

单词 accord and satisfaction

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accord and satisfaction
5. Law. An agreement to accept something in exchange for giving up the right of action. In later use frequently in accord and satisfaction: cf. satisfaction n. 2a.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > action of courts in claims or grievances > [noun] > amicable settlement
1579 Rastell's Expos. Termes Lawes (new ed.) f. 8/1 Accorde is an agreement betweene ij. at the least, eyther to satysfie an offence, that the one hath made to the other: Or else, it is a contracte, wyth dyuers articles, to bee done, some on the one part, and some on the other.
a1625 H. Finch Law (1627) 181 Accord is an agreement betweene the parties themselues.
1659 H. Applegarth tr. W. Glisson & A. Gulston Surv. Law 210 When the originall contract is for money accord with satisfaction a good barr.
1768 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. III. 15 Accord is a satisfaction agreed upon between the party injuring and the party injured; which, when performed, is a bar of all actions upon this account.
1809 W. W. Hening & W. Munford Rep. Supreme Court of Appeals Virginia 2 43 The next question is, whether an accord with, and satisfaction received from, one joint trespasser, will, like a release, operate as a bar to recovery against the other joint trespassers.
1880 C. C. Langdell Summary of Law of Contracts (ed. 2) 107 In Smart v. Chell there would have been an accord if the plaintiff had promised to receive the 7l. in full satisfaction of his claim.
1939 Times 21 June 4/3 The jury found that Mrs. Gibbons did not accept the £1 1s. in accord and satisfaction, and they awarded her £50 damages.
1966 Mod. Law Rev. 29 580 Mrs. Dane had impliedly consented..to an accord and satisfaction.
2010 Renal & Urol. News (Nexis) 1 Apr. As the jury was being selected, the parties finally reached an accord. Before the start of the trial, the case was settled for $1,875,000.
extracted from accordn.
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