

单词 quadrant


Brit. /ˈkwɒdr(ə)nt/, U.S. /ˈkwɑdr(ə)nt/

α. Middle English–1600s quadrent, Middle English– quadrant, 1500s (1900s– in sense 2b) quadrante.

β. 1600s quadran, 1600s quadron (Scottish).

Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French quadrant; Latin quadrant-, quadrāns.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman and Middle French quadrant, quadran (also cadran ) instrument for making angular measurements (13th cent. in Old French), quarter (a1324), quarter (of a day) (1482) and its etymon classical Latin quadrant-, quadrāns fourth part, quarter (spec. of an as, an acre, a foot, a pound, a sextarius, a day), in post-classical Latin also farthing (from 7th cent. (frequently from 12th cent.) in British sources), instrument for making angular measurements (13th cent. in British sources), quarter of a circle (a1350, c1500, 1537 in British sources), use as noun of present participle of quadrāre quadrate v. Compare quadrans n.With sense 2 compare Anglo-Norman denier quadrant farthing (14th cent.). In sense 4c probably after German Quadrant quadrant of the moon (1837). In sense 4d after German Quadrant (1859 in this sense in the passage translated in quot. 1864). With the β. forms compare quadran n.
I. Senses relating to a fourth part.
1. A quarter of a day; six hours. Now chiefly historical.
the world > time > period > hour > [noun] > specific number of hours
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 124 A moneþ contteyneþ foure wekis..and a day foure quadrantis, & a quadrant sexe houres.
1582 S. Batman Vppon Bartholome, De Proprietatibus Rerum xxi. f. 148/1 An houre is the sixte parte of a quadrant: and an houre the .xxiiii. parte of a daye naturall.
a1627 J. Beaumont End His Maiesties First Yeere in Bosworth-field (1629) 136 The Sunne, who in his annuall circle takes A dayes full quadrant from th' ensuing yeere.
1646 Sir T. Browne Pseudodoxia Epidemica 219 The intercalation of one day every fourth yeare, allowed for this quadrant, or 6 houres super~ numerary. View more context for this quotation
1691 P. King Enq. Constit. Primitive Church ix. 143 They had only 365 days in a year, never taking notice of the odd Hours, or Quadrant of a Day, that every fourth Year makes a whole Day.
1723 J. Hodgson Syst. Math. I. 241 The Arches ♈D and DA do together make a Quadrant or Six Hours.
1954 Speculum 29 230 It then deals with divisions of time: century, Indiction, lustrum, year, season, month, day, quadrant of six hours, hour, point (or, quarter-hour), momentum, uncia, and atom, which last is indivisible.
2002 T. Bunnell et al. Crit. Refl. Cities Southeast Asia 209 Green is considered a superior colour in Islam because it embodies the active qualities of nature, the seasons, the quadrants of the day, and the divisions of a man's life.
a. A farthing; a quarter of a penny. Now historical.
society > trade and finance > money > medium of exchange or currency > coins collective > English coins > [noun] > farthing
c1450 MS Marquis of Bute f. 167v, in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue (at cited word) Qwhen it is dry it sal wey xlii s. ii d. & obl. & a quadrant.
1609 J. Skene tr. Regiam Majestatem (Burgh Lawes c. 66) 26 b The maister..sall haue ane pennie for his Ouen; the twa servants ane pennie, and the boy ane quadrant.
1745 Ware's Antiq. Ireland xxxii, in Wks. II. 213 In order to supply the defect of amll Coins..the Gross, the Dernier, the Demy-dernier, and Quadrant enacted to be struck 38 Hen. VI.
1824 R. Grey's Memoria Technica (new ed.) ix. 116 A Quadrant 3/4 of a farthing.
1850 W. J. Lawson Hist. Banking ix. 344 Five kinds of silver coins—the gross or groat, the demi-gross, the dernier or penny, the demi-dernier, and the quadrant or farthing.
