

单词 revise


Brit. /rᵻˈvʌɪz/, U.S. /rəˈvaɪz/, /riˈvaɪz/
Forms: see revise v.
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymon: revise v.
Etymology: < revise v. Compare earlier review n., revising n., and later revision n.
1. The fact of being seen again. Obsolete. rare.
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > seeing or looking > [noun] > being seen > again
1586 W. Warner Æneidos in Albions Eng. sig. Piv Of the drowning, and Reuise of Palinurus..I omit.
a. The act of looking back at or over something (literal and figurative); a review or re-examination of something. Obsolete.
1605 J. Sylvester tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Deuine Weekes & Wks. i. i. 17 We should not heedlesse-hastily bestow-vs In any Worke, but patiently proceed With oft re-vises.
1625 T. Jackson Treat. Originall of Vnbeliefe 89 This reflexed apprehension or revise.., by which their examination should be tryed.
1647 G. Tooke (title) A chronological revise of those three successive princes of Holland, of Zeland, and of Freisland.
1710 True Acct. Last Distemper T. Whigg ii. 50 Let it be the frequent Subject of your Revise and Meditation.
1858 R. S. Surtees Ask Mamma lxxv. 328 The young ladies hurried out of the room, each to make a quick revise of her costume.
1896 Michigan Alumnus June 229 The historian may treat the human species in a manner similar to that employed by the geologist in his revise of prehistoric animal life.
b. The action or an act of revising a text, law, etc.; revision or re-examination for the purpose of correcting or amending; an instance of this.
the world > action or operation > amending > [noun] > looking over with a view to amendment
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > seeing or looking > [noun] > revising or reviewing
society > leisure > the arts > literature > literary and textual criticism > textual criticism > [noun] > critical revision of text
1641 J. Milton Animadversions 43 The Translation of your Mother the Church of England, that pass't the revise of your chiefest Prelates.
1702 R. L'Estrange tr. Josephus Jewish Antiq. xii. ii, in Wks. 324 They came to this Resolution, That the Book might be Subjected to a Further Examination, and Revise.
1728 T. Gordon in Wks. Tacitus I. 62 After all my care and many revises, I continued apprehensive that much fault might be found.
1790 J. Cradock Diary 24 June in Trav. France (1826) II. 231 When could a revise of our penal code be more auspiciously attempted, than under the discretion of an able Ministry.
1811 Gifford in Select. from Corr. M. Napier (1879) 4 I am greatly pleased with your additions, and indeed with the whole of your revise.
1832 C. Babbage Econ. Machinery & Manuf. xx. 169 The present work was set up in slips, but the corrections were unusually large, and the revises frequent.
1890 Ann. Rep. (Sc. Fishery Board) iii. 371 They demand a revise of the commercial treaties with France and other countries, high duties doing them much injury.
1912 Carnegie Inst. Year Bk. 1911 227 I have completed the second revise of volumes IV and V and provided headlines and sidenotes.
2007 M. Baldassare & C. Katz Coming Age Direct Democracy iv. 108 The traditional May revise of his January budget.
c. The result of revision; a revised version or form.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > literary and textual criticism > textual criticism > version of text > [noun] > result of revision
1688 E. Barton in W. Barton Six Cent. Select Hymns (ed. 4) Advt. to Rdr. sig. ¶10v Since his death, his last Revise of the Psalm-book was printed Anno 1682.
1722 E. Calamy 13 Serm. 463 He read this Verse in the Bible of the Emperor Lotharius, which was written in the Time of Charles the Great, or at least was copy'd from the Revise of the Bible which was incourag'd by that Emperor.
1844 C. Dickens Let. 29 June (1977) IV. 153 Mr. Dickens will be glad if Mr. Newby will send a complete revise of the whole book..to Mr. Overs, for his attentive perusal.
1875 A. Thackeray Let. in Lett. A. T. Ritchie (1924) viii. 163 Mr. Payn writes sternly for the revise for my story and I must not write any more now.
1894 Cycl. Rev. Current Hist. (U.S.) 4 283 Shortly after the revise of the Wilson bill came up..in the Senate on April 2.
1950 Amer. Jrnl. Psychol. 63 646 This first revise of a Columbia Text (after eight years) omits the adolescent chapters.
1970 W. Garner Puppet-masters xxxvi. 259 Here's the revise. We had it retyped with the new ending.
1991 K. Kyle Suez xii. 241 The new scheme, misleadingly labelled a ‘revise’ of the old one, required a new deployment of forces over a wide area.
