

单词 quadrangle


Brit. /ˈkwɒdraŋɡl/, U.S. /ˈkwɑˌdræŋɡ(ə)l/
Forms: Middle English quadrangel, Middle English– quadrangle, late Middle English quadrangille, late Middle English quadrangul, late Middle English qwadrangyl.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French quadrangle; Latin quadrangulum.
Etymology: < Middle French quadrangle (French quadrangle ) plane figure with four angles and four straight sides (13th cent. in Old French) and its etymon post-classical Latin quadrangulum (5th cent.; also quadriangulum ), use as noun of neuter of classical Latin quadrangulus (also quadriangulus ) having four corners, quadrangular < quadri- quadri- comb. form + angulus angle n.2 Compare quadrangle adj.A pronunciation with primary stress on the second syllable is listed as the primary pronunciation by some sources until as late as the mid 20th cent., and still has some currency.
a. A plane figure with four angles and four straight sides, esp. a square or rectangle; (Geometry) such a figure constructed by joining each of a set of four vertices to two of the others by straight lines; (also) a set of four points, each of which is joined to the other three by a straight line.In Geometry the four sides may cross one another, and the two other lines between the vertices make the figure concave or convex according to whether they intersect inside or outside the figure.
the world > space > shape > angularity > specific angular shape > [noun] > quadrilateral
the world > relative properties > number > geometry > shape or figure > [noun] > two-dimensional > quadrilateral
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 21 He likneþ þe soule sensibilis to a quadrangle, square & foure cornerid.
c1450 Art Nombryng in R. Steele Earliest Arithm. in Eng. (1922) 46 (MED) Vnderstonde yf it be had in hym-self, It is a quadrat; ffor dyvisioun write by vnytes hathe 4 sides, even as a quadrangille.
1551 R. Record Pathway to Knowl. i. Def. Thus haue I done with trianguled figures, and nowe foloweth quadrangles.
1653 R. Saunders Physiognomie i. 58 The Quadrangle..is between the Table-line, the middle natural, that of the Sun, and that of Saturn, when there are four angles.
1757 J. Gray Art of Land-measuring Explained iv. 229 To divide a quadrangle in any proposed ratio by right lines parallel to the diagonal.
1841 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 131 65 It was neither a triangle, a quadrangle, nor a circle.
1884 tr. H. Lotze Logic 130 Nothing is commoner than for a person who speaks of a quadrangle to mean really a parallelogram or often even a square.
1972 M. Kline Math. Thought xxxvi. 872 By 1794 Gauss had found that in his concept of non-Euclidean geometry the area of a quadrangle must be proportional to the difference between 360° and the sum of the angles.
1998 J. Pegg & G. Davey in D. Chazan & R. Lehrer Designing Learning Environments for developing Understanding of Geom. & Space ii. 54 The name rhombus signifies a set of properties and relations. The figure is a quadrangle. All sides are equally long.
b. Palmistry. A quadrangular area on the palm of the hand bounded by four particular lines (see quot. 1883); = table n. 22.
the world > life > the body > external parts of body > limb > extremities > hand > [noun] > other parts of
mons venerisa1637
mount of Venus1695
heel of the hand1704
the mind > mental capacity > expectation > foresight, foreknowledge > prediction, foretelling > divination by natural phenomena > palmistry > [noun] > specific area of the hand
c1450 J. Metham Palmistry (Garrett) in Wks. (1916) 100 (MED) Yff the qwadrangyl be wele colouryd and large, yt betokynnyth largenes.
c1450 J. Metham Palmistry (Garrett) in Wks. (1916) 102 (MED) Yff ther be founde a cros in the qwadrangyl off strekys alyke longe, it sygnyfyith helth off body.
1571 T. Hill Contempl. Mankinde xvi. f. 43 Further of this forme, of the angle crossed, maye a man learne and vnderstande, in any worke of Paulmestrie: that vttereth matter of the quadrangle of the hande.
1883 H. Frith & E. Heron-Allen Chiromancy 138 The Quadrangle is that part of the human hand comprised between the line of the Head and the line of the Heart and between the line of Fate and the line of Apollo.
1934 C. de Saint-Germain Study of Palmistry iv. 313/1 A cross in the Quadrangle touching the Line of Heart—Influence of the opposite sex on the subject.
1972 Trans. & Proc. Amer. Philol. Assoc. 103 370 The three principal lines; the triangle and quadrangle formed by them; the mounts; the phalanges.
1999 Chatanooga (Tennessee) Times Free Press (Nexis) 24 July e8 Aquarius... Notice cross in quadrangle in your palm—it means your intuitive intellect is highly developed.
2. A square or rectangular space or courtyard, entirely or largely surrounded by buildings, typically in a college, palace, etc.; = quad n.2 Cf. quadrant n.2 1.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > courtyard > [noun]
base court1490
palace courta1679
c1543 in J. H. Parker Some Acct. Domest. Archit. (1859) III. 79 The great quadrangle with a gatehous.
c1580 R. Willes in Hakluyt's Voy. (1599) II. ii. 79 The greater part of the quadrangle [is] set with sauage trees, as Okes, Chestnuts, Cypresse.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 2 (1623) i. iii. 156 My Choller being ouer-blowne, With walking once about the Quadrangle . View more context for this quotation
1642 Caval. Adv. Majesty 7 Our men..went in at the back Gate opposite to Oriall Colledge, and through Canterbury quadrangle.
1699 E. Ward London Spy I. iii. 8 We step'd thro' a little Brick Court, and then came into a Spacious Quadrangle.
1721 N. Amhurst Terræ-filius 18 Feb. [I]..saunter'd a pretty while along the Quadrangle, impatient of the Lecturer's Delay.
1764 T. Harmer Observ. Passages Script. xi. iii. 103 These quadrangles or courts are paved..with marble.
1797 R. Southey Lett. from Spain iv. 43 The Bishop's palace —a place not unlike a college, with a quadrangle, round which the preists have their apartments.
1828 W. Scott Fair Maid of Perth x, in Chron. Canongate 2nd Ser. I. 253 A lofty vaulted entrance led through this eastern front into the quadrangle.
1857 T. Hughes Tom Brown's School Days ii. viii. 408 [Tom] was chaired round the quadrangle, on one of the hall benches borne aloft by the eleven.
1877 C. W. Thomson Voy. ‘Challenger’ I. ii. 112 We passed through an archway into a large quadrangle.
1916 J. Joyce Portrait of Artist ii. 101 The word and the vision capered before his eyes as he walked back across the quadrangle and towards the college gate.
1959 N. Mailer Advts. for Myself (1961) 153 He looks down six stories into the giant quadrangle of the Queens housing development.
1994 Guardian 26 Sept. ii. 2/4 There is scarcely a permanent secretary who doesn't have punts and violet-lawned quadrangles floating through the faded netherlands of his mind.
a. A rectangular building or block of buildings; a building containing a square or rectangular courtyard. †Also occasionally as a mass noun (obsolete).
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > building of specific shape > [noun]
round tower1790
1596 E. Monings Landgraue of Hessen his Receiuing of her Maiesties Embassador 6 His lodgings were fiue rowmes, which tooke vp one end of his house, being a goodlie quadrangle, somewhat more in length then in breadth, and like the Louer at Paris, hie and statelie.
1620 T. Peyton Paradise in E. Farr Sel. Poetry Reign James I (1848) 179 Like a quadrangle seated on a hill With twelue braue gates.
a1684 J. Evelyn Diary anno 1645 (1955) II. 464 They [sc. the Schools] are fairly built in quadrangle, with Cloysters beneath.
1712 N. Amhurst Terræ-filius No. 5 (1754) 24 I would not have them set their minds too much upon new quadrangles, and empty libraries, and spacious halls.
1817 W. Scott Rob Roy II. xii. 242 I wandered from one quadrangle of old-fashioned buildings to another, and from thence to the College-yards, or walking-ground.
1837 J. R. McCulloch Statist. Acct. Brit. Empire II. v. i. 496 The buildings of Trinity College [Dublin]..consist of three quadrangles.
1870 F. R. Wilson Archit. Surv. Churches Lindisfarne 64 Beadwell [has] an additional quadrangle of houses.
1946 ‘J. Tey’ Miss Pym Disposes i. 7 From each of the yawning windows of the little quadrangle the noise poured out on to the still, sunlit garden.
1982 S. Cooper Black Fire i. 46 They soon reached a quadrangle of stone buildings.
1995 Independent (Nexis) 29 May 19 I am standing on the edge of an estate in Stockwell... A concrete quadrangle surrounds a square of yellowed grass.
b. A square-shaped block. (In quot.: an iceberg.) Obsolete.
the world > space > shape > angularity > specific angular shape > [noun] > cube or cuboid > cube-shaped object or piece
1853 E. K. Kane U.S. Grinnell Exped. xlix. 461 A second quadrangle stood out from the shore at the same rate.
4. North American. Cartography. A rectangular tract of land, bounded by specified parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude, represented on one map of a series collectively covering a large, contiguous area.
1897 Times 23 Aug. 8/1 The area from which the facts for his discussion were collected is the Tacoma quadrangle of the United States topographical survey.
1934 Jrnl. Farm Econ. 16 439 The map was constructed by determining, from the combination of topographic quadrangles and soil survey maps, the average degree of slope for the major soil types in the state.
1951 Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Press 23 July 13/2 A large portion of the fund will be devoted to detailed quadrangle mapping of parts of the state..that have not been mapped before.
2004 Canad. Jrnl. Forest Res. 34 2252/1 All maps were georeferenced to the National Topographic System coordinate system (quadrangles covering areas of 15' lat. × 30' long.).


