

单词 research


Brit. /rᵻˈsəːtʃ/, /ˈriːsəːtʃ/, U.S. /ˈriˌsərtʃ/, /rəˈsərtʃ/, /riˈsərtʃ/
Forms: 1500s researche, 1500s–1600s reserch, 1600s reserche, 1600s– research.
Origin: Apparently formed within English, by derivation; modelled on a French lexical item. Etymons: re- prefix, search n.
Etymology: Apparently < re- prefix + search n., after Middle French recerche (rare), Middle French, French recherche thorough investigation (1452; a1704 with spec. reference to investigation into intellectual or academic questions; 1815 in plural denoting scholarly research or the published results of this), introductory passage played on a piano or organ (early 18th cent.). Compare Italian ricerca (1470). Compare slightly later research v.1 N.E.D. (1906) gives only the pronunciation (rĭsə̄·ɹtʃ) /rɪˈsɜːtʃ/. The shift of stress to the first syllable is first recorded (with disapproval) in U.S. usage in the mid 19th cent., but seems not to have been recorded for British English until the mid 20th cent. (e.g. in D. Jones Eng. Pronouncing Dict. (ed. 8, 1947)). Compare:1856 C. A. Goodrich Pronouncing & Defining Dict. Eng. Lang. p. xiv/1 No orthoepist has given any sanction, it is believed, to ro′mance and fi′nance (for romance′ and finance′), or to re′search and re′source (for research′ and resource′). The latter especially ought to be discountenanced, for search and source are English words, and ought therefore to remain (as they were from the first) the central points of thought.
1. The act of searching carefully for or pursuing a specified thing or person; an instance of this. Frequently with after, for, of. Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > endeavour > searching or seeking > [noun]
searching out1531
1577 tr. ‘F. de L'Isle’ Legendarie sig. Givv Being deliuered of that which they most feared, which was the researche for the Princes imprisonment.
1635 J. Reynolds Triumphs Gods Revenge (new ed.) iv. xvii. 343 De Boys makes a speedy, and curious research for his thiefe, whom as yet he could not finde, or discover.
1695 M. Astell in J. Norris Lett. conc. Love of God vii. 133 For after all our Researches after that which is good for the Sons of Men, where is the happy Person who has not been defeated in his Hopes, or frustrated in his Enjoyments?
1742 Impartial Rev. Opposition 2 The Welfare of Millions, yet unborn, depend on your steady Inflexibility, and vigorous Research after Truth.
1759 W. H. Dilworth Life of Pope 53 His thoughts being quite weaned from Parnassus to the research of truth.
1776 E. Griffith Barber of Seville ii. viii. 23 Is it him that caus'd such researches after Rosina in Madrid?
1827 B. Disraeli Vivian Grey IV. vi. iii. 83 Fortune has not favoured me..in my researches after a bed.
1847 C. Brontë Jane Eyre III. vii. 162 She had left Thornfield Hall in the night; every research after her course had been vain.
1889 Nature 19 Sept. 493/2 Constant explorations are being carried out..chiefly in researches after gold and other precious metals.
a. Systematic investigation or inquiry aimed at contributing to knowledge of a theory, topic, etc., by careful consideration, observation, or study of a subject. In later use also: original critical or scientific investigation carried out under the auspices of an academic or other institution. Occasionally with of; now frequently with into, on.Frequently following nouns and adjectives designating the subject or field of investigation. applied, audience, consumer, marketing, psychic research, etc.: see the first element.
(a) As a mass noun.
the mind > attention and judgement > discovery > research > [noun]
the mind > attention and judgement > discovery > research > [noun] > instance of > in particular subject
1604 E. Grimeston tr. J. de Acosta Nat. & Morall Hist. Indies iii. 153 Whether these two great gulphes do ioyne in any other part of the world, which was the enterprize of Fernando Magellan a Portugall gentleman, whose great courage and constancie in the research of this subject, and happy successe in the finding thereof, gave the name of etenall memory to this straight.
1694 W. Holder Treat. Harmony Introd. sig. Bv The Matter, lies deep in Nature, and requires much Research into Natural Philosophy to unfold it.
1748 D. W. Linden Treat. Chalybeat Waters v. 158 When he thus..abandons his Water to all the Rigour of Chemical, or indeed any Research or Analysis; they must be in Love with Error, who refuse to be undeceived.
1793 W. Rowley Rational Pract. Physic III. Introd. p. vi To consider with candor what has been the product of much laborious research and experiment.
1857 T. Martin tr. A. G. Oehlenschläger Aladdin i. iv. 97 Had I been the woman, I should have been more pleasantly employed, Than in research of that celestial lore.
1892 Photogr. Ann. II. 161 Spectrum photography for the purposes of photographic research.
1942 E. B. White Removal in One Man's Meat 4 One odd fact I seem to have picked up in my research is that the performers in telecasting studios will be required to wear a small electric buzzer, or shocker, round their ankle, from which they will get their cues.
1956 Nature 15 Sept. 562/2 There seems to have been a regrettable lack of research on nubility in women.
1961 Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Press 3 Mar. 4/2 He has engaged in extensive research on Hopkins and is an authority on the English priest-poet.
1998 Independent 24 Nov. ii. 13/2 New research on the effects of exercise has found that there are hidden dangers in having too much of it.
(b) As a count noun. Frequently in plural.
the mind > attention and judgement > discovery > research > [noun] > instance of
case study1914
a1639 H. Wotton Surv. Educ. in Reliquiæ Wottonianæ (1672) 85 There must go before a main research, whether the Child that I am to manage, be of a good nature or no.
1675 G. Harvey Dis. of London v. 55 I was chiefly intentive on a strict view and research of the Stomack.
1719 R. Samber tr. H. Boerhaave Method of studying Physick ii. iv. iii. 228 You will find in this celebrated Author not only a wonderful Description of the Glands, but an incomparable Research into their Nature, Use, &c.
1748 D. Hume Philos. Ess. Human Understanding i. 10 These Researches may appear painful and fatiguing.
1799 J. Robertson Gen. View Agric. Perth 290 Our most profound researches are frequently nothing better than guessing at the causes of the phenomena.
1822 M. Faraday Let. in P. Day Philosopher's Tree (1999) vi. 96 Your refined researches on electro-magnetism or electrodynamics.
1850 B. Brodie Psychol. Inq. I. i. 12 Cuvier was usually engaged for seven hours daily in his scientific researches.
1889 Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. 11 110 An intimate research into the oxims of benzil.
1955 Times 7 May 9/6 Could the G.P.O. be persuaded to undertake an operational research into the use of Post Offices?
1990 M. Roberts In Red Kitchen (1991) 63 Having terminated my researches on Mr Home, I have not exhausted my interest in the subject of spiritualism.
