

单词 rallying


Brit. /ˈralɪɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈræliɪŋ/
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation; modelled on a French lexical item. Etymons: rally v.1, -ing suffix1.
Etymology: < rally v.1 + -ing suffix1, originally after French ralliement ralliment n. Compare later ralliment n.
a. The action of rally v.1 (in various senses); an instance of this.
the world > space > relative position > arrangement or fact of being arranged > state of being gathered together > [noun] > assembling of people or animals > again
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues Ralliement, a rallying, reassembling, reuniting.
1652 Perfect Acct. Intelligence Armies & Navy No. 71. 568 The Prince of Condi had a rallying of his forces at Badazeen.
1715 Hist. Wars Charles XII. King of Sweden 141 This straightened them for Room, and made their rallying Impossible.
1778 T. Paine Let. 16 May in B. Franklin Papers (1987) XXVI. 483 The Troops young and unused to breaking and rallying.
1822 A. T. de Vere Julian Apostate 128 Thy thoughts are with forlorn hopes, hot onsets, Bloody repulses, glorious rallyings.
1865 Reader No. 124. 540/3 The relapsings and rallyings of Christendom.
1904 Marble Rock (Iowa) Jrnl. 1 Mar. 2/2 When there are family rallyings, old and young, distant and near, converge to the old ground and the old homestead.
1931 J. W. Dafoe Cifford Sifton ix. 272 There was such a rallying of public support to the government that the general election..hardly took on the appearance of a contest.
1978 Times 4 July 19/2 He [sc. Nastase] mixed the pace and pattern of his rallying with..nonchalant grace.
1998 Church Times 17 Apr. 17/4 His religious strategy in his final years was a rallying of all the voluntarist forces of Victorian moralism.
b. With round. Cf. rally v.1 2e.
the world > action or operation > easiness > aid, help, or assistance > support > [noun] > supporting > uniting in support of another
1814 Sporting Mag. 44 167 A most determined rallying round, commenced by Burn.
1930 P. G. Wodehouse Very Good, Jeeves iii. 69 Cold and haughty. No symp. None of the rallying-round spirit which one likes to see.
1971 I. M. Lewis Ecstatic Relig. vii. 202 This may achieve the effect of a satisfactory rallying round of friends and relations.
2001 Slavic Rev. 60 193 The success or failure of fiscal appeasement crucially depends on the ‘rallying round’ factor in the regions.


a. General attributive, as rallying place, rallying point, etc.
the world > space > place > [noun] > place of meeting or assembly
place (point, port, etc.) of rendezvous1556
rallying place1759
rallying point1759
parish pump1840
1759 W. Harte Hist. Life Gustavus Adolphus I. 397 Behind him lay a large wood, which he proposed for a rallying place in case of a defeat.
1774 tr. F. J. de Chastellux Ess. Public Happiness I. ii. iv. 344 The extinction of Paganism, was, as it were, the rallying point, to which every sect equally tended.
1792 Times 22 Dec. 3/4 The members of the family of the Bourbons..serve as a rallying point to the enemies of the Republic.
1819 W. Irving Sketch Bk. v. 344 The paternal hearth, that rallying place of the affections.
1872 Harper's Mag. Apr. 690/2 A one-story wooden structure..became the rallying-place of the tribes.
1942 Classical Q. 36 78 He may have gone at once to Cyprus, which was, besides Thebes, the other principal rallying-place for the exiles.
1989 Scotl. on Sunday 28 May 38 The old rallying ground of Clan Alpin at Loch Arklet is now under water.
1997 G. Rising Clean for Gene iii. 35 Opposition to the Vietnam War served as the rallying point for many of those disaffected by American society.
2001 B. Walter Outsiders Inside ii. 46 Cambridge Common..was first preserved as an open space to commemorate its use as a rallying place for troops.
b. With the sense ‘having the (intended) effect of rallying people’, as rallying cry, rallying word, etc.In some cases the word may be regarded also as the adjective; cf. rallying adj.2
society > armed hostility > military organization > signals > [noun] > signal to rally > rallying cry
rallying cry1793
rallying word1793
society > communication > indication > that which identifies or distinguishes > word or cry > [noun] > watchword or rallying cry
mackerel cry1716
view halloo1761
rallying cry1793
rallying word1793
war cry1836
1793 Times 15 Nov. 3/3 In the houses of the rich..the rallying word was Royalty and the English.
1797 tr. Mem. Charette 23 He soon fell; but his name survived, and was long the rallying cry of the Royalists.