1947 A. R. Frey Dict. Numismatic Terms 193/1 Quadrant, the same as Quadrans but the name is also given to the copper Farthing struck by Edward IV for Ireland.
b. A Roman coin equal to a quarter of an as. Cf. quadrans n. 2b. historical.
society > trade and finance > money > medium of exchange or currency > coins collective > classical coins > [noun] > ancient Roman
1533 J. Bellenden tr. Livy Hist. Rome (1901) I. iii. vii. 270 Ilk man went to Valerius hous, and left ane quadrent [L. quadrantes] in it, to caus him be the more richely buryit.
1592 A. Munday tr. G. Telin Archaioplutos sig. Nv Four Quadrans..value an As.
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World II. 518 A small piece of brasse coin, although it be no more than a Quadrant [L. aereus quadrans].
1655 T. Moffett & C. Bennet Healths Improvem. xx. 191 They were highly esteemed, being sold every dishfull for Fourscore Quadrants.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory iii. ii. 27 The Quadrans or Quadrant, a Farthing, it weighed a grain of Barley, it consisted of 2 Mites, and was the fourth part of an Aes.
a1690 S. Jeake Compl. Body Arithm. (1701) i. ii. 96 A Mite in Latine Minutum and Minutia, in Greek Lepton used Mark 12.42 and from thence proved to be half the Quadrant, (but not half of our Farthing).
1787 W. Dalrymple Hist. Christ xxxix. 382 A quadrant about ¾ of an English farthing.
c1876 D. S. Gregory Why Four Gospels? iii. ii.196 The widow's two mites make a farthing (a quadrant, a well-known Roman coin).
1999 J. J. Pilch Cultural Dict. Bible 24 The as was divided into four quadrants.., a copper coin which was the smallest in value in the Roman system.
c. attributive. In extended use: of little worth or value; trifling, paltry. Cf. twopenny adj. 2. Obsolete.
the mind > attention and judgement > importance > unimportance > [adjective] > of little worth
little worthc1175
patch panel1606
1589 T. Nashe To Students in R. Greene Menaphon Epist. sig. **2v Our quadrant crepundios, that spit ergo in the mouth of euerie one they meete.
3. A quarter of a circle or circular body; (Geometry) (a) a plane figure bounded by two radii of a circle at right angles and the arc cut off by them; (b) an arc forming a quarter of the circumference of a circle.
the world > relative properties > number > geometry > shape or figure > [noun] > two-dimensional > figure forming part of circle
nook cantle1551
the world > relative properties > number > geometry > curve > [noun] > part of circle
supplemental arc1754
multiple arc1802
1559 W. Cuningham Cosmogr. Glasse ii. 92 This nomber I take from.90.degrees (being an hole quadrant) there remaineth 52.degrees 10.minutes, th'eleuation of the pole.
?a1560 L. Digges Geom. Pract.: Pantometria (1571) i. i. sig. B iv A Quadrant is the fourth part of a Circle, included with two Semidiameters.
1660 tr. I. Barrow Euclide's Elements vi. 139 As the arch BC is to four quadrants, that is, the whole circumference.
1694 W. Holder Disc. Time iv. 62 In each Quadrant of the Circle of the Ecliptick.
1725 I. Watts Geogr. & Astron. xix The difference between the sun or star's semidiurnal arc and a quadrant or ninety degrees.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. Quarter Round, a Term used by the Workmen for any Moulding..whose Contour is..a perfect Quadrant.
1843 J. E. Portlock Rep. Geol. Londonderry 682 In each quadrant of the kiln, there is an opening.
1869 E. Dunkin Midnight Sky 74 The north-western quadrant of the sky.
1900 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 17 Mar. 622/2 An insignificant nebula in the lower-inner quadrant of the left cornea.
1986 M. Hughes Dream Catcher iv. 53 The circles were broken by four main aisles that divided the seating into four quadrants.
a. Something having the form of an arc of a quarter-circle. quadrant of altitude n. now historical a graduated strip on an artificial globe around which the strip can be twined, extending from the meridian round one quarter of the circumference.
the world > the earth > earth sciences > geography > map-making > map > [noun] > globe > fitments
quadrant of altitude1581
1581 W. Borough Discours Variation Cumpas sig. B.iv Placyng the Quadrant of Altitude or moueable verticall, at the verticall poinct or Zenith.
