

单词 rapacious


Brit. /rəˈpeɪʃəs/, U.S. /rəˈpeɪʃəs/
Forms: 1500s rapaciouse, 1500s– rapacious, 1600s–1700s rapatious.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin, combined with an English element. Etymons: Latin rapāci- , rapāx , -ous suffix.
Etymology: < classical Latin rapāci-, rapāx predatory, inordinately greedy ( < rapere to seize (see rape v.2) + -āx : see -acious suffix) + -ous suffix. Compare Middle French, French rapace (c1310 in Old French), Occitan rapace, rapaço, Catalan rapaç (15th cent.), Spanish rapaz (c1140), Portuguese rapaz (1253), Italian rapace (1313).With sense 2 compare French rapaces (plural noun) birds of prey (1768), scientific Latin Rapaces (alternative to Raptores Raptores n.), and their etymon classical Latin rapaces beasts of prey.
1. Inordinately given to grasping or taking; aggressively greedy; greedily desirous of. Also with infinitive.
a. Of a person or a people.
the mind > will > wish or inclination > desire > inordinate or excessive desire > [adjective] > rapacious
1572 tr. S. Münster Briefe Coll. & Compend. Extract Cosmogr. f. 61v Hee being a craftye felow, rapaciouse [L. rapax], dishonest, subiect to all vyce, a notable dissembler, & deceiuer, was at the length made the ruler of their marchaundize and wares.
1619 T. Adams Happines of Church ii. 42 Ye rapacious couetous, that load your selues with thicke clay.
1651 Bp. J. Taylor Serm. (1653) xxii. 287 We may be diligent in the conduct of souls though we be not rapacious of estates.
1663 A. Cowley Liberty in Ess. in Verse & Prose (1684) 80 Who more rapacious in robbing, who more profuse in giving?
1703 R. Wake Priest's Complaint 20 Did not the fear of Punishment more than the fear of doing Evil, balk the Appetites of these rapacious, unreasonable Men.
1752 E. Young Brothers iv. i To keep rapacious Rome, from seizing Thrace.
1795 J. Bacon Amer. Indian i. 6 Has some powerful and rapacious chief seized on thy fortune?
1848 E. Bulwer-Lytton Harold II. v. i. 9 By the side of Harold stands Tostig, rapacious to grasp.
1871 E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest (1876) IV. xvii. 37 Even this small fragment of former wealth came into the hands of the rapacious stranger.
1915 V. Woolf Voy. Out vii. 102 From the sea came vengeful Spaniards and rapacious Portuguese.
1971 Bulletin (Sydney) 4 Dec. 11/2 The Poms are rapacious, mean, cunning.
1992 S. Tharoor Show Business (1995) i. 62 The rapacious moneylender, the seth-sahukar, preying on the womenfolk of the poor hero's indebted family.
b. Of a quality, action, etc.
1572 tr. S. Münster Briefe Coll. & Compend. Extract Cosmogr. f. 25v That beast and dragon being prouoked with natural gredines, or with a rapaciouse fammine and hunger, deuouring without respect or choyse the offered praye.
1583 P. Stubbes Anat. Abuses 116 As though this pillage & pollage were not rapacious enough, they take in and inclose commons, moores, heaths, and other common pastures.
1640 J. Adamson Ark 1 Their scandal gross; rapacious gluttony.
1663 A. Cowley Ess. in Verse & Prose (1669) 127 The rapacious Appetite of Gain.
1674 News from Sea 1 Amongst all the rapacious violencies practised by wicked Men, there is scarce any more destructive to Society and Commerce then that of Piracy.
1692 C. Gildon Nuncius Infernalis i. 7 Pride and Rapacious Desire, generates continual Feuds.
1727 S. Switzer Pract. Kitchen Gardiner i. v. 47 Vegetables of a more rapacious nature.
1795 J. Bird Castle Hardayne II. xvi. 174 They have tempted the hand of rapacious violence.
1847 L. H. Kerr tr. L. von Ranke Hist. Servia 201 Falling under the rapacious domination of the Fanariotes.
1896 Argosy Jan. 344/1 The night was pierced by the long, wavering howl of the mountain wolf..hunting for a victim for its rapacious appetite.