1810 W. Scott Lady of Lake ii. 68 The rapid charge, the rallying shout, Retreat borne headlong into rout.
1815 Times 13 July 2/5 In consequence, his Majesty orders the resumption of the white cockade..as the only rallying sign of Frenchmen.
1820 T. Carlyle in J. Graham Lett. Carlyle to W. Graham (1950) 16 The mirkest hour of night is next the dawn, as you once told me: let this be your rallying word.
1841 T. Carlyle On Heroes iii. 184 Shakspeare,..the noblest, gentlest, yet strongest of rallying-signs.
1879 M. Arnold G. Sand in Mixed Ess. 338 France which has made equality its rallying cry.
1908 Philos. Rev. 17 573 A false idea can be a protection and a rallying sign.
1948 A. M. Klein in R. Brown & D. Bennett Anthol. Canad. Lit. in Eng. (1982) I. 502 A rallying cry among Québécois in their opposition to conscription.
1962 J. Cary Japan Today ii. vi. 77 [He] has made the swastika the rallying sign of his form of ultranationalism.
1995 Past & Present Feb. 70 The use of the mai as a rallying sign has also been documented.
2002 O. Figes Natasha's Dance (2003) i. vii. 68 Here was the rallying cry of a new nationalism that flourished in the era of 1812.
rallying square n. chiefly Military a defensive square-shaped formation of troops arranged in ranks facing outwards; also in extended use.
1824 H. W. Torrens Field Exercise Army (rev. ed.) ii. 66 (heading) To form the Rallying Square.
1846 Littell's Living Age 20 June 614/2 A herd [sc. of elephants]..huddled together in a sort of rallying square and looked on.
1859 Times 24 Nov. 12/3 Great confusion and havoc among any number of infantry running in disorder to form rallying square.
1904 R. Kipling Traffics & Discov. 187 Pyecroft kept him at bay with a rake-handle while our party, in rallying-square, retired..to the car.
1935 Daily Gleaner (Kingston, Jamaica) 30 May 8/4 I was among the Constables that formed rallying square.
2001 I. F. W. Beckett Mod. Insurgencies & Counter-insurgencies ii. 36 The use of rallying squares..would have been suicidal against Europeans with modern weapons.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2008; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Brit. /ˈralɪɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈræliɪŋ/
Forms: see rally v.2 and -ing suffix1
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: rally v.2, -ing suffix1.
Etymology: < rally v.2 + -ing suffix1. Compare earlier rallery n., raillery n., and raillying n.
The action of rally v.2; banter, teasing; an instance of this.
the mind > attention and judgement > contempt > derision, ridicule, or mockery > banter or good-humoured ridicule > [noun] > action of
1673 J. Dryden Assignation iii. i. 21 There was one thing amiss in it, that was your Rallying of Religion.
1683 J. Crowne City Politiques 39 These are no Rallying times, or if they were, you are not my equal at Repartee with me.
1698 J. Collier Short View Immorality Eng. Stage 160 Rallying, no less than Railing, ought to be under the Discipline of Law.
1702 C. Brockwell tr. S. von Pufendorf Compl. Hist. Sweden 80 The Enmity that was between her and Albert, by reason of some Rallying.
a1755 J. Conybeare Serm. (1757) I. ix. 264 Company, and Conversation, and the idle Rallying of his Sadducizing Friends, might..drive off such melancholy Thoughts.
1824 I. Candler Summary View Amer. iii. 51 The rallyings of the counsel on a judge who joined a whist party broke up nearly all the games.
1884 E. P. Roe Nature's Serial Story viii He replied to her..rallyings.
1904 W. V. Moody Fire-bringer i. 208 O hearken where the echoes bring, Down the grey disastrous morn, Laughter and rallying!
1958 Times 9 Apr. 3/2 In her rallyings of the Nurse..she touches us with the pathos that is at the command of sincere and sensitive acting.
1979 20th Cent. Lit. 25 213 Her capacity for strong affection becomes evident..in her gentle rallying of Patty and her consequent breakdown.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2008; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈralɪɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈræliɪŋ/
Forms: see rally v.4 and -ing suffix1.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: rally v.4, -ing suffix1.
Etymology: < rally v.4 + -ing suffix1. Compare motor rallying n. at motor n. and adj. Compounds 1c.
Motor Racing.
