

单词 retour


Brit. /rᵻˈtʊə/, /rᵻˈtɔː/, U.S. /ˌrəˈtʊ(ə)r/, /ˌriˈtʊ(ə)r/
Forms: Middle English–1500s retoure, Middle English– retour, 1500s retowre; Scottish pre-1700 ratour, pre-1700 ratoure, pre-1700 ratower, pre-1700 ratowr, pre-1700 retowr, pre-1700 retowre, pre-1700 rhetor, pre-1700 1700s– retour, pre-1700 1800s retoure.
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French retour.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman and Old French retur, Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French retor, Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French, French retour (see return n.). Compare return n. and parallels in other Romance languages cited at that entry. Compare also Dutch retour (early 16th cent.; < French).With attributive uses at Compounds 1 compare French cheval de retour , carrosse de retour (both 1690). In the following quot. retours may show a transmission error for recours (i.e. recourse n.1), although compare Middle French sanz retour irreversibly, permanently (2nd half of the 12th cent. in Old French as senz retor):c1400 (?a1300) Kyng Alisaunder (Laud) (1952) 601 He shal be poysond saunz retours [a1425 Linc. Inn return] Of his owen traytoures.Compare also the following, where a transmission error for recours seems likely:c1410 (c1395) G. Chaucer Squire's Tale (Cambr. Dd.4.24) (1902) l. 75 Vn-to my first I wyl haue myn retours [c1405 Hengwrt recours].
1. Chiefly Scottish.
a. Return (to a place); a return. Now rare.
society > travel > aspects of travel > return > [noun]
c1330 Seven Sages (Auch.) (1933) 15 (MED) Scho..dede here mene make retour.
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) (1996) i. l. 5393 He spirred after þe emperour whider he mad his retoure.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) i. 1154 (MED) We no lenger schal holden her soiour, For elles-wher we schal make our retour.
a1475 (?a1430) J. Lydgate tr. G. Deguileville Pilgrimage Life Man (Vitell.) 21643 (MED) I hadde be Perysshed Amyddys off the se; But Youthe than, in hyr Retour, Was to myn helpe gret socour.
c1515 Ld. Berners tr. Bk. Duke Huon of Burdeux (1882–7) cxxx. 479 For fere lest ye false emperoure cause you to dye or my retoure.
1567 G. Turberville tr. Ovid Heroycall Epist. 112 Come hither, come, and to my bosome make retowre.
1633 Ld. Wariston Diary (1911) I. 8 Schoe..at my retour accepted me kyndly.
1792 ‘Juvenis Scoticus’ Melpomene 54 On a retour frae creeshy dinners.
1822 J. Galt Provost xxi. 163 Mr. Secretary of State wrote me back by retour of post, thanking me for my zeal in the public service.
1897 W. Beatty Secretar viii. 68 See ye keep that auld carle Geddes in gude ward till my retour.
?2002 I. W. D. Forde Hale ir Sindries ii. v. 155 A hae hecht ti byde heir fur hiz retour, an A winna brak ma wird.
b. A return journey (at a reduced cost) in a vehicle hired by someone else for the outward journey only; a vehicle, esp. a carriage, available for such a return journey. Cf. Compounds 1. Obsolete.
society > travel > means of travel > a conveyance > vehicle > vehicles (plying) for hire > [noun] > hired carriage > which returns to starting-place
coach of return1617
1771 Session Papers, Mackenzie v. Brown & Craig Proof 14 If she got him a retour from Inverness, she was to have the chaise for five guineas.
1839 W. Chambers Tour Belgium 48/1 A vehicle..with the words ‘Retour à Köln’, or whatever else may be the name of the place to which they are about to return, written on paper, and stuck upon their sides. These retours may be hired at something below the full charge, but even the highest price is not great.
1856 A. Dawson Rambling Recoll. 26 Not a little travelling was accomplished by what was called ‘retours’ or by means of return post chaises.
2. Scots Law.
a. A return made to Chancery in response to a brieve of inquest concerning the ownership and value of land, stating the verdict of the jury; (also) an extract from or copy of the return. Now historical.
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > right to succeed to title, position, or estate > succession > [noun] > descent by inheritance > return to Chancery relative to heir
1430 in Rec. Parl. Scotl. to 1707 (2007) 1430/25 It is statut a pon the service of inquestis and of retouris agayn to the kingis chapell that al frehaldaris..comper at the hede courtis..[with thar] selis [etc.].
