

单词 receiving


Brit. /rᵻˈsiːvɪŋ/, U.S. /rəˈsivɪŋ/, /riˈsivɪŋ/
Forms: see receive v. and -ing suffix1.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: receive v., -ing suffix1.
Etymology: < receive v. + -ing suffix1. Compare receipt n., reception n.
The action of receive v. (in various senses); reception, acceptance. Formerly also (in plural): †that which is received (obsolete).
the mind > possession > acquisition > receiving > [noun]
the mind > possession > taking > stealing or theft > receiving or possessing stolen goods > [noun]
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(1)) (1850) Ecclus. i. 21 Eche hous of hym it shal fulfille fro ieneraciouns, and the resceyuyng places fro the tresores of hym.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) 1 Tim. i. 15 A trewe worde and worthi al resceyuyng [a1425 L.V. resseyuyng; L. acceptione].
a1425 (?1348) R. Rolle Form of Living (Arun.) in C. Horstmann Yorkshire Writers (1895) I. 413 (MED) Synnes of dedis..resceyuyng of God or of any sacramentis in dedli synne.
c1450 Contin. Lydgate's Secrees (Sloane 2464) 1824 (MED) Of metys and drynkes knowe dyuersite, With proporcioun and tyme of Receyvyng.
1472–3 Rolls of Parl. VI. 55/1 Indentures to be made of all such retayndres, receyvyngs, and perceyvynges.
a1500 (a1450) tr. Secreta Secret. (Ashm. 396) (1977) 77 (MED) The see is augmented by resceyvyng of flodes and waters.
1569 R. Grafton Chron. II. 836 He caused all his brothers daughters to be conueyed into his palace with solempne receauing.
1642 W. Mountagu in Buccleuch MSS (Hist. MSS Comm.) (1899) I. 306 The petition of the Houses concerning the receiving of the Yorkshire petition.
1685 R. Baxter Paraphr. New Test. Matt. xx. 13 Thou shouldst be glad of thy Brother's receivings.
1700 F. Evans Diary 34 My lord..thinks himself obliged to forbear the receeving of your entertainment.
1762 J. Amherst Let. 10 Feb. in H. Bouquet Papers (1940) 71 The Issuers of Provisions at Every Post or Garrison Should Make Returns of their Receivings and Issuings Monthly.
1867 A. Trollope Last Chron. Barset I. ix. 79 The elder Miss Prettyman had for a while conquered the annoyance which, on Grace's part, was attached to the receiving of gifts, by the consciousness of her poverty.
1899 Westm. Gaz. 30 Oct. 2/1Receiving’, which, it is said, arrived to us from Paris, is only practised in those benighted lands where ladies still have ‘days’.
1922 People's Home Jrnl. July 31/2 The receiving of radiotelephone messages is as simple as making use of a phonograph.
1956 E. Grierson Second Man ii. 37 He was also in trouble again with the police: a little receiving.
1991 Athlon's Eastern Football Ann. 66 In 1989, he was the most productive tight end in the nation in terms of receiving, with 47 catches.


a. General attributive.
1631 E. Reynolds Three Treat. iii. 481 This is the receiving act of Faith.
1681 J. Flavell Method of Grace vi. 115 This receiving act..is that upon which both our righteousness and eternal happiness do depend.
1752 Acct. Hosp. for Maintenance & Educ. Exposed & Deserted Young Children 29 She acquaints the Receiving-Clerk, when any Child is received, that it may be immediately numbered and registered.
1827 M. Faraday Chem. Manip. xv. 352 Bladders and bags..are very useful in many receiving or transferring operations.
1882 Cent. Mag. Mar. 771/1 How do I know that your receiving-teller may not have suppressed or tampered with some deposit?
1910 Gage Making & Lapping (Machinery's Ref. Ser.) (rev. ed.) i. 7 The receiving gage is a very difficult gage to make, and on account of its cost, it is rarely used except where it is absolutely necessary to do so.
1942 R. E. Strahlem Accounting Fund. iv. 63 If the receiving clerk's copy of the purchase order was a ‘blind’ copy (that is, without any quantities shown) the receiving clerk can write on the purchase order the amounts received.
2006 Decanter June 60/3 The wines are sold ‘in bond’ meaning that the price includes shipping, insurance and warehouse receiving charges.
b. Designating a place intended or used for the reception of people or things.In many cases this sense approaches that of receiving adj.
receiving depot n.
