

单词 request


Brit. /rᵻˈkwɛst/, U.S. /rəˈkwɛst/, /riˈkwɛst/
Forms: Middle English rekeyst, Middle English rekeyste, Middle English requist, Middle English reqwest, Middle English reqweste, Middle English–1600s requeste, Middle English– request, late Middle English reqvet (transmission error); Scottish pre-1700 raquest, pre-1700 raqwest, pre-1700 requeast, pre-1700 requeist, pre-1700 requeste, pre-1700 requiest, pre-1700 requist, pre-1700 requyste, pre-1700 reqyest, pre-1700 1700s– request.
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French request.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman request, Anglo-Norman and Middle French requeste (French requête , requeste ) request, prayer, demand (12th cent. in Old French), written request, especially one made in due form, legal demand, request, or petition (13th cent.) < requérir require v., after quête quest n.2 Compare post-classical Latin requesta legal claim (12th cent.), action of asking for a favour (from 13th cent. in British and continental sources), petition submitted to a court (from 14th cent. in British sources), requestus (4th declension) action of asking for a favour (from 14th cent. in British sources), petition submitted to a court (1550 in a British source), Old Occitan requesta (14th cent.), Catalan requesta (14th cent.), Spanish requesta (14th cent.), Portuguese requesta (15th cent.), Italian richiesta (a1292 as richesta).With at the request of —— at Phrases 1a compare post-classical Latin ad requestam (with the genitive) (from 13th cent. in British sources), Middle French a la requeste de (14th cent. or earlier).
a. An instance of asking for something, esp. in a polite or formal manner; a petition or expression of wish; a document expressing such a wish; (also) the thing which is asked for.
the mind > language > speech > request > [noun]
1395 in R. R. Sharpe Cal. Let.-bks. London (1907) H. 421 (MED) Yat our desir be noght taken to non request ne excitacion to ster you fro no thyng of your hegh worshipe.
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Franklin's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 137 Finally she graunted that requeste For wel she saw þt it was for the beste.
a1413 (c1385) G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde (Pierpont Morgan) (1882) iii. l. 148 Lo here an hard request, A resonable lady for to werne.
1484 W. Caxton tr. Subtyl Historyes & Fables Esope ii. i They alle to gyder..maade a request to Jupiter that he wold gyue them a kynge.
a1500 tr. La Belle Dame sans Mercy (Cambr.) 146 in F. J. Furnivall Polit., Relig., & Love Poems (1903) 85 (MED) Of his yen the shot..federid was with right humble requestis.
1563 N. Winȝet Certain Tractates (1890) II. 33 It is a iust requeist.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Cymbeline (1623) i. vi. 182 I had almost forgot T'intreat your Grace, but in a small request . View more context for this quotation
1668 J. Denham Poems 136 Ask him to lend To this the last request that I shall send, A gentle Ear.
1731 E. Thomas Pylades & Corinna 30 I should not have had an Opportunity of answering the Request you made in the Postscript of your last.
1781 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall II. xvii. 67 In a poetical request, addressed to one of the last..of the Roman Princes who reigned in Gaul.
1838 M. R. Mitford in A. G. L'Estrange Life M. R. Mitford (1870) III. vi. 88 The request made in the foregoing letter was conceded.
1876 G. D. Ham Revenue Vade-mecum 567 The conditions under which the request is granted..are to be written or printed on the request.
1933 V. Brittain Test. of Youth ii. 74 I was bombarded as usual with infuriating requests to help with jumble sales.
1982 J. Sullivan Only Fools & Horses (1999) I. 2nd Ser. Episode 1. 76 Rodney. You're choking me! Del. Listen—that's right, this is it you dipstick. Have you got any last requests?
2005 Herald-Times (Bloomington, Indiana) 2 June a1/1 The FAA, in response to a request from the U.S. Air Force, is moving forward with plans to increase the military operations area.
b. The action, on the part of a specified person, of asking for some favour, service, etc., from another; the expression of one's desire or wish directly addressed to the person or persons able to gratify it.
the mind > language > speech > request > [noun] > requesting or demanding
c1405 (c1380) G. Chaucer Second Nun's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 239 God liketh thy requeste And bothe..Ye shullen come vn to his blisful feste.
1447 O. Bokenham Lives of Saints (Arun.) (1938) 182 Whos request to me is a comaundement.
c1500 (?a1475) Assembly of Gods (1896) 215 That I may, by your request, her good grace gete.
1513 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid iv. viii. 59 With siclik wordis hir request scho maid.
1542 N. Udall tr. Erasmus Apophthegmes f. 295v Alexander could in no wyse abyde to haue any nay in his requestes.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Timon of Athens (1623) i. i. 272 No I will do nothing at thy bidding: Make thy requests to thy Friend. View more context for this quotation
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost vii. 111 This also thy request with caution askt Obtaine. View more context for this quotation
1728 J. Swift Satires of Horace ii. vi, in J. Swift et al. Misc. Last vol. 57 Consider, 'tis my first Request.
1748 S. Johnson Vanity of Human Wishes 157 When vengeance listens to the fool's request.
1827 R. Pollok Course of Time II. x. 258 Thus have I sung beyond thy first request.
1936 J. G. Cozzens Men & Brethren i. 69 A cadaverous young man came from the cubby-hole where prescriptions were prepared, heard without interest Ernest's request for bicarbonate and water, provided it impersonally.
1988 H. S. Strean Behind Couch ii. 75 I felt sorry for her, wanted to gratify her wish, but had to refuse her request.
c. Chiefly in plural. A petition submitted to a court. Only in names of particular courts, positions, etc.Court of Requests, Master of (the) Requests, Mastership of (the) Requests: see the first element.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > action of courts in claims or grievances > [noun] > complaint in respect of civil claim > written application to court
1582 in D. Masson Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1880) 1st Ser. III. 529 To promote him to the office of Requeistis; quhairin he continewit weill neir the space of thre yeir.