2002 D. Freedberg Eve of Lynx iii. xi. 344 His researches on the fossil woods led him to researches on other fossils.
b. Investigation undertaken in order to obtain material for a book, article, thesis, etc.; an instance of this. Cf. research v.1 1c.
the mind > attention and judgement > enquiry > investigation, inspection > [noun] > for specific purpose
contact tracing1910
screening out1943
1818 R. Southey Let. 8 Sept. in Life & Corr. (1855) 366/1 Biography..is likely to succeed; and, with the London libraries at hand, the research for it would be rather pleasurable than toilsome.
1883 Brit. Q. Rev. Oct. 248/1 Mr. Loftie has spared no pains in research and preparation... His work is the loving labour of many years.
1886 New-Eng. Hist. & Geneal. Reg. 40 240/2 For more than forty years he conducted an exhaustive research for materials for the biography of all the graduates of Harvard.
1921 Hist. Outlook Apr. 112/2 After the first year, the research for the thesis may be carried on elsewhere.
1974 B. Hoddeson Porn People v. 61 I had been in New York City three days now, doing research for my book on porno and its people.
2001 Victorian Nov. 5/1 The research for the book threw up many areas which would be rewarded by further study, such as Manchester's architectural sculpture.
c. The product of systematic investigation, presented in written (esp. published) form.
1837 Abstr. Papers in Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. 3 88 The living author of such philosophical research, either published or communicated to the Society.
1897 Physical Rev. 5 121 The research was published but a few days before a stroke of paralysis put an end to all further activity.
1938 A. Serner ‘Dyss’ Burial i. 27 My research below intends to show that the oldest form of megalithic tombs in South Scandinavia..is spread in prehistoric times outside South Scandinavia.
1961 Eng. Jrnl. 50 330/2 As I read the research about language development.
2003 R. W. Moore et al. Training that Works i. 4 Despite the size and growing importance of these state programs, there is very little published research on them.
3. As an attribute of a person: the ability or inclination to carry out scholarly investigation; learning, academic achievement. Obsolete.
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > scholarly knowledge, erudition > [noun] > scholarliness
1700 F. Atterbury Rights Eng. Convocation 443 I will add a few Particulars on this Head which a man of his Research methinks should have been no stranger to.
1726 Bp. J. Butler 15 Serm. xv. 307 Men of deep Research..should just be put in Mind, not to mistake what they are doing.
1809 W. Irving Hist. N.Y. Acct. Author 19 He found Mr. Cook a man..of great literary research, and a curious collector of books.
1861 M. Pattison in Westm. Rev. Apr. 403 A writer of painstaking research, who goes..to original and documentary authorities.
4. Music. An introductory passage, played on a piano or organ, which establishes the theme, harmony, etc., of the main piece. Obsolete. rare.Apparently only attested in dictionaries or glossaries.
society > leisure > the arts > music > piece of music > section of piece of music > [noun] > main division of opus > prelude
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. Research, in Musick, is a Kind of Prelude or Voluntary... Wherein the Composer seems to Search, or look out for the Strains, and Touches of Harmony, which he is to use in the regular Piece to be play'd afterwards.
1876 J. Stainer & W. A. Barrett Dict. Musical Terms Research, an extemporaneous performance on the organ or pianoforte in which the leading themes or subjects in the piece to which it serves as a prelude are suggested and employed.


C1. attributive.Some of the more established compounds of this type are treated separately at Compounds 2.
a. With the sense ‘designating a person or group managing or conducting research’, as research association, research body, research community, research company, research engineer, research firm, research institution, etc.; also research biologist, research economist, research professor, etc.
1882 W. Cory Lett. & Jrnls. (1897) 485 German is used by subsoil research men.]
1897 Public Health May 259/2 The diagnosis of diphtheria was certain, and confirmed later on by telegram from the Research Association reporting the presence of the Klebs–Löffler bacillus.
1897 Rep. Meetings Waterdown, Wisconsin (Amer. Assoc. Farmers' Inst. Managers) 52 The college professor and research man alike may learn more from occasional excursions and contact with busy people.
1909 Pop. Sci. Monthly Feb. 186 We thus see what the writer of this article thinks of the relative value in practical life, of research foundations and normal school foundations.
1917 Science 25 May 498/1 Professor Edward Orton, Jr., for many years dean of the college of engineering of Ohio State University, and at present research professor in ceramic engineering [etc.].
1917 Flying 19 Sept. 140/2 The first co-operative Research Association to be established under the auspices of the D.S.I.R. will probably be for cotton.
1922 Library Jrnl. 15 Mar. 249/2 The librarian who builds up the collection for a research institution,..is making a fundamental contribution to the research work.
1946 Sun (Baltimore) 10 Oct. 12/2 The National Bureau of Economic Research, a top-drawer group of research economists.
1966 G. Sinstadt Whisper in Lonely Place iii. 33 He's a research engineer, degree from one of the red-bricks, middle twenties.
1978 C. Hogwood in J. M. Thomson Future of Early Music Brit. 16 Much of the scholarly evidence is so easily assimilated by the performer that you have to invent a halfway category of the scholar-performer or the research-performer.
1985 R. E. Kelley Gold-collar Worker 1 As one senior chemist in a research firm told me, ‘I am a thinker, not a thinger.’
1987 W. Greider Secrets of Temple i. i. 34 He had even started his career at the Fed, ‘crunching numbers’, as a young research economist at the New York Fed.
1990 D. Kavanagh Thatcherism & Brit. Politics (ed. 2) iii. 80 Antony Fisher..was persuaded by Hayek to set up a research body.
1992 Fly Rod & Reel Jan.–Feb. 39/1 A Forest Service research biologist with impeccable credentials and a well-earned reputation for toughness and integrity, was fingered for team leader.
1996 Independent 19 Dec. ii. 19/1 According to research company Datamonitor, the European call centre market is expanding by some 40 per cent annually.
2005 Quality Life Res. 14 1376/2 Instrument development encompassed a structured review of the literature, discussions with clinical and research experts, and patient focus groups.
b. With the sense ‘designating a place or area where research takes place’, as research farm, research office, research triangle, etc.
1902 Science 26 Sept. 509/1 The organization, management and all the conditions obtaining in the public park are incongruous with those required for a research farm.
1952 Public Opinion Q. 16 303/2 In the early stages, Keenan, Bierly, and Kirkpatrick were carried on Kohlberg's payroll to establish a research office.
