those in a hurry take a shit right on the floor.
1991 Star-Ledger (Newark, New Jersey) 8 Dec. v. 12/3 We really couldn't run any reverses or anything on the muddy field. We had to run right at them.
extracted from rightadv.
as lemmas




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