

单词 beyond the call of duty

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(above and) beyond the call of duty
P6. call of duty: that which is required of a person professionally, or in relation to a person's personal duties or moral obligations. Now frequently in (above and) beyond the call of duty: beyond what may reasonably be expected of a person.In early use not a fixed collocation; cf. figurative use of sense 9a.
1660 Declar. Major Gen. & Officers Ireland (single sheet) Being therefore invited by the highest Call of Duty and Necessity, we resolved.., to restore the Authority of the Parliament.]
1715 I. Watts Guide to Prayer ii. 59 They have then Reason to hope for more special Assistance from the Spirit of God while they obey the Call of Duty.
1799 H. English Conversat. & Amusing Tales i. 28 His wife, the virtuous Sabina,..was ready to submit to the will of her husband, and to resign pleasure at the call of duty.
1875 Munic. Reg. (Taunton, Mass.) 27 The firemen of the city are justly entitled to the highest praise for..their prompt respondences to the call of duty.
1916 School & Home Educ. Jan. 149/1 To this clear call of dutythe duty of courage—no deaf ear would be turned.
1963 Charleston (W. Va.) Gaz. 26 June 14 It is a matter of gross injustice that Bonnie Prince Charlie,..may have received a caning instead of a medal for service to his country above and beyond the call of duty.
1984 P. Fitzgerald Charlotte Mew xiii. 129 Charlotte accordingly threw herself, beyond the call of duty, into house-hunting.
2008 N.Y. Times Mag. 20 Apr. 33/2 We do not compel anyone to rush into a burning building (although we esteem those who do). Such efforts are termed supererogatory, beyond the call of duty.
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