1988 N. Baker Mezzanine xiii. 116 The CVS pharmacy is closer to the center of life than, say, Crate & Barrel or Pier 1, or restaurants, national parks, airports, research triangles, the lobbies of office buildings, or banks.
2003 New Scientist 22 Nov. 62/2 (advt.) Over 200 researchers work in the SABC, which operates as a ‘Research Hotel’, and provides high quality laboratory space.
c. General attributive, as research bulletin, research career, research effort, research interest, research literature, research output, etc.
1915 Bull. No. 124 (Coll. Agric. Agricultural Exper. Station, Univ. Missouri) 14 The Summer Best of Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennials W. L. Howard (Missouri Station Research Bulletin 15 (1915) pp. 1-25 figs. 8).
1916 Proc. 11th Ann. Meeting Amer. Assoc. Museums 45 Children..go into the galleries again, there to play the ‘research game’. This big name for a simple thing means that with the help of question or suggestion, they hunt up some object with they roughly draw.
1922 Science 21 Oct. 370/1 As in the past, the research interest of the college instructor will always be in pure or abstract science.
1939 Science 29 Sept. 293/1 Biological Abstracts is undertaking a more complete abstracting and segregation of the current research literature in bioclimatology and biometeorology.
1949 Public Opinion Q. 13 529/2 When they raise questions which must be raised in any research plan they are invidiously labeled as ‘overly non-permissive’.
1952 Wall St. Jrnl. 15 Apr. 4/2 Proctor & Gamble Co. is preparing this morning to take a large group of scientists, educators and newspaper reporters behind the research curtain and show them a few of the early problems in developing formulas for soaps.
1955 Sci. News Let. 8 Oct. 230 Nose of the Fairey Delta 2, a single-seat delta-wing research aircraft, can be lowered, rather like a drawbridge, to give the pilot a good forward view for landing, take-off and taxiing.
1962 Science 14 Dec. 1233/1 Already N.I.H. has become the hub of an enormous research effort.
1968 Brit. Jrnl. Psychiatry 114 1046/1 Operant conditioning, whether of behaviour or speech, is a research area of current importance.
1988 Oxf. Today 1 14/2 Each group..will be replaced if its research output declines so much that it is unable to obtain research grants.
1990 N.Y. Times 9 Oct. c8/3 Its research costs will become too great for any single country.
1994 New Scientist 8 Jan. 45/3 With loss of tenure, the introduction of student loans, research assessment exercises, [etc.]..surely someone will have the nous to see through such a devious scheme.
2009 New Scientist 7 Mar. 68/1 (advt.) This is an exciting opportunity for a high calibre individual to develop a research career in photobiology/photodermatology.
research activity n.
1900 Albany Med. Annals 21 572 That this is so is certainly not due to any want of research activity into the nature of dysentery.
1972 C. Argyris Applicability Organizational Sociol. vi. 84 The rigorousness of research activity has concerned behavioral scientists for years.
2000 New Scientist 6 May 69/2 (advt.) The postdoc position is part of a research activity ‘Nanomechanics of metals and alloys’ funded by the Danish Research Agency.
research agency n.
1907 Bull. N.Y. Agric. Exper. Station No. 295. 386 So long..as..the experiment station is the recognized research agency for each state, why should it assume the functions of the college or the school and become largely an agency for popular education?
2007 Environmental Health Perspectives 115 348/2 CSIRO, in partnership with universities, governments, and private research agencies, has undertaken a massive project to find..ways to increase the value that the country [sc. Australia] derives from water.
research agenda n.
1938 Alton (Illinois) Evening Tel. 10 June 2/3 Other subjects on the research agenda include the extent to which Illinois labor is used on public works projects.
1960 Role Dept. Comm. in Sci. & Technol. (National Acad. Sci.) 75 A National Research Agenda: The research policy of the Bureau should include a definition of the functional scope of highway research for which the Bureau will provide leadership.
2004 New Yorker 18 Oct. 63/3 An agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, the N. I. H. is beholden to the executive branch and to Congress, which influences its research agenda.
research analyst n.
1891 Chem. News 63 241/1 (heading) Silicon Filims. By H. N. Warren, Research Analyst.
1968 Jet 17 Oct. 49 Robinson is a research analyst for Hough Development Corp., helping decide how to invest the $1,600,000 federal grant.
2001 Vanity Fair (N.Y.) Aug. 100/1 Internet-stock mania made powerful stars out of Wall Street research analysts.
research assistant n.
1865 M. Faraday Let. 10 Jan. in Corr. (2011) VI. 432 I have tested Mr. Tingle's capabilities as a research assistant.
1892 Aberdeen Weekly Jrnl. 29 Sept. 4/6 He was research assistant to Professor Japp, at the Royal College of Science, London.
1977 D. MacKenzie Raven & Kamikaze xi. 128 I've been a senior research assistant for three and a half years.
2002 M. Holroyd Wks. on Paper 173 I was made to understand that if he were to accede to the proposal of becoming my research assistant, collaborator, flunky, or whatever I chose to call it, he would lose all academic freedom, impair his health, and further delay the work to which he had dedicated himself.
research associate n.
1903 Technol. Rev. July 318 Appointments by the Executive Committee were confirmed as follows:..William David Coolidge, Research Associate in Physical Chemistry.
1938 Amer. Antiquity 4 62 Vernon Kinietz Research Associate in Ethno-history University of Michigan.
2007 New Scientist 10 Nov. 105/1 (advt.) Applications are invited for a postdoctoral Research Associate to join a team working on the mechanisms of tendinopathies.
research board n.
1910 Lowell (Mass.) Sun 19 Dec. 6/4 He recommends the appointment of a general research board and a director of research who would obviate such defects.
2004 Victorian July 15/1 Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Board, the projects will provide a socio-architectural history of pre-1939 British public library buildings.
research budget n.
1913 Bull. Univ. Minnesota Jan. 14 This committee has received all applications for research subsidy, has interviewed the applicants, and has recommended a research budget.
2000 L. Forbes Fish, Blood & Bone i. xvi. 99 Dior allocated twenty per cent of their research budget to ethnobotany,..and they were only one of many companies competing for forest people's products.
research building n.
1914 Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc. 46 498 (caption) Newly erected Research Building for the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at Washington D.C.
2006 Art Rev. Aug. 60 Hewn from a giant slab of Cornish granite this carved seed sits amidst seriously hi-tech surroundings: Nicholas Grimshaw's educational research building.
research bureau n.
1910 Science 4 Feb. 183/1 Divisions of labor, guilds, universities, legislatures, investigating commissions, permanent research bureaus—each of which is, genetically, a series of inventions—are dependent for their existence on a certain degree of leisure.