1639 E. Chilmead tr. R. Hues Learned Treat. Globes i. ii. 35 A Quadrant of Altitude is..divided into 90. degrees... This Quadrant..may be fastened to the verticall point at any place.
1715 tr. D. Gregory Elements Astron. I. ii. §15. 269 Find with the Quadrant of Altitude that point of the Ecliptic which is elevated 12 degrees above the Western part of the Horizon.
1825 ‘J. Nicholson’ Operative Mechanic 114 The inclined shaft..working in the toothed quadrant Z, elevates or depresses the sluice.
1990 D. Cruickshank & N. Burton Life in Georgian City iii. iii. 167/2 The quadrant, in all its forms and combinations, gives character to the moulded composition.
2003 K. Tolley Sci. Educ. Amer. Girls i. 22 Some texts included more advanced topics, such as the use of a quadrant of altitude to calculate the distance of any two places on the globe.
b. A street or part of a street curved in a quarter-circle; spec. (usually The Quadrant) the eastern end of Regent Street adjoining Piccadilly Circus in London.Also in street names.
society > travel > means of travel > route or way > way, path, or track > street > [noun] > curved in quarter circle
1819 Times 16 Aug. 1/1 The Quadrant, in the grand new street, leading from Carlton-house to the Regent's park.
1847 W. M. Thackeray Vanity Fair (1848) xxxviii. 347 The bearded savages..who..scowl at you..in the Quadrant arcades.
1875 A. E. Housman Let. 9 Jan. (1971) 6 The Quadrant, Regent Street, and Pall Mall are the finest streets.
1885 List of Subscribers, Brighton (South of Eng. Telephone Co.) 3 Farringdon B.—5 North-street-quadrant.
1933 J. Betjeman Ghastly Good Taste vi. 100 Now only the curve of Nash's Quadrant remains.
1990 E. Williamson et al. Glasgow 350 Westbank Quadrant, a long bay-windowed tenement range with a picturesque view over the Kelvin gorge.
2005 Evening Standard (Nexis) 23 Nov. h4 Another is planned at The Quadrant, part of the famous Regent Street curve at the Piccadilly end.
c. Astronomy. Each of four sections into which the moon's surface, as visible from the earth, is notionally divided for purposes of observation and mapping.The sections are bounded by the equator and central meridian of the moon as seen from the earth, measured at the moon's mean libration.
1859 T. W. Webb Celestial Objects 67 The meridians and parallels of latitude have been omitted in the map, except the 1st Meridian and Equator, which divide it, like the original, into Four Quadrants: these are called by Beer and Mäer, the 1st or NW., 2nd or NE., 3rd or SE., 4th or S.W. Quadrant.
1892 R. S. Ball Atlas Astron. 25 It appears that Copernicus must lie in the ‘Second Quadrant’.
1992 Science 31 Jan. 574/2 Postbasin mare units occur within the basin interior (Mare Orientale) and in the northeast quadrant along the base of the Outer Rook and Cordillera Mountains.
d. Anatomy and Medicine. Each of four quarters into which a (typically roughly circular) area or part of the body, esp. the fundus of the eye, the breast, and the surface of the abdomen, can be arbitrarily divided, esp. for the purpose of examination.
the world > life > the body > part of body > [noun] > region > quarter
1864 R. B. Carter tr. A. Zander Ophthalmoscope iv.122 They occupy the whole outer quadrant, or a smaller sector of this portion, more frequently than the middle of the papilla.
1889 N. Senn Intestinal Surg. 116 In the absence of local symptoms calling for the preferable exploration of other parts of the abdominal cavity, the lower right quadrant should be selected as the seat of incision.
1910 S. Sisson Text-bk. Vet. Anat. 665 It is attached at the postero-superior quadrant of the third ventricle by a short stalk, in which is a small recess of that cavity.
1932 Q. Rev. Biol. 7 255 [The] twin sisters both developed fibro-adenoma of the same quadrant of the left breast at 21.
1968 Brain 91 691 Commonly there are homonymous visual field defects, often confined to the upper quadrants but sometimes of hemianoptic distribution.