1471 Reg. Mag. Sig. (1882) 215 The King's breif of inquest direcit to the Schiref of Forfare to give him possessioun eftir the tenour of this retour undirwirtin.
1492 in J. Stuart Extracts Council Reg. Aberdeen (1844) I. 420 Adame Gordone..deliuerit..ane retour of ane breyf of ydiotre..that Alexander Glaster..was fundin ydeot.
1546 in J. H. Burton Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1877) 1st Ser. I. 37 With the seisingis, retouris, and all that followit thairupoun.
1579–80 Reg. Privy Council Scotl. III. 258 Ane seising of Johnne, Lord Dernlie, of the landis of Evindaill, past upoun a retour.
1630 Acts Sederunt Scotl. (1740) I. 6 All Summonds of Reduction of Retouris..sall be formed in Latine be an Advocat.
1678 Acts Sederunt Scotl. (1740) I. 111 To direct or give out any Precepts to Shirriffs..for granting Infeftment upon Retours.
1754 J. Erskine Princ. Law Scotl. II. iii. viii. 362 Retours upon general services are not properly transmissions of an estate.
1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scotl. 904 From the Chancery a certified copy is given out, which is called a retour.
1868 Act 31 & 32 Victoria c. 100 §101 A retour of the verdict and service of the jury before the Judge Ordinary.
1905 M. Livingstone Guide to Public Rec. 215 Retours are so named from being the return to this office of the verdict of a jury in inquests proceeding upon brieves or royal warrants issued from Chancery.
1954 Orkney Misc. II. 73 The sheriff reported the findings of the jury to the chancery, where they were entered in a register called the Record of Retours, because it consists of information ‘retoured’ or returned by the sheriffs.
1999 Pract. Family Hist. Oct. 41/2 The Registers of Sasines records the sale and purchase of landed property and there are the Retours and Services of Heirs which details the entry of heirs to their property from about 1545.
b. Such a return specifying the annual value of the lands in question. Obsolete.
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > right to succeed to title, position, or estate > succession > [noun] > descent by inheritance > return to Chancery relative to heir > specifying value of land
1479 in Bannatyne Misc. (1855) III. 431 Schirefe we charge ȝou..that eftir the tennour of this retour ȝe rais as for the first payment of taxt twa schillingis of ilk pundis worth of land contenit in the sammyn retoure.
1548–9 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1911) IX. 278 Chargeing the shereffis to gif up thair retoures of the landis withtin thair sherefdomes and ballieries for stenting of the punde landis.
1580–1 Reg. Privy Council Scotl. III. 346 That, be advise of the schireffis..of the schires within the wardenrie, thair be a stent and retour of all landis within the same.
1643 R. Baillie Lett. & Jrnls. (1841) II. 79 The common burthens were laid on, not according to the retoure or merk land, bot the valuatione of the rent.
1681 J. Dalrymple Inst. Law Scotl. i. xiv. 304 Which sums would be Liquid, and known according to the new retour, and the Feu or Blensh-duty.
1743 D. Hume Diary Parl. Scotl. (Bannatyne Club) 100 Then was brought in Poplehall's probation of his having a 40s. land of the 10 pound land contained in the retour produced, and it was long debated..and carried, That he behoved to prove by the valued rent his proportion of the 1 pound land to give him vote.
1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scotl. 861 Where there is no retour of lands,..the superior is entitled to the valued rent.
3. A portion or component that curves back. rare.
society > armed hostility > defence > defensive work(s) > [noun] > returned part
1863 A. W. Kinglake Invasion of Crimea III. xvii. 397 The fort was..so formed that it threw out a salient upon each of the two tongues of land which it occupied;..the two salients being connected by a curtain fronting towards the sea, and having retours towards the gorge.
1903 M. W. Dunn tr. G. de Maupassant Hole in Wks. II. 196/1 There, in the shade, a hole with a retour under the bank, a regular retreat for fish.


C1. attributive. Designating a vehicle, horse, etc., intended to be used for a return journey, typically at a reduced charge (cf. sense 1b). Obsolete.
society > travel > aspects of travel > return > [adjective]
1731 G. Medley tr. P. Kolb Present State Cape Good-Hope II. 325 The Company has put her Retour Ships under the following Regulation, with Regard to the Cape.