1925 Scribner's Mag. Oct. 404/1 The trade-union congress decided to open an ‘official’ research bureau of its own.
2002 J. Rath Unravelling Rag Trade 195 Flavia Reil got an MA in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam and worked..at various research bureaux.
research centre n.
1896 Bot. Gaz. 22 198 The use of the largest reference libraries or collections, the provision for which is not likely to be far to seek in the stronger research centers within a very few years.
1914 Boston Med. & Surg. Jrnl. 9 July 88/1 Boston needs..a research centre for infant diseases.
2002 Independent 5 Apr. 8/3 Jun Yu..led a team from 11 research centres who decoded the genome of the indica rice strain, commonly grown in China.
research chemist n.
1887 Jrnl. Soc. Chem. Industry 31 Dec. 798/2 Some knowledge of chemical engineering is then advisable for a research chemist.
1939 Fortune Oct. 49/2 Each subsidiary maintains a staff of research chemists, but these men are for the most part engaged in routine problems..rather than on pure speculative research.
1997 Day (U.S.) 20 Oct. a3/2 Liquid mercury is the element in its pure state. It's not as lethal as..dimethylmercury which killed a research chemist this year when a drop seeped into her latex glove.
research council n.
1911 Amer. Polit. Sci. Rev. 5 614 The Research Council of New York has issued, under the editorship of James B. Reynolds, a Civic Bibliography for Greater New York.
2003 Personal Computer World Mar. 27/4 The Grid will develop into an IT version of the power grid, providing processing power like the mains, according to John Taylor, director general of research councils at the DTI.
research data n.
1909 Los Angeles Times 5 Sept. ii. 3/4 The list comprises..other writings in pamphlet form relating to research data, agricultural lectures, and his lectures before the Linnean Society.
2006 Wall St. Jrnl. 3 Mar. (Central ed.) b4/2 Ford's research data shows that..there is an increase in three-generation homes, where the parents, children and grandparents live in one household.
research degree n.
1894 Times 27 July 3/2 He welcomes the research degrees now being founded by Oxford.
1960 W. C. Eells & H. A. Haswell Academic Degrees ii. 27 Second in importance as a research degree and much more recent is the Doctor of Education.
1994 Nature 19 May 169/1 It was proposed that for most students wishing to embark on a research degree, there should be a special year of study intercalate between undergraduate and PhD studies.
research department n.
1887 Belfast News-let. 10 Nov. 5/5 The very ablest investigators are at work in the research department.
1920 M. Beer Hist. Brit. Socialism II. iv. xiv. 290 The Fabians have long felt the need for a special research department.
1998 G. I. Brown Big Bang xii. 164 It was developed as an explosive by the research department at Woolwich between the wars, and they labelled it RDX (Research Department Explosive); it was later also known as Cyclonite or Hexogen.
research design n.
1944 Philos. Rev. 53 139 The make-up of our master table suggests that something like a logical or moral stalemate is involved, although this may be a false impression created by the arithmetical symmetry of the research design employed in the collection and the elaboration of the attitudes here revealed.
2008 Reading Res. Q. 43 294/1 Four categories of research design were identified.
research director n.
1908 F. M. Colby New Internat Year-bk. 1907 488/2 The research director at the Mount Weather Observatory, called attention to the rules for weather prediction, formulated by M. Gabriel Guilbert.
1956 Sat. Rev. (U.S.) 2 June 50/2 No management slot is harder to fill today than the research director's post.
2006 C. Anderson Long Tail p. x Our research director..helped with many of the early infographics.
research doctorate n.
1902 Encycl. Brit. XXXI. 397/1 The B.Lit. and B.Sc. (founded in 1895, and completed in 1900 by the institution of research doctorates), have attracted graduates from..other countries.
2006 L. C. Andrist et al. Hist. Nursing Ideas iii. xxxii. 390 Nursing was a bit slow to embrace the idea that nursing faculty would need the research doctorate.
research establishment n.
1898 Times 15 June 9/2 They would have access to the great research establishments.
1953 R. Postgate Ledger is Kept (1958) 109 The presentation and summarizing of a good deal of study which has been done in the last seven years in their research establishments.
2000 Daily Tel. 12 June 8/6 The Roslin Institute, the research establishment most famous for creating Dolly, the cloned sheep.
research facility n.
1901 Manch. Guardian 31 July (heading) A plea for educational and research facilities.
2003 M. Atwood Oryx & Crake (2004) xii. 351 What really counted in a research facility was the quality of the brains.
research fellow n.
1898 Proc. Royal Soc. 62 347 Salters Research Fellow in the Laboratories of the Imperial Institute.
1966 Rep. Comm. Inq. (Univ. of Oxf.) II. 387 There are two broad classes of research fellow in the colleges.
2005 Z. Smith On Beauty 67 Every year since you've been Dean we just keep on getting more and more amazing guest lecturers and speakers and research fellows.
research fellowship n.
1891 Times 1 Jan. 7/1 Professor Ramsay..was the first holder of the Travelling Archæological Studentship instituted at Oxford..and has since held a Research Fellowship devoted to similar archæological objects.
1946 Nature 10 Aug. 208/2 It has been decided to adopt a scheme of senior research fellowships and grants-in-aid to operate over the next two years.
2003 Daily Tel. 6 Oct. 21/3 On top of this, he would then be asked to take on half the admin jobs and personal tutees of a go-ahead colleague, who has just obtained a rare research fellowship to write a book about socially inclusive algebra.
research finding n.
1909 E. Sylvester tr. B. Maennel Auxiliary Educ xvii. 284 The second half of the year will be devoted to a study of these research findings.
1952 Sci. News-lett. 27 Sept. 198/3 Diabetic patients in the future will be getting extra doses of vitamin A to protect their arteries if a research finding reported to the American Chemical Society..proves true for humans as well as laboratory rats.
2003 Black Men Oct. 90 Selenium, an essential trace mineral,..may help protect against prostate cancer, according to recent research findings.
research funding n.
1962 Impact Acceleration Stress (National Acad. Sci.) 271 Research funding of any significant amount can be expected only from governmental agencies.
2002 T. Shimoda Fourth Treasure (2003) 43 Stem-cell therapy might be a possible cure. But not likely for many years. Especially if they keep cutting off research funding or access to stem cells.
research grant n.
1892 Proc. Royal Soc. 52 316 (table) Water Research Grants (leaving £150 further now due from London County Council).
1930 Univ. Sheffield Ann. Rep., 1929–30 37 Mrs. May Mellanby..has been appointed a member of the Research Grants' Committee.