1806 J. P. Smith Rep. Cases Court of King's Bench 1804–1805 II. 202 They..were sent to a receiving depot for his majesty's use.
1904 Amer. Jrnl. Sociol. 9 483 Frequent raids are made..among the large wholesalers at the receiving depts.
2003 G. Burn North of Eng. Home Service (2004) iv. 119 Jack or one of his brothers and sisters..would take the matchboxes into the receiving depot in Bacon Street for their mother.
receiving home n.
1872 B. Jerrold London xxi. 185 We are in the receiving home of a night refuge—the home of the ragged scholars whom Lord Shaftesbury has befriended.
1967 U.S. Rep. (Supreme Court) 387 27 The fact of the matter is that, however euphemistic the title, a ‘receiving home’..for juveniles is an institution for confinement.
1991 L. Shorten Without Reserve v. 122 Home is a sixty-day receiving home in a small bedroom community outside Edmonton, a green split-level with detached two-car garage and a swim-blue pool.
receiving house n.
1694 E. Chamberlayne Angliæ Notitia (ed. 18) iii. 434 There are also five or six hundred receiving Houses in London, and the other Towns.
1824 E. Weeton Jrnl. May (1969) II. 280 I wished to see the General Post Office, so..I took that letter all the way there, instead of putting it into one of the receiving Houses nearer at hand.
1913 Ann. Amer. Acad. Polit. & Social Sci. 50 70 Thirty years ago most of the wholesale receiving houses handled the great majority of the farm products in a purely agential capacity.
1996 Independent 18 Jan. 15/3 Cardiff will continue to have no proper opera house, no home for the Welsh National Opera and no receiving house for ballet, large-scale musicals and shows.
receiving office n.
1687 R. Wolley tr. N. Besongne Present State France (new ed.) ii. xliv. 493 Grenoble..[has] six Elections, and one particular receiving Office at Briancon.
1792 Times 25 Sept. 2/3 We are sorry that an accident should have prevented our receipt of those papers on Sunday; which arose from their having been left for us at the receiving-office.
1863 All Year Round 12 Dec. 381/2 He..carried the packet to a neighbouring receiving-office.
1924 Univ. Jrnl. Business 3 74 The arrival of a train of stock..is telephoned to a Chicago Junction train despatcher who is centrally located at the receiving office.
1991 Atlanta Jrnl. & Constit. (Nexis) 6 July b3 He had been working in the receiving office of a local frozen foods plant.
receiving pen n.
1865 Times 26 Aug. 9/6 The receiving pens where fresh bullocks are placed on their arrival from the country waiting the next market day.
1931 T. A. Harper Windy Island iii. iv. 240 The lean-to in its turn was divided into crush pens and a large receiving pen.
2003 G. Williamson U-boat Bases & Bunkers 1941–45 25 (caption) This shot shows a Type lX which, having been lined up with the receiving pen, is about to be winched backwards into the protective enclosure.
receiving place n.
a1382Resceyuyng place [see main sense].
1594 R. Carew tr. J. Huarte Exam. Mens Wits v. 61 Memorie (verely) laies vp and preserueth in it selfe, the things knowne by the sence, and by the mind, & is therin as it were their storehouse and receiuing place, and not their inuenter.
1786 Prospect Consequences of transferring Coll. Duties on Wines 36 At the receiving place, a seizure and a forfeiture to take place.
1827 Times 17 Oct. 2/6 I beg to offer..the use of my house as a receiving place.
1976 Theory into Pract. 15 287/1 Inside the house there is a ‘receiving place’ for people who enter.
receiving room n.
1759 Acct. Hosp. Exposed & Deserted Young Children iii. 36 If the Child has any Appearance of Infection, it shall be placed in a Cradle in the Receiving Room.
1815 Times 20 Feb. 1/3 (advt.) An extra Room on the ground-floor, would answer as a small warehouse or receiving room.
1899 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. VIII. 618 The patient walks into the receiving room of the hospital for a diagnosis.
1978 M. Puzo Fools Die v. xxix. 333 I noticed that most of the men threw their car keys on the table in the first receiving room.
2001 C. Glazebrook Madolescents 192 I slam down the receiver, ignoring Mrs Marr's tutting noises, and head for the receiving room where I can make a phone call away from her earwigging.
receiving station n.
1830 London Med. Gaz. 5 358/2 It is much to be deplored that there are not regularly-established receiving stations, as near as possible to every place of danger.