1765 Session Papers in Sc. National Dict. (1968) VII. (at cited word) A person hired a retour horse to Dundee.
1766 D. Hume Let. Mar. (1932) II. 25 Mr Davenport tells me, that there is a Retour Chaise for Ashburn.
1795 Statist. Acct. Scotl. XIV. 628 The port and harbour of Alloa..from which, by a retour carriage, the proprietors can easily bring any supplies.
1850 R. Mainwaring Lost Manuscripts xvii. 221 The advantage of a retour vehicle was not to be lost, and hence the early hour of starting.
1871 J. C. Young Mem. C. M. Young II. 33 A rope providentially lent us by the driver of a retour waggon.
retour duty n. Scots Law Obsolete the rent of a feu or leasehold tenement, as valued in a retour (sense 2); cf. duty n. 3d.
1681 J. Dalrymple Inst. Law Scotl. i. xiv. 304 The relief which is debitum fundi, must only be the retour duty.
1746–7 Act 20 Geo. II c. 50 §2 Lands..no longer liable to the annual payment of the new extent or retour duty.
1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scotl. 861 Blanch-holdings..are liable in a retour duty of one per cent. of the valued rent.
retour mail n. Scots Law Obsolete the rent of an estate, as valued in a retour (sense 2); cf. mail n.1
1600 Boyds of Penkill Family Papers No. 89. 9 Feb. The retour and nonentrie maills of the lands of..Lagganmarny.
1693 J. Dalrymple Inst. Law Scotl. (ed. 2) iv. viii. 574 The Retour-mails, or Feu-duties of the same..did belong and pertain to the said Pursuer as Donatar.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2010; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /rᵻˈtʊə/, /rᵻˈtɔː/, U.S. /rəˈtʊ(ə)r/, /ˌriˈtʊ(ə)r/, Scottish English /rᵻˈtur/
Forms: see retour n.; also Scottish pre-1700 retourt (past participle), pre-1700 retovr.
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymon: retour n.
Etymology: < retour n. Compare return v.1
Chiefly Scottish.
1. intransitive. Esp. of land or other property: to revert to a person; to come back to a person. Obsolete.
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > right to succeed to title, position, or estate > reversion > revert to [verb (transitive)]
1415 in J. B. Paul Registrum Magni Sigilli Scotorum (1882) II. 39/2 That al the forsayd landis..resort and retour agayne to me and to my ayris.
1466 in J. Cooper Cartularium Eccl. St. Nicholai Aberdonensis (1892) II. 330 The saide patronage to retour agayn to the gift of the alderman.
c1485 ( G. Hay Bk. Law of Armys (2005) 124 Quhen the terme cummys the landis retouris agayne to the lord.
1535 W. Stewart tr. H. Boethius Bk. Cron. Scotl. (1858) II. 229 Efter his deid the croun suld than retour To schir Modred.
2. Scots Law.
a. transitive. To return or send in (a brieve, verdict, etc.) to Chancery. Now historical.
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > right to succeed to title, position, or estate > succession > cause to descend by succession [verb (transitive)] > cause to descend by inheritance > make return to Chancery
1454 in 7th Rep. Royal Comm. Hist. MSS: Pt. 1 (1879) App. 720 in Parl. Papers (C. 2340) XL. 1 In this manner..thirz presentis lettrez ar seruit and retovrit.
1597 J. Skene De Verborum Significatione at Breue de morte antecessoris This their answere.., and the brieue inclosed therein.., is sent back & retoured to the chancellarie.
1630 Acts Sederunt Scotl. (1740) I. 6 Summonds of reductioun of Retours that has bene retourit to the Chancellary.
1681 J. Dalrymple Inst. Law Scotl. 130 It is the Superiors Interest, to know..through what Cause, the Fee is in the hands of such a Person. These Circumstances therefore, do not make distinct Heads of the Brieve, and are not al ways necessary to be retoured, as the former Heads be.
1714 A. Bruce Tutor's Guide i. iv. 80 This Brieve..being retoured to the Chancery, the Nomination following thereon, is properly a Decreet of that Court.
a1768 J. Erskine Inst. Law Scotl. (1773) I. i. vii. §i. 117 The inquest's verdict or sentence..must be retoured to the chancery.