quadrangle-wise adv. Obsolete
1566 W. Adlington tr. Apuleius .XI. Bks. Golden Asse ii. viii. f. 13 We came to her house, and beholde the gate of the same very beautiful set with pillors quadranglewise, on the toppe whereof weare placed carued statues and images.
a1604 M. Hanmer Chron. Ireland 189 in J. Ware Two Hist. Ireland (1633) The walles foure square, or quadrangle wise.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2007; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Origin: Either (i) a borrowing from French. Or (ii) a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French quadrangle; Latin quadrangulus.
Etymology: < Middle French quadrangle (14th cent.) or its etymon classical Latin quadrangulus four-cornered (see quadrangle n.). Compare earlier quadrangular adj.
1. Of or relating to a quadrangle; quadrangular.
the world > space > shape > angularity > specific angular shape > [adjective] > quadrilateral
1494 Loutfut MS f. 130, in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue (at cited word) To mak a quadrangle form & this to be four nwkit or of may nwkis.
1562 W. Bullein Bk. Simples f. 47v, in Bulwarke of Defence The garden Madder, with quadrangle stalkes.
1577 T. Rogers tr. S. à Geveren Of Ende of World f. 38 The Greeke letter χ. rather betokeneth the quadrangle figure.
2. Astrology. = quartile adj. rare.
the world > the universe > planet > position of planet > aspect > [adjective] > quartile
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World I. 13 In the quadrangle aspect of the Sunne [Fr. au quart aspect du Soleil, L. in quadrato solis], she [sc. the Moon] appeareth divided in halfe: in the triangle, she is well neere environned.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2007; most recently modified version published online June 2020).




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