1991 K. Dalton Once Month (ed. 5) xxi. 214 The injection can be given anywhere in the buttocks where there is a one-inch pinch of flesh, which means it cannot be given in the upper inner quadrant, where the skin is closely attached to the end of the spine.
5. gen. Each of four parts into which something may be divided.In quot. 1587: a group or set of four entities.
the world > space > shape > curvature > curved three-dimensional shape or body > [noun] > sphericity or globularity > sphere > quarter of a sphere
1587 J. Bridges Def. Govt. Church of Eng. i. 91 They intend not to include the Prince at al, in the Quadrant of these 4. kindes & estates of personages.
1598 I. D. tr. L. Le Roy Aristotles Politiques vii. vii. 360 They that inhabite our countrey, which is scituated in a Northerne quadrant, who are vnder the Southerne Parralleles, that is, who are described by the Equinoctiall, euen vnto the Sommer tropicke.
1616 J. Bullokar Eng. Expositor Quadrant, the fourth part of a thing.
1721 J. Keill Introd. True Astron. xxv. 250 The Eastern Quadrant of the Ecliptick is that which lyes between the 90th Degree and the point of it that rises.
1851 M. Faraday in Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 141 106 [The sun] is much nearer the Cape when in the eastern than when in the western quadrant.
1882 S. H. Vines tr. J. von Sachs Text-bk. Bot. (ed. 2) 300 In each of the four quadrants [of a cell] a third division takes place.
1927 Decatur (Illinois) Evening Herald 14 Jan. 5/3 All human experiences can be placed in four quadrants, physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual.
1960 D. C. Braungart & R. Buddeke Introd. Animal Biol. (ed. 5) vii. 95 At the base of each of two of the tentacles in each quadrant is found a special sense organ consisting of a small sac containing a calcareous particle.
1995 Family PC Dec. 258/1 Create a new document in landscape mode and divide the page into four quadrants.
6. A former liquid measure equal to a quarter of a sextary or about a quarter of a pint. Obsolete.
the world > relative properties > measurement > the scientific measurement of volume > measure(s) of capacity > [noun] > liquid measure of capacity > specific units of liquid measure > ancient Greek and Roman unit > ancient Roman units
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World I. 267 One of their shells ordinarily would containe fourescore measures called Quadrants [Fr. quadrats d'eau, L. quadrantes].
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory iii. 339/1 Gill or Quadran, is 4 to a pint.
II. Mechanical senses.
7. An instrument for making angular measurements, esp. the altitude of celestial or distant terrestrial objects, consisting of a graduated quarter-circle and a means of sighting the object (such as a combination of fixed vanes and plumb line, or plumb line and hinged radial arm). Frequently with distinguishing word. Cf. sextant n. 2, octant n. 1. Now historical.Many portable quadrants carried other scales for translating the measurements obtained, esp. for finding the time of day.Gunter's, nonius, sinical quadrant, etc.: see the first element.
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > equipment of vessel > navigational aids > [noun] > quadrant, sextant, etc.
sinical quadrant1669
pig yoke1836
hog yoke1897
the world > the universe > cosmology > science of observation > astronomical instruments > measuring altitude > [noun] > quadrant or sextant > quadrant
?c1400 in J. O. Halliwell Rara Mathematica (1839) 58 Til..þe threde whereon þe plumbe henges, falle vpon þe mydel lyne of þe quadrant, þat es to say, þe 45 degre.
c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) 129 In adrentes [read Quadrentis] coruen all of quyte siluyre.
1508 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1902) IV. 110 That he gaif for iij unce brint silvir to mak iij quadrantis for gunnis.
1555 R. Eden tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde f. 244v With my quadrant and Astrolabie instrumentes of Astronomie.
1627 J. Smith Sea Gram. xiv. 68 The Gunners quadrant is to leuell a Peece or mount her to any randon.
1673 J. Flamsteed Let. 19 Apr. in H. Oldenburg Corr. (1973) IX. 605 Had I onely a large 7 foot Wall quadrant, a Sextans or octans of the same radius, a convenient place for observeing, one good pendulum clocke & a ready assistant, I should not doubt in a few nights to rectifie a many of Tychos errors.
