

单词 rhamno-

rhamno-comb. form

Stress is usually determined by a subsequent element and vowels may be reduced accordingly.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin, combined with an English element. Etymons: Latin Rhamnus , -o- connective.
Etymology: < scientific Latin Rhamnus (see rhamnus n.) + -o- connective. In sense 2 after rhamnose n.Found in a small number of formations exemplified below; frequently, and earliest, after German models in rhamno-.
1. Forming the names of chemical compounds isolated from plants of the genus Rhamnus.
rhamnocathartin n.
Brit. /ˌramnə(ʊ)kəˈθɑːtɪn/
U.S. /ˌræmnoʊkəˈθɑrtn/
[after German Rhamno-Cathartin (M. Binswanger 1850, in Repertorium f. die Pharm. 4 55)] now rare a bitter, yellow, amorphous substance isolated from the berries of common or purging buckthorn, Rhamnus cathartica.Rhamnocathartin is a glycoside of emodin. Formula: C27H30 O14.
1852 A. W. Hofmann & H. B. Jones tr. J. Liebig & H. Kopp Ann. Rep. Progr. Chem. III. 338 Binswanger..differs from these views, and distinguishes a rhamno-cathartin and a senna-cathartin.
1901 A. C. Wright tr. J. Bersch Manuf. Mineral & Lake Pigments lxiii. 411 Sap green contains an uncrystallisable bitter substance, rhamnocathartin.
1950 Thorpe's Dict. Appl. Chem. (ed. 4) X. 516/1 The following substances have been isolated from the berries:..rhamnocathartin (yellow tablets, m.p. 236°, hydrolysed to emodin, rhamnose, and hexose).
rhamnoxanthin n.
Brit. /ˌramnə(ʊ)ˈzanθ(ᵻ)n/
U.S. /ˌræmnoʊˈzænθ(ə)n/
[after German Rhamno-Xanthin (M. Binswanger 1850, in Repertorium f. die Pharm. 4 152)] now rare a bitter, yellow, crystalline compound isolated from the bark of alder buckthorn, Rhamnus frangula; cf. frangulin n.Rhamnoxanthin is now more usually known as frangulin A. Chemical name: emodin-3-rhamnoside; C21H20O9.
1850 M. Binswanger in Pharm. Jrnl. & Trans. 9 538 The results which I have obtained from the examination of the bark..of the Rhamnus frangula are:..Rhamno-xanthin, a yellow, crystallizable colouring substance, which can be sublimed.
1919 Med. Critic & Guide 22 304 Cascarin. The active principle of cascara sagrada. It is identical with rhamnoxanthine found in buckthorn bark (rhamnus frangula).
1957 R. H. Thomson Naturally Occurring Quinones iv. 194 The simplest product is the rhamnoside, frangulin (franguloside or rhamnoxanthin).
2. Forming the names of compounds derived from rhamnose.
rhamnoglucoside n.
Brit. /ˌramnə(ʊ)ˈɡluːkəsʌɪd/
U.S. /ˌræmnoʊˈɡlukəˌsaɪd/
a glycoside in which the sugar component is a disaccharide consisting of rhamnose and glucose.
1904 Proc. 52nd Ann. Meeting Amer. Pharmaceut. Assoc. 956 These are designated as Rhamno-Glucosides, and embrace such bodies as hesperidin, isohesperidin and, more recently, also globulariacitrin.
1935 A. L. Winton & K. B. Winton Struct. & Composition Foods II. 855 From the juice of the European elderberry Karrer and Widmer obtained sambucin, a cyanidin rhamnoglucoside.
2006 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chem. 14 8708/2 Aglycone itself..gave higher activity than glycosylation with diglucosides..or rhamnoglucosides.
rhamnoglycoside n.
Brit. /ˌramnə(ʊ)ˈɡlʌɪkəsʌɪd/
U.S. /ˌræmnoʊˈɡlaɪkəˌsaɪd/
a glycoside in which the sugar component is rhamnose attached to another monosaccharide such as glucose or galactose.
1934 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 1612 The red gloxinia flowers are coloured by a pelargonidin rhamnoglycoside.
1969 Phytochemistry 8 140 F[ortunella] crassifolia appears to be unique in so far as it may contain a large proportion of both rhamnoglycoside isomers of eriodictyol.
1996 G. A. Burdock Encycl. Food & Color Additives III. 2467 Rutin. Synonyms... Quercetin 3-rhamnoglycoside.
rhamnohexose n.
Brit. /ˌramnə(ʊ)ˈhɛksəʊs/
U.S. /ˌræmnoʊˈhɛkˌsoʊs/
[after German Rhamnohexose (E. Fischer & O. Piloty 1890, in Berichte der Deutsch. Chem. Ges. 23 3102] now rare a methyl hexose sugar synthesized from rhamnose.Formula: C7H14O6.
1890 Jrnl. Soc. Chem. Industry 9 1141/2 Rhamno-hexose..is obtained by reducing a solution of the lactone of rhamnohexonic acid by 2½ per cent. sodium amalgam.
1910 E. F. Armstrong Simple Carbohydrates & Glucosides 39 Rhamnose..by means of the cyanohydrin reaction has been converted into rhamnohexose and rhamnoheptose.
1951 I. L. Finar Org. Chem. I. xviii. 357 A number of compounds have been discovered which are carbohydrates by chemical behaviour, but do not conform to the formula Cx(H2O)y, e.g.,..rhamnohexose, C7H14O6.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2010; most recently modified version published online March 2022).
comb. form1850




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