3. concrete. Printing. In singular: a proof sheet that includes corrections made in an earlier proof; (in singular or plural) a set of these.
society > communication > printing > printed matter > [noun] > proof > revised proof
1612 T. James Treat. Corruption Script. (new ed.) iii. 24 There was no sheete printed off, before either the proofe, or the reuize (as they call it) was brought vnto him.
1644 W. Prynne & C. Walker True Relation Prosecution N. Fiennes 56 When he read the printed proofe and revise.
1683 J. Moxon Mech. Exercises II. 264 After the Second or Third Proof he has a Revise, which is also a Proof-sheet.
1753 S. Richardson Hist. Sir Charles Grandison VI. 417 He had hardly..composed any other Copy but first proofs, revises, &c., clandestinely obtained from England.
1778 S. Johnson in J. Boswell Life Johnson (1791) II. 345 Let me have the revises as soon as can be.
1816 W. Scott Antiquary I. xi. 247 [He] pulled off the first proof as clear and free from errors as if it had been a triple revise!
1887 J. Ruskin Præterita II. x. 338 The revise of the last sheet was sent to printer.
1937 J. R. R. Tolkien Let. 13 Apr. (1995) 16 I return under separate cover the corrected revises of The Hobbit , complete.
2003 M. Belson On the Press iii. 123 When I had checked the revises I would place them back through the hatch where the feeder would collect them.


General attributive (chiefly in sense 3), as revise editor, revise proof, etc.
1712 R. Thoresby Diary 19 June (1830) II. 121 Morning, at church; then correcting the revise sheets.
1849 Knickerbocker Nov. 458 A more stupid ‘correction’ could not conveniently be made than was accomplished in the revise-proof of the sheet containing the lines [etc.].
1972 H. Evans Editing & Design: Newsman's Eng. i. 8 The copy is normally passed to a third executive, the ‘revise editor’.
2008 Printweek (Nexis) 22 May 24 ‘Pull a revise’ is a term that I recollect from long ago when instructed to correct or alter a text and to produce a revise proof for approval.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2010; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /rᵻˈvʌɪz/, U.S. /rəˈvaɪz/, /riˈvaɪz/
Forms: 1500s–1600s reuise, 1500s– revise, 1600s reuize, 1600s (1800s– nonstandard) revize.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French reviser; Latin revīsere.
Etymology: < Middle French reviser, French reviser, réviser to alter (an opinion, judgement, etc.) after reconsideration, or in the light of further evidence (1565; earlier in sense ‘to examine, consider (something)’ (c1245 in Old French)) and its etymon classical Latin revīsere to pay another visit (to), to go back and see, to go and see again, to revisit, to take another look at < re- re- prefix + vīsere to look at, aim (see vise v.1). Compare Spanish revisar (late 15th cent.). Compare review v., with which this word shows semantic overlap.isThe uses in senses 1a and 2 are not paralleled in French until considerably later (1752 and 1946, respectively). With sense 2 compare earlier revision n. 3.
I. To re-examine.
a. transitive. To look or read carefully over (written or printed matter), with a view to improvement or correction; to improve or alter (text) as a result of examination or re-examination. Also intransitive with object implied.
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > seeing or looking > see [verb (transitive)] > review or revise
society > leisure > the arts > literature > literary and textual criticism > textual criticism > practise textual criticism [verb (transitive)] > revise critically
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > seeing or looking > see [verb (intransitive)] > revise or review
society > leisure > the arts > literature > literary and textual criticism > textual criticism > practise textual criticism [verb (intransitive)] > revise critically
1545 T. Raynald in tr. E. Roesslin Byrth of Mankynde Prol. sig. B.iiv I..reuisying from top to too the sayde booke...after goud and dylygent perusynge therof dyd correct, and amende suche fautes in it, as semid wurthy of the same.
1574 in D. H. Fleming Reg. Christian Congregation St. Andrews (1889) I. 396 The Seat hes decernit first the play to be revisit be my lord Rectour.
1611 M. Smith in Bible (King James) Transl. Pref. ⁋14 Neither did we disdaine to reuise that which we had done.
1693 W. Freke Sel. Ess. Apol. sig. A5 What I have done of late, has been only to Correct and Revise them [sc. essays] a little for the Press.
1744 A. Pope Corr. 21 Feb. (1956) IV. 500 Whatever very little respites I have had..have been employd in revising the papers on the Use of Riches.
1749 H. Fielding Tom Jones V. xv. ix. 271 I am prevented from revising;—Perhaps I have said more than I meant. View more context for this quotation
1794 R. Kirwan Elements Mineral. (ed. 2) I. Pref. xii Upon the decease of Mr. Leske, it was revised, corrected, and enlarged, by Mr. Karsten.