1895 Daily News 19 Dec. 5 There is only one branch telegraph receiving-station besides the Central.
1939 War Illustr. 28 Oct. 219/1 An R.A.F. medical receiving station hidden away in the woods ‘somewhere in France’.
2003 I. Chang Chinese in Amer. iii. 30 Once a person had fallen into the hands of coolie traders, it was almost impossible to escape. The victims were locked in filthy, disease-ridden receiving stations.
c. Designating instruments, apparatus, buildings, etc., used in connection with the reception of telegraph, telephone, or broadcast signals; also in extended use and figurative.In some cases this sense approaches that of receiving adj.
receiving aerial n.
1902 L. De Forest & E. H. Smythe U.S. Patent 716,000 1/1 It has been customary to employ at the receiving-station a responsive device known as a ‘coherer’, included..in the ground or capacity connection of a receiving aerial conductor.]
1903 Proc. Physical Soc. 19 613 This is connected between the earth and the receiving aerial.
1974 P. K. Harvey & K. J. Bohlman Stereo F.M. Radio Handbk. vii. 145 The range of the space-wave is chiefly determined by the height of the transmitting and receiving aerials.
2006 Australian (Nexis) 21 July 17 The concert halls are full to overflowing with humiliated, injured people who close their eyes and try to turn their pale faces into receiving aerials.
receiving circuit n.
1856 U.S. Patent 14,157 2/1 This has been a customary way of working; but it requires the constant attendance of an operator at C to change the connections..according to which is the transmitting and which the receiving circuit for the time being.
1955 Radio Times 22 Apr. 3/2 A special type of receiving circuit is necessary for F.M.
2004 T. N. Decker & T. D. Carrell Instrumentation (ed. 3) iv. 60 If the noise is large enough to make the signal unusable..an error will result. The usual procedure in this case is for the receiving circuit to request that this data be resent.
receiving set n.
1897 U.S. Patent 579,036 1/2 The spring-contact just described is electrically connected with the line-wire s of the circuit, in which the operator's transmitting and receiving set is located.
1937 Discovery Nov. 334/2 His [sc. the shrew's] bewhiskered snout is a receiving-set fitted to pick up any broadcast interesting to a shrew.
1997 B. Rowlands Which? Guide Complementary Med. 211 Abrams..invented a ‘black box’—the clinical equivalent of a radio receiving set—to pick up radiations from diseased tissue.
receiving station n.
1849 U.S. Patent 6,328 7/2 The communication transmitted is received and recorded at each receiving-station in the same manner and with the same effects as if made by the single-acting machine.
1977 G. W. H. Lampe God as Spirit ii. 54 Divine communications at the subconscious level, for which the actual recipients had acted simply as passive receiving stations.
2001 Navy News Sept. (Suppl.) 2/2 Boats could send messages via a network of HF receiving stations.
receiving apparatus n. an apparatus that receives something; spec. (a) a vessel into which the products of a chemical or physical procedure are collected (cf. receiver n.1 4c); (b) an apparatus for detecting a signal, esp. a radio signal; cf. receiver n.1 6.
1795 W. Nicholson Dict. Chem. I. 288 The general rule for performing all distillations..consists in..keeping the receiving apparatus sufficiently cool.
1850 Mechanics' Mag. 52 187/2 My copying telegraph of 1843 consisted of a single wire..and a transmitting or receiving-apparatus actuated by the mechanism of four wheels.
1874 Amer. Naturalist 8 587 The want of definite and fixed pitch to the female's song demands for the receiving apparatus of her sounds a corresponding range of co-vibration.
1892 Philos. Trans. 1891 (Royal Soc.) A. 182 79 This pump is attached to the receiving apparatus..by the two tubes.
1924 Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. 46 1209 (heading) A receiving apparatus for practical distillation at low pressures.
1939 Fortune Nov. 91 To ensure privacy, telegraph companies use high-speed transmitters that send messages that can be picked up only by automatic receiving apparatus.
1986 R. Dawkins Blind Watchmaker (BNC) 30 The radar waves bounce back off the cars that approach, and are registered by the receiving apparatus.
receiving barn n. U.S. a stable in which horses are placed before a race to prevent tampering.
society > leisure > sport > types of sport or game > racing or race > horse racing > racecourse > [noun] > place for horses to prevent tampering
receiving barn1933
1933 Oakland (Calif.) Tribune 15 Sept. 34/4 The question of a receiving barn where horses shall be placed sometime before starting time of each race and looked after and guarded by a man approved by the racing board is being considered.
