

单词 pricksong


Brit. /ˈprɪksɒŋ/, U.S. /ˈprɪkˌsɑŋ/
Forms: late Middle English pryckesong, late Middle English pryksonge, 1500s pricksonge, 1500s priksang (Scottish), 1500s priksong, 1500s prykesange (northern), 1500s pryksong, 1500s–1600s prickesong, 1500s– pricksong.
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: prick n., song n.1
Etymology: < prick n. (compare prick n. 3b) + song n.1 Compare prick v. 20a, and slightly later pricked song n. at pricked adj.1 Compounds.
Now chiefly historical.
1. Music sung from notes written or pricked (prick v. 20a), as opposed to music sung from memory or by ear; written or printed vocal music.
society > leisure > the arts > music > written or printed music > [noun]
pricked song1463
a1450 in F. W. Willmore Hist. Walsall (1887) 168 (MED) The seid Patrons woll..admytte such Pste or Pstes as be able in conyng of pryksonge, to maynten, kepe, and uphold the queer.
?1520 J. Rastell Nature .iiii. Element sig. Evijv Pes man pryksong may not be dispysyd.
1522 in W. L. Nash Churchwardens' Acct. Bk. St. Giles, Reading (1851) 16 Paid for a boke of priksong iijs.
1607 G. Chapman Bussy D'Ambois i. 10 I can sing prickesong, Ladie, at first sight.
a1632 T. Dekker & J. Ford Sun's Darling (1656) ii. 9 The Cuckows sing Cuckow, to welcom in the Spring. Brave prick-song.
1727 R. Barber Psalm Singer's Choice Compan. (title page) The First [Part] teacheth the Gamut, and how to Name your Notes, with Directions for keeping of Time,..with all things necessary for the Knowledge of Prick-Song.
1872 H. T. Ellacombe Bells of Church in Church Bells Devon ix. 457 The staff is of five lines, and the notes are of the lozenge form, usually seen in prick-song of the period.
1927 Mod. Philol. 24 499 The sorrows of the singing boys in learning pricksong.
1998 Music & Lett. 79 586/2 Much more could be said about the richness of liturgical repertories and ‘lost’ books of pricksong.
2. Descant or melody devised to accompany a plainsong or simple theme, or performed as such an accompaniment. Hence more broadly: melody to be performed in counterpoint. Also figurative.
society > leisure > the arts > music > musical sound > harmony or sounds in combination > [noun] > part in harmony or counterpoint > other parts
cant organ?1553
free part1782
1495–7 J. Skelton Agaynste Comely Coystrowne (?1527) sig. A2 Neyther they synge wel prycke song nor playne.
1503 in J. T. Fowler Memorials Church SS. Peter & Wilfrid, Ripon (1908) IV. 276 Nullus diaconus..admittatur nisi scit distincte cantare cantum planum, et eciam fractum, viz. prykesange [1545 Priksong].
1579 (c1501) G. Douglas Palice of Honour (Edinb.) 500 in Shorter Poems (2003) 39 In modulatioun hard I play and sing Faburdoun, pricksang, discant, countering.
1593 B. Barnes Parthenophil & Parthenophe 89 I'le sing my plaine-song with the Turtle doue; And prick-song with the Nightingall rehearse.
1639 Deloney's Gentile Craft: 2nd Pt. (rev. ed.) iv. 35 His skill in pricksong was more then ordinary, for which cause the Singing-men of the Abbey did often call him into the Quire.
a1670 J. Hacket Scrinia Reserata (1693) i. 91 The unsatisfied that sung so far out of tune, had another ditty to their prick-song.
1776 J. Hawkins Gen. Hist. Music II. ii. x. 243 From the preference which the old writers give to written descant, which they termed Prick-song, in regard that the harmony was written or pricked down.
1883 G. Grove Dict. Music (1900) III. 30/1 Prick song, the name given by old writers upon music to divisions or descant upon a Plain-song or Ground.
1954 A. Hughes Early Medieval Mus. x. 315 As late as 1526 the Abbot of Waverley, the senior Cistercian house in England, ordered Thame to lay aside pricksong. And in 1320 the General Chapter of the same Order had to censure ‘syncopation of notes, and even hockets’.
1994 J. E. Howard Stage & Social Struggle Early Mod. Eng. v. 126 For Moll there seems to be no way, outside of dream and solitary pricksong, to gratify Eros without enduring an unendurable subordination and exploitation.


C1. General attributive.
1518 in Vicary's Anat. Bodie of Man (1888) App. x. 232 Item to Doctor Fairfax, for a pricksonge boke..xx. li.
1598 E. Guilpin Skialetheia sig. B3v Yee that haue beauty and withall no pitty, Are like a prick-song-lesson without ditty.
1691 A. Wood Athenæ Oxonienses I. 572 The..Archb. [sc. Warham] left all..the prick-song books belonging to his Chappel, to New coll.
1934 T. S. Eliot Rock ii. 74 As be organs, solfa-ing, pricksong chaunting, bussing and mumbling very roundly.
2004 Escutcheon 9 No. 3. 37 The College was left all his pricksong books.
pricksong wort n. Obsolete rare the plant honesty, Lunaria annua.
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > particular flower or plant esteemed for flower > [noun] > cruciferous flowers > white or purple flowers > honesty
money flower1578
pricksong wort1597
satin flower1597
white satin1597
1597 J. Gerard Herball ii. 378 We cal this herb in English Pennie flower, or money flower, siluer plate, Pricksong woort.., & among our women it is called Honestie.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2007; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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