1999 Columbus (Ohio) Disp. (Nexis) 23 Mar. 1 g Someone actually needed a research grant to figure out that men outsnore women?
research group n.
1897 Courses of Instr. in Sage School of Philos. (Cornell Univ.) 13 Reports of progress will be presented by the leaders of research-groups.
1955 Times 11 July 2/6 A research group investigating problems of heat flow in supersonic aircraft.
2000 J. C. McAuliffe & O. Hindsgaul in M. Fukuda & O. Hindsgaul Molecular & Cellular Glycobiol. viii. 259 A drug developed in a broad collaboration by several Australian research groups.
research initiative n.
1990 ICL Techn. Jrnl. 7 310 The emergence of new ideas and technology from various research initiatives raises the question of their inclusion in the wider scope factory environment of people and of the computer-based services commonly referred to as ‘tools’.
2001 Univ. Oxf. Botanic Garden News Spring 4/2 In partnership with WHO.., GIFTS of Health designed RITAM: the Research Initiative on Traditional Antimalarial Methods.
research institute n.
1898 Let. 31 Dec. in Times (1899) 2 Jan. 3/1 Lord Curzon received to-day a deputation from the provisional committee of the proposed Imperial University, or Research Institute, to be established in India.
1948 G. D. H. Bell Cultivated Plants Farm xviii. 191 Individuals, research institutes, seeds houses and other bodies concerned with the standard of seed stocks distributed to the farmer.
2000 C. E. Pray & K. O. Fuglie in K. O. Fuglie & D. Schimmelpfennig Public-Private Collaboration in Agric. Res. iv. xiii. 295 Multinational companies can jointly fund generic research at universities or national research institutes.
research lab n.
1942 H. Louis Let. Apr. in Grooves of Change (1946) xxv. 340 Then visited the new Cancer Research Labs. of the University—admirably equipped.
1961 Iron Age 16 Nov. 110/1 The maraging discovery, made at the company's Bayonne, N.J. research lab, paves the way for a new family of steels.
2003 T3 Mar. 35/1 From the outrageous front spoiler to the Lamborghini-style scissor doors that rise up sideways as you open them, it's easy to see that this is no electric motor born of a sterile research lab.
research laboratory n.
1872 Proc. Royal Soc. 21 p. ix At length, early in the present year, the new research laboratory was partially completed.
1922 Sci. Amer. Aug. 100 Long before so-called industrial research laboratories were established in any country, there existed a very thorough international cooperation in scientific research.
2001 F. Popcorn & A. Hanft Dict. Future 321 Translational Medicine , a new field of medicine that fills the void between what happens in the research laboratory and its translation to clinical medicine.
research library n.
1909 J. MacCaffrey Hist. Catholic Church in 19th Cent. I. xviii. 484 He commanded these cardinals to organise the book department of the Vatican library, so as to make it a thoroughly equipped research library for those engaged in work at the archives or the manuscripts of the Vatican.
2005 Brit. Jrnl. Hist. Sci. 38 485 My own university, which has one of the largest research libraries in the United States.
research material n.
1902 Irish Naturalist Jan. 7 We found them in all stages, from a tiny nodule, not bigger than a pin's head, just emerging from the mycelial cord—fit research material for the student of development.
2000 S. Heighton Shadow Boxer ii. vi. 189 They give you the research materials, you retire to the comfort of your home, skim the stuff, fire off an essay.
research method n.
1884 Overland Monthly June 663/2 The acquisition by research methods of the products of others' original work.
1903 Let. 10 Sept. in Times 12 Sept. 12/3 A student of anything..who is unfamiliar with research methods and without the training that research brings, will not be in the best position to apply his knowledge in after life.
2005 L. Leblanc Pretty in Punk i. 20 As a research method, ethnography is subjective and ungeneralizable.
research methodology n.
1920 Science 27 Feb. 207/2 His profound knowledge of pure organic chemistry and his familiarity with research methodology were respected by his associates.
2006 A. Curtis & M. Leitner Geographic Information Syst. & Public Health iv. 106 More analysis is needed on the effect atmospheric lead pollution..has on birth outcomes. A simple research methodology to achieve this goal will be presented towards the end of this chapter.
research model n.
1917 Jrnl. Optical Soc. Amer. 1 21 New research model constructed by Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. of Rochester, NY.
2008 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 30 Oct. a28/4 Dr. Kligler conceded..it might be time for the medical establishment to consider a new research model for what he called ‘lifestyle interventions’.
research officer n.
1899 Times 26 June 11/6 M. Haffkine has now been engaged for some years in India, where he is Bacteriological Research Officer to the Government.
1914 Oxf. Univ. Cal. 1915 74 Research Officer in Diseases of Trees.
1998 New Scientist 31 Jan. 80/1 (advt.) A research officer is required to work on an EPSRC funded project that will involve developing an outstanding new ultrasonic imaging system Acoustography for imaging and measuring impact damage in composite samples exposed to fatigue loading.
research organization n.
1908 Science 6 Mar. 375/1 The decision to form an effective research organization must be made by us if it is to be made.
2007 Sci. Amer. (U.K. ed.) Feb. 57/1 Turmeric is a poster child for one of the most noted intellectual-property cases on biopiracy, which pitted an Indian government-supported research organization against a 1995 patent issued to the University of Mississippi for the use of the spice for wound healing.
research paper n.
1883 N.Z. Jrnl. Sci. 1 177 The examiner, Professor H. Alleyne Nicholson, of St. Andrews, remarks on the research papers sent in by Mr. Chilton: [etc.].
1900 Univ. Toronto Monthly July 8 The object..is to publish original research papers by members of the staff, and by graduate students.
1947 Bull. Atomic Scientists Sept. 248/3 The Control Committee heard Dr. Zlotowski commenting on the research paper.
2007 T. Friend Third Domain vi. 172 Nearly every research paper involving Yellowstone Lake's vents and spires published after 1996 has included the name Dave Lovalvo, who designed, built, and operated a series of increasingly sophisticated remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).
research personnel n.
1919 C. E. Seashore Psychol. Musical Talent p. x For generous equipment, research personnel, and a hearty encouragement of specialization within the field, the author acknowledges his profound obligations to the State University of Iowa.
2005 Wildlife Soc. Bull. 33 1354 (caption) Mean and overall brown bear litter sizes as determined from observations by research personnel.
research post n.
1914 Times 2 Feb. 6/1 Few research posts have been open to veterinarians.
2007 Nature 16 Aug. 737/3 The h-index does seem to be able to identify good scientists, and it is becoming widely used informally, for example to rank applicants for research posts.
research programme n.
