

单词 republic


Brit. /rᵻˈpʌblɪk/, U.S. /rəˈpəblɪk/, /riˈpəblɪk/

α. 1500s–1600s republike, 1500s–1700s republick, 1600s republicke, 1600s republiq, 1600s republique, 1600s– republic; also Scottish pre-1700 repoblick, pre-1700 repoblik, pre-1700 republict.

β. 1600s reipublic, 1600s reipublick, 1600s reipublicke.

Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French republique; Latin rēspublica.
Etymology: < Middle French republique (French république ) state (1457 with reference to the ancient Roman state as seized by Julius Caesar, 1498 with reference to Venice; also used of any state regardless of its form of government (now rare or obsolete in this sense)), community, organized society (1549), state which is not a hereditary monarchy (1549; c1553 with reference to the ideal state described by Plato), state in which the form of government is founded on the body of citizens (1620) and its etymon classical Latin rēspublica (ablative rēpublicā) affairs of state, welfare of the state, public good, the state (especially with reference to Rome), a state (actual or theoretical), especially with reference to its constitution, constitution, state in which all citizens participate, free state (as opposed to tyranny, etc.; sometimes applied specifically to the pre-imperial Roman state), in post-classical Latin also used to denote the Papal State (8th cent.) and the Byzantine Empire (early 9th cent.) < rēs thing, affair (see res n.1) + publicus public adj. Compare Old Occitan republica (1449), Catalan república (1490), Spanish república (14th cent.), Portuguese república (15th cent.), Italian repubblica (a1292, in early use with reference to any independent or autonomous political entity, and also spec. to the ancient Roman state; 15th cent. denoting a state with an elected ruler, as opposed to a kingdom, principality, etc.).In β. forms probably after the Latin genitive form reīpublicae . Compare the following earlier example of classical Latin rēpublicā (ablative) in English context.c1495 Lydgate's Lytell Treat. Horse, Sheep, & Ghoos (de Worde) sig. aijv In republyca, auayleth moost a man For his partye thus fyrste the horse began. With the republic of letters at sense 3b compare post-classical Latin respublica litteraria (1417; 1564 in a British source), French république des lettres (1648).
1. The state, the community; the common good. Also in figurative context. Obsolete.
society > authority > rule or government > a or the state > [noun]
well public1447
public thinga1450
public weala1470
body politica1475
politic bodyc1537
public state1546
corps politic1696
?1549 J. Hooper Declar. 10 Commandm. ii. viii. p. cxxx Consider the worke and ordinance of God..to the preseruation and wealthe of the Republick.
1579–80 in G. Donaldson Reg. Secreti Sigilli Regum Scotorum (1966) VII. 372/1 Togidder with the proffitable and necessar service..to the croun and republict of this realme.
1619 M. Drayton Barons Warres ii. x, in Poems (rev. ed.) 18 Neither yet thinke, by their vnnaturall Fight, What the Republique suffred them among.
1684 Scanderbeg Redivivus iii. 41 The Republick might be highly endangered by an Inter-Regnum.
1695 E. Arwaker Thoughts well Employ'd v. v. 133 The Constitution of his Body..consists of such Materials as are always..at variance..and in this, as in all other civil Discords, which ever Faction..becomes predominant, the whole Republick is a Sufferer.
a. A state in which power rests with the people or their representatives; spec. a state without a monarchy. Also: a government, or system of government, of such a state; a period of government of this type.The term is often (esp. in the 18th and 19th centuries) taken to imply a state with a democratic or representative constitution and without a hereditary nobility, but more recently it has also been used of autocratic or dictatorial states not ruled by a monarch. It is now chiefly used to denote any non-monarchical state headed by an elected or appointed president.banana republic: see banana n. Compounds 2.
(a) Applied to particular states having this form of constitution.Dominican, Roman, Weimar Republic, etc., and city-, red republic: see the first element.
1596 in Lett. & State Papers Reign James VI (1838) 12 And ve sall not fell in ovr pairts for to schav all favorable correspondance..acording to the institutioun and form of this our repoblik [sc. Venice].
1631 P. Heylyn Hist. St. George 349 The publike honours done unto him, by the greatest Princes and Republicks in the Christian world.
1632 W. Lithgow Totall Disc. Trav. i. 25 The Reipublicks of Pisa and Siena.
1642 J. Howell Instr. Forreine Travell xi. 142 The Salian Verses, towards the end of the Republique, were scarce intelligible, no more were the capitulations of Peace 'twixt Rome and Carthage.
1654 E. Wolley tr. ‘G. de Scudéry’ Curia Politiæ 26 Were it not much better for the Republique of Venice?
1700 G. Ridpath Scotl.'s Grievances rel. to Darien ii. 41 The Wise Venetians..exclude Church-men..from having any share in the Civil Government, and upon the same account too That Sage Republick excludes their Ecclesiasticks because they depend upon a Foreign Head.
1744 J. Thomson Winter in Seasons (new ed.) 213 Servius, the King, who laid the solid Base On which o'er Earth the vast Republic spread.
1790 E. Burke Refl. Revol. in France 77 These commonwealths will not long bear a state of subjection to the republic of Paris. View more context for this quotation
1798 Monthly Rev. 25 503 This body, during the civil wars, and during the protectoral republic, fostered an excessive zeal for regal power.
1833 Penny Cycl. I. 447/2 The republic of the United States of America..consists of twenty-four states, and three territories.
1840 Texas Sentinel 22 Jan. 1/1 The land then became the property of the Republic [of Texas].
1882 B. A. Hinsdale Garfield & Educ. ii. 359 The Republic has the right to call on all her children for service.
1903 Times 25 Nov. 9/6 These officers have come on an official mission to the King, in order to salute his Majesty in the name of his Excellency the President of the Republic of Brazil.
1963 Post-Standard (Syracuse, N.Y.) 1 Mar. 11/1 An interview with the U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic..and an analysis of the social and economic problems facing the first democratically elected official the Republic has ever had, add impact.
1995 Independent 14 Nov. 1/4 Projects to foster co-operation between the Republic and Northern Ireland.
(b) In general use.
