

单词 provençal


Brit. /ˌprɒvnˈsɑːl/, U.S. /ˌproʊvənˈsɑl/, /ˌprɑvənˈsɑl/

α. 1500s Peouenciall (transmission error), 1500s Prouencial, 1600s Prouenciall, 1600s– Provencial.

β. 1500s Prouencal, 1500s prouençall, 1500s–1600s Prouencall, 1500s–1600s Prouensal, 1500s–1600s Prouenzall, 1500s–1600s provenzall, 1500s–1800s Provenzal, 1600s Prouençal, 1600s Prouensall, 1600s Provensall, 1600s–1700s Provensal, 1600s– Provencal, 1600s– Provençal, 1700s Provincal.

Also with lower-case initial.
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French provençal.
Etymology: < Middle French provenceal, provenzal, Middle French, French provençal (noun) inhabitant of Provence (c1160 in Old French as proençal , also 1180–90 as provencial ), (adjective) relating to the language of the troubadours (1225–9 in Old French), from or inhabiting Provence (end of the 13th cent. in Old French as provencele ) < classical Latin prōvinciālis provincial adj., after Old French Provence Provence n. Compare Old Occitan proenzal , proensal (early 13th cent.; Occitan provençal ), Catalan provençal (1328), Spanish provenzal (1549; 1385 as proençal ), Italian provenzale (c1190 as provenzal ). Compare slightly earlier provincial adj. 3.
A. adj.
1. (a) Of or relating to Provence (see Provence n.), its inhabitants, or the languages or dialects formerly spoken in the region. (b) Of or relating to the modern Occitan language spoken in the south of France.
the world > the earth > named regions of earth > Europe > France or Frankish land > [adjective] > other parts of France
the world > people > nations > native or inhabitant of Europe > French nation > [adjective] > parts of
the mind > language > languages of the world > Indo-Hittite > [adjective] > Indo-European > Italic > of Romance languages > of specific Romance languages
1581 G. Pettie tr. S. Guazzo Ciuile Conuersat. II. 17v Euen the Tuscane tongue likewise hath receiued certaine wordes..both French and Peouenciall [read Prouenciall; 1586 Prouencial; It. Prouenzali; Fr. Provençaux] and hath so well appropied them, that they are taken for Tuscane.
1589 T. Nashe To Students in R. Greene Menaphon Epist. sig. **3 Those that are neither prouenzall men, nor are able to distinguish of Articles.
1607 E. Grimeston tr. S. Goulart Admirable & Memorable Hist. 98 At the same incounter, a Prouencall Souldier was shott into the arme with a Musket.
1693 T. Rymer Short View Trag. sig. F6v He compos'd several treatises in this Provencial Ryme and Language.
1723 A. Pope Corr. 26 Sept. (1956) II. 202 Pieces of the old Provençal Poets.
1754 T. Cooke Hymn to May 6 See Provencial Olives blow, And the Vats of Bourdeaux flow.
1820 J. Keats Ode to Nightingale in Lamia & Other Poems 108 Dance, and Provençal song, and sunburnt mirth!
1855 H. H. Milman Hist. Lat. Christianity IV. ix. viii. 220 The high Provençal patriotism of the Troubadour.
1902 Speaker 5 Apr. 9/2 The Provençal shepherd does not drive his flock but leads it.
1936 A. W. Clapham Romanesque Archit. W. Europe iv. 78 A not uncommon feature of the Provençal apse is its polygonal external form.
1992 enRoute (Toronto, Ont.) July 54 The plump and comfortable Provençal cows.
2. Cookery. Frequently as postmodifier. Designating a dish belonging to or characteristic of Provence; = Provençale adj. 2.
the world > food and drink > food > food manufacture and preparation > preparation for table or cooking > [adjective] > prepared in regional style
1876 Cassell's Dict. Cookery 659/1 (heading) Provençal Potage, Boubillasse [sic].
1932 A. Heath Good Food 262 Provençal Sauce. Fry some coarsely chopped tomatoes in smoking oil, [etc.].
1966 Harrod's Food News Sept. 2/2 Individual Scampi Provençal—per carton 9/6.
1997 Syracuse (N.Y.) Post-Standard 19 Aug. e7 The vegetables and seafood provencal are used to fashion a meal out of one of the more comforting or comfort foods.
2001 S. Walton Out of It (2002) p. xv Herb-crusted rack of lamb with Provençal vegetables.
B. n.
1. A native or inhabitant of Provence.
1594 R. Ashley tr. L. le Roy Interchangeable Course ii. f. 23 The Prouençal in times past so much celebrated..is not vnderstood of the Prouençals [Fr. des Prouençaulx] at this day.
1600 R. Surflet tr. C. Estienne & J. Liébault Maison Rustique i. vi. 31 The Gascoin is hot... The Prouenciall is haughtie and cannot indure to be reprooued.
1743 Gentleman's Mag. Nov. 602/1 The King's Marriage fill'd the Court with Provincals and Savoyards.
1795 A. Beaumont Trav. Maritime Alps 89 The Nissards, and Provençals their neighbours,..are accustomed to spend that day [sc. Sunday] in rural and innocent amusements.
1804 C. B. Brown tr. C. F. de Volney View Soil & Climate U.S.A. 136 A collateral wind, called, by the Provençals, the mistral.
1860 G. J. Adler tr. C. C. Fauriel Hist. Provençal Poetry ii. 33 The works of Petrarch may be regarded as the complement and consummation of the amatory poetry of the Provencals.
1902 Speaker 5 Apr. 9/1 With all his imagination, the Provençal betrays a curious realism of his own.
1949 J. L. Lamonte World Middle Ages xix. 341 When the Holy Lance was discovered by one of Raymond's men, the Provençals had hailed the miracle.
1998 Wine & Spirits Fall 34/1 No one but a Provençal could make from three simple ingredients..a sauce so heady.
2. (a) A language or dialect of Provence, esp. the Romance language formerly spoken in Provence. (b) = Occitan n.
the mind > language > languages of the world > Indo-Hittite > [noun] > Indo-European > postulated Italo-Celtic > Romance > French > Provençal or idiom of
1594 R. Ashley tr. L. le Roy Interchangeable Course ii. f. 23 The Prouençal [Fr. la Prouençale] in times past so much celebrated..is not vnderstood of the Prouençals at this day.
1642 J. Howell Instr. Forreine Travell x. 124 The French have three dialects, the Wallon..the Provensall, (whereof the Gascon is a subdialect) and the speech of Languedoc.
1668 J. Gailhard Present State Princes Italy 144 About Piemont..they speak a corrupt Italian, which hath most of the Provenzal in it.
1743 W. Collins Epist. T. Hanmer 40 The soft Provencial pass'd to Arno's stream.
1787 A. Young Jrnl. 28 June in Trav. France (1792) i. 25 Region of the Pyrenees..the language of the country is a mixture of Catalan, Provençal, and French.
1861 T. Wright Ess. Archæol. II. xxii. 221 Provençal was degraded to be the mere conversational dialect of the vulgar.
1882 W. W. Skeat Etymol. Dict. p. xviii The other Romance languages..are Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Provençal, Romansch, and Wallachian.
1901 Q. Rev. Oct. 484 One wished that the periodical should be bi-lingual and the other that it should be solely in Provençal.
1922 Amer. Jrnl. Philol. 43 170 Modern Provencial and Walloon have n, between vowels, representing Latin ūnus and ūna.
1964 Archivum Linguisticum 16 34 Occitan—or Provençal, as it is more usually known—was one of the major European literary languages.
1990 B. Bryson Mother Tongue ii. 33 It is not too much to say that French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian (as well as a dozen or so minor languages/dialects like Provençal and Catalan) are essentially modern versions of Latin.


