

单词 regarder


Brit. /rᵻˈɡɑːdə/, U.S. /rəˈɡɑrdər/, /riˈɡɑrdər/
Forms: 1500s regardor, 1500s– regarder, 1600s reguarder.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation; originally partly modelled on a French lexical item, and partly modelled on a Latin lexical item. Etymons: regard v., -er suffix1.
Etymology: < regard v. + -er suffix1, originally after Anglo-Norman regardour, regardor, regardeor, Anglo-Norman and Middle French regardeur (French regardeur) inspector, controller (both c1170 in Anglo-Norman), spectator (c1275 in Old French), forest officer (a1304 or earlier in Anglo-Norman), and post-classical Latin regardor, reguardor forest officer (from late 12th cent. in British sources), regardator forest officer (frequently from c1160 in British sources).With forms in -or compare -or suffix.
1. Law. An officer responsible for the supervision and regular inspection of a forest. Cf. regard n. 9. Now historical.
society > law > law enforcement > law-enforcement or peace-officer > [noun] > of forest
c1503 tr. Charter of London in R. Arnold Chron. f. lxxx/1 Noo forestir..make any gaderyng but be the sight & othe of xij regarders whan they make regard.
1523 J. Fitzherbert Bk. Surueyeng xv. f. 28v The kepars, regarders, goysters, and other offycers of suche forest and chases.
1594 R. Crompton L'Authoritie & Iurisdict. des Courts f. 169 If a man be indited of Trespasse done in the forrest before verdors, regardors, agistors, and other Ministers of the Forrest [etc.].
a1610 J. Manwood Treat. Lawes Forest (1615) xxi. §3. 193 b It seemeth that at that time [Hen. II] no man was called to the place of a Regarder but he that was a Knight.
1655 J. Howell 4th Vol. Familiar Lett. xvi. 39 A Forest hath Lawes of her own to take cognisance of all trespasses; she hath also her peculiar Officers, as Foresters, Verderers, Regarders, Agisters, &c.
1667–8 Act 19 & 20 Chas. II c. 8 §5 New Elections shall be made..of all Verderors, Reguarders and other Officers of and for the Governing of the said Forrest [of Dean].
1700 J. Tyrrell Gen. Hist. Eng. II. 819 Our Regarders or Viewers shall go through the Forests to make a View or Regard.
1763 B. Martin Nat. Hist. Eng. II. 221 The..Forest of Sherwood..has..a Ranger, 4 Verdurers, 12 Regarders.
1796 Sporting Mag. 8 164 Mr. Renshaw, one of the regarders of the New Forest.
1840 Penny Cycl. XVI. 175/1 The regarders..attend the marking of all trees to be felled, value the timber for sale [etc.].
1865 Morning Star 13 Apr. The Crown has neglected to appoint a warden, forester, regarder, and verderer of the said [Epping] forest.
1882 Spectator 18 Feb. 227/1 If you extinguish the regarder, you extinguish with it the regard.
1906 Eng. Hist. Rev. 21 455 Care of the forest seemed to have ceased..in a list of officials..no regarder is named.
1970 J. J. N. McGurk Dict. Medieval Terms 33/2 Regarder, an official concerned primarily with offences committed in the royal forest.
1995 S. Schama Landscape & Memory iii. 148 The verderers, who heard cases of forest ‘nuisances’, and the regarders, who inspected the woodland domain, were themselves drawn from the same class as the aggrieved.
2. A person who or thing which regards someone or something (in various senses of the verb).
the mind > attention and judgement > attention > [noun] > one who pays attention
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > one who sees > [noun] > beholder or spectator
1525 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles II. lxii. [lxv.] 209 Al theyr feats were nobly accomplysshed, to the grete pleasure of all the lordes and ladyes and other regarders.
1543 R. Record Ground of Artes Pref. Where so fewe regarders of lernynge are, how greatly they are to be estemed that doth fauour and forther it.
1598 J. Florio Worlde of Wordes A regarder.
?1608 S. Lennard tr. P. Charron Of Wisdome i. liii. 202 Where there is neither Iudge nor Controler, nor Regarder.
1641 F. Rous Catholick Charitie viii. 196 Cardinall Bellarmine in his last will, desires to bee crowned by God, not as a Regarder of merits, but as a Giver of mercy.
1682 T. Southerne Loyal Brother i. i Thou kind regarder of my Fame.
1701 D. Hamilton Inward Testimony Spirit Christ 153 Unless we be long experienc'd observers and diligent regarders of the after effects, we may be in danger of losing the sight of him.
1756 J. Grigg Voice of Danger, Voice of God 35 It is, however, pretty evident, that the Sabbath-neglecters are, generally in other respects, less virtuous, and pious, than the regarders of a Sabbath.
1804 J. Collins Scripscrapologia 97 Old Reynard kept a Larder, Of neighbours' wants a kind regarder.
1833 J. B. B. Clarke & M. A. Clarke Acct. Relig. & Lit. Life A. Clarke II. viii. 307 Dr. Clarke was no regarder of persons or rank.
1870 M. Arnold St. Paul & Protestantism 100 Every attentive regarder of the character of Paul..must have been struck with two things.
1932 Times 7 Apr. 13/4 The locust is no regarder of persons or frontiers.
1998 Scotsman (Electronic ed.) 19 Aug. There will always be in Ireland the factor of what that fine Irish journalist, John Healy, called the ‘sneaking regarders’—‘I don't approve of murder, of course, but I do have a sneaking regard for the boys.’
2007 Narrative (Nexis) 15 Huck is a reliable reporter..but the question of reliability gets more interesting when we consider his roles as reader and regarder.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2009; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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