1594 in D. Masson Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1882) 1st Ser. V. 755 Lord Newbottle Lord of Requeistis.
1700 P. Danet Compl. Dict. Greek & Rom. Antiq. Sig. Qqq3/1 Scrinium Libellorum, the Office of Requests, where the Petitions presented to the Emperor to beg some Favour of him, were kept.
1991 H. Barty-King Worst Poverty (BNC) The loan societies recovered money owed to them either by a summons to a Court of Requests or to a Police Court.
d. An instance of asking (by letter, telephone call, etc.) for a particular tune or song to be played or performed, either on a radio programme or to a live audience, and often accompanied by a personal message; a record played or tune, etc., performed in response to such a request. Cf. request programme n. at Compounds 1a.
society > communication > broadcasting > audience > [noun] > audience participation
audience participation1932
audience involvement1950
1928 Radio Times 12 Oct. 79/3 The B.B.C. can never promise to comply with requests, for..suitable opportunities may not arise for weeks or even months.
1949 Radio Times 15 July 24/3 Listeners' requests played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ.
1966 Listener 4 Aug. 181/3 Judging by the requests, the classical and pre-classical composers are out.
1977 Zigzag Mar. 8/2 My sister..saw Roy Eldridge..playing requests in a bar.
1999 M. Syal Life isn't All Ha Ha Hee Hee (2000) i. 21 When the DJ asked for requests for our first dance, someone shouted out, ‘Have you got “My Ding A Ling?”’ I could have died.
2. Without determiner: the act of asking for something; the fact of being asked to do something. Now only in phrases: see at (also by, on, upon) request at Phrases 1b, and to make request at Phrases 2.
the mind > language > speech > request > [noun] > requesting or demanding > to do something
1398–9 in C. Innes Liber Sancte Marie de Melros (1837) 490 I hafe purchacide with speciale request the seales of..Patrik and Johen of Kelchow and Dryburgh Abbotis to be set to with myne.
1418–19 in C. Innes Liber Sancte Marie de Melros (1837) 502 Because at the forsaid Nychole throw gret instance and request in his myster has borwyt..fowrty pundis.
a1500 tr. La Belle Dame sans Mercy (Cambr.) 122 in F. J. Furnivall Polit., Relig., & Love Poems (1903) 84 The compleynt..Cam to his voyce alway with-out request.
1575 J. Rolland Treat. Court Venus iv. f. 64v With all requeist excuse that ȝe wald me.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Coriolanus (1623) ii. iii. 143 The Custome of Request you haue discharg'd. View more context for this quotation
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. (at cited word) For the Relief of Petitioners who..should address themselves by way of Request to his Majesty.
1841 tr. Anc. Laws & Inst. Wales XIII. 632/2 There are three motes of request: for tillage; festal games; and the burning of woods.
3. A chivalric quest. Obsolete. rare.
the world > action or operation > undertaking > [noun] > an undertaking > knightly quest
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll.) 103 Than were they called all three..But sir Gawayne had the firste requeste.
4. Mathematics. A postulate. Cf. petition n. 5. Now historical and rare.
the world > relative properties > number > mathematics > [noun] > mathematical enquiry > proposition > self-evident or accepted without proof
1551 R. Record Pathway to Knowl. ii. xxii [Because] all ryghte angles bee equall togyther (by the fourth request).
1570 H. Billingsley in tr. Euclid Elements Geom. i. f. 5 v (heading) Peticions or requestes.
1702 V. Mandey tr. J. J. Hainlin Synopsis Mathematica: Theoret. Arithm. i. 5 Requests or Petitions. 1. That to any Number we may take a greater.
1774 T. Malton Royal Road Geom. Introd. 4 A Postulate is a petition or request which is required to be granted.
1836 J. Playfair Elem. Geom. 10 A request that cannot reasonably be denied, may be called a postulate.
1906 I. N. Failor Plane & Solid Geom. Introd. 12 Euclid calls a postulate ‘a request’, and adds, ‘To my postulates I request, to my axioms I claim, your assent.’
1940 J. L. Coolidge Hist. Geom. Methods iv. 68 In general the Greeks looked upon an axiom as something which was so self-evident that no reasonable person would object to granting it, while a postulate was a request that something be allowed.]
5. Computing. An instruction to a program, piece of hardware, or computer (esp. a web server) to provide specified data or perform a particular function.
society > computing and information technology > programming language > program or code > [noun] > instruction > specifying action
operation code1948
operation part1957
1962 U.S. Patent 3,037,192 1 The sense instruction causes the computer to examine the identification and follow the new request.
1978 Microprocessors 2 277/2 The first action of the interrupt routine is to dump all central registers..into a reserved part of memory before it proceeds to service the request.
1998 P. Gralla How Internet Works (ed. 4) ix. 41 The browser sends the server a request for a specific Web page. The server processes that request and sends an answer back to the browser.
2008 Independent (Nexis) 6 Aug. (Extra section) 10 A web server..managed to cope with 0.2 hits per second, taking roughly five seconds to process a single server request.


a. at a person's request (also at the request of ——, †at request of ——): in response to a person's expressed wish.
the mind > language > speech > request > [adverb] > in accordance with one's desire
at a person's request?a1400
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) ii. 266 Þise kynges stille þei lefte at þe papes request.
c1405 (c1385) G. Chaucer Knight's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 346 At requeste [v.r. requist] and prayere Of Perotheus..Duc Theseus hym leet out of prison.
