

单词 respective point

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respective point
a. Of a point or line: towards or along which a magnetized needle will turn; (of a needle) such as will align itself as a result of magnetic attraction. Chiefly in respective point. Obsolete.
1581 R. Norman Newe Attractiue vii. 15 This poincte Respectiue, is a certaine poincte, whiche the touched Needle doeth alwaies Respecte or shewe.
1581 R. Norman Newe Attractiue vii. 20 The other [line] crossyng the line Respectiue at right angles is the false East and West that the varying Needle..sheweth.
1618 W. Barlow Magneticall Aduertisements iv. 11 Make a respectiue or declinatorie needle, of an inch or thereabouts in length and giuing him his touch, fasten him by his Axis vpon a little forked sticke.
1625 N. Carpenter Geogr. Delineated i. ii. 25 The center of the Earth is not an Attractiue, but a meere Respectiue point.
1635 L. Foxe North-west Fox 197 Here may be some mountaines..whose Minerals may detaine the nimblenesse of the needle's mooving to his respective poynt.
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