

单词 pulmonary


Brit. /ˈpʌlmən(ə)ri/, /ˈpʊlmən(ə)ri/, U.S. /ˈpəlməˌnɛri/
Forms: 1600s pulmonarie, 1600s– pulmonary.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin pulmōnārius.
Etymology: < classical Latin pulmōnārius suffering from a disease of the lungs, in post-classical Latin also beneficial to the lungs (4th cent.), of or relating to the lungs (1661 or earlier) < pulmōn- , pulmō lung (see pulme n.) + -ārius -ary suffix1. Compare French pulmonaire (adjective) (of a disease) affecting the lungs (1587 in Middle French), (of arteries, veins, etc.) of or relating to the lungs (1675), of the nature of or having the function of a lung (1805 or earlier in sac pulmonaire pulmonary sac); the uses as noun are apparently not paralleled in French. Compare slightly earlier pulmoniac adj., pulmonic adj.In sense A. 1b after French pulmonaire (1781 in this sense, in the passage translated in quot. 1787). In senses A. 3 and B. 2 after French pulmonaire (of certain arachnids) breathing air by means of book-lungs (in arachnides pulmonaires , plural: P.-A. Latreille in Cuvier Règne animal (1817) III. 74). With pulmonary artery n. at Compounds compare post-classical Latin arteria pulmonaria (1661 in plural, arteriae pulmonariae ), arteria pulmonaris (1672), French artère pulmonaire (1675). With pulmonary vein n. at Compounds compare post-classical Latin vena pulmonaris (1683), French veine pulmonaire (1764 or earlier). With pulmonary vessel (see sense A. 1) compare post-classical Latin pulmonaris vesicula (1671).
A. adj.
a. Of or relating to the lungs.
the world > life > the body > respiratory organs > [adjective] > lungs
1668 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 3 833 This Niter..causeth a due fermentation, which he will have raised, not only in the Heart alone, but immediately in the Pulmonary vessels.
1703 T. Gibson Anat. Humane Bodies Epitomized (ed. 6) ii. 356 Fig. III. Expresses a piece of a Pulmonary Lobe, wherein the membranous Interstices being blown up, all the Lobules appear in their proper Figure.
1780 Philos. Trans. 1779 (Royal Soc.) 69 351 A larger animal imparts a greater quantity of its pulmonary air to the inflammable air.
1848 Quain's Elements Anat. (ed. 5) II. 1149 Each bronchial tube..enters a distinct pulmonary lobule, within which it undergoes still further division, and at last ends in the small cellular recesses named the air cells or pulmonary cells.
1878 Scribner's Monthly Nov. in F. G. Holland Scribner's Monthly 1878–79 (1879) 144/2 Wendell Phillips once characterized a man as one who had ‘pulmonary eloquence’. How many an eminent doctor has owed his distinction to a large chest, a resonant voice, and imposing manners!
1947 Nucleonics Dec. 6/2 Pulmonary ventilation alone is not sufficient to produce resuscitation.
1967 Canad. Med. Assoc. Jrnl. 1 July 3/1 A harsh pansystolic murmur was audible over the entire precordium, and radiated to the pulmonary area and to the back.
2001 S. Walton Out of It (2002) v. 216 The smoke from cannabis is absorbed through the bronchioles in the lungs into the pulmonary bloodstream.
b. Zoology. Of respiration: performed by means of lungs.
the world > life > the body > respiratory organs > [adjective] > lungs > carried on by
1787 J. Skinner tr. F. Fontana Treat. Venom of Viper I. iii. v. 395 An animal may live very well, although deprived of its head... The pulmonary respiration [Fr. respiration pulmonaire], and the circulation of humours in the parts, are sufficient for this effect.
1826 W. Kirby & W. Spence Introd. Entomol. III. xxviii. 50 Yet their [sc. birds'] respiration is perfectly pulmonary.
1922 Copeia No. 108. 53 It [sc. an Andean frog] is not greatly dependent upon pulmonary respiration. The cutaneous respiration is apparently adequate.
1999 Functional Ecol. 13 304/2 At hatching chicks are exposed to atmospheric oxygen, and metabolic rate increases in association with the onset of pulmonary respiration.
c. Zoology. Of the nature of, resembling, or having the function of a lung; spec. designating the respiratory organ of a pulmonate gastropod mollusc. Frequently in pulmonary sac.
1792 New Syst. Nat. Hist. III. 535 The interior organization of this genus [sc. the fly, Musca]..presents two pulmonary sacs of a white colour, arranged longitudinally along the body.
1794 E. Darwin Zoonomia I. xxxviii. 470 The placenta is a pulmonary organ like the gills of a fish.
1834 Penny Cycl. II. 232/1 The external apertures of these, termed spiracles,..are transverse chinks, corresponding in number with the pulmonary pouches [in Arachnida].
1873 St. G. Mivart Lessons Elem. Anat. i. 13 Respiration of air by pulmonary sacs is neither universal in man's sub-kingdom,..nor unknown out of it.