The action or practice of participating in a motor rally (rally n.3).Recorded earliest in motor rallying n. at motor n. and adj. Compounds 1c.
society > leisure > sport > types of sport or game > racing or race > racing with vehicles > motor racing > [noun] > race testing car quality, skill, etc.
motor rally1932
1957 Times 26 Feb. 5/7 Motor rallying is one of the more accessible forms of adventure for ordinary people.
1960 S. Turner Rallying i. 12 There are four levels of rallying: Closed, Restricted, National and International.
1995 C. Bateman Divorcing Jack xi. 96 It was a Fiat Panda and it sounded like it had been souped up for rallying.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2008; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈralɪɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈræliɪŋ/
Forms: see rally v.2 and -ing suffix2.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: rally v.2, -ing suffix2.
Etymology: < rally v.2 + -ing suffix2. Compare raillying adj.
That rallies, banters, etc.; characterized by or inclined to rallying.
the mind > attention and judgement > contempt > derision, ridicule, or mockery > banter or good-humoured ridicule > [adjective]
1662 Duchess of Newcastle Several Wits iii. xxi, in Playes Written 99 The truth is, a ralleying wit, is like obstructed, or corrupted lungs, which causes difficult, and short breathing.
1678 S. Butler Hudibras: Third Pt. iii. i. 81 These Rallying Devils do no hurt.
1716 tr. A. R. Le Sage Gil Blas II. iv. v. 79 Your Fear, answer'd my Mistress, in the same rallying Tone, is not very ill grounded.
1726 G. Odingsells Capricious Lovers v. i. 66 In a rallying Humour she turn'd the Reprimand upon me.
1782 F. Burney Cecilia V. ix. iii. 42 A reply of rallying incredulity was rising to the lips of Mr. Monckton.
1810 J. Porter Sc. Chiefs IV. vii. 212 I, being pleased to see her majesty in such spirits, thinking no ill, and being in a rallying mood, answered.
1868 ‘H. Lee’ Basil Godfrey's Caprice lxii. 361 ‘You took my strawberries so prettily,’ said Basil with rallying fondness.
1924 Syracuse (N.Y.) Herald 22 Apr. 12/1 His manner was gently rallying, but Cynthia still looked serious.
1971 Mod. Lang. Rev. 66 264 There is an assumption that a delicate rallying tone is the proper concomitant of ‘smoothest words’.
1992 P. O'Brian Truelove iii. 83 It was only meant in a rallying way—in the facetious line.


ˈrallyingly adv.
the mind > attention and judgement > contempt > derision, ridicule, or mockery > banter or good-humoured ridicule > [adverb]
1669 R. Montagu in Buccleuch MSS (Hist. MSS Comm.) (1899) I. 424 He..rallyingly thanked me for the good news I told him.
1791 tr. J. de La Motte Life I. 447 ‘Very well, Mr. Governor!’ said I rallyingly.
1870 C. Dickens Edwin Drood viii. 50 ‘Look at him!’ cries Jasper, stretching out his hand admiringly and tenderly, though rallyingly too.
1907 Daily Chron. 19 Dec. 4/4 ‘There are some things that everybody seems to know better than anybody else. And one of them is—’ She paused and smiled at me, rallyingly.
1923 F. Swinnerton Young Felix xiii. 296 ‘You're carrying too many things, Aunt Julie,’ cried Felix, rallyingly, hastening to relieve her.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2008; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈralɪɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈræliɪŋ/
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: rally v.1, -ing suffix2.
Etymology: < rally v.1 + -ing suffix2.
That rallies, in various senses of rally v.1; that reassembles; that revives or recovers.
1695 S. Wesley On Death Mary in Elegies 13 With what a generous-Heat His rallying Spirits beat To Arms!
1697 R. Blackmore King Arthur iv. 117 Thus reinforc'd the rallying Britons burn'd With a new Flame, and to the Fight return'd.
1722 W. Hamilton Life of Sir William Wallace vi. ii. 123 The Scotish Watch-Men from afar descry'd The rallying Foe.
a1778 A. M. Toplady Serm. & Ess. (1793) 88 When he shews himself alive, his rallying troops forget their panic.
1841 S. Smith Powhatan vii. 151 At last the broken, flying tribes In many a rallying band, Meet..For one more desperate stand.
1896 Daily News 11 June 2/4 Sir Wilfrid saw signs of encouragement in the rallying spirit of the Liberal party.
1909 W. E. Heitland Rom. Republic I. ii. xv. 102 Camillus..refused to command the now rallying forces of Rome until duly authorized by the Senate.
1985 Mod. Lang. Jrnl. 69 302/1 If the book is to..stimulate the necessary changes alluded to throughout, a more rallying plea that arouses emotion..would have been considerably more effective.
2000 Toronto Star (Nexis) 28 Sept. The Canadian dollar fell to its lowest level in four months,side-swiped by a rallying euro and renewed U.S. inflation jitters.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2008; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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