1710 N. Carolina Col. Rec. I. 742 Then we proceeded again to take the latitude at the same place as yesterday having fixed the quadrant very firm.
1774 M. Mackenzie Treat. Maritim Surv. 10 With a Theodolite, or Hadley's Quadrant..take the Angles YXA, YXB, YXC.
1846 C. Dickens Dombey & Son (1848) iv. 24 The stock in trade of this old gentleman comprised..sextants, quadrants.
1957 L. T. C. Rolt Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1970) i. 26 A small ebony quadrant which he used throughout his six years' service at sea.
1998 J. L. Heilbron Geom. Civilized iii. 91 This graduation will make your circle a useful quadrant..when you paste it on cardboard and attach a pivoted ruler, or alidade, at its center.
a. Nautical. A metal frame, shaped like a quadrant or sector of a circle, which is fixed to a rudder head or stock and to which steering ropes or chains are attached.
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > equipment of vessel > steering equipment > [noun] > helm > steering yoke or quadrant
1779 T. W. Jolly Descr. New Patent Steering Machine 5 The pinion Wheel and Spindle are placed parallel to the Stern-post, and made to act on the Quadrant by a Wheel fix'd on the Top of the Spindle, parallel to the Plane of the Quadrant, and turn'd by the Helmsman.
1881 Times 19 Nov. 6/4 One part of the chain connected with the first gearing had got underneath the quadrant and jammed the rudder.
1894 H. Paasch From Keel to Truck (ed. 2) 223 Steering-quadrant.
1923 Glasgow Herald 3 Feb. 8/7 The modern helm, or its equivalent, the quadrant, is placed out-board.
1961 Lloyd's Register of Shipping: Rules & Regs. Construction Steel Ships 57/1 Tillers and quadrants are to be shrunk on or bolted to the rudder head.
1993 W. Baldwin Hard to catch Mercy xi. 345 The hemp line connecting the wheel to the quadrant of the rudder had burnt through, and the spokes spun freely beneath my rapidly fumbling hands.
b. Mechanics. A slotted guide in the form of an arc of a circle through which a lever is operated.
society > occupation and work > equipment > machine > parts of machines > other parts > [noun] > guides
1836 L. Hebert Engineer's & Mechanic's Encycl. I. 410 A shaft..has a pinion l working into m the toothed quadrant.
1891 Manufacturer & Builder Apr. 76/1 This lever works in a quadrant, and is provided with five notches.
1959 Weekly Times (Melbourne) 30 Sept. 1 (advt.) At your fingertips is the ‘automatic brain’ of your Ferguson [tractor]—the amazingly simple control quadrant.
1971 ‘D. Rutherford’ Clear Fast Lane 46 He took the sharp curve..snicking the gearbox quadrant into second.
1991 N. Thorley Jaguar XJ 54 The gear lever/automatic transmission quadrant and twin ashtrays were also unchanged.


a. (In sense 8b.)
quadrant lever n.
1833 J. Holland Treat. Manuf. Metal II. 278 The principle [of Strutt's lock]..consists in a number of quadrant levers.
1919 Times 6 May 6/3 A neat three-speed gear-box, controlled by a quadrant lever mounted on the tank, is attached low down in the frame.
2005 Farmers Weekly (Nexis) 25 Nov. 1 Electronic linkage control is a £900 option replacing quadrant levers.
b. Similative.
quadrant-shaped adj.
1836 Southern Literary Messenger Apr. 320/2 The main compartment itself..contains no machinery whatever beyond two pieces of steel, quadrant-shaped, and situated one in each of the rear top corners.
1874 J. T. Micklethwaite Mod. Parish Churches 163 The mediæval quadrant-shaped cope-chests.
1984 M. Dittrick & D. Dittrick No Uncertain Terms 67 Dutch door quadrant—a quadrant-shaped latch fastened to the bottom leaf of a Dutch door that pivots around the point where the quadrant's radii converge.
quadrant cell n. [after German Quadrantenzelle (1877 in the passage translated in quot. 1884)] Biology each of the four cells formed by two successive divisions of a cell, esp. as occurs in an early stage of plant embryogenesis.
