

单词 quarterly


Brit. /ˈkwɔːtəli/, U.S. /ˈkwɔrdərli/
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymon: quarterly adj.
Etymology: < quarterly adj.
1. A quarterly publication, review, magazine, etc.In quot. 1908: lesson notes for Sunday schools, issued every three months.
society > communication > journalism > journal > periodical > [noun] > by frequency of publication
society > education > place of education > school > [noun] > Sunday school > lesson notes for
1818 Ld. Byron Let. 11 Apr. (1830) II. 171 Upon thy table's baize so green The last new Quarterly is seen, But where is thy new Magazine, My Murra?
1857 C. M. Yonge Dynevor Terrace I. xv. 252 What Quarterly was it? Surely the Christmas number was not out.
1882 M. E. Braddon Mt. Royal III. i. 10 ‘Oh, there are the new Quarterlies,’ seeing a package on the table.
1908 L. M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables xi. 110 I got a quarterly from Mr. Bell for you and you'll go to Sunday-school to-morrow.
1922 E. Pound Let. 14 Mar. in Pound/Little Rev. (1988) 512 I can't see that editing a quarterly will give you any more leisure to write poetry.
1969 J. Gross Rise & Fall Man of Lett. i. 9 They helped to create not only the great quarterlies and monthlies, as is well known, but the weeklies as well.
2004 Daily Tel. 13 Dec. 19/5 Editor of a national quarterly that looks at life from a broadly secularist point of view.
2. Heraldry. A shield divided or charged quarterly. Obsolete. rare.
1869 W. S. Ellis Antiq. Heraldry x. 228 Aubrey de Vere..transmitted his..coat of Quarterly to his descendants.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2007; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈkwɔːtəli/, U.S. /ˈkwɔrdərli/
Forms: see quarter n. and -ly suffix1.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: quarter n., -ly suffix1.
Etymology: < quarter n. + -ly suffix1.
1. That takes place, is done, etc., every quarter of a year; relating to, or covering, a quarter of a year. Also in extended use. quarterly waiter n. Obsolete = quarter waiter n.
the world > time > period > year > [adjective] > occurring specific number of times a year
society > authority > subjection > service > servant > personal or domestic servant > attendant or personal servant > [noun] > gentleman usher
quarter waiter?a1522
quarterly waiter1699
1563 in A. Macdonald & J. Dennistoun Misc. Maitland Club (1833) I. i. 32 Takand ilk quarter 2250l. As the capitane of the said Gardis quarterlie acquittances proportis.
1661 in Acts Parl. Scotl. (1820) VII. 53/2 And that ane yeerly and quarterlie allowance might be granted to them for their lyvelyhood.
1688 G. Miege Great French Dict. ii. sig. Fff4/3 The quarterly Seasons of Devotion, called the Ember-weeks.
1694 W. Holder Disc. Time i. 22 The Moon..makes also four Quarterly Seasons within her little Year.
1699 A. Boyer Royal Dict. at Quartier Officier de Quartier, a quarterly Waiter.
1700 F. Bugg Pilgrim's Progress (ed. 2) 145 This Agreement and Account herein sent, we think it needful you should record it in your Quarterly Book.
1786 Times 31 July 2/2 On Saturday last a Quarterly Messenger..arrived..with dispatches.
1801 M. Edgeworth Forester in Moral Tales I. 194 Quarterly and half-yearly payments.
1862 G. A. Sala Ship-chandler 37 Mine is a quarterly hiring, and my quarter is out to-morrow.
1918 Linkman Apr. 1 (title) The Linkman—a literary and artistic quarterly review of congenial interests.
1963 A. Orlov Handbk. Intelligence i. 10 Stalin in 1932 ordered intelligence to discontinue sending him quarterly surveys of foreign countries.
2006 N.Y. Mag. 3 Apr. 14/1 March brought record-breaking quarterly earnings reports from Goldman Sachs.
2. Heraldry. Divided quarterly, or (by extension) into any number of parts by lines at right angles to each other, as quarterly of eight.
1645 in Trans. Shropshire Arch. Soc. (1879) 2 274 The same quarterly coats, surmounted by a mitre.
a1650 S. D'Ewes Autobiogr. & Corr. (1845) (modernized text) I. 20 These coats quarterly were thus impaled in my grandfather Simonds's funeral escutcheons.
1718 A. Nisbet Ess. Armories xv. 191 Upon the one side is an Eagle..and below it an Escutcheon quarterly of the above Arms.
1782 J. T. Dillon Polit. Surv. Sacred Rom. Empire 13 On the breast of the eagle an escutcheon quarterly of eight.
1794 W. Tindall Hist. & Antiq. Abbey & Borough Evesham 224 In the last pane..Azure a chevron Ermine, in an escutcheon quarterly.