?c1425 (c1390) G. Chaucer Fortune (Cambr. Ii.3.21) (1879) l. 76 At my requeste..releue hym of hys peyne.
1485 Malory's Morte Darthur (Caxton) iii. iv. sig. e.iij He hadde made hym knyght at the request of the Cowherd.
c1500 (?a1475) Assembly of Gods (1896) 573 (MED) Wyll ye your rancour sese at my request?
1535 D. Lindsay Satyre 3388 Ȝe sall, at Chastities requeist, Pas and exame ȝon thrie.
a1616 W. Shakespeare As you like It (1623) ii. v. 23 Iaq...Wil you sing? Amy. More at your request, then to please my selfe. View more context for this quotation
1687 A. Lovell tr. J. de Thévenot Trav. into Levant i. 228 At my request..they let her go a drift.
1734 J. Vanderlint Money answers All Things 11 If all the Gentlemen in the Nation would lower their Rents, at the Request of the People, this could not answer the End.
1791 M. De Fleury Divine Poems & Ess. 239 You will remember that I wrote it at the request of your father.
a1822 P. B. Shelley Ginevra in Posthumous Poems (1824) 232 Her maidens..left her at her own request to keep An hour of quiet.
a1898 H. Bessemer Autobiogr. (1905) xiv. 196 He happened to see on the scrap-heap a large mass of Bessemer malleable iron,..which, at his request, was sent to him to Woolwich.
1955 Times 4 July 9/7 Whereas only lately, at the request of the Allies, decartelization in Germany was the order of the day, it is now again cartelization.
1988 ‘J. Norst’ Colors iv. 56 A lot of hostile black folk who didn't like The Man hanging around their house of worship even if it was at their preacher's request.
2004 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 29 Aug. i. 10/5 Eight ‘ghost’ detainees who were incarcerated at Abu Ghraib, but who were kept off the prison's roster at the C.I.A.'s request.
b. at (also by, on, upon) request: in response to an expressed wish.
1589 R. Humston (title) A Sermon preached at Reyfham..and eftsoones at request published.
1661 H. Grimston tr. G. Croke Reports I. 548 Where One is bound to levy a Fine upon Request.
1770 J. Sayer Law Damages ix. 40 Damages are not recoverable in an Action of Account against a Man as Receiver of Money to deliver over, or to redeliver upon Request.
1818 W. Cruise Digest Laws Eng. Real Prop. (ed. 2) IV. 486 That then the said R. Booth, his heirs, &c. upon request,..should grant and execute..a new lease.
1883 F. Seebohm Eng. Village Community 78 Precariæ or boon-work, i.e. special work at request.
1911 Daily Colonist (Victoria, Brit. Columbia) 15 Apr. 18/1 We mail on request an illustrated catalogue of plain and fancy hardwood floors with prices attached.
1917 Archit. Rec. Sept. 283 (advt.) Style: platinum prints, black or sepia, glossy prints at request. Prices: 25 cents up to $2.75 each.
1970 Times 17 Nov. 20/2 Cremation at 11.30 a.m. at Exeter Crematorium, Thursday 19th November. No flowers by request.
1996 Daily Mirror 22 Nov. 44/6 (advt.) Winterised holiday homes with central heating available by request.
1997 Eng. Bridge June 37/3 The laws of the game, as well as common decency, require that you alert alertable calls, and, on request, give an accurate and complete description of your methods.
P2. to make request: to ask, beg. Usually with infinitive, for, or that-clause. Chiefly in formal contexts.
the mind > language > speech > request > make a request [verb (intransitive)]
to make requestc1400
c1400 (?c1380) Pearl 281 (MED) To be excused I make requeste.
a1450 Partonope of Blois (Univ. Coll. Oxf.) (1912) 7926 (MED) God..I now Reney, Yf for hym make I request To yow.
1488 (c1478) Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) xii. l. 351 Quhat gestis he had, to tell thai mak raquest.
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. ccclxx Theyr aduersaries had made request to be heard in these thinges only.
1589 R. Lane in R. Hakluyt Princ. Navigations iii. 747 I would resolue my selfe, with my companie to goe into England in that Fleete, and accordingly to make request to the Generall in all our names, that he would bee pleased to giue vs present passage with him.
1611 Bible (King James) Neh. ii. 4 Then ye king said.., For what doest thou make request ? View more context for this quotation
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost v. 561 Thus Adam made request, and Raphael After short pause assenting, thus began. View more context for this quotation
1700 J. Dryden tr. G. Boccaccio Sigismonda & Guiscardo in Fables 138 I neither am dispos'd to make Request for Life, nor offer'd Life to take.
1767 W. Dodd Poems 108 To know his crimes the hero made request.
1851 J. Baillie Dramatic & Poet. Wks. ii. iv. 566 Who' twas who made request to chant the dirge?
1886 T. Hardy Mayor of Casterbridge I. xvii. 216 I make request that henceforth you and my step-daughter be as strangers to each other.
1947 G. M. Brydon Virginia's Mother Church iv. 28 Sir Samuel Argall..was making request that the archbishop give him authority to administer the Holy Communion.
1998 J. G. Bellamy Criminal Trial in Later Medieval Eng. iii. 108 If the accused made request for particular witnesses or proofs..to be heard in court the crown would consider it.
P3. in (the) request of: in search of, seeking. Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > endeavour > searching or seeking > engaged in searching for [phrase] > in quest of
in quest1518
in (the) request of1541
in search of1563
1541 T. Paynell tr. Felicius Conspiracie of Catiline xii. f. 17 This rumour..dydde greatly hyndre Catiline in requeste of the Consulshyppe.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry IV f. xxviii This prince was sent thither, in trust of sauegard, in hope of refuge, and in request of aide and comfort against his euill willers.