1884 F. O. Bower & D. H. Scott tr. H. A. de Bary Compar. Anat. Phanerogams & Ferns 20 Each quadrant cell [Ger. Quadrantenzelle] is again divided into two unequal parts.
2000 Bryologist 103 149/2 Each cell of the quadrant undergoes two divisions: a tangential-anticlinal division..followed by a periclinal division..in which the new wall extends from the previously formed wall to an anticlinal wall of the quadrant cell.
quadrant compass n. a compass having one leg fitted with an arc along which the other leg slides and to which it may be screwed.
1875 E. H. Knight Amer. Mech. Dict. III. 1841/2 Quadrant-compass, a carpenter's compass, with an arc and a binding-screw.
1946 J. D. Forrester Princ. Field & Mining Geol. ii. vi. 217 For the ordinary quadrant compass, the quadrants are laid out with reference to true cardinal points of the Azimuth compass.
2000 Re: OT: Physics Question in alt.2600 (Usenet newsgroup) 18 Sept. Back in those days the primary instruments [in surveying] were the transit (or even the quadrant compass) and steel/nickel alloy tape.
quadrant electrometer n. an electrometer in the form of a broad, shallow metal cylinder composed of four mutually insulated quadrants, within which there is a suspended needle or vane which turns when a voltage is applied to some of the quadrants when the others are earthed.
1777 T. Cavallo in Philos. Trans. 1776 (Royal Soc.) 66 407 With this I connect the quadrant electrometer, which shews me exactly the state, increase, and decrease of electricity.
1815 J. Smith Panorama Sci. & Art II. 247 This conductor should be furnished with a quadrant electrometer.
2005 Jrnl. Appl. Crystallogr. 38 578/1 From the careful measurements performed using an ionization chamber and a quadrant electrometer, he deduced the phonon spectrum.
quadrant method n. [after German Quadrantenmethode ( A. E. van Giffen Die Bauart der Einzelgräber (1930) 7)] Archaeology a method of excavating circular features by removing diagonally opposite quadrants (see quot. 1954).
the world > time > relative time > the past > history or knowledge about the past > [noun] > archaeology > archaeological expedition or excavation > methods
quadrant method1939
1939 G. Clark Archaeol. & Society iv. 97 For dealing with round barrows with internal structures of timber Dr A. E. van Giffen of Groningen has evolved what he terms the ‘quadrant method’.
1954 M. Wheeler Archaeol. from Earth viii. 95 It is known as quartering or the quadrant method. The mound is marked out into four quarters by two strings, laid preferably to the cardinal points of the compass and over the approximate centre. Opposite quarters are then excavated in turn, a balk 1½–3 feet wide being left between each quadrant in such a fashion as to give a complete transverse section across the mound in both directions.
1991 R. Goldring Fossils in Field iii. 54 Map selected areas using quadrant method.
quadrant roller n. Mechanics, rare a roller designed to roll or rotate through 90 degrees, as in gearing.
1862 Internat. Exhib.: Illustr. Catal. Industr. Dept. II. x. §2350 The gates are of peculiar construction hanging on pivots without the support of quadrant-rollers.
2005 Gearbox Assembly Question in BritBike Forum 4 Apr. (O.E.D. Archive) The steel peg that fits in the quadrant roller will not fit properly without the box in this position.
quadrant steam engine n. Obsolete a steam engine in which the pistons oscillate through a sector of a circle instead of sliding within a cylinder.
1875 E. H. Knight Amer. Mech. Dict. III. 1841/2 Quadrant Steam-engine.


ˈquadrant-like adj.
1897 Outing 29 525/1 The quadrant-like part of the shutter.
1994 K. L. T. Alexander U.S. Patent 5,349,470 4 Fastening means securing the base member together in about one quadrant-like area of said spokes.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2007; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Brit. /ˈkwɒdr(ə)nt/, U.S. /ˈkwɑdr(ə)nt/
Forms: late Middle English quadrante, late Middle English– quadrant. See also quadran adj.