1828 I. D'Israeli Comm. Life Charles I I. iii. 30 The King carefully revised the papers which he commanded others to write.
1847 T. De Quincey Spanish Mil. Nun viii, in Wks. (1853) III. 16 Pussy, however, saw no use in revising and correcting the text of papa's remembrances.
1903 C. M. Gayley in R. E. Gibbs Songs of Content p. x Since he had no chance to revise and arrange, I have spent some loving care upon the task.
1915 ‘I. Hay’ First Hundred Thousand ii. xx. 303 The Oxford Dictionary of the English Language will have to be revised and enlarged when this war is over.
1989 V. S. Pritchett Chekhov xix. 220 The Cherry Orchard..was not ready because he was continuously revising what he had written.
2005 J. F. Steiner & G. A. Steiner Business, Govt., & Society (ed. 11) p. xi Chapter 2, on the business environment, is revised and updated to reflect recent events and the progress of trends.
b. To examine or re-examine (something, esp. a law, code, plan, or the like) for the purpose of improvement or amendment; to alter so as to make more efficient, apposite, or effective.In early use: †to condense by revision (obsolete).With quot. 1847 cf. revising barrister n. at revising adj. Compounds.
the world > action or operation > amending > put right [verb (transitive)] > look over with a view to amending
society > leisure > the arts > literature > style of language or writing > conciseness > put concisely or briefly [verb (transitive)] > condense > by revision
a1626 F. Bacon Elements Common Lawes (1630) Ep. Ded. sig. A2 v To revise the Romane lawes from infinite volumes..into one competent and uniforme corps of law.
1651 R. Baxter Plain Script. Proof Infants Church-membership & Baptism 120 That they would be pleased in the forementioned particulars to revise the Directory.
1764 R. Burn Hist. Poor Laws 274 There is great reason to revise the game laws, and to reduce them into some order and compass.
1795 J. Madison Let. 11 Jan. in T. Jefferson Papers (2000) XXVIII. 244 A Bill revising the Naturalization law..requires..an oath of abjuration, as well as of allegiance.
1847 Power Law Qualif. & Registr. 113 Every revising barrister is required to notify his appointment to the clerk of the peace of the county..which he has been appointed to revise.
1853 (title) Official report of the debates and proceedings..to revise and amend the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
1897 Amer. Naturalist 31 994 We must revise the old systems of nomenclature..which..differ..among odontologists of every land.
1939 N. Marsh Overture to Death v. 57 Then he gave himself four minutes to revise the conversation he had planned to have with Dinah.
1956 W. S. Churchill Hist. Eng.-speaking Peoples IV. 277 The mobilisation scheme, revised by the Emperor himself, was slow and fearfully confused.
1969 Jane's Freight Containers 1968–9 6 Timetables revised to incorporate the new fast container trains as they go into service.
1998 J. L. Locke Why we don't talk Anymore i. 41 Recently, the highway code in Britain was revised to include tips on how to avoid verbal clashes that might provoke ‘road rage’.
2001 National Post (Canada) 12 May a6/3 The act has been revised twice since 1974, and now includes rules requiring the treatment of surface water for the presence of microbials.
c. transitive. To alter (an opinion, judgment, etc.) after reconsideration, or in the light of further evidence.
1722 W. Wollaston Relig. of Nature iii. 60 Truth is the offspring of silence, unbroken meditations, and thoughts often revised and corrected.
1768 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. III. 67 A commission sometimes granted..to revise the sentence of the court of delegates.
1819 J. Marshall Writings upon Federal Constit. (1839) 189 The opinion of the highest law tribunal of the state is to be revised.
1875 J. G. Holland Sevenoaks xi. 146 People began to revise their judgments of the man whom they had..condemned.
1920 Act 10 & 11 George V c. 30 §5 (6) Where..that decision is subsequently revised or reserved on appeal.
1963 P. G. Wodehouse Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves iv. 32 If anything should ever happen to make her revise her conviction that he was a king among men.., I was the next in line.
1991 P. James et al. Cent. of Darkness (1992) 339 In 1982 Weir completely revised his conclusions in the light of Huber's orbital retrocalculations.
2005 Globe & Mail (Toronto) 15 Mar. a19/6 One leading climate scientist says the study has made him fundamentally revise his views.
d. transitive. To adjust (a figure) up or down after reconsideration. Also with upwards, downwards, etc. Also intransitive.
the world > relative properties > number > enumeration, reckoning, or calculation > number, calculate, or reckon [verb (transitive)] > again
1877 Galveston (Texas) Daily News 28 Nov. Quotations were revised up, placing values of low middling and all grades above on a parity with the figures quoted at New Orleans.