1901 E. Step Shell Life i. 25 This simple form of lung is referred to as the Pulmonary Sac, and its external opening may be watched for just below the lip of the shell on the right-hand side.
a1933 J. A. Thomson Biol. for Everyman (1934) I. xv. 384 Terrestrial snails and slugs breathe dry air, and the blood is spread out on the wall of the mantle-cavity, which is often called a lung or a pulmonary chamber.
1995 P. J. Hayward et al. in P. J. Hayward & J. S. Ryland Handbk. Marine Fauna N.W. Europe x. 572/1 Pulmonates..display a major modification of the mantle cavity which functions as a pulmonary sac or lung.
d. Medicine. Of or relating to the pulmonary valve.
the world > life > the body > vascular system > heart > [adjective] > valve
tricuspid valve1877
1900 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) B. 193 196 The mitral first sound was impure and the second pulmonary sound loud.
1967 Jrnl. Pediatrics 70 434/1 The second heart sound in the pulmonary area is split during expiration because of delayed closure of the pulmonic valve, and the pulmonary component is accentuated.
a. Medicine. Of a disease, condition, etc.: affecting or occurring in the lungs.
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > disorders of internal organs > disorder of respiratory organs > [adjective] > disorders of lungs
1708 J. Wainewright Mech. Acct. Non-naturals iii. 18 I shall first observe, what preceeds a Pulmonary Consumption.
1793 T. Beddoes Observ. Nature & Cure Calculus 139 Giving the pulmonary ulcers an opportunity to heal.
1836–41 W. T. Brande Man. Chem. (ed. 5) 364 In some pulmonary complaints, the respiration of air slightly tainted by the admixture of chlorine has been resorted to as a stimulant.
1877 F. T. Roberts Handbk. Med. (ed. 3) I. 17 The dusky or livid hue of some cardiac and pulmonary diseases.
1953 R. W. Fairbrother Text-bk. Bacteriol. (ed. 7) vii. 81 Streptomycin is widely used for the treatment of tuberculosis. It is particularly effective in the early pulmonary, meningeal and miliary forms of the disease.
1979 W. B. Ober Boswell's Clap & other Ess. iii. 90 If this is taken as the first evidence of hemoptysis, Lawrence had a well-established pulmonary infection by that time.
2004 Metro 22 Nov. (London ed.) 21/1 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder..kills 20 times as many people as asthma does.
b. Of a person: affected with lung disease (in early use esp. tuberculosis). Also, in extended use: †having qualities (as wasting, etc.) popularly associated with consumptive people (obsolete).
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > diseases of tissue > wasting disease > [adjective] > relating to consumption > affected by
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > disorders of internal organs > disorder of respiratory organs > [adjective] > disorders of lungs > affected with
1712 J. Browne tr. P. Pomet et al. Compl. Hist. Druggs II. iv. 392/2 Great Vertues are attributed to the Spirit and Oil of Sulphur in Fevers and pulmonary Cases [Fr. maladies du poulmon] especially.
1793 J. Nott Hotwell Waters 68 At Hières, in the south of France, where many of our pulmonary invalids were used to emigrate.
1835 Southern Literary Messenger 1 547/1 The Red Sulphur..has been for some years known as a place of considerable resort by pulmonary patients.
1843 W. M. Thackeray Jérôme Paturot in Fraser's Mag. Sept. 350/2 Fond of inventing such suffering angels..pale, pious, pulmonary, crossed in love, of course.
1862 W. M. Thackeray Adventures of Philip I. ii. 18 If you want a pulmonary romance, the present won't suit you.
1896 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. I. 281 Inclined to regard the voyage..as unsuitable to the pulmonary invalid.
1926 R. Karsten Civilization S. Amer. Indians i. 22 People that lived in the same house as the pulmonary patient..kept this prophylactic painting for a long time.
1976 Arch. Internal Med. 136 352 Failure to diagnose [hypersensitivity pneumonitis] properly may..condemn the patient to a lifetime as a pulmonary cripple.
2000 Clinics Chest Med. 21 693 The assessment of the pulmonary patient who complains of decreased functional status must include examination and consideration of all these variables.
3. Zoology. = pulmonate adj. 1. Obsolete. rare.
the world > animals > animal body > general parts > internal organs and systems > [adjective] > having lungs or gills
the world > animals > invertebrates > phylum Arthropoda > class Arachnida > [adjective] > pulmonary
the world > animals > invertebrates > subkingdom Metazoa > grade Triploblastica or Coelomata > class Gastropoda > [adjective] > belonging to order Pulmonifera
1833 Entomol. Mag. 1 278 We could never separate the Pulmonary from the Trachean Arachnida, or Branchiferous from the Pulmonary Gasteropod Mollusca.
B. n.
1. Anatomy. A pulmonary blood vessel, esp. a pulmonary artery.
the world > life > the body > vascular system > blood vessel > artery > [noun] > specific artery
arterial vein?c1425
veiny artery1543
share artery1545
cephalic artery1599
venous artery1650
cœliac artery or axis1713
internal mammary1835–6
iliac artery1840
transverse artery1842
innominate artery1866
thyroid axis1881
1707 J. Drake Anthropol. Nova II. vi. 385 They receive Arteries and Veins from the Pulmonaries for their common Function.