1815 W. Scott Guy Mannering III. xix. 353 [We have] got our youngster's special service retoured into chancery. We had him served heir before the macers.
1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scotl. 113 Their sentence is attested by the judge, and retoured by the clerk of the court, to Chancery.
1868 Act 31 & 32 Victoria c. 100 §101 The verdict and service of the jury shall be retoured to Chancery.
1986 Law & Hist. Rev. 4 406 Retourable brieves commanded a royal officer to investigate something and return or ‘retour’ the results to the king's chancery.
2001 Eng. Hist. Rev. 116 1118 Figures for both extents were customarily ‘retoured’ (reported) to Chancery on succession of an heir.
b. transitive. To confirm (a person) as heir or owner, esp. of land, by a retour (retour n. 2a). Now historical and rare.
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > right to succeed to title, position, or estate > succession > cause to descend by succession [verb (transitive)] > cause to descend by inheritance > return a person as heir
1488 Protocol Bk. J. Young (Sc. Rec. Soc.) (1952) 27 That her are..aucht nocht to haf gevin na precept of sessing..because he is not full retowrit of the sammyn.
1515 in Sir W. Fraser Sutherland Bk. (1892) III. 59 Elizabeth Sutherland,..quhilk is full and haill retouryt of the said..landis.
1546 in J. H. Burton Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1877) 1st Ser. I. 37 Albeit thai be nocht servit nor retourit the saidis airis.
1597 J. Skene De Verborum Significatione at Breue de morte antecessoris His aire being serued and retoured to the superioritie of the samin lands.
1629 Stewartry Court Bk. Monteith 20 Nov. To quhoum he is serrvit retourit and saisit as narrest and lauchfull air male.
1678 G. Mackenzie Laws & Customes Scotl. i. 202 Some think an Heir served and retoured, doth fall within this signification.
1736 Session Papers in Sc. National Dict. (1968) VII. (at cited word) Anna Maxwel was served and retoured nearest Protestant Heir in general to her Predecessors.
1752 A. McDouall Inst. Laws Scotl. II. iii. v. 334 [Precepts are granted] to the sheriff.., commanding him to give infeftment to the person retoured.
1868 J. Maidment Sc. Ballads I. 29 James Spens was retoured as heir of his father Alexander.
1880 Earl of Crawford Earldom of Mar (1882) I. 259 An inquest of the leading gentlemen of the county..retoured Sir Robert [Erskine] as lawful heir to the Earldom of Mar.
1908 J. B. Paul Sc. Peerage V. 633 She was, on 31 October 1766, retoured nearest and lawful heir of her brother.
c. transitive. To deal with or state the value of (land, property, etc.) in a retour. Obsolete.
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > right to succeed to title, position, or estate > succession > descend by succession [verb (intransitive)] > pass as inheritance > make return to Chancery
1492 Charter Edinb. Reg. House 24 Oct. (Suppl.) The landis of Barhybyen extendand ȝerly to v penis and ratourit to our chapell.
1529 in W. Fraser Red Bk. Grandtully (1868) I. 70 The said landis of Garntulie with the pertinence ar retowrit to fourty lib.
1581–2 Reg. Privy Council Scotl. III. 452 The said haill landis..nevir being stentit nor retourit.
1643 R. Baillie Lett. & Jrnls. (1841) II. 79 Their lands [sc. of the western shires] are so high retoured that a forty merk land with us will not oft pay so much rent as a two merk land elsewhere.
1683 J. Dalrymple Decisions Lords of Council & Session I. 637 There being no Rule to estimate a Merk-land, or Pound-lands Retour by, or how many Pounds of real Rent makes a Pound of Retour... Where the other Lands are generally highly Retoured, it is evidently presumed that the Property was so Retoured.
1703 Acts Parl. Scotl. (1824) XI. App. 18 The barony of Bathgate which was retoured as a ten merk land of old extent.
a1768 J. Erskine Inst. Law Scotl. (1773) I. ii. v. §36 In feu holdings, the yearly feu-duty contained in the Reddendo is retoured as the new extent.