1905 Times 30 Mar. 3/5 Sir Denzil Ibbetson..alluded to the extensive agricultural research programme of the Government.
1950 N.Z. Jrnl. Agric. June 514 (caption) The Rukuhia Soil Research Station (Hamilton)..carries out a research programme in soil physics.
2002 D. A. Hounshell in U. Hashagen et al. Hist. Computing iv. 171 Scientists and engineers in this track were given a tremendous amount of autonomy to establish their own research programs, to publish freely, etc., and they were also essentially granted ‘tenure’ in the company.
research project n.
1905 Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc. 37 158 One of the research projects authorized by the Carnegie Institution was the establishment of a laboratory for the study of marine biology of the tropical Atlantic.
1949 Radio Times 15 July 23/2 Mrs. Proudfoot is engaged on a research project for Nuffield College.
2007 Vanity Fair (N.Y.) May 280/1 Nelson tells me about an experiment that was conducted downriver..as part of an international research project called the Large-Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia.
research proposal n.
1947 Bull. Atomic Scientists Aug. 222/3 Not long ago I saw a draft for a research proposal containing budgeted expenditures of tens of millions of dollars per year, for the prosecution of fundamental work in the field of atomic energy.
2007 D. G. Nathan in Harvard Magazine Jan.–Feb. 47/1 Each grantee institution,..was charged with forming a local RB—a group of scientists, physicians, nurses, and local citizens whose task is to read a research proposal carefully and judge its ethical soundness.
research rocket n.
1946 Sci. News Let. 11 May 292/2 Included among the nine patents are an exploratory research rocket, to be propelled by a series of explosive charges.
2008 Nature 31 Jan. 523/3 He initially flew his instruments on weather balloons, then created the smaller, cheaper Aerobee research rocket to replace the V-2.
research room n.
1885 Science 9 Jan. 28/1 Passing to the north end of this floor, we enter laboratory C, or the research-room.
1949 J. Routh in Granta (Christmas ed.) 43/2 Then he takes them to the research room where the research workers take down their case histories.
1993 San Francisco Chron. 10 Jan. (This World) 7/1 My nerves were jumping as the archivists wheeled out cartloads of gray boxes to my desk in the small research room.
research scholar n.
1885 Weekly Med. Rev. 15 Aug. 122/1 Doctor Waller is Research Scholar to the British Medical Association.
1951 Times Educ. Suppl. 23 Mar. 229/2 23 visiting American lecturers and 20 research scholars are..here with Fulbright awards.
2005 S. Schuman Old Main 122 It is enormously valuable for research scholars to be surrounded by others..who understand and can help advance their research.
research scholarship n.
1883 Times 28 Mar. 8/3 The Grocers' Company..have adopted a scheme under which they propose to offer for competition three ‘Research Scholarships’, each of the value of £250 per annum.
1937 Granta 3 Feb. 218/2 On graduating he was awarded the Earl of Derby Research Scholarship in History.
2006 R. Ginio French Colonialism Unmasked p. ix The research scholarships I received from the institute during the preparation of my thesis..allowed me to dedicate most of my time to research and travel to archives abroad.
research scientist n.
1914 Safety Engineering 28 472/2 The research scientist or research engineer who seeks refinements in technical processes or developments of improvements in the product.
1953 J. E. L. Farradane in Research 6 328/1 The information scientist may now be defined as a research scientist who specializes in collecting, collating, organizing and disseminating published or unpublished, recorded or unrecorded..facts of a scientific and technical nature.
2006 New Scientist 2 Dec. 69/2 (advt.) A post doctoral research scientist is required for a BBSRC Industrial Partnering Award to investigate possible mechanisms of resistance to neonicotinoid insecticides in insect pests.
research ship n.
1902 Symons's Meteorol. Mag. Dec. 177 The Antarctic Research Ship ‘Scotia’.
2004 Chicago Tribune (Midwest ed.) 19 June i. 3/6 The wreck lay undisturbed until 1985, when American marine archeologist Robert Ballard and French colleagues found it with a ‘remote operating vehicle’, or ROV, towed from a research ship.
research skill n.
1916 Bull. Amer. Libr. Assoc. Jan. 9/1 The learning and research skill required for preparation, too, is just as great in one case as in the other.
2005 Jrnl. Higher Educ. 76 682 Although the research skills are very different in biology, the tenor of student comments was the same.
research staff n.
1902 Process Photogram & Illustrator May 68 An abstract of this communication will add one more to the many obligations which British process workers owe to the research staff of the Vienna Imperial Institute of Graphic Arts.
2006 New Scientist 19 Aug. 71/2 (advt.) You will need to be..able to work as part of a team providing technical support for teaching and research staff.
research station n.
1890 Aberdeen Weekly Jrnl. 17 Feb. 6/2 The specimens had to be carried from his laboratory, and those from the research station seven miles away.
1994 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 9 July 28/2 Oceanauts from an underwater research station remove weird devices from a fantastic craft on the ocean floor.
research student n.
1892 Proc. Royal Soc. 52 93 (heading) By F. Gowland Hopkins, B.Sc., Gull Research Student at Guy's Hospital.
1934 H. G. Wells Exper. in Autobiogr. II. ix. 815 Five hundred..research students from abroad were always to be working there.
2003 C. Mendelson Daughters of Jerusalem 88 Victor's colleagues..have arrived, together with a handful of eager first-years, a clump of third-years obviously hoping to curry favour, and his unsettlingly nervous research student.
research study n.
1892 Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. 14 339 Of the papers on general inorganic and organic chemistry, about forty were..research studies of considerable length.
1952 Facilities for Adv. Study Univ. Oxf. 29 Research studies in all branches of agricultural economics have been conducted both ‘in the field’, extra-murally, and intra-murally by means of records.
2004 Metro (Toronto) 7 Jan. 4 (advt.) A research study of an investigational drug for smoking cessation.
research team n.
1916 Science 31 Mar. 456/1 Cooperation is just as essential among research laboratories as it is among the members of a research team.
2002 Daily Tel. 20 Dec. 11/2 To identify specific populations, the research team looked for 377 ‘microsatellites’.
research technician n.
1915 New Eng. Med. Gaz. Aug. 427 As treatment and cure of cancer is the desideratum of all research, it is vital that the research technician accommodate his technique to the demands of the patient whenever possible.
2003 New Scientist 15 Feb. 79/2 (advt.) Research Technician..To join a Wellcome-funded project to investigate ectonucleotidases in Xenopus embryo spinal cord.
research technique n.
1923 Ann. Amer. Acad. Polit. & Social Sci. 110 186/2 We knew not where to find just the right person to assume responsibility for it—one who had the fundamental psychological training and research technique.