1759 O. Goldsmith Enq. Present State Polite Learning ix I have seen these harmless reptiles..ply busily about, each in request of a shell to please it.
P4. With prepositions with the sense ‘the fact, state, or condition of being asked for or sought after; demand’; (also) †‘vogue, fashion’ (obsolete).
a. in (also into) request.
the mind > attention and judgement > fashionableness > [adjective]
in (also into) request?1574
of request1613
à la mode1642
all the mode1651
in mode1664
of vogue1678
much the mode1767
up to the knocker1844
à la page1930
the mind > will > necessity > condition of being necessary > need or want > [noun] > condition of being wanted or in demand
in request?1574
the mind > will > necessity > condition of being necessary > need or want > [adjective] > in demand
in (also into) request?1574
of request1613
in demand1825
?1574 C. Vitell tr. H. Niclaes Comoedia x. 23 Pryde, and Lightmyndednes, are also in Request, Blaspheaming, and Persecuting, this causeth much Unrest.
1586 T. Bowes tr. P. de la Primaudaye French Acad. I. 808 We shall see cleerely enough that the faithful ought to haue that in great request.
1594 T. Nashe Vnfortunate Traveller sig. C4 My gowne and attire according to the custome then in request.
1611 M. Smith in Bible (King James) Transl. Pref. ⁋3 To bring his abridgements into request.
1667 S. Pepys Diary 2 Sept. (1974) VIII. 417 The only fruit in request..was the Katharine payre.
1711 J. Addison Spectator No. 47. ¶2 Ideots are still in Request in most of the Courts of Germany.
1763 Ann. Reg. 1762 Characters 13 His high relish of social enjoyment soon brought him into request with the voluptuous of all ranks.
1796 A. Aikin Jrnl. 28 July in Tour N. Wales (1797) 6 The lime of Llanymynech rock is in high request as a manure.
1822 W. Hazlitt Table-talk II. vi. 136 It may perhaps come into request at some future period.
1851 H. Melville Moby-Dick xxxii. 157 The fine and delicate fluid extracted from his jaws is exceedingly valuable. It is in request among jewellers and watchmakers.
1871 S. Smiles Character ii. 55 Human intelligence, which is in constant request in a family, needs to be educated.
1892 C. G. Cumming Two Happy Years in Ceylon (1901) iv. 81 Another lizard..even comes and lives in gardens, though it thereby courts its doom—its..skin being in request for shoemaking.
1938 St. Andrews Citizen 13 Aug. 9 He is much in request to teach..eightsomes, sixteensomes, and thirty-twosomes.
1972 Times 15 Mar. 16/6 He served on many committees in the university and his energy and integrity made him also much in request for outside bodies.
2002 Financial Advisor (Nexis) 19 June Again, Mr Mountney approved of the product, saying that discounts were very much in request.
b. out of request. Now rare.
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > disadvantage > uselessness > non-use > not in use [phrase] > not in demand
out of request1592
1592 G. Harvey Foure Lett. iii. 26 Euen Guicciardines siluer Historie, and Ariostos golden Cantoes, grow out of request.
1630 R. Norton tr. W. Camden Hist. Princesse Elizabeth ii. 56 These books..were often red, vntill..being contemned they grew out of request.
1665 J. Beale Let. 9 Nov. in R. Boyle Corr. (2001) II. 580 I wish some good printers would take notice That Palladius, & the other three Rei Rusticæ Authores Latini Veteres will never be out of requeste, but have this long time beene out of printe.
1728 P. Walker Some Remarkable Passages Life A. Peden (ed. 3) 146 Our..old Scots Names are gone out of Request; instead of Father and Mother, Mamma and Papa, training Children to speak Nonsense.
1797 ‘A. Pasquin’ Pin-basket to Children of Thespis 206 E'en meek men, by compliance, make meekness a jest, As the kind may do good till good's out of request.
1876 ‘G. Eliot’ Daniel Deronda II. 298 [He] cheated him like a pure Teuton, only with more amenity, in his charge for a book quite out of request as one ‘nicht so leicht zu bekommen’.
1914 Japan Times 29 Dec. in Commerce Rep. (U. S. Bureau Foreign & Domestic Commerce) (1915) 18 Feb. 683 Now, at the close of the year, when ordinarily the market is active and prices up, goods are steadily getting out of request and prices beginning to slump.
c. of request Obsolete.
the mind > attention and judgement > fashionableness > [adjective]
in (also into) request?1574
of request1613
à la mode1642
all the mode1651
in mode1664
of vogue1678
much the mode1767
up to the knocker1844
à la page1930
the mind > will > necessity > condition of being necessary > need or want > [adjective] > in demand
in (also into) request?1574
of request1613
in demand1825
1613 S. Purchas Pilgrimage ii. iii. 100 Gilgal was a place of request in this kinde.
a1616 W. Shakespeare All's Well that ends Well (1623) i. i. 152 Off with't while 'tis vendible. Answer the time of request . View more context for this quotation
1655 T. Moffett & C. Bennet Healths Improvem. xviii. 167 Shrimps were of great request amongst the Romans.
P5. letter of request n. (also letters of request) [compare post-classical Latin litterae de requesta (1446 in a Scottish source)]
1. Law. Originally: a petition addressed by a ruler or government to a foreign power requesting compensation for injury done to a subject, or consideration of that subject's claims. Later: any formal request to a foreign court for judicial assistance, esp. in obtaining evidence; = letters rogatory at rogatory adj.
society > law > legal document > types of legal or official document > [noun] > letter or letters patent > letters requesting compensation
letter of request1442
1442 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Jan. 1442 §39. m. 1 Of the whiche wronges..restitucion..is not made; notwithstandyng þat divers your letters of request..have been delivered.