Origin: Apparently a variant or alteration of another lexical item. Etymons: quadrat n., quadrate n.1
Etymology: Apparently an alteration of either quadrat n. or quadrate n.1, by association with quadrant n.1, although use in sense 1 is not paralleled at either quadrat n. or quadrate n.1 Compare quadrate n.3
1. = quadrangle n. 2, 3.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > courtyard > [noun]
base court1490
palace courta1679
1443 in R. Willis & J. W. Clark Archit. Hist. Univ. Cambr. (1886) I. 389 Werkemen..dryving the berne in to the quadrant of the College.
1447–8 in R. Willis & J. W. Clark Archit. Hist. Univ. Cambr. (1886) I. 369 (MED) As touchyng the demensions of the housynge of the said College, I haue deuised..a quadrant..the Est pane wherof shal conteyne ccxxx fete in lengthe..The south pane shall conteyne in lengthe ccxxxviij fete, [etc.].
1537 in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxf. (1880) 143 The abbot send for me,..he beyng under the ellme in the quadrant.
1582 R. Stanyhurst tr. Virgil First Foure Bookes Æneis iv. 83 Dido affrighted..Too the inner quadrant runneth.
1631 J. Weever Anc. Funerall Monuments 412 A faire large Chappell on the East side of the Quadrant.
1655 T. Fuller Hist. Univ. Cambr. v. 78 in Church-hist. Brit. The present Quadrant of the Schools.
1725 J. Strype Ann. Reformation II. ii. ii. 420 Further, they complained of his Wife; that she came within the Quadrant of the College.
1736 Lett. from Moor at London 123 I have devised and appointed in the south-side of the said church a quadrant, closing to both ends of the same church.
1999 Times-Picayune (New Orleans) (Nexis) 4 July a2 The control of the labyrinthine Crusader church is unique. Quadrants and chapels within the church belong to the different groups.
2006 Scarborough Evening News (Nexis) 24 Aug. The garden is being created in a sealed-off area, which the school calls the quadrant, and will be seen by everyone as it is surrounded by corridors and classrooms.
a. A square; a square thing or piece; a square picture. Also figurative. Now rare.
the world > space > shape > angularity > specific angular shape > [noun] > quadrilateral > square > square object or piece
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > painting > [noun] > a painting > of specific size or shape
scroll picture1899
scroll painting1911
1474 W. Caxton tr. Game & Playe of Chesse (1883) iv. ii. 163 The kynge..is sette in the fourth quadrante or poynt of theschequer.
1570 J. Foxe Actes & Monumentes (rev. ed.) I. 756/1 Since the time they did receyue the Catholicke fayth of our Lorde Iesus Christe, as a most perfect quadrant.
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World II. 440 The quadrants or square cantons of the old Tuny fish, burnt to a cole..are thought to be good for the tooth-ach.
1651 J. Saint-Amard tr. F. Micanzio Life Father Paul sig. D4 His moveables being onely a portable quadrant of Christ in the garden.
a1686 A. MartindalE Country Surv. Bk. (1702) ii. 11 From which intersection a line drawn by a rule to A, and another to D, finish the Geometrical Square or Quadrant ACDN.
1720 Magna Britannia I. 250 But the publick Schools, as they now are built in the Form of a Quadrant or Square, were erected of Brick and rough Stone.
1996 Jrnl. Personality Assessment 66 226 The quadrant or square design reduces the circumplex to four broad categories such as hostile-dominant, friendly-dominant, friendly-submissive, and hostile-submissive.
b. Each of the four sides of a square or square-shaped building. Cf. quadrature n. 2. Obsolete. rare.
the world > space > shape > angularity > specific angular shape > [noun] > quadrilateral > square > side of a square
1587 A. Fleming et al. Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) III. 856/2 A palace, the which was quadrant, and euerie quadrant of the same palace was three hundred and twentie eight foot long.
3. Astronomy. (A) quartile aspect. Cf. quadrant adj. 1b. Obsolete.
1702 I. Newton Theory of Moon's Motion 22 And this added to the Moon's Place before found in the first and third Quadrant (accounting from the Sun) or subducted from it in the second and fourth, will give the Moon's Place equated a fifth time.