society > authority > rule or government > a or the state > [noun] > state ruled by the people
free state1567
society > authority > rule or government > a or the state > [noun] > state ruled by the people > claiming or purporting to be
1604 R. Cawdrey Table Alphabet. Republicke, a Common wealth.
a1626 F. Bacon Controv. Church Eng. in Wks. (1879) I. 347 It may be, in civil states, a republic is a better policy than a kingdom.
1656 J. Bramhall Replic. to Bishop of Chalcedon iii. 133 Whensoever a Prince or a Republick..for the preservation of the Commonwealth, shall restrain their subjects from anything that threatens the same with imminent dangers..it is just.
1704 Clarendon's Hist. Rebellion III. xi. 161 The Army..would depose the King, change the Government, and settle a Republick by their own Rules.
1727 C. Colden Hist. Five Indian Nations p. xv Each Nation is an absolute Republick by its self, govern'd in all Publick Affairs of War and Peace by the Sachems or Old Men.
1771 ‘Junius’ Stat Nominis Umbra (1772) II. lix. 267 When I impute to him a speculative predilection in favour of a republic.
1823 G. Baker tr. Livy Hist. Rome III. xxvii. 413 The re-electing of the same person..was not..reconcileable to the principles of a republic.
1841 R. W. Emerson Ess. 1st Ser. (Boston ed.) viii. 217 Whatever outrages have happened to men may befall a man again: and very easily in a republic.
1884 Q. Rev. Jan. 2 The success of the United States has sustained the credit of Republics—a word..which has lately come to have the additional meaning of a government resting on a widely-extended suffrage.
1904 Collier's 7 May 5/2 It is for reasons of utility and convenience..that the approval of monarchy is so strong in England and the desire for a Republic is practically non-existent.
1952 Atlantic Aug. 10/2 Anticolonial sentiments are strong in many South American republics.
2002 New Yorker 25 Nov. 36/1 The British seemingly must choose between proclaiming a republic and bleaching their royals into a Norwegian-style monarchy.
b. Without article: republican constitution or government. Obsolete. rare.
society > authority > rule or government > a or the system of government > government by the people or their delegates > [noun] > republican system
a1646 W. Raleigh Reliquiae Raleighanae (1679) x. 300 He chose not a time of Republick, neither of Aristocracy, wherein few, nor Democracy wherein the people have the chief power; but a time of Monarchy.
1790 E. Burke Refl. Revol. in France 187 You can..ingraft any description of republic on a monarchy.
1791 E. Burke Let. to Member Nat. Assembly in Wks. (1792) III. 340 The existence of such an executive officer, in such a system of republic..is absurd in the highest degree.
3. In extended use.
a. Any community of people, animals, etc., esp. one considered to have equality between its members.
society > society and the community > [noun] > a community > other types of community
faith community1896
plural community1939
discourse community1972
1610 P. Holland tr. W. Camden Brit. i. 383 Oxford at this day so flourisheth, that..for the discipline and teaching of the best Arts, and for the politique government of this their republicke of Literature [L. reipublicae literariae], it may give place to none.
1654 W. Charleton Physiologia Epicuro-Gassendo-Charltoniana Concl. sig. P3v Those Idle, or Envious ones...having more of Wit, than of Humanity.., have buried their Talents, and left the Republique of Arts and Sciences, to suffer in the want of such means of Advancement, as their Capacities might easily have afforded.
1733 A. Pope Ess. Man iii. 48 The ants republic, the realm of bees.
1750 S. Johnson Rambler No. 77. ⁋8 He..may be considered as not unprofitable to the great republic of humanity.
1789 Washington in Eliot Hist. Harvard Coll. (1848) 152 It gives me sincere satisfaction to learn the flourishing state of your literary republic.
1818 W. Kirby & W. Spence Introd. Entomol. (ed. 2) II. xviii. 114 The large females, like the female wasps, are the original founders of their republics.
1869 J. Martineau Ess. Philos. & Theol. 2nd Ser. 15 Our nature is a republic of equal principles.
1893 Times 11 Dec. 13/1 A people which, through the exceptional fruitfulness of its aesthetic impulses..establishes a just claim to a prominent place in the wide republic of the arts.
1901 Monist 12 139 If the philosophical offspring of poesy and fantasy be entitled to any rank and recognition in the republic of thought.
1961 Mod. Lang. Notes 76 783 This republic of bees has a queen but she rules without the symbols of power and might, the crown and the sword.
1991 R. Haller in G. Schurz & G. J. W. Dorn Adv. Sci. Philos. 276 We are led to the behaviour of the republic of scientists; it is this which decides what may be regarded as accepted and what not.
b. the republic of letters: authors collectively; the field of literature.Cf. republic of literature in quot. 1610 at sense 3a.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > [noun]
the republic of letters1677
the Muses1838
society > leisure > the arts > literature > writer or author > [noun] > company or body of writers
the republic of letters1677
1562 J. Dee in Notes & Queries (1879) 5th ser. 11 402 The frute wherof, my Cuntry et tota Resp. Litteraria, iustly shall ascribe to your wisdome.]
1677 E. Ravenscroft Scaramouch iii. i. 49 Go friend, you are very impertinent, and ought to be banish'd [from] the Republick of Letters.
a1719 J. Addison Dialogues Medals in Wks. (1721) I. i. 441 Pray consider what a figure a man would make in the republick of letters [etc.].
1739 D. Hume Treat. Human Nature I. i. 38 One of the greatest..discoveries that has been made of late years in the republic of letters.
1767 ‘Coriat Junior’ Another Traveller! I. 120 Those men have merited so well of the republic of letters.
a1808 R. Hurd in J. Addison Wks. (1811) II. 364 The satire contained in this paper..I doubt, has done no small hurt in the republic of letters.
1858 Derby Mercury 27 Oct. 5/3 He voluntarily takes a lower place in the republic of letters than the world was ready to accord to him.
1870 J. H. Burton Hist. Scotl. to 1688 VI. lxvi. 341 There was another field of exertion..in the republic of letters.
1909 Trenton (New Jersey) Evening Times 9 Apr. 7/3 The republic of letters is peculiarly liable to revolution and disaster.
1951 J. Lavrin Nikolai Gogol i. 16 Unlike Pushkin, Gogol was hardly familiar with even the major figures in the European Republic of Letters.
1992 Isis 83 133/1 The Republic of Letters was no democracy.