1676 C. Molloy De Jure Maritimo i. ii. §8. 18 Nor should the Prince or State of the Person injur'd, value his misfortune at so low a rate as to deny him Letters of Request.
1739 Gen. Treat. Naval Trade & Commerce II. 209 King Charles I. after the Massacre at Amboyna granted Letters of Request to the States of Holland for Satisfaction within eight Months.
1752 W. Beawes Lex Mercatoria Rediviva 204 Before granting Letters of Marque, there generally precedes two or three Letters of Request.
1869 W. Theobald Legislative Acts Governor-gen. India 1868 xvii. 128 Every Judge, Magistrate, or other officer to whom such letter of request is sent, shall have the same powers for compelling the attendance of the witness..as if the evidence..were required in any matter within the ordinary jurisdiction.
1884 Law Times 18 Oct. 404/1 It is ordered that a letter of request do issue directed to the proper tribunal for the examination of the following witnesses.
1921 B. E. Lowe Internat. Protection Labor 153 Recourse might be had to the authorities of either State for the serving of summonses or letters of request.
1999 R. F. Brodegaard in J. G. Koeltl & J. Kiernan Litigation Man.: Pretrial 251 The letter of request and the letter rogatory are terms often used interchangeably; however, a letter of request is used to obtain evidence in countries that are parties to the Hague Convention.
2. Ecclesiastical Law. An appeal to refer a matter to a higher ecclesiastical court, usually submitted by the judge of a lesser court to the Court of Arches or the Court of Chancery.
society > faith > church government > ecclesiastical discipline > court > legal process > [noun] > transfer of action
letter of request1694
1694 E. Chamberlayne Angliæ Notitia (ed. 18) iii. 650 An Ecclesiastical Court..whereof..are Triable all Ecclesiastical Causes..except Letters of Request be granted by the Diocessan Bishop, or Ordinary of the place, to the party to sue in the Court of Arches.
1749 Jura Ecclesiastica (new ed.) I. iii. 259 The Dean of Salisbury..had made Letters of Request to the Dean of the Arches.
1776 Town & Country Mag. Dec. 669/1 Which cause [sc. nullity of marriage] was commenced in the arches court, in virtue of letters of request from the chancellor of the diocese of St. David's.
1840 Act 3 & 4 Vict. c. 86 §13 It shall be lawful for the Bishop of the Diocese..to send the Case by Letters of Request to the Court of Appeal of the Province.
1873 R. Phillimore Eccl. Law II. 1278 It has been said that the Arches Court may take original cognizance by Letters of Request of all causes which may be brought in a Diocesan Court of the Province.
1920 C. Jenkins Eccl. Rec. 71 The statement that it [sc. the Court of Arches] was never a court of first instance except in legacy suits or for cases transmitted by letters of request requires modification.
1999 A. Burns Diocesan Revival Church Eng. c1800–1870 vii. 170 Cases could still be referred to the Court of Arches in the first instance by Letters of Request.
request for proposal n. (also request for proposals) Business a detailed list of goods and services required by an organization or project, issued as an invitation for bids by potential contractors or suppliers. Also with capital initials. Abbreviated RFP.
1883 Ann. Rep. Board Regents Smithsonian Inst. 1881 174 A selection was made by the Commission and copies sent to various parties, with a request for proposals.
1948 Procurem. Regulations (National Advisory Committee Aeronaut.) 10 May 45 Requests for proposals will state that the Government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals..and to negotiate further with any qualified firm.
1987 M. McConnell Challenger iii. 34 The Marshall Center issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the design of the new engines.
2004 J. B. Bell in J. S. Wholey et al. Handbk. Pract. Program Eval. (ed. 2) iv. xx. 574 Most competed evaluation projects begin with the creation of a request for proposal (RFP) that contains a technical statement of work (SOW) describing the sponsor's expectations.


a. General attributive.
request item n.
1923 Radio Times 28 Sept. 17/1 Special Request Items.
1972 P. Black Biggest Aspidistra i. iii. 29 The pluggers kept the initiative by inventing the request item.
1991 R. Kerridge Jaunting through Ireland (BNC) Mr Rafter looked over my shoulder while I drew a request item for a small boy.
request night n.
1905 Lima (Ohio) Daily News 22 June 5/5 Saturday night will be request night, and all people desiring the rendition of special numbers will please address..the bandmaster.
1979 Washington Post (Nexis) 9 July b1 The local radio station held a Ted Bundy request night.
2001 P. Carson Roy Buchanan viii. 136 He talked to the crowd as if it were request night at the Crossroads. ‘You want somethin' fast or slow?’ he asked.
request number n.
1892 Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Evening Gaz. 11 Nov. 8/2 It will be a request number and in it Master John Fawcett, the accomplished young cornetist will play a beautiful obligato solo.
1997 P. Love Thousand Honey Creeks Later i. 17 The band played all the request numbers asked of them.
request programme n.
1889 Cent. Dict. Request-program, a concert program made up of numbers the performance of which has been requested by the audience.
1955 Radio Times 22 Apr. 10/2 A request programme of records.
2007 T. Russell Country Music Originals 15/1 A standby of the BBC's radio request program Children's Favourites.
request session n.
1948 Hollywood Q. 3 320/2 Programs of the ‘quiz’ variety and request sessions are used frequently and listeners are encouraged to take an active interest in the work of each station.
1992 R. Crocombe Pacific Neighbours vi. 130 There are also current affairs programmes on relevant events in New Zealand and other islands states, separate weekly request sessions for each Polynesian nation.
request week n.
1913 San Antonio (Texas) Light 29 June 30/2 This is request week and the audience can request any of her popular songs and Miss Talbot will be glad to sing them.