Provenˈçalism n. [compare French provençalisme (1788)] an idiom typical of the Provençal (Occitan) language; a Provençal word or expression.
the mind > language > languages of the world > Indo-Hittite > [noun] > Indo-European > postulated Italo-Celtic > Romance > French > Provençal or idiom of
1896 Mod. Lang. Notes 11 217/2 Gaspary treated as Provençalisms in the Sicilian poems all words that could be explained only by the laws of Provençal phonology.
1958 Archivum Linguisticum 10 31 Gallicisms (including Provençalisms and Catalanisms).
1993 G. Mazzotta Worlds Petrarch vi. 139 The shift from a political rhetoric to a love rhetoric..is also signaled by the use of a Provençalism such as ‘chier’.
Provenˈçalist n. a student of Provençal (Occitan) language and literature.
the mind > language > languages of the world > Indo-Hittite > [noun] > Indo-European > postulated Italo-Celtic > Romance > French > student of Provençal
1934 Times Lit. Suppl. 30 Aug. 587/1 Mr. W. P. Shepard, himself no mean Provençalist.
1992 Italica 69 100 European intellectuals who reached a safe haven in this country..including the Berlin Provençalist Kurt Lewent..encountered unanticipated difficulties in regard to employment.
Proˈvençalize v. transitive to make Provençal in nature or character.
1946 Mod. Philol. 43 281/2 The chief error of Errante seems to be in Provençalizing and generalizing a statement that would have been correct for Italian poetry.
1981 Speculum 56 427 Ramon Llull's ‘poetry in Catalan’ is in fact heavily Provençalized.
Proˈvençalized adj. that has become or been made Provençal in nature or character; influenced by Provençal.
1898 Academy 14 May 513/3 Guittone di Arezzo is the first conspicuous name of the indigenous Italian school which quickly followed these Provençalised Sicilians.
1979 Speculum 54 592 A poem of particular linguistic interest is no. IX, which, in a Provençalized version, is attributed to Thibaut.
1994 Medium Ævum 63 287 March was the first poet whose surviving work was composed in Catalan, as distinct from a Catalanized Provencal or a Provencalized Catalan.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2007; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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