1966 C. W. Scott-Giles & J. P. Brooke-Little Boutell's Heraldry 32 The shield may be quarterly of six, eight or more pieces, each being termed a quartering.
1977 Ordinary of Arms Scotl. II. 354/2 Quarterly of five per fess dovetailed.
1988 T. Woodcock & J. M. Robinson Oxf. Guide to Heraldry 9 Geoffrey de Mandeville..was the central figure in a group of families related to him..who all bore a quarterly coat.
3. Belonging or relating to a quarter, in various senses; spec.quarterly book n. Obsolete one of four additional books given free of charge for every hundred books ordered (cf. quartern book n. at quartern n.2 Compounds). quarterly wind n. a wind blowing on the quarter (on the quarter at quarter n. 24a).
the world > the earth > weather and the atmosphere > weather > wind > [adjective] > favourable (of wind) > blowing on ship's quarter
1705 tr. G. Guillet de Saint-Georges Gentleman's Dict. at Lasking And 'tis much the same with going Large, or Veering, that is, going with a Quarterly Wind.
1776 S. Johnson Let. 12 Mar. (1992) II. 307 We must..superadd what is called the quarterly-book or for every hundred books so charged we must deliver an hundred and four.
1889 Standard 16 Mar. 3/8 The wind..was..quarterly.
1998 Boston Herald (Nexis) 7 June b29 Each crew had a difficult time getting started in the freshman race in a northwest quarterly wind that blew over the shores of the Thames River.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2007; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈkwɔːtəli/, U.S. /ˈkwɔrdərli/
Forms: see quarter n. and -ly suffix2; also Scottish pre-1700 quarterrie (probably transmission error), pre-1700 quartherie (probably transmission error).
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: quarter n., -ly suffix2.
Etymology: < quarter n. + -ly suffix2.
1. Every quarter of a year; once in a quarter. Also Scottish of people on a rota: †for a quarter of a year each (obsolete).
the world > time > period > year > [adverb] > every half or quarter of a year
1418 in R. W. Chambers & M. Daunt Bk. London Eng. (1931) 196 (MED) Euery brothir of the same felashepe..shal quarterly paye to ther prest vj d.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll.) 245 I..gyff the deukedom of Lorayne for ever unto the, and..for to purvey the of horse-mete a fifty thousand quarterly.
1529 Act 21 Hen. VIII c. 13 §28 Chaplains..daily or quarterly attending.
1533 in R. K. Hannay Acts Lords of Council Public Affairs (1932) 396 Quhilk day sall be completit the end of all the four quarteris of this realm divisit to remane quarterly and monethly on the bordouris.
1581 R. Mulcaster Positions xli. 237 That there were no admission into schooles, but foure times in the yeare quarterly.
a1634 W. Austin Devotionis Augustinianæ Flamma (1635) 254 They be Times that Quarterly bring us in Revenew for our temporall profit.
1712 J. Addison Spectator No. 295. ¶1 She should have 400l. a Year for Pin-money, which I obliged my self to pay Quarterly.
1776 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 66 113 I will next state the different values..of life-annuities, according as they are supposed to be payable yearly, half-yearly, quarterly, or momently.
1803 R. Pering in Naval Chron. 15 61 The yard is paid quarterly.
1878 W. S. Jevons Polit. Econ. 53 Managers, officers, secretaries, and others, are paid quarterly, or sometimes half-yearly.
1910 Encycl. Brit. I. 939/1 It has appeared quarterly without a break since that time, and was long under the immediate direction of Sir William Turner.
1953 E. Jones Sigmund Freud I. viii. 160 He proposed to insure his life for 1,000 gulden a year, payable quarterly.
1979 Daily Tel. 8 June 36/6 Aircraft can be leased by the hour, day, week, month, quarterly or longer .
2003 D. L. Scott Wall St. Words (ed. 3) 3 An account statement for an active account is generally sent at the beginning of each month, while statements for inactive accounts are sent quarterly.
2. Heraldry.
a. In (or on) one or more of the four divisions of a shield formed by a vertical and a horizontal line drawn through the fess point. Also (usually with reference to two tinctures, charges, or coats of arms): placed alternately with the other, so as to occupy diagonally opposite quarters.
society > communication > indication > insignia > heraldic devices collective > charge: device on shield > [adverb] > other manners or types of charge
?a1425 (a1400) Brut (Corpus Cambr.) 294 (MED) Þe King..melled þe Kingez armes of Fraunce qwarterly with þe armes of Engelond.
a1525 (c1448) R. Holland Bk. Howlat l. 591 in W. A. Craigie Asloan MS (1925) II. 113 He bure quarterly..The armes of ye dowglass.
1525 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles II. clxviii. 192 He bare syluer and sables quarterly.
