

单词 rascette


Brit. /raˈsɛt/, U.S. /rəˈsɛt/

α. Middle English racheta, Middle English–1600s 1800s– rasceta Brit. /raˈsiːtə/, U.S. /rəˈsidə/, Middle English rascheta, 1500s– rascetta.

β. Middle English rachete, Middle English raschet, 1500s raschete, 1800s– rascette.

Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French rachette; Latin racheta.
Etymology: < Middle French rachette palm of the hand, carpus, sole of the foot, tarsus (1314 in Old French in rachete de la main carpus), Middle French rascette , rassette (in palmistry) the creases at the base of the palm and the wrist (15th cent.; French rascette , rassette ) and its etymon post-classical Latin racheta, rasceta, raseta, rasetta wrist, ankle (11th cent.; 13th cent. in British sources) < rasca (11th cent., in same sense; < Arabic rāḥa palm of the hand) + -eta , -etta (see -et suffix1).It has frequently been suggested that post-classical Latin racheta, rasceta, etc. reflect borrowing of the Arabic word in a genitive construction, in which it would appear as rāḥat, and that the probable model of post-classical Latin rasceta manus wrist (11th cent.) is such an Arabic genitive phrase, rāḥat al-yad ‘palm of the hand’. However, this explanation is unlikely for both phonological and morphological reasons within Arabic. It is more likely that the post-classical Latin forms represent diminutive formations arising within Latin.
1. Anatomy. The wrist (carpus). Also: the ankle (tarsus) (rare). Obsolete.
the world > life > the body > external parts of body > limb > leg > ankle > [noun]
ankle joint1636
the world > life > the body > external parts of body > limb > arm > [noun] > forearm > wrist
hand wristeOE
a1400 tr. Lanfranc Sci. Cirurgie (Ashm.) (1894) 157 Þe neþir ende of þese boonys ben ioyned with þe boonys of þe hand, þe whiche ben clepid rasceta [L. in..ossibus rasete], þat ben viij boonys... Alle þese boonys..as þe schuldris, elbowis, raschet..ben ioyned togidere bi mene of ligamentis.
a1400 tr. Lanfranc Sci. Cirurgie (Ashm.) (1894) 177 (MED) Racheta of þe foot is maad of iiij boonis, & ben bounden togidere wiþ ligaturis.
?a1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (N.Y. Acad. Med.) f. 43 (MED) Ciragra..nedeþ cauterizacioun after þe incedyng or goyng of þe bonez of þe rachete [L. rachete].
?a1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (Hunterian) f. 54 (MED) The firste partie off þe two schiltrummes is cleped rascheta [?a1425 N.Y. Acad. Med. racheta; L.rasceta] oþer carpus; þe toþer partie is cleped pecten oþer methacorpus, and þen folowe þe fyngers.
1543 B. Traheron tr. J. de Vigo Most Excellent Wks. Chirurg. vi. i. f. 173/1 The boones of the raschete of the handes in twentie dayes.
2. Chiefly Palmistry. The creases or wrinkles running across the wrist at the base of the palm. Also: any one such crease or wrinkle; = bracelet n. 1b.
the world > life > the body > skin > mark on skin > line in palmistry > [noun]
heart line1652
1571 T. Hill Contempl. Mankinde xxxviii. 171 That length, which is on the backe of the middle finger, nigh the first ioynt, comming by the Paulme, euen vnto Rascetta, or the wrest.
1621 R. Burton Anat. Melancholy i. ii. i. iv. 77 The Saturnine line going from the Rascetta, through the hand, to Saturnes mount, and there intersected by certaine little lines, argues melancholy.
1879 R. A. Campbell Philos. Chiromancy 167 The Wrist Lines, also known as the Rascette and Discriminational lines, separate the hand from the arm by a single, double, or triple transcursion at the wrist.
1890 G. M. Gould New Med. Dict. 241/1 A vertical line of the palm of the hand, extending from the rasceta to the vallecula of the middle finger.
1923 Kingsport (Tennessee) Times 7 Dec. 10 If the lines of travel (extending from the rascette or bracelet upon the mount of the moon) converge toward the mount of Saturn..but are not joined there, it is an indication that the voyage will be one way.
2003 P. Brenner & G. M. Rayan Dupuytren's Dis. xx. 155 The donor site near the rasceta has..disadvantages:..a visible scar on the..distal wrist crease may be thought to be secondary to a suicide attempt.
2006 Prediction June 15/2 The two, three or even more lines located at the base of the palm where the wrist meets the hand proper are the rascettes or bracelets and are traditionally linked with longevity.
This is a new entry (OED Third Edition, December 2008; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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