单词 | rantum-scantum |
释义 | rantum-scantumint.n.adj. Used as a disparaging or rousing chant or chorus. Obsolete. ΘΚΠ the mind > mental capacity > intelligibility > absence of meaning > nonsense, rubbish > unintelligible language, gibberish > [noun] jargon1340 gibberishc1557 fustiana1593 hibber-gibber1593 rabble?1593 gabbling1599 rantum-scantum1599 ribble-rabble1601 gabble1602 High Dutch1602 Greek1603 baragouin1614 galimatias1653 riddle-me-ree1678 clink-clank1679 Hebrew1705 alieniloquy1727 jabber1735 mumbo-jumbo1738 gibbering1786 rigmarole1809 gibber1832 rigmarolery1833 Babelism1834 jargoning1837 barrikin1851 abracadabra1867 double Dutch1876 jabberwock1902 jabberwocky1908 jibber-jabber1922 mumbo-jumbery1923 mumbo1931 double-talk1938 garbology1944 1599 T. Heywood 1st Pt. King Edward IV sig. Cv Rantam Scantam, Rogues follow your leader. 1670 J. Dryden & W. Davenant Shakespeare's Tempest iv. 63 I found her..singing Tory, Rory, and Ranthum, Scantum, with her own natural Brother. 1717 W. Taverner Artful Husband (new ed.) iv. 42 In short, we are to sing rantum scantum, and be everlastingly merry, now your Aunt's married. 1760 Did you ever see such Damned Stuff? (title page) Rantum-skantum is the Word, and Nonsense shall ensue. 1773 J. Robertson Poems (rev. ed.) 239 Drink Popery's Health, and Confusion to George : ‘Rantum Scantum, ye Dogs, away and rejoice.’ 1820 J. Trumbull Poet. Wks. II. 225 (note) They [sc. the Cavaliers] had a favorite ballad suited to the times... Its chorus was ‘Sing tory rory, rantum scantum, tory rory row.’ B. n. Reckless or heedless behaviour, (in early use) esp. wild or uninhibited sexual activity; (also) disorderly nonsense. Now rare. ΘΚΠ the world > relative properties > order > disorder > [noun] derayc1300 disray13.. disordinancec1374 unordaininga1382 perturbationa1398 disarrayc1410 misordera1513 disorder1530 confusionc1540 mistemper1549 indisposition1598 ataxy1615 disordination1626 indigestion1630 tumble1634 discomposure1641 incomposure1644 dyscrasy1647 dislocation1659 disarrayment1661 disjuncture1683 rack and manger1687 rantum-scantum1695 derangement1737 disarrangement1790 misarray1810 havoc1812 unhingement1817 mingle-mangleness1827 bedevilment1843 higgledy-piggledyness1854 ramshackledom1897 inchoateness1976 the world > action or operation > manner of action > carelessness > incautiousness > [noun] > rashness or recklessness recklessnessOE resec1275 outragea1387 rechelesshipc1390 wantonnessc1390 hastivessa1393 recklesslaika1400 racklenessc1405 recklessheadc1410 headiness1447 temerity?a1475 lavishness1477 hastivitya1500 rashnessa1500 Ate1587 temerousness1598 temeritude1623 wretchlessness1625 hare-brainedness1656 rantum-scantum1695 temerariousness1711 blindness1796 devil-may-carishness1829 devil-may-careness1834 devil-may-care1836 rattle-brain1838 devil-may-careism1841 bullheadedness1858 harum-scarumness1863 madcappery1905 1695 E. Ravenscroft Canterbury Guests iv. xii. 49 What, Sir Barnaby, in Bed with two at once—Higledy Pigledy... Was this his rantum scantum... To be Marry'd in the Morning—Sir Barnaby and play at leap frog o'er night. 1728 W. R. Chetwood Voy. Capt. Boyle (ed. 2) 13 We soon perceiv'd the loving Couple playing at Rantum Scantum. 1767 T. Bridges Homer Travestie (ed. 2) I. ii. 52 Jove and his queen have had their quantum Of jaw, and such like rantum-scantum. 1815 ‘J. Mathers’ Hist. Mr. John Decastro & Brother Bat III. 9 You must be content to walk and leave that helter-skelter trick of running from place to place, and jumping every ditch that comes your way; this is harum-scarum, and rantum-scantum. 2003 J. Blitefield in G. A. Hauser & A. Grim Rhetorical Democracy xiii. 107 (heading) Populist poetry or rantum-scantum? The civil disobedients of poetry slams. Harum-scarum, wild, disorderly. Obsolete.In quot. 1695 in a sexual context: cf. sense B. ΘΚΠ the world > relative properties > order > disorder > [adjective] troublec1374 misorderlya1568 unorderly1578 luxate1597 incomposed1608 methodless1609 tumultuary1609 unordered1621 disorderly1632 higgledy-piggledy1676 rantum-scantum1695 throughother1720 rough and tumble1818 ramshackle1820 skimble-skamble1826 ahoo1828 disordinate1840 disorganic1841 ramshackly1883 rantum-scootum1885 tumultuarious1895 ragtime1917 inchoate1922 higgledya1953 shambolic1970 1695 E. Ravenscroft Canterbury Guests iv. x There has been Rantum scantum doings within, the Bed's turn'd Topsy Turvy. 1728 M. Delany Autobiogr. & Corr. (1861) I. 164 Don't think me the maddest thing in the world for writing such a rantum scantum letter. c1780 M. Monsey Let. 4 Mar. in J. C. Jeaffreson Bk. about Doctors (1860) II. iv. 83 I shall find rantum scantum work at Cyprus, Paphos, and Cythera. 1783 C. Macklin True-born Irishman i. 18 The people of Ireland are much obliged to you for your helter skelter, rantum scantum portrait of them. 1850 Sartain's Union Mag. Jan. 67/2 Tell that meaching, cowardly, ignorant rantum-scantum scaliwag that I won't, that's all! This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2008; most recently modified version published online March 2022). < int.n.adj.1599 |
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