1883 Atlanta Constit. 9 Jan. 4/2 The revisers in either case revised up and never down.
1937 Accounting Rev. 12 310/2 The earnings statements over the appropriate number of years should have been revised downwards.
1954 ‘W. March’ Bad Seed v. 114 I'd already put you down for a thousand dollars in my mind, but of course, knowing what I do now, I'll be happy to revise the figure upward.
1981 Daily Tel. 19 Feb. 2/8 Estimates of last year's spending are being revised down.
2009 West Austral. (Perth) (Nexis) 11 Sept. 4 We've previously indicated that the surplus predicted in the Budget was being revised down.
2. Education. To go over a subject again.In North American use the more usual term is now review (see review v. 7).
a. transitive. To go over or read again (material already studied or learnt) in order to reinforce it, typically in preparation for an examination.
society > education > learning > study > [verb (transitive)] > study again or revise
1866 Rep. Minister Educ. (Ontario. Dept. Educ.) 16 The teachers in the smaller sections have not the advantage of revising the subject of examination by classes of an advanced character.
1892 Glasgow Med. Jrnl. 38 220 It is well illustrated and printed, and will be of great assistance to the student in revising the subject.
1917 C. H. Jarvis Teaching Hist. ix. 160 The best form of revision is not oral questioning... The children must carefully revise their knowledge, using note-book and text-book.
1946 ‘B. Truscot’ First Year at Univ. v. 66 Assuming the examination to be in May or June,..[the Easter] vacation should..be devoted to revision, and the work to be revised must be systematically divided up among the time available.
1967 Oxf. Mag. 10 Feb. 205/2 I ask them [sc. Canadian students] to revise a piece of work and with outrageous disobedience they review it.
2002 Times Educ. Suppl. (Nexis) 31 May 18 I found myself spending an entire sunny Saturday afternoon revising GCSE history while my daughter was, sensibly, out playing tennis.
b. intransitive. To reread or relearn work done previously; to prepare for an examination in this way.
1886 Lancet 9 Oct. 679/1 [He] had to grind away at revising for the anatomy and physiology examinations when he ought to have his mind at leisure for the clerkship..he had come to hold.
1905 Jrnl. Educ. Apr. 256/2 The guiding principle of the method being constant revision, the pupils..revise from the beginning at each lesson until the amount of work becomes so great as to leave no time to go further ahead.
1977 C. Dexter Silent World N. Quinn xii. 109 You revise, I suppose?.. I mustn't keep you from your revising.
1994 C. Keatley My Mother said I never Should (new ed.) p. xiv Doris asks why Jackie hasn't visited them... Margaret fibs that Jackie is busy revising for her exams.
2001 South Wales Evening Post (Nexis) 4 Sept. 6 I had to..fit in my shifts around my exams, revision and housework... [But] I always went out on Saturday night and I never revised on Sundays.
II. To see again.
3. transitive. To see or look at again, to take another look at. Obsolete.
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > seeing or looking > see [verb (transitive)] > look at or behold > see or look again
1563 J. Foxe Actes & Monuments 557/2 Therfore I beseche them yt demeth me..slaunderouslye, to reuise the said places [sc. Matt. xv, Luke xi], & then councell me to do yt shalbe most expedient to folow.
a1618 J. Sylvester Iob Triumphant in tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Diuine Weekes & Wks. (1621) 920 Th' Eye that hath seen him, shall not see him twise, Nor shall his Places him againe reuise.
1687 T. Beverley Expos. Song of Songs 66 So long forgotten, I by Love revis'd Would now from future Forfeiture Fore-pris'd, Stand sealed.
1729 T. Foxton tr. T. Burnet App. to 9th Chapter State of Dead 75 If any doubt it they may revise what we have there written.
1766 H. Brooke Fool of Quality II. 293 She reserves this..for her own..inspection; to revise it, to gaze and dwell upon it in secret.
4. intransitive. To look again or repeatedly at; to look back or meditate on or upon something. Obsolete.
the mind > mental capacity > thought > continued thinking, reflection, contemplation > reconsideration > think again [verb (intransitive)]
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > seeing or looking > see [verb (intransitive)] > look or behold > look again
1567 Reception of Q. Eliz. at Cambridge (Harl. 7037) The Queen following..and marvellously revising at the beauty of the chapel.
1607 C. Lever Queene Elizabeths Teares sig. B2 Waking, or not, I oft reuise thereon.
a1640 T. Jackson Exact Coll. Wks. (1654) 3108 Surely the thoughts of a meere Natural Civil or Moral man, are Free..and able to Revise and work upon those Occurrences.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2010; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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