1712 Philos. Trans. 1710–12 (Royal Soc.) 27 179 It ascends, as it comes out of the Heart, together with the Left Pulmonary, till they have pierced the Pericardium.
1809 T. Watkins tr. X. Bichat Physiol. Res. Life & Death viii. 234 Making two injections..of different coloured fluids into the two sides of the heart, through the venæ cavæ and pulmonaries.
1944 H. T. Karsner in O. Glasser Med. Physics 419 Emboli..lodge in the main stems of the pulmonaries and become coiled to produce occlusion.
1963 Copeia No. 1. 160/1 A portion of the left pulmonary is observed going caudad but only for a short distance.
2001 Cardiol. Young 11 391 On recent follow-up..no further increase in the indexed diameters of the pulmonaries could be documented in 21 of 33 patients.
2. Zoology. A pulmonate arachnid, as a spider or a scorpion. Obsolete. rare.
the world > animals > invertebrates > phylum Arthropoda > class Arachnida > [noun] > member of > having particular means of respiration > pulmonary
1835 W. Kirby On Power of God in Creation of Animals II. xix. 281 Latreille..divides his Arachnidans into two Orders, Pulmonaries [Fr. Arachnides pulmonaires], or those that breathe by gills, and Trachearies, or those that breathe by spiracles in connection with tracheæ.


pulmonary artery n. Anatomy the large artery conveying blood from the heart to the lungs; (also) a branch of this.
the world > life > the body > vascular system > blood vessel > artery > [noun] > types of
preparing vessela1618
pulmonary artery1679
collateral arteriesa1788
vas vasorum1848
1679 Philos. Trans. 1677 (Royal Soc.) 12 1074 He hath made the Experiment, That Whey tinged with Saffron, being injected into the Pulmonary Artery, imediately runs into the left Ventricle of the Heart.
1750 J. Huxham Ess. Fevers 186 The gross inflammatory Blood sticks in the pulmonary Arteries.
1811 London Dissector (ed. 3) viii. 178 The aorta..is connected to the pulmonary artery by a ligament, which in the fœtus, was a large canal, the Ductus Arteriosus.
1988 P. Monette Borrowed Time iii. 66 The chest x-ray looked clear, except for a shadow that was probably the pulmonary artery.
1996 Jrnl. Parasitol. 82 835/1 Dirofilaria immitis is a heartworm that inhabits the right ventricle and pulmonary arteries of dogs.
pulmonary circulation n. Physiology the passage of blood from the heart through the lungs and back to the heart; the system of blood vessels in which this occurs; cf. systemic adj. 1a.
1775 T. Withers Observ. Abuse Med. 94 Vomiting cannot be used with safety, on account of the severity of the pain, the obstruction of the pulmonary circulation, and the difficulties of respiration.
1833 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. 33 434 The balance preserved between the pulmonary and aortic circulation.
1994 Alert Diver Mar. 29/1 Ultrasonic techniques for monitoring moving gas emboli in the pulmonary circulation.
pulmonary pleura n. Anatomy the visceral pleura of the lung.
1813 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 103 159 At the age of about twenty years the lungs have a mottled..appearance, from black and dark blue spots, lines, and points disseminated immediately under the transparent pulmonary pleura.
1917 W. M. Crofton Pulmonary Tuberculosis ii. 16 The lymph of the pleural sac may either enter the lymph vessels of the parietal pleura or those of the pulmonary pleura.
2004 Vet. Jrnl. 167 274/1 Costal and pulmonary pleura could not always be distinguished.
pulmonary valve n. Anatomy the valve of the heart at the entrance to the pulmonary artery; (also) any of the three semilunar segments of this valve (now rare).
1735 T. Morgan Mech. Pract. Physick 198 At length these pulmonary valves, by a continued Irritation and Stimulus, begin to swell, harden, and gradually lose their natural Elasticity and proper Action.
1832 Lancet 11 Aug. 591/2 Here are the pulmonary valves and the pulmonary artery all in a state of disease.
1968 New Eng. Jrnl. Med. 29 Feb. 499/2 A systolic murmur was heard, suggesting the establishment of a differential pressure between the systemic and pulmonary circulations rather than stenosis of the aortic or pulmonary valve.
1995 School Sci. Rev. June 55/2 The second heart sound is caused by closure of the pulmonary and aortic valve.
pulmonary vein n. Anatomy the large vein conveying blood from the lungs to the heart; (also) a branch of this.
1682 R. Boyle Contin. New Exper. Physico-mech.: 2nd Pt. 94 The Air more tenacious than usual, being drawn into the inwards of the Lungs, and there between the Pulmonary Artery and Vein stopping the course of the blood.
1800 H. Davy Res. Nitrous Oxide iii. i. 351 The blood in the pulmonary veins gradually became more purple.
1901 M. Foster Lect. Hist. Physiol. 184 He found that so long as insufflation of the lungs was kept up the blood ran out by the pulmonary veins florid in colour.
1986 Jrnl. Anat. 145 133 The node-like cells may..represent an ectopic pacemaker centre in the pulmonary vein.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2007; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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