C1. attributive with the sense ‘of the nature of, characteristic of, or belonging to a republic or republics; republican’.In some quots. passing into adjectival use.
society > authority > rule or government > a or the system of government > government by the people or their delegates > [adjective] > republican
1630 B. Goodall Tryall Trauell iii. sig. K Peace fits Republick trafick to auaile, And Actuall smiles the marriner assaile.
1663 J. Mayne in tr. Lucian Part of Lucian Ep. Ded. sig. A4 Who..do defile the English Tongue with their Republick words, which are..scarce significant to a Monarchicall understanding.
1687 J. Dryden Hind & Panther iii. 142 To Crows..And Choughs and Daws, and such Republic Birds.
1710 E. Ward Vulgus Britannicus 1st Pt. 2 When our Good Sov'reign Lords the People Were Crown'd by a Republick Cripple.
1755 Monitor No. 13 I. 111 Let the republic German Princes..unite for their common safety!
1790 M. O. Warren Poems 140 E'en in the zenith of republic pride, The virtuous Scipio found it no mean task, To subjugate Numantia's warlike son.
1869 Evening Bull. (San Francisco) 14 Dec. 1/7 Mexico, the young republic country..is now receiving in her cities and villages, the illustrious traveler, Mr. Seward.
1898 Sunday Sentinel (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) 21 Aug. ii. 4/5 They are paid in tin money known as ‘republic money’, which is accepted on the farm.
1964 Sci. News-Let. 85 75/2 Other proposed routes run through Nicaragua, one of the six independent republic countries of Central America.
1996 Amer. Anthropologist 98 305 He felt isolated..from the activist cultural revitalization in republic cities and towns.
Republic Day n. a day on which the founding of a republic is celebrated.
1851 U.S. Mag. & Democratic Rev. May 416 Where this proud column taunts Republic day, Ambition's mightiest monarch held his sway.
1932 Times 12 Nov. 11/7 In the interests of economy there will be no official reception given to the Austrian president to celebrate Republic Day.
1971 Compar. Educ. Rev. 15 293 They describe..the pageantry of Republic Day ceremonies in New Delhi.
2002 Third World Q. 23 981 In Kabul as well as in the provinces the government introduced official national holidays to mark days of political significance for each regime... Republic Day celebrated Mohammed Daoud's overthrow of King Zahir in 1973.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2009; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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