单词 | rehete |
释义 | † rehetev.1 Obsolete. 1. a. transitive. To refresh, nourish, or feed (a person or thing); spec. to quench (thirst). ΘΚΠ the world > food and drink > drink > providing or serving drink > [verb (transitive)] > slake thirst to save a person's lifec1325 rehetea1400 slocken1718 to save a person's life1901 a1400 [implied in: Prymer (St. John's Cambr.) (1891) 79 He hath browȝte me foorth up on the water of rehetynge [c1425 Cambr. refresching; L. refectionis]. (at reheting n.1)]. a1425 (c1340) R. Rolle Psalter (Laud) (1884) 363 (MED) That man rehete his thouȝt in grace of the holy gost. c1450 (a1425) Metrical Paraphr. Old Test. (Selden) 12314 A man..puruayd þe prophett to rehete... A lytell seke full of fayr qwete And ten louis bare he hym in hy. a1500 (c1340) R. Rolle Psalter (Univ. Oxf. 64) (1884) lxvi. 6 He askis the watire of godis blissynge, to kole and reheyit his thrist. b. transitive. To entertain (a person) by providing good food or drink. ΚΠ a1425 (a1400) Titus & Vespasian 3099 in Archiv f. das Studium der Neueren Sprachen (1904) 112 45 Do me feche a lytel borde..And þerat schal þis man be set, And loke, þat him be mete yfet... And ȝif I rehete him, do þou so. c1475 Babees Bk. (Harl. 5086) (2002) i. 7 Yf..vnto yow goode mete be brouhte or sente, Withe parte of hit goodely yee theym Rehete. 1543 ( Chron. J. Hardyng (1812) 272 Some bookes sayen he poysoned was (to dead,) Of plummes..With whiche a monke there hym did rehete. 2. a. transitive. To be kind or friendly towards; esp. to cheer up or comfort through kind or friendly words and treatment. ΘΚΠ the mind > emotion > pleasure > cheerfulness > make cheerful [verb (transitive)] to mend a person's cheera1325 raisec1384 cherishc1400 rehetec1400 blithec1440 cheer1440 lightena1450 light?1473 embellish1481 hearten1524 exhilarate1540 laetificate1547 to cheer up1550 lift1572 to do a person's heart good1575 acheera1592 upcheerc1595 cherry1596 relevate1598 encheer1605 brighten1607 buoy1652 undumpisha1661 to lift (up) a person's spirits1711 cheerfulize1781 blithen1824 pearten1827 chirk1843 to chipper up1873 to chirp up188. to buck up1909 c1400 (?c1380) Cleanness (1920) 127 He wolde..rehayte rekenly þe riche and þe poveren, And cherisch hem alle wyth his cher. c1430 N. Love Mirror Blessed Life (Brasenose e.9) (1908) 98 The aungeles serued hym..one of brede, another of wyne..some songen..and so they reheteden and conforted her lorde. c1440 (?a1400) Morte Arthure 221 (MED) Thane þe conquerour kyndly carpede to þose lordes, Rehetede þe Romaynes with realle speche. c1480 (a1400) St. Placidus 947 in W. M. Metcalfe Legends Saints Sc. Dial. (1896) II. 96 He..gaf hyme mony gyftis gret, hyme & his menȝe to rehet. c1500 (a1400) Sir Cleges (Ashm.) (1913) 19 (MED) Hys tenantes feyr he wold rehete; No man he wold buske ne bete; Meke as meyd was he. 1508 Golagros & Gawane (Chepman & Myllar) sig. dv With kynde contenance the renk couth thame rehete. b. transitive. To encourage or strengthen (a person or animal). ΘΚΠ the world > life > the body > bodily constitution > bodily strength > strengthening > make strong [verb (transitive)] > to do something rehetec1400 c1400 (?c1390) Sir Gawain & Green Knight (1940) 1422 Þe hunt re-hayted þe houndez þat hit fyrst mynged. a1500 (?c1450) Merlin 549 (MED) Than the Duke sued after, and dide right well hem to rehete and to contene in that grete nede. This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2009; most recently modified version published online June 2022). † rehetev.2 Obsolete. 1. transitive. To rebuke, scold, berate. Also with at and intransitive. ΘΚΠ the world > food and drink > food > providing or receiving food > feed or nourish [verb (transitive)] > entertain with food feasta1325 festya1382 rehetec1400 cheerc1425 table1457 treata1578 banquet1594 kitchena1616 junket1642 regale1656 collation1662 fete1812 sport1826 sock1842 blow1949 the mind > attention and judgement > contempt > disapproval > rebuke or reproof > rebuke or reprove [verb (transitive)] > scold chidec1230 ban1340 tongue1388 rate1393 flite14.. rehetec1400 janglec1430 chafec1485 rattle1542 berate1548 quarrel1587 hazen?1608 bequarrel1624 huff1674 shrewa1687 to claw away, off1692 tongue-pad1707 to blow up1710 scold1718 rag1739 redd1776 bullyraga1790 jaw1810 targe1825 haze1829 overhaul1840 tongue-walk1841 trim1882 to call down1883 tongue-lash1887 roar1917 to go off at (a person)1941 chew1948 wrinch2009 c1400 (?a1387) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Trin. Cambr. R.3.14) (1873) C. xiii. l. 35 Rehete [c1400 Huntington HM 137 Wherefore sholdest þow spare To rehercen hit by retoryk to a-rate dedliche synne?]