1702 V. Mandey tr. J. J. Hainlin Synopsis Mathematica: Astron. ii. iv. 345 This continues to the Seventh Day, at which time the Moon proceeds from the Sun by a Sextile Aspect, even to a Quadrant.
1768 J. Hill New Astron. Dict. at Aspects The conjunction is when they are together, the sextile when at sixty degrees distance, the quadrant when at ninety degrees, [etc.].
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2007; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈkwɒdr(ə)nt/, U.S. /ˈkwɑdr(ə)nt/
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Perhaps also partly a variant or alteration of another lexixal item. Etymons: Latin quadrant- , quadrāns ; English quadrat , quadrate adj.
Etymology: < classical Latin quadrant-, quadrāns, present participle of quadrāre quadrate v. In sense 1 perhaps an alteration of quadrat, variant of quadrate adj. (compare quadrant n.2 and quadran adj.); in sense 1b perhaps as a result of association with quadrant n.1 3. With sense 2 compare Middle French quadrant (mid 16th cent.), use as adjective of present participle of cadrer , quadrer (see quadrate v.).
a. Square; of a square form. Obsolete.
the world > space > shape > angularity > specific angular shape > [adjective] > quadrilateral > square or rectangular > square
1517 S. Hawes Pastime of Pleasure (1928) iii. 18 The craggy rocke, whiche quadrant dyde appere.
1535 R. Layton Let. 12 Sept. in T. Wright Three Chapters Lett. Suppression Monasteries (1843) 71 We fownde all the gret quadrant court [of New College] full of the leiffes of Dunce.
1591 W. Garrard & R. Hitchcock Arte of Warre 161 Taking from the quotient ye roote of the quadrant number.
1601 Bp. W. Barlow Def. Protestants Relig. 105 The quadrant stones of Salomons building.
1618 P. Holderus tr. J. van Oldenbarneveld Barneuel's Apol. sig. Ev The truth resembles, right, the right Cubes figure;..Whose quadrant flatness neuer doth disfigure.
a1629 J. Speed Prospect most Famous Parts of World (1646) 139/1 The forme thereof is quadrant or foure-square.
b. Astronomy. = quartile adj. Now rare.
the world > the universe > planet > position of planet > aspect > [adjective] > quartile
1582 S. Batman Vppon Bartholome, De Proprietatibus Rerum viii. xlv. f. 141 The Sextile aspect or radiation is thus expressed, * and it is within 60.degrees, the one from the other. The quadrant aspect thus □, 90.degrees distant.
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World I. ii. xv. 10 As for Mars, as he is neerer to the Sunne, so feeleth he the Sunne beames by a quadrant aspect [Fr. se ressent-elle des rayons du Soleil, mesmes au quart aspect; L. ex quadrato sentit radios], to wit, ninetie degrees.
1869 Sci. Amer. 29 May 339/3 It is an unfortunate sign or planet, when it is by the aspect of Saturn or Mars especially, opposite or quadrant.
1902 tr. S. Pólotski in L.Wiener Anthol. Russ. Lit. (2001) 151 The Tsarévich was born in the quadrant aspect.
2. In agreement or accordance with; conformable or corresponding to. Cf. quadrate adj. 4. Obsolete.
the world > relative properties > order > agreement, harmony, or congruity > [adjective] > specific with or to something
to be standing withc1487
of a piece with1665
one with ——a1848
1536 in State Papers Henry VIII (1830) I. 521 Perceyving that your opinion and advise is quadrant with the same; We haue sent..a pardon to our Cousin.
1598 B. Yong tr. A. Pérez 2nd Pt. Diana in tr. J. de Montemayor Diana 241 To do the contrarie..were..not quadrant to that, which is expected at your hands [Sp. no correspondiente àl lo que de ti podia esperar].
1720 R. Welton tr. T. Alvares de Andrade Sufferings Son of God II. xx. 556 Thou art Content with the Sincerity and Uprightness of my Inclinations, tho' they should not be so exactly Conformable and Quadrant to Thine Own [Fr. quoy qu'elles ne soient pas entierement conformes aux vostres].
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2007; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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