1592 W. Wyrley Lord Chandos in True Vse Armorie 91 Sir Neal Loring, who fairly Arms put on Quarterly white and red.
a1650 S. D'Ewes Autobiogr. & Corr. (1845) (modernized text) I. 20 My said grandfather did..cause to be depicted over the chimney..his own coat-armour empaled with Lovelace and Ensham quarterly.
1684 London Gaz. No. 1952/4 The Arms of the said Count, being in an Eschutcheon Four Coats quarterly.
1764 H. Walpole Castle of Otranto iii. 98 A banner with the arms of Vicenza and Otranto quarterly.
1823 W. Scott St. Ronan's Well II. v. 128 A white lion for Mowbray, to be borne quarterly, with three stunted or scrog-bushes for Scrogie.
1869 J. E. Cussans Handbk. Heraldry (rev. ed.) xii. 154 Their daughter..is entitled to bear both her Father's and her Mother's Arms quarterly.
1927 C. K. Bolton Amer. Armory 57 Bookplate..owned by W. F. Havemeyer, has the above arms quarterly.
1973 B. Reynolds in tr. L. Ariosto Orlando Furioso (1975) 751 Leopards and fleurs-de-lis clearly refer to the fleurs-de-lis of France and the leopards of England borne (quarterly) with a label ermine by John of Gaunt.
1993 T. H. Wilson in R. Distelberger et al. Western Decorative Arts 144 The front of the dish is painted with a griffin rampant holding up a shield quarterly blue and white.
b. With reference to the division of a shield, or to blazoning it: into quarters. Obsolete. quarterly quartered: having one or more quarters divided in four; also quarterly quartering.
1610 J. Guillim Display of Heraldrie v. i. 238 If they be charged, then I hold it best blazoned quarterly.
1709 J. Strype Ann. Reformation Introd. i. 8 This [shield] impaled quarterly, 1. The arms of Scotland. 2. The arms of England. The third as the second. The fourth as the first.
1863 C. Boutell Man. Heraldry xv. 149 The Marshalling now proceeds by Quarterly Quartering.
1864 C. Boutell Heraldry Hist. & Pop. (ed. 3) iii. 16 The Grand Quarters of which the first and the fourth..are Quarterly-quartered.
c. quarterly pierced adj. (of a cross) having a square aperture in the area where the two limbs intersect. Cf. quarter-pierced adj. at quarter n. Compounds 4. Obsolete.Authorities appear to be divided over whether this aperture fills the whole area of intersection or not.
society > communication > indication > insignia > heraldic devices collective > charge: device on shield > cross > [adjective] > other types of cross
quarterly pierced1662
1662 T. Fuller Hist. Worthies Eng. Cambridge-shire 166/6 (table) A cross patonce quarterly perced.
1712 H. Curzon Universal Libr. II. 387 The Cross, of which are many sorts, as..Quarterly pierced.
1780 J. Edmondson Compl. Body Heraldry II. (Gloss.) Quarterly Pierced, is used to express a square hole in a saltire, a cross millrine, &c. through which aperture the field is seen.
1863 C. Boutell Heraldry Hist. & Pop. (ed. 2) 29 When a square aperture is pierced through its centre..a Cross is quarter pierced. The term quarterly pierced, denotes the entire removal of the central portion of the Cross.
1866 J. E. Cussans Gram. Heraldry 18 When the central part of the four limbs of a cross is cut out, it is said to be voided..; if only at the fess point.., Quarterly-pierced.
1881 J. Foster Peerage 706/1 Ermines, on a cross quarterly pierced arg. four fers-de-moulin.
a. Scottish. By or through each quarter (of a town). Obsolete. rare.
1554 Dundee Burgh Court Bks. II. f. 347v, in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue at Quarterly And the towne quarterlie to help to cast the dame [of the mills].
1603 in R. Renwick Extracts Rec. Stirling (1887) I. 106 This ordour to be quarterlie kepit throuch the haill toun, begynnand at the first quarter.
c1650 J. Spalding Memorialls Trubles Scotl. & Eng. (1850) I. 267 The balleis went quarterlie about to causs ilk inhabitant subscrive.
b. Into four parts. Obsolete. rare.
the world > relative properties > number > specific numbers > four > [adverb] > into four parts
1576 G. Gascoigne Complaynt of Phylomene in Steele Glas sig. O.iij They tore in peces quarterly The corps.
c. Placed at four equidistant points around something. Obsolete. rare.
the world > relative properties > number > geometry > point > [adverb]
1605 W. Camden Remaines i. 148 No lesse did he like his invention, which for sir Anthony Wingfield, devised a Wing with these foure Letters, F, E, L, D, quarterly about it., and over the wing a crosse.., and on the crosse a red rose.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2007; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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