1984 H. Carpenter & M. Prichard Oxf. Compan. Children's Lit. 113/2 For Request Week children wrote in to ask for repeats of their favourite items.
b. Objective.
request maker n.
a1599 R. Rollock Sel. Wks. (1844) II. xxvi. 306 The request-maker was one Joseph.
2001 Statesman (India) (Nexis) 6 Feb. Australian curators would unceremoniously tell such request-makers to ‘go jump’.
requestman n. Nautical a seaman who makes a written request to a commanding officer for advancement, redress, etc. (cf. defaulter n. 4); (in plural) the official hearing of such requests by the captain or senior officers of a ship.
the mind > language > speech > request > [noun] > time for requests
society > armed hostility > hostilities at sea > administration and ceremonial > [noun] > time for requests
society > armed hostility > hostilities at sea > seafaring warrior or naval man > [noun] > others
young gentleman1784
side boy1823
Navy Leaguer1898
shore patrolman1944
1916 ‘Taffrail’ Pincher Martin vii. 116Request-men an' defaulters—'shun!’ bawled the master-at-arms.
1951 H. Hastings Seagulls over Sorrento in Plays of Year IV. 75 You'd better write out a request... You know the routine... Requestmen is at 0900 tomorrow morning and not before!
1961 Times 27 Feb. 14/6 Shortly after breakfast C.P.O. Coleshill knocked on my cabin door and entered with his list of requestmen and defaulters.
2003 R. H. Gimblett in C. M. Bell Naval Mutinies 20th Cent. xii. 256 In Crescent, the Captain heard requestmen, and the most discomfort anyone had was summoning enough courage to face his commanding officer.
request note n. now rare a note addressed to a revenue officer requesting permission to remove excisable articles.
1794 T. W. Williams Duty & Office Justice of Peace II. 295 No such permit shall be granted, or valid, unless the dealer send to the officer a request note in writing, specifying the name of the person to whom the wine is to be sent.
1876 G. D. Ham Revenue Vade-mecum 567 The entries for all goods, except cattle, delivered on a request note, are to be passed within three days.
1901 Times 17 May 14/6 Mr. Battye agreed to dispense with the request notes, and that saved a good deal of time.
request place n. Obsolete rare a place at which horses and guides can be requisitioned.
1827 G. Thompson Trav. S. Afr. i. xiii. 147 After a sharp ride we reached Jakhal's-Fonteyn, the first ‘request place’ in a district called the Winterveld.
request stop n. a stop at which a bus (or similar means of public transport) halts only if requested by a passenger or intending passenger.
society > travel > transport > transport or conveyance in a vehicle > public passenger transport > [noun] > travel by bus > place where bus makes regular halt
bus stop1915
request stop1928
1928 Times 28 June 11/6 A tramcar on the up journey was pulling up at the ‘request’ stop opposite the Goldmiths' College.
1937 H. Jennings et al. May 12th Mass-observ. Day-surv. i. iii. 219 Halfway down Bradford Street an old man was swaying and waving his hand, by a request stop.
1973 Times 15 Oct. 17/5 Hiding behind another bus at a request stop so as to avoid seeing the uplifted hand.
1996 L. Al-Hafidh et al. Europe: Rough Guide (ed. 3) ii. x. 467 A lot of bus stops are request stops, so if you don't stick your arm out the bus will drive past.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2010; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymons: French requête, requeste.
Etymology: < French requête, †requeste (13th cent. in Old French) < requêter , requester request v.1 Compare request v.2Quot. 1728 is translated from A. Furetière Dict. Universel (1690).
Hunting. Obsolete. rare. Apparently only attested in dictionaries or glossaries.
A second or new quest (quest n.2 5a) for game made by hounds.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. Request, in Hunting, is when the Dogs have lost the Quest or Track of the Beast, and must Request, or Quest it again... Thus they say, to call to the Request, come to the Request.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2010; most recently modified version published online June 2021).


Brit. /rᵻˈkwɛst/, U.S. /rəˈkwɛst/, /riˈkwɛst/
Forms: 1500s– request, 1600s reqest, 1600s request (past tense); Scottish pre-1700 raqueist, pre-1700 requeast, pre-1700 requeist, pre-1700 requist, pre-1700 requyst, pre-1700 reqweist, pre-1700 1700s– request, 1800s requeesht, 1800s requeest.
Origin: Probably of multiple origins. Probably partly a borrowing from French. Probably partly formed within English, by conversion. Etymons: French requester ; request n.1
Etymology: Probably partly < Anglo-Norman and Middle French requester (French requêter , †requester , now chiefly in specific sense of request v.2) to ask for again, to reclaim (12th cent. in Old French), to ask for, request (end of the 13th cent. in Anglo-Norman) < requeste request n.1, and partly < request n.1 Compare earlier require v.
a. transitive. To ask (a person), esp. in a polite or formal manner, to do something.
the mind > language > speech > request > request or ask for [verb (transitive)] > a person to do something
to call upon ——a1450
c1485 ( G. Hay Bk. Knychthede (1993) vii. 41 Worschipfull custume is jn knycht jn tyme of necessitee to request of party to arme him.
1533 J. Bellenden tr. Livy Hist. Rome (1903) II. v. xxiii. 227 Þe senate requeistit him to leif nocht þe public weill in trubill.
1585 T. Washington tr. N. de Nicolay Nauigations Turkie ii. v. 34 b Requesting him to take the same for his lodging.
1609 W. M. Man in Moone B iv b He..brought him to an alehouse, and request him to alight, and enter with him.
1671 J. Milton Samson Agonistes 1630 He his guide requested..As over-tir'd to let him lean a while. View more context for this quotation
1712 R. Steele Spectator No. 268. ⁋2 I very civilly requested him to remove his Hand.
1791 J. Boswell Life Johnson anno 1738 I. 65 Pope..requested Mr. Richardson..to endeavour to find out who this new author was.
