

单词 revising barrister

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revising barrister
b. inner, utter, vacation barrister (all obsolete): see quot. and cf. quot. c1545; revising barrister: one appointed to revise the lists of persons qualified to vote for Members of Parliament.
society > law > legal profession > lawyer > [noun] > counsellor, barrister, or advocate > other barristers
inner, utter, vacation barristera1547
a1547 in W. Dugdale Origines Juridiciales (1671) 148 The Masters commens are ferder divided into three Companies; that is to say, no Utter-Barristers, Utter-Barristers, and Benchers.
1584 in W. Greenwell Wills & Inventories Registry Durham (1860) II. 105 So longe as he remayneth at th'ins of courte, vntyll he be utter barester.
1672 T. Manley Νομοθετης: Cowell's Interpreter sig. Zzza A Barrister newly called is to attend the six next long Vacations the Exercise of the House..and is therefore for those three years called a Vacation Barrister. And they are called utter Barristers, i. Pleaders without the Bar, to distinguish them from Benchers..who are sometimes admitted to plead within the Bar.
1835 Penny Cycl. III. 503 Students of the law under the degree of utter barristers, took their places nearer to the centre of the hall and farther from the bar, and from this manner of distribution appear to have been called inner barristers.
extracted from barristern.
revising barrister
revising barrister n. now historical a barrister appointed by a senior judge to hold local courts at stated periods for the purpose of revising the lists of those eligible to vote in parliamentary elections.The role of revising barrister was introduced in various British parishes and counties from the early 1830s, esp. after the Reform Act of 1832 which increased the size of the electorate. It ceased to exist after the First World War (1914–18) when, with the extension of suffrage to all adult males, local authorities became responsible for compiling electoral registers.
society > law > legal profession > lawyer > [noun] > counsellor, barrister, or advocate > appointed to revise list of electors
revising barrister1831
1831 Times 17 Aug. 3 The necessity of extending to the barrister who revised the electoral lists for towns, the same exclusion which is already pronounced by the bill against the revising barrister for counties.
1847 Power Law Qualif. & Registr. 113 The like duty devolves upon the senior judge of assise on the summer circuit to appoint revising barristers to act for each circuit.
1866 ‘G. Eliot’ Felix Holt II. xx. 88 We're not so badly off for votes as you are—good sound votes, that'll stand the Revising Barrister.
1915 C. M. Seymour Electoral Reform Eng. & Wales v. 120 Another complaint was that the number of revising barristers was too great. The more there were, the greater was the variety of their opinions as to what constituted a qualification.
1999 S. A. Van Wingerden Women's Suffrage Movement i. 20 As one of the judges said, a revising barrister would have had the right to remove the name of a dog or a horse from the register, so why not that of a woman?
extracted from revisingadj.
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