2009 New Scientist 2 May 55/1 (advt.) In addition you should have knowledge of modern research techniques (geological, geochemical, isotopic, mineralogical and geophysical) used in metallogenic studies.
research tool n.
1920 92nd Ann. Rep. N.Y. State Lib. 12 The growth, care and arrangement of such research tools as its universal card catalogue, and extensive special card bibliographies.
2003 S. Greenfield Tomorrow's People (2004) v. 133 ‘Molecular cloning’, of just a few genes, is mainly a research tool that need not bother us here.
research topic n.
1892 Announcement Grad. School (Dept. Lit., Sci., & Arts, Univ. Michigan) 40 Research topics may be taken up in inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry; ample facilities are provided.
2006 L. Smolin Trouble with Physics xvi. 267 If you comment..on the rapid succession of fashionable research topics from one year to the next, a string theorist will agree and add, ‘I don't like it, but it's just the sociology.’
research trip n.
1900 Official Rep. 5th Amer. Tyler Family Reunion 21 We take much pleasure in naming those whose financial aid aggregated was enough to half bear the expenses of the English research trip.
2002 NFT Programme Booklet July 10/2 In The Coward , an intricate and wittily observed three-hander, a screenwriter on a research trip finds himself stranded on a tea plantation.
research unit n.
1919 Sci. Monthly Nov. 476/1 Other departments are the fuels section, the electrical section..the natural gas research unit, the microscopic research unit..and the administrative section.
2000 K. Reichs Deadly Décisions ix. 89 Teaching and research units of McGill University,..sit haunch to jowl with the football stadium, a testimonial in mortar and brick to the priorities of the modern universities.
research university n.
1910 Nature 30 June 541/1 Without the research university all this would have been impossible.
2007 Chicago Tribune (Midwest ed.) 2 Jan. iii. 2/3 Like many research universities, Purdue has embraced grid computing enthusiastically.
research vessel n.
1902 Times 16 Dec. 5/5 In addition to the research vessels possessed by the central authority in Ireland and by the Marine Biological Association at Plymouth, three special steamers should..be provided to study definite sea areas.
2005 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 2 Aug. d6/6 She spends her leisure time touring Antarctica in an old Russian research vessel, shuttling to and from the icy continent in small inflatable boats called Zodiacs.
research work n.
1883 Science 12 Oct. 511/2 It consists in giving a competent researcher a stipend, and a laboratory for his research work.
1950 Univ. Nottingham Ann. Rep. 12 The staffing of departments needs to be reviewed in the light of the amount and kind of teaching required and of the research work in progress.
2007 Brit. Jrnl. Hist. Sci. 40 123 Bowler argues that Thomson was marginalized in the scientific community not because he was a popularizer, or because he defended neovitalism, but because these other activities drastically diminished his research work.
research worker n.
1895 Science 25 Oct. 545/1 Every research worker carefully collects all that he can to furnish his basis of study during the winter to come.
1950 Univ. Nottingham Ann. Rep. 12 In many departments the work is seriously hampered simply by lack of space for research workers.
1999 E. Afr. Standard (Nairobi) 5 Jan. 12/5 Extension and research workers..must be realistic about implementing farmer expertise. Social scientists, on the other hand, must place importance on farmer awareness without critically examining how this relates to scientific knowledge.
b. With adjectives and participles, as research-active, research-based, research-intensive, research-minded, research-oriented, etc.
1929 Science 17 May 512/2 The expansion in all activities may be taken as an indication of the extent to which the American manufacturer has become research-minded.
1965 Times 7 Jan. 18/6 There was now some danger of a widening gap between the doctor in general practice on the one hand, and..the research-based members of the profession.
1971 A. H. Halsey & M. A. Trow Brit. Academics xii. 295 Medicine is far the most research-oriented subject.
1981 R. G. Myers Connecting Worlds 15 A large and growing body of research-based knowledge of very unequal quality exists in the Third World.
1991 Kiplinger's Personal Finance Mag. Oct. 77/1 Among the most popular choices for A-to B students are research-driven mega-universities that often lack at least two of the four keys to a quality education.
1993 Sci. News 9 Jan. 31/2 Two groups have already offered assessments of the long-term prospects for the nation's 170 or so ‘research-intensive’ universities.
2001 Herald (Glasgow) (Nexis) 20 Mar. 17 Students in new institutions are denied the opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and enthusiasm of research active staff.
2007 New Scientist 3 Mar. 55 (advt.) We're..one of the most research-intensive companies in our industry.
research knee-jerk n. Medicine Obsolete rare a patellar reflex elicited deliberately, for experimental or diagnostic purposes.
the world > life > biology > biological processes > action of nervous system > [noun] > reflex action > type of
ankle jerk1882
spinal reflex1898
research knee-jerk1899
Hoffmann('s) reflex1900
unconditioned reflex1906
startle reflex1917
startle response1933
1899 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. VI. 521 Sternberg..found that the research knee-jerk is hardly ever..really absent in healthy people.
research hospital n. a hospital which carries out clinical research into new drugs, treatments, etc.
1900 N.Y. Tribune 28 Jan. 6/3 (heading) The study of inebriety. Good that could be accomplished by research hospitals.
1980 New Age Oct. 21/3 There are many advantages to having surgery in a research hospital—the latest equipment, top-notch people, and easy access to second opinions.
2001 ‘J. le Carré’ Constant Gardener 239 A Pakistani doctor who has conducted clinical trials of the drug at a Haitian research hospital. The words ‘potential for toxicity’ underlined in red.
research octane number n. Oil Industry an octane number as determined by the research method of the American Society for Testing and Materials, used chiefly for low engine speeds and loads; abbreviated RON.The method involves running a fuel in a test engine with a variable compression ratio under controlled conditions, and comparing the results with those for mixtures of isooctane and n-heptane.
1943 U.S. Patent 2,326,704 4/1 A coke still naphtha having an A.S.T.M. octane number of 59 and a research octane number of 63.1 was isoformed over a silica-alumina catalyst.
1973 K. Owen in G. D. Hobson Mod. Petroleum Technol. (ed. 4) xv. 591 The motor method was developed first... In the late 1930s it was found that new cars were rating gasoline nearer to the research method, and since 1949 research octane numbers have been used as the important parameter for defining octane quality.
2007 Appl. Thermal Engin. 27 2919/2 The research octane number of gasoline is 90.
research park n. North American an area of land devoted to institutions carrying out academic or industrial research; cf. science park n. at science n. Compounds 2.
1956 Science 18 May 884/1 A research center in Princeton that is to be known as the Princeton Research Park, Inc.
1969 Times 7 Nov. 29/3Research parks’, involving both universities and high-technology industry, could be an effective pattern for Europe.