1955 Times 9 May 9/5 There have been disturbances from time to time, but these are put down largely to the bellicose and rapacious nature of the Pathans themselves.
2001 Independent 19 Jan. i. 1/3 The Amazon is..experiencing the most rapacious destruction seen in any rainforest in the world, with the loss of almost five million acres a year.
c. Of a thing, esp. a part of the body.
1647 R. Baron Εροτοπαιγνιον ii. 29 Rapacious Skeleton, leave death.
1681 P. Rycaut tr. B. Gracián y Morales Critick 204 The best security we can take, is scarce sufficient to preserve a morsel within our Mouths from rapacious hands.
1707 E. Ward Wooden World Dissected 13 But sometimes he meets with a gruff Subaltern that snarls at his rapacious Stomach.
1776 J. Seiferth tr. C. E. Gellert Metallurgic Chym. 36 A rapacious-ore..in the fire destroys more or less of the metalline particles.
?1792 J. Baker Picturesque Guide to Local Beauties of Wales I. 84 The church..has been long swallowed in the rapacious bosom of the invading sea.
1818 J. Keats Endymion ii. 68 Deliver me from this rapacious deep.
a1862 H. D. Thoreau Cape Cod (1865) viii. 148 The sea sends its rapacious east wind to rob the land.
1907 E. M. Forster Longest Journey iii. 36 He had borrowed money to start him at a rapacious and fashionable private school.
1956 I. Murdoch Flight from Enchanter xi. 148 The machine was looking more and more like some animal through whose rapacious mouth Nina was drawing the cotton.
2002 Wired Nov. 94/2 He's..a finalist for the 2002 National Design Awards, a coveted honor in the rapacious world of black turtlenecks.
2. Of an animal (or its organs): predatory, raptorial; esp. designating a bird of prey. Now chiefly U.S.
the world > animals > by eating habits > [adjective] > carnivorous > predatory
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1647 R. Baron Εροτοπαιγνιον i. i. iv. 32 Swifter then wind you ran, or thought, On foot a running Stag you caught. Rapacious bird Stymphalide, Were made a prey to death by thee.
1661 R. Lovell Πανζωορυκτολογια, sive Panzoologicomineralogia Isagoge sig. Bv The nailes..of the rapacious [quadrupeds are] aduncate.
1678 J. Ray tr. F. Willughby Ornithol. 17 Rapacious diurnal Birds only have the upper Chap of their Bills covered as far as the nosthrils with a naked skin, which our Falconers call the Sear.
1727 J. Gay Fables I. Introd. Rapacious animals we hate: Kites, hawks, and wolves, deserve their fate.
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth V. 79 Of Rapacious Birds in General.
1782 G. White Jrnl. 23 Sept. (1970) xxv. 416 That season they can skulk more secure from the ravages of rapacious birds.
1860 Amer. Agriculturist Dec. 361/1 The traveler in the western wilds will meet with few of the sparrows, warblers, thrushes, and rapacious birds, which are so abundant in the groves bordering upon our cultivated fields.
1898 Amer. Naturalist 32 579 The vast increase of these rodents is directly due to man's destruction of rapacious mammals, birds, and reptiles.
1925 Amer. Midland Naturalist 9 658 The natural enemies of birds are chiefly mammals (including cats) and rapacious birds.
1970 Condor 72 114/2 Alaskan Gyrfalcons typically make use of, or ‘parasitize’, old stick nests of other rapacious birds.
1992 Copeia No. 3. 882/2 The false catshark lacks the fusiform body shape..and rapacious dentition of sharks..that routinely capture active epipelagic fishes.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2008; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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