1993 Sports Illustr. 31 May 9/1 A 19-year-old hotwalker in the receiving barn at Tampa Bay Downs..noticed the doomed horse standing in the back of a stall.
receiving blanket n. North American a soft blanket in which to wrap a baby; cf. receiver n.1 5.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > furniture and fittings > household linen > bedclothes > [noun] > blanket > types of blanket
rose blanket1759
receiving blanket1891
electric blanket1893
Wagga rug1900
1891 Trans. Fourth Quinquennial Session Internat. Homœopathic Congr. 493 You take this receiving blanket, please, and take it downstairs and get it thoroughly warm and when we are ready for it we will call you.
1914 N.Y. Times 23 Aug. vii. 1 (advt.) For every baby use, including receiving blankets, bassinette, cradle, crib and bath blankets.
2000 Today's Parent Oct. 35/3 The vast majority of infants stop spitting up by age two. Until then, stock up on receiving blankets and detergent.
receiving country n. a nation which receives immigrant people.
1854 G. W. Peck Melbourne, & Chincha Islands i. 91 It is not within the scope of our government to encourage or extend special protection to emigration; ours is not an overstocked but a receiving country.
1938 Washington Post 21 Dec. 6/1 Refugees would be allowed to leave Germany for a ‘receiving country’.
2004 Demography 41 129 Crucial to the long-term contribution of immigration to a receiving country's population is the extent to which immigrants reproduce themselves in subsequent, native-born generations.
receiving line n. originally U.S. a row of people by whom guests are greeted in turn on arrival at a social event.
the world > action or operation > behaviour > good behaviour > courtesy > courteous act or expression > [noun] > welcome > one who or that which welcomes > row of persons
receiving line1885
1885 N.Y. Times 22 Apr. 5/3 Miss Florence Bayard, in a dress of yellow satin and tuile, and Miss Endicot, in a white satin and tuile dress, stood back on the receiving line.
1933 H. L. Ickes Diary 17 Nov. (1955) I. 125 He told Anna in the receiving line last night that he was going to order me down there.
1994 Leader (Canada) Dec. (Provincial Notes) 6/2 Everyone proceeded..through a receiving line where each person was introduced to the Lieutenant Governor.
receiving order n. a court order placing a debtor's assets under the control of a receiver.In the United Kingdom superseded in 1986 by a bankruptcy order.
society > trade and finance > management of money > insolvency > [noun] > bankruptcy > appointee administering property of bankrupt > order appointing
receiving order1883
1883 Act 46 & 47 Vict. (Bankruptcy Act) c. 52 §5 The Court may..make an order, in this act called a receiving order, for the protection of the estate.
1930 Daily Express 30 July 2/7 Receiving Orders are announced in the ‘London Gazette’.
1993 Univ. Toronto Law Jrnl. 43 51 When a receiving order is subsequently made against the son, the bank forecloses on the mortgage.
receiving ship n. Navy (now historical) a ship moored in a naval port for the accommodation of sailors (esp. new recruits) waiting to go to sea.
1786 Treble Almanack 112/2 Ships... Chichester... Station... Plymouth—receiving Ship.
1798 Times 6 Sept. 3/4 A number of useful hands were procured, and sent on board the Enterprize receiving ship at the Tower, from whence they are to be immediately conveyed to the Guardship at the Nore.
1830 F. Marryat King's Own II. xx. 311 A guard-ship is a receiving-ship for officers and men, until they are enabled to join..their..ships.
1901 Daily Colonist (Victoria, Brit. Columbia) 3 Nov. 2/3 A third class ensign on the receiving ship Columbia lying at the New York Navy Yard.
1995 Burlington Mag. Sept. 663/2 By 1812 [HMS Temeraire] was decommissioned, serving until 1838 as a prison ship in Plymouth Harbour and as a victualling and receiving ship off Sheerness.
receiving valve n. (a) Mechanics a valve (valve n.1 7a) situated at the point at which water or other fluid enters a vessel or chamber; (b) Electronics a thermionic valve or vacuum tube designed for use in a receiver.
1838 U.S. Patent 722 2/2 The inventor designs this pump to be used as a suction as well as a force pump by affixing to the ends of the receiving valves a pipe of sufficient size to supply the requisite quantity of water.
1909 U.S. Patent 930,843 2/2 A fluid-actuated receiving valve controlling the delivery of fluid to said compressor.
1919 Proc. Physical Soc. 32 127 The essence of our method for measuring amplification lies in comparing the intensity of the note obtained from a single receiving valve, plus rectifier, with the intensity obtained from two or more valves plus the same rectifier.
