

单词 quit and clear

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quit and clear
c. Law. Of real property: exempt or released of or from taxes, service, or other claims. Also more emphatically quit and free (also free and quit). quit and clear: free of encumbrances. Obsolete (historical in later use).
a1400 (c1303) R. Mannyng Handlyng Synne (Harl.) 9827 (MED) Þan ys oure charter quyte and clere, Confermyng with þe bysshopes powere.
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) ii. 83 (MED) William passid þe se, þer of he mad þe skrite, Of France to hold þat fe of oþer tenement alle quite.
c1460 in A. Clark Eng. Reg. Oseney Abbey (1907) 65 (MED) Knowe ye me to haue i-yeve..þe goter or locke, þat is i-callid aldewere, fre and quite.
c1475 (?c1300) Guy of Warwick (Caius) 10842 (MED) Thys day halfen-deale Englond I wyll sease into thyn hand Euer-more quyte and free.
a1500 Eng. Conquest Ireland (Rawl.) (1896) 67 (MED) The Statutes or constytuciones of that consayle ben this..that al the landis of holy church and har Possessiones of al Erthly askynge be quyte.
a1500 (c1425) Andrew of Wyntoun Oryg. Cron. Scotl. (Nero) vii. l. 3546 Schir Wilȝame til haf þat qwyte, To halde in fre barowny.
1876 J. Grant Hist. Burgh Schools Scotl. i. i. 4 Free and quit from all custom, synodal rent, aids, lodgings and conreds.
extracted from quitadj.
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