. a1450 Partonope of Blois (Univ. Coll. Oxf.) (1912) 8154 Grete synne haue ye Thus vngodely to rehete me. c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) 3999 Porrus..Turnes him toward his tulkis & titely rehetis. 1460 W. Paston & T. Playter in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) I. 162 My lord of Salesbury reheted hym, callyng hym knaves son. 1460 W. Paston & T. Playter in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) I. 162 Ser Antony was reheted for his langage. 1509 S. Hawes Pastime of Pleasure (1928) xxix. 139 Yf it be knowen, than bothe you and I Shall by reheyted at full shamefully. a1529 J. Skelton Magnyfycence (?1530) sig. Eiiiv Ye knowe wel with hym I can not be content..I wyll haue hym rehayted and dyspysed. 2. a. transitive. To provoke. rare. ΘΚΠ the mind > emotion > anger > irritation > irritate [verb (transitive)] gremec893 grillc897 teenOE mispay?c1225 agrillec1275 oftenec1275 tarya1300 tarc1300 atenec1320 enchafec1374 to-tarc1384 stingc1386 chafe?a1400 pokec1400 irec1420 ertc1440 rehete1447 nettlec1450 bog1546 tickle1548 touch1581 urge1593 aggravate1598 irritate1598 dishumour1600 to wind up1602 to pick at ——1603 outhumour1607 vex1625 bloody1633 efferate1653 rankle1659 spleen1689 splenetize1700 rile1724 roil1742 to put out1796 to touch (also get, catch, etc.) (a person) on the raw1823 roughen1837 acerbate1845 to stroke against the hair, the wrong way (of the hair)1846 nag1849 to rub (a person, etc.) up the wrong way1859 frump1862 rattle1865 to set up any one's bristles1873 urticate1873 needle1874 draw1876 to rough up1877 to stick pins into1879 to get on ——1880 to make (someone) tiredc1883 razoo1890 to get under a person's skin1896 to get a person's goat1905 to be on at1907 to get a person's nanny1909 cag1919 to get a person's nanny-goat1928 cagmag1932 peeve1934 tick-off1934 to get on a person's tits1945 to piss off1946 bug1947 to get up a person's nose1951 tee1955 bum1970 tick1975 1447 O. Bokenham Lives of Saints (Arun.) (1938) 2692 (MED) Damysel..þou art to blame Thus att the begynnyng me to rehete. b. transitive. To pester, harry; to attack, assail. ΘΚΠ the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > hostile action or attack > make an attack upon [verb (transitive)] assail?c1225 to set on ——c1290 saila1300 to turn one's handc1325 lashc1330 to set against ——c1330 impugnc1384 offendc1385 weighc1386 checka1400 to lay at?a1400 havec1400 to set at ——c1430 fraya1440 rehetea1450 besail1460 fray1465 tuilyie1487 assaulta1500 enterprise?1510 invade1513 sturt1513 attempt1546 lay1580 tilt1589 to fall aboard——1593 yoke1596 to let into1598 to fall foul1602 attack1655 do1780 to go in at1812 to pitch into ——1823 tackle1828 vampire1832 bushwhack1837 to go for ——1838 take1864 pile1867 volcano1867 to set about ——1879 vampirize1888 to get stuck into1910 to take to ——1911 weigh1941 rugby-tackle1967 rugger-tackle1967 the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > hostile action or attack > make an attack upon [verb (transitive)] > attack (of hostile agency) besetOE infighta1300 saila1300 seeka1300 visitc1340 beclipc1380 entainc1380 seizec1381 offendc1385 affectc1425 rehetea1450 take1483 attaintc1534 prevent1535 attach1541 attempt1546 affront1579 buffeta1593 to get at ——1650 assault1667 insult1697 to lay at1899 a1450 York Plays (1885) 332 Rehete hym I rede you with rowtes and rappes! a1456 (a1426) J. Lydgate Minor Poems (1934) ii. 676 His wyff haþe taught him to pleyne at þe staff... Cecely Soure-Chere, his owen precyous spouse, Kowde him reheete whane he came to house. a1500 in R. H. Robbins Secular Lyrics 14th & 15th Cent. (1952) 56 If þou haue out to do with þe law to plete, At london at þe parvis many on wyll þe rehete: I warne þe com not þer but þi purse may swete. 1543 Chron. J. Hardyng f. cxliii But then the death, hym felly ganne reheate Wherfore anon, he satte vp in his seate. This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2009; most recently modified version published online December 2021). < v.1a1400v.2c1400 |
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