2008 Guelph (Ont.) Mercury (Nexis) 19 Sept. a12 The research park is ideally suited to take advantage of the city's growing influence as an agricultural centre.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2010; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Brit. /rᵻˈsəːtʃ/, U.S. /rəˈsərtʃ/, /riˈsərtʃ/, /ˈriˌsərtʃ/
Forms: 1500s– research, 1600s reserch.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation; modelled on a French lexical item. Etymons: re- prefix, search v.
Etymology: < re- prefix + search v., after Middle French recercher, Middle French, French rechercher (in Old French as recerchier , recercher , recercier , but then not recorded again until the 16th cent.) to look for with care, to look into carefully, to examine, investigate, to seek to obtain (16th cent.), to seek in marriage (1550). Compare post-classical Latin recercare (14th cent. in an Italian source), Italian ricercare (a1337). Compare earlier research n.1
a. transitive. To engage in research upon (a subject); to investigate or study closely.
the mind > attention and judgement > discovery > research > find out by investigation [verb (transitive)] > by study or observation
to find outc1405
to find forth?a1500
1588 J. Harvey Discoursiue Probl. conc. Prophesies 19 Peruse some of their owne writings, research their antiquities, compare their chronologies, examine their records and registers.
1593 G. Harvey New Let. Notable Contents C iij Some that haue perused eloquent bookes, and researched most curious writinges.
a1639 Wotton in J. Gutch Collectanea Curiosa (1781) I. 216 To research with freedom..all their proper characters, and endowments.
1665 I. Walton Life of Hooker Introd. It must prove..a work of much labour to inquire, consider, research, and determine, what is needful to be known concerning him.
1786 A. M. Bennett Juvenile Indiscretions I. 103 He had employed himself..in researching history.
1841 Ann. Electr., Magnetism, & Chem. 7 417 The experiments..have had essentially for their aim to research the laws to which these phenomena are submitted.
1942 R. Chandler High Window (1943) xxxiii. 219 Some I was told, some I researched, some I guessed.
1959 Encounter Dec. 32/2 I'll author an article about it after I've researched the matter further.
1978 S. Sheldon Bloodline xiv. 175 She researched the guests, found out their likes and dislikes, what they ate and drank, and what type of entertainment they enjoyed.
2006 New Scientist 22 July 50/1 I researched the products of the greenheart tree (Ocotea rodiaei), which only grows in Guyana.
b. intransitive. To carry out a course of research. Usually with in, into, on.
the mind > attention and judgement > discovery > research > seek information [verb (intransitive)]
1660 H. Stubbe Let. to Officer of Army 62 The Inquisitors are to research into their faithful deportment herein.
1781 H. Walpole Let. 27 Jan. (1858) VII. 505 I know, as Gray would have said, how little I have researched, and what slender pretensions are mine.
1801 R. Southey Let. 20 Nov. in C. C. Southey Life & Corr. R. Southey (1850) II. 175 On three subjects he is directed to read and research—corn-laws, finance, tythes, according to their written order.
1811 T. Moore Mem. (1856) VIII. 97 When you write, or rather when you research, do not forget [etc.].
1867 J. Macfarlane Mem. T. Archer vi. 135 He travelled with the tourist—researched with the historian.
1887 Century Nov. 97/1 That book's just the kind of thing for a man like me who ain't got no time to go exhaustively delving and investigating and researching into things, and yet has got to keep as sharp as a brier.
1935 D. L. Sayers Gaudy Night i. 23 I believe she's researching on the Bacon family.
1975 Nature 6 Nov. 27/3 He is a biochemist who has researched in many areas.
1977 K. O'Hara Ghost of Thomas Penry xv. 142 If you'd ever learn to research properly..you'd know you're always civil.
2002 D. McKnight From Hunting to Drinking 205 Judging from Beckett's report, in New South Wales there were few male abstainers among the people that he researched into.
c. transitive. To engage in research for (a book, article, or other work). In early use frequently with well. Cf. well-researched adj.
the mind > attention and judgement > discovery > research > find out by investigation [verb (transitive)] > by consulting sources > to produce book, etc.
1852 T. Parker Let. 6 Sept. in J. Weiss Life & Corr. T. Parker (1864) II. 215 You have made a grand speech, well researched, well arranged, well written, and, I doubt not, as well delivered.
1960 Los Angeles Times 25 Jan. b5/7 Terrot's narrative is well researched and effectively written.
1975 Publishers Weekly 2 June 49/3 Barbara Villet, ex-Life reporter, researched her book in five big New York hospitals.
1997 A. Longoria Adios to Bushlands iii. 68 In researching the article, I found that the sixteen Texas counties bordering the Rio Grande from El Paso County to Cameron County have an inordinately high incidence of liver cancer.
a. transitive. To seek (a woman) in love or marriage. Obsolete.
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > marriage or wedlock > seeking marriage > seek in marriage [verb (transitive)]
1622 J. Reynolds Triumphs Gods Revenge: 2nd Bk. i. Hist. ii Because he seeth it labour lost, to research Christeneta, he will not bee obstinate in his suite.
1622 J. Reynolds Triumphs Gods Revenge: 2nd Bk. i. Hist. iv He is not capable to bee dissuaded from researching his Mistresse.
1649 tr. Alcoran 23 You will not offend God in speaking a word in secret to women that you research in marriage.
b. transitive and intransitive. gen. To seek or pursue. Cf. research n.1 1. Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > endeavour > searching or seeking > search for or seek [verb (transitive)]
to seek afterc1175
to seek forc1250
to look after ——c1330
to feel and findc1384
to look up1468
to see for ——c1485
to look for ——a1492
to have in the wind1540
to see out for1683
to see after ——1776
1650 J. Reynolds Flower of Fidelitie 104 Know that to the Confines of my power I will research the means to recompence thy affections.
1749 T. Birch Hist. View Negotiations 217 The enemy had long researched the King.
1760 Clockmaker's Polit. Hum-bug 48 From a natural diffidence of his own judgement,..and a tremendous desire of researching after truth, Higgin began to be agitated by some scruples.
1808 Anti-Jacobin Rev. & Mag. 28 221 The Antijacobin Review is researched, read, and admired, by the learned of every class in this Metropolis.
1844 T. C. Banks Baronia Anglica Concentrata Dedication p.i Everything was excluded..and in many instances merely supported by personal testimony, where legal documentary evidence might be obtained, if not fearfully evaded to be researched after.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2010; most recently modified version published online March 2022).

> see also

also refers to : re-searchn.2
also refers to : re-searchv.2
see also




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