1818 W. Scott Heart of Mid-Lothian vi, in Tales of my Landlord 2nd Ser. I. 175 Butler requested them to open the gate.
1859 C. Darwin in Life & Lett. (1887) II. 170 I request you, after you have finished, just to re-run over the heads.
1907 M. Rollins Money & Investments 11 In the event of a corporation passing through a reorganization where the security holders are requested to give ‘assent’ to a certain plan..some banking house..is usually selected to receive the securities.
1918 P. Johnstone in B. Gardner Up Line to Death (1976) 157 Madame, please, You are requested kindly not to touch.
1959 Overland July 38 Gentlemen are requested to wear their singlets in this bar.
2001 M. Hughes et al. World Food: India 224 Every Sikh temple has a langar (communal dining hall) and all visitors are requested to eat alongside one another before practising their religion.
b. transitive. To ask (a person) to act against another or to come or go to a place, etc. Also with adverb in to request off: to ask (a person) to leave. Obsolete. rare.
the mind > language > speech > request > request or ask for [verb (transitive)] > a person to do something > to act against another, etc.
1582 Bible (Rheims) Rom. xi. 2 Know you not in Elias..how he requested God against Israel?
1601 B. Jonson Every Man in his Humor i. iii. sig. C2v I was requested to supper yesternight. View more context for this quotation
1601 B. Jonson Every Man in his Humor iv. i. sig. I Weele goe to the Meeremaide..I pray you sir let me request you. View more context for this quotation
1613 S. Purchas Pilgrimage ix. iv. 838 He was requested to their warres against the Tapwees.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Antony & Cleopatra (1623) ii. vii. 117 Pompey goodnight. Good Brother Let me request you of[f] . View more context for this quotation
c. transitive. To win over by entreaty. Obsolete. rare.
the mind > will > motivation > persuasion > persuade (a person) [verb (transitive)] > persuade or prevail upon > by entreaty
1632 W. Lithgow Totall Disc. Trav. vii. 302 I intreated them to forbeare, but they would not be requested.
a. transitive. To ask for (a thing) politely or formally; to ask to be favoured with or given (a thing).
the mind > language > speech > request > request or ask for [verb (transitive)]
to speak for ——1560
I will thank you to do so-and-so1813
to hit a person up for1917
1549 in Cal. State Papers Scotl. (1898) I. 188 Requesting safe conduct..throw your realme of Ingland.
1594 Willobie his Auisa xlvii. f. 44 Let sighes & sobbes request her grace.
c1600 Resurrection of Our Lord (1912) 35 The wordes of God, which speakes of his true glorye And makes vs apte theirby, for to request his companye.
1635 F. Quarles Emblemes v. xi. 285 The drooping Crests of fading flowres Request the bounty of a morning Raine.
1654 T. Gataker Disc. Apol. 30 Reqesting my Readers patience and pardon, if I shal seem to detain him over-long.
1725 E. Fenton in A. Pope et al. tr. Homer Odyssey I. iv. 856 My ship equip'd within the neighb'ring port, The Prince..Requested for his speed.
1763 F. Brooke Hist. Lady Julia Mandeville II. 31 Mordaunt, I will promise, if she requests it, to consent to her marriage.
1790 Coll. Voy. round World V. viii. 1563 Captain Cook's company was requested.
1819 P. B. Shelley Cenci iv. iv. 74 Favour me, Sir,..to tell the ladies That I request their presence.
1855 D. Brewster Mem. Life I. Newton (new ed.) II. xiv. 25 Leibnitz requested still farther information respecting the..discoveries.
1922 J. Joyce Ulysses ii. xii. [Cyclops] 300 Let me, said he, so far presume upon our acquaintance..as to request of you this favour.
1938 Minnesota: State Guide (Federal Writers' Project) 446 Indian officials requested the area for Indian families.
1993 UnixWorld Feb. 79/2 The process is put to sleep waiting for the event it requested to finish and another process is switched into the CPU.
b. transitive. With person as indirect object. Obsolete.
1563 N. Winȝet Certain Tractates (1888) I. 60 Quhilk thing we requeist thee, gentill Reidar.
c1592 C. Marlowe Jew of Malta iii. iii Let me request thee this; Go to the new-made nunnery.
1660 A. Moore Compend. Hist. Turks 156 Seeing God hath (my son) given thee the imperial seat, I request thee this good turn for many I bestowed on thee.
a. transitive. With clause as object. To express a wish or desire that either oneself or another person be permitted to do something, that something may happen, etc.
1554–5 in J. D. Marwick Extracts Rec. Burgh Edinb. (1871) II. 210 It was..requeistit be the Justice Clerk..that the said actioun suld ceis.
1563 A. Golding tr. L. Bruni Hist. Warres Imperialles & Gothes ii. viii. f. 83 The Gothes requested that they myghte departe to Rauenna wythe bagge and baggage.
1592 T. Kyd Trueth Murthering of Brewen 2 [He] requested that he might haue his gifts againe, to whom disdainfully she made answere that he should stay for it.
c1600 in Shropshire Archaeol. Soc. (1880) v. 261 He made great a doe and requestyd that serche should be made bothe in fylds and waters.
1611 Bible (King James) 1 Kings xix. 4 Hee requested for himselfe that hee might die. View more context for this quotation
1688 J. Dryden tr. D. Bouhours Life St. Francis Xavier vi. 646 But the tossing of the Ship, giving him an extraordinary headach,..the day ensuing he requested that he might be set on shore again.