1994 Hist. Jrnl. 37 877 Other British products essential to Australian military production had been restricted by export licensing. These included..wireless receiving valves.
receiving yard n. (a) Australian and New Zealand the enclosure in a stock yard into which mustered sheep or cattle are first driven; (b) U.S. an area of a railway yard into which trains are received.
1848 H. W. Haygarth Recoll. Bush Life 68 A cattle enclosure is usually subdivided into five yards: two of them facing the entrance are large, the three others are smaller; the former are known as ‘receiving’, and the latter as ‘draughting’ yards.
1893 Rep. Court of Appeals Colorado 2 548 The cars were left in the general receiving yard of the railroad.
1923 W. Perry et al. Sheep Farming in N.Z. iii. 16 [The sheep yards] should consist of receiving yards at each end, forcing pen, and drafting race.
1939 Fortune Nov. 50/2 The schedule or ‘manifest’ trains (so called because their composition is known or manifest to the receiving yard before they pull in).
1995 Weekly Times (Ryde, New S. Wales) (Nexis) 4 Oct. Wonga Station is a 39,606 ha property with homestead, four sets of cattle yards, four sets of sheep yards, woolshed, two receiving yards and three-way draft loading facilities.
1999 P. T. Deutermann Train Man (2001) 113 He knew the trains often stopped up here, awaiting switch windows in the receiving yard.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2009; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Brit. /rᵻˈsiːvɪŋ/, U.S. /rəˈsivɪŋ/, /riˈsivɪŋ/
Forms: see receive v. and -ing suffix2.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: receive v., -ing suffix2.
Etymology: < receive v. + -ing suffix2. Compare earlier receptive adj., and also receiving n.
That receives something (in various senses of the verb). In some cases not clearly distinguishable from receiving n. Compounds 1b.
society > communication > telecommunication > [adjective] > receiving
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > going or coming in > [adjective] > having quality of letting in
the mind > possession > acquisition > receiving > [adjective] > intended or serving for receiving
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > going or coming in > [adjective] > having quality or capacity of taking in > specifically of places
1559 P. Morwyng tr. C. Gesner Treasure of Euonymus 53 The receiuing vessel when as oyles are destilled out of metals..muste be very large.
1588 A. Fraunce Lawiers Logike i. viii. f.43v That which is rightly applied to the inherent adiunct, must bee applied also to the receiuing subiect.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry V (1623) Prol. 27 Horses..Printing their prowd Hoofes i' th' receiuing Earth. View more context for this quotation
1667 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 2 519 An expert acquaintance of his, transfusing a great quantity of blood into several doggs, observed always, that the receiving doggs pissed blood.
1712 J. James tr. A.-J. Dézallier d'Argenville Theory & Pract. Gardening 191 Water-Engines..raise it..into receiving Cisterns.
1753 Philos. Trans. 1751–2 (Royal Soc.) 47 440 They were inevitably guided in the secretion by the very structure of the receiving cellules of the membrane.
1840 Cottager's Man. 22 in Libr. Useful Knowl., Husb. III The receiving tank..has another pipe from the inside with a funnel.
1897 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. III. 819 The outermost of the three layers is known as..the sheath or the receiving layer.
1918 Bot. Gaz. 66 307 Not all of the entering nucleolus fuses with the receiving nucleolus.
1945 Times 7 Sept. 4/1 I also directed the Administrator..to enter into immediate negotiations with the receiving Governments for the purchases of all goods in the pipeline or in storage.
1999 G. Cox Dict. Sport i. 13/2 The receiving team can run the ball down the field until the ball carrier is tackled.


receiving water n. Ecology (chiefly U.S.) a body of water into which pollutants pass or are released.
1912 G. A. Soper et al. Present Sanitary Condition New York Harbor i. vi. 45 The discharge into the harbor of a sewage deficient in oxygen dilutes, so to speak, the dissolved oxygen of the receiving water.
1958 Science 12 Dec. 1497/3 A tentative agenda lists as discussion topics: (i) Waste Disposal... (iv) Receiving Water Analysis.
2003 S. A. Shapiro & R. L. Glicksman Risk Regulation at Risk 250 It authorizes the issuance of individualized effluent limitations for dischargers of thermal pollution based on the extent of impact on receiving water quality.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2009; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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