1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scotl. 861 Feu-holdings are retoured to the feu-duties specified in the charter.
d. transitive. To adjudge to be; to rule, give as a verdict. Obsolete.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > judging > judge or determine judicially [verb (transitive)]
1497 in G. Neilson & H. Paton Acts Lords of Council Civil Causes (1918) II. 92 Because thai..retourit in fraud..of the Kingis hienes the landis of Ferny to be haldin of him.
1518–19 Acts Lords of Council Civil Causes in W. C. Dickinson Sheriff Court Bk. Fife (1928) 297 The..inquest retourit the saidis landis being in our souerane lordis handis be resone of nonentres.
1597 J. Skene De Verborum Significatione at Breue de morte antecessoris The mailles and dewties of the landes, sa lang as they ar retoured to haue bene in the handes of the King.
1693 J. Dalrymple Inst. Law Scotl. (ed. 2) iii. v. 473 For ordinarly the Fee is Retoured, to be in the hands of the Superior by reason of Non-entry.
3. intransitive. To return, go or come back (to a place). Now rare.
society > travel > aspects of travel > return > [verb (intransitive)]
to wend againeOE
to turn againc1175
to go backc1425
to make return1534
to turn back1538
to come short home1548
to get back1664
to take back1674
?1505 tr. P. Gringore Castell of Laboure (new ed.) sig. E.iii If any come with the to speke Let thy man say thou art nat in the towne That he may come often the to seke. Let hym retour [1506 retourn] the to enquyre. Be nat asshamed for to lye.
c1515 Ld. Berners tr. Bk. Duke Huon of Burdeux (1882–7) lxxxv. 269 [He] toke leue of the kynge & retouryd to Burdeux.
a1522 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid (1960) xi. i. l. 101 Sa that thou suld not..as victor with prosperyte Onto thy faderis cite hame retour?
a1540 (c1460) G. Hay tr. Bk. King Alexander 930 That battell was als stark as ony tour That for ane neid all suld to it retour He ordant [etc.].
1687 in W. Fraser Earls of Cromartie (1876) I. 51 If purging medicines..cause any aiguishe paroxismes retoure.
1725 in J. S. Farmer Musa Pedestris (1964) 45 Retoure, my dear doxy, oh, once more retoure, And I'll do all to please thee that lies in my power.
1879 P. H. Waddell Isaiah intil Scottis lv. 10 Like's the showir an' the snaw frae the lifts win awa, an' they dinna retour.
1913 H. P. Cameron tr. Thomas à Kempis Of Imitation of Christ i. xi. 15 Whan a bit mishanter fa's, we're owre sune dowf, an' retour tae the warl' for consolement.
?2002 I. W. D. Forde Hale ir Sindries ii. 118 A retoured ti wirkin in ane offish an didna hae mair nor a curn contraks wi Rab Broun.


reˈtoured adj. Scots Law (now historical)
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > right to succeed to title, position, or estate > succession > [adjective] > relating to inheritance > return to Chancery relative to heir
1597 J. Skene De Verborum Significatione at Extent The reliefe of landes is the retoured maill according to the new extent.
1681 J. Dalrymple Inst. Law Scotl. i. xiv. 304 I have never heard of one retoured Duty demanded for the Non-entry.
a1768 J. Erskine Inst. Law Scotl. (1773) I. ii. v. §37 Because the new extent or retoured duty is presumed to be the rent.
1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scotl. 861 Where there is no retour of lands, and no means of proving their retoured duties.
2000 R. A. Houston Madness & Society in 18th-cent. Scotl. iii. 124 That leaves us with the rest of the population for whom a retoured brieve survives.
retouring n. Scots Law. Obsolete
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > right to succeed to title, position, or estate > succession > [noun] > descent by inheritance > return to Chancery relative to heir > making return to Chancery
1473 in T. Thomson Acts Lords Auditors (1839) 26/1 The actioune..again the persounes that past vppone the seruing of the said breve for thaire..wrangwis retouringe of the samyn.
1522 Acts Lords of Council Civil Causes XXXIII. f. 10, in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue at Retouring For thair manifest & wilfull errour & inordinat retouring of the said breif.
1627 in L. B. Taylor Aberdeen Council Lett. (1942) I. 260 The kingis maiestie can reap no benefit be the retouring of burrow lands.
1761 J. Stewart Petition 21 The Practice prevailed in the retouring of Feu Lands.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2010; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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