1711 T. Hearne Remarks & Coll. (1889) III. 124 I requested that you might see it; which, with his usual Frankness, he readyly granted.
1766 O. Goldsmith Vicar of Wakefield II. xiii. 223 I requested that the table might be taken away.
1797 A. Radcliffe Italian I. i. 5 He then summoned courage enough to request he might be allowed to enquire after her health.
1832 R. Southey Hist. Peninsular War III. 437 Requesting that he would endeavour to form a cabinet.
1911 J. H. Rose Pitt & Great War v. 125 Dundas requested that he should have the first claim for the Privy Seal for Scotland, provided that Lord Chatham did not take the Stole.
1973 Britannica Bk. of Year (U.S.) 732/2 Living will, a written declaration in which a person requests that if he becomes disabled beyond reasonable expectation of recovery he be allowed to die in dignity rather than be kept alive by artificial means.
2007 Time Out N.Y. 18 Jan. 54/2 This calf-boosting, posture-building, catwalking-diva class requests that you bring your own heels.
b. transitive. With infinitive as object. To express a wish or desire to have, hear, etc., something; to ask or beg the favour or permission to be allowed to do something, or for another person to perform a favour.
the mind > language > speech > request > request or ask for [verb (transitive)] > to do or have a thing
1565 T. Stapleton tr. Bede Hist. Church Eng. v. xxii. f. 181 He requested farder to haue instructions by his letters what maner of tonsure the clergy should vse.
1600 T. Dekker Shomakers Holiday 6 It is now almost a yeare since he requested To trauell countries for experience.
c1600 Resurrection of Our Lord (1912) 2 Your honour doth remember, howe yester nyght last A worshipfull Senatour here was not agast Bouldlye to request his corps, to be buried.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Taming of Shrew (1623) iv. iii. 121 But did you not request to haue it cut? View more context for this quotation
1641 T. Hayne tr. M. Adam Life & Death Dr. Martin Luther 29 He requested to heare Erasmus judgement concerning Luther.
1699 in Colonial Rec. Pennsylvania (1852) I. 549 Requesting to be discharged from his confinement.
1769 H. Brooke Fool of Quality IV. xvii. 205 [He] requested to speak with him apart.
1784 Laura & Augustus III. 117 I requested to place down my own name for two chances.
1818 G. S. Faber Horæ Mosaicæ (ed. 2) I. 217 He again and again requests to be excused from the ungrateful task.
1853 G. J. Cayley Las Alforjas II. 55 We had requested to sleep in the straw-loft, but our host absolutely refused.
1914 St. Nicholas Oct. 1068/1 Dave Altizer was sent to short to replace another player, and requested to be allowed a few practice throws.
1943 Ld. Alanbrooke Diary 24 Aug. in War Diaries (2001) 448 Just before dinner Winston requested to talk to me on the scrambler.
2008 Atlantic Monthly Jan. 112/2 I had requested to live on a co-ed floor, and consequently the lounge was always trashed.


reˈquestable adj. subject to being requested; able to be requested.
1605–9 J. Saris in Eng. Factory in Japan (1991) I. 56 A note of requestable commodities vendible in Japan.
1951 Yale Law Jrnl. 60 1136 Much information and many documents requestable by interrogatories or producible on motion are furnished voluntarily.
2003 Sunday Express (Nexis) 2 Nov. 86 If reincarnation is requestable then I'd like to come back as a penguin.
reˈquested adj.
1561 T. Preston Lamentable Trag. Cambises C ij b In stead of his requested life, pleaseth Your grace take mine.
1634 T. Herbert Relation Some Yeares Trauaile 161 I Dare not goe about to trouble you..without a requested pardon.
1760 C. Lennox Lady's Museum I. 770 He hesitated therefore not a moment in permitting the requested combat.
1817 Philos. Mag. 50 48 I shall however, be greatly obliged, by his stating in your work, if he can, all the requested particulars.
1998 Time Out N.Y. 2 July 101/2 The requested attire is latex, leather, PVC and fetish.
reˈquesting n. and adj.
1577 E. Hellowes tr. A. de Guevara Chron. 51 In his commaundements hee was uerie wise, and in requesting uerie humble.
a1640 W. Fenner XXIX Choice Serm. (1657) 155 As it is a make-lust, so it is a requesting lust; Other lusts are with some men out of date.
1664 C. Cotton Scarronides 111 Ӕneas out of Jesting, Thou needs must tell at my Requesting, All the whole Tale of Troyes Condition.
1755 E. Young Centaur vi. 289 A requesting Omnipotence!—What can stun, and confound thy reason more?
1815 Monthly Mag. July 522/1 No cause shall he undertaken till the requesting parties shall have delivered to the commissioners a written appeal.
1884 Ld. Tennyson Becket ii. ii. 105 If you, At my requesting, will but look into The wrongs you did him.
1992 P. W. Birnie & A. E. Boyle Internat. Law & Environment ix. iii. 366 By leaving the requesting state the decisive role, the IAEA Convention does nothing to disturb this position.
1997 J. Bowker World Relig. 51/1 (caption) The action of begging for food..should be conducted in silence, without any requesting or importuning involved.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2010; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymons: French requêter, requester.
Etymology: < French requêter, †requester (16th cent. in Middle French), specific sense of requêter , †requester request v.1 Compare request n.2
Hunting. Obsolete. rare. Apparently only attested in dictionaries or glossaries.
transitive. To renew a hunt for (game); to hunt for a second time. Cf. request n.2
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. (at cited word) To Request the Game, is chiefly used when after having run it down the Night before, they seek it again the next Morning with the Blood-Hound, or the like.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2010; most recently modified version published online June 2021).




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