

单词 primula


Brit. /ˈprɪmjᵿlə/, U.S. /ˈprɪmjələ/
Inflections: Plural primulae, primulas.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin primula.
Etymology: Originally < post-classical Latin primula denoting various flowers, especially the primrose (from 14th cent. in British sources), short for primula veris , literally ‘little firstling of spring’ (c1101 (see note below); frequently a1250–1538 in British sources) < primula , use as noun of feminine of classical Latin prīmulus first, earliest ( < prīmus prime adj. + -ulus -ule suffix) + classical Latin vēris , genitive of vēr ver n.1 Compare ( < post-classical Latin primula veris ) Middle French primule de ver (15th cent. in an apparently isolated attestation in the source translated in quot. 1526), Italian primula vera (1522 in an apparently isolated attestation), both in sense ‘cowslip’. In later use after scientific Latin primula, genus name (1753); compare ( < scientific Latin) French primule (second half of the 19th cent. or earlier), Spanish prímula (end of the 18th cent. or earlier), Italian primula (1834), Dutch primula (second half of the 18th cent.), German Primel (1773), Swedish primula (1757), Danish primula, (now rare) primel (early 19th cent. or earlier), all in sense ‘primrose, cowslip’.Post-classical Latin primula veris occurs c1101 in Regimen Sanitatis Salerni, apparently in a list of plants supposed to cure paralysis: ‘Salvia, Castoriumque, Lavendula, Primula veris, Nasturtium, Armoracia, hæc sanant paralytica membra’. In this instance it appears to denote the cowslip, often called herba paralysis on account of its supposed healing powers against that illness (compare quot. 1526). However, both names appear also to have been applied to other plants, especially the field daisy ( Bellis), from an early date.
rare before 18th cent.
Any of numerous herbaceous plants of the genus Primula or the family Primulaceae, which occur chiefly in cool and mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere and consist of low-growing plants that typically have stems bearing five-lobed flowers of various colours arising from a basal rosette of leaves; (also, in form Primula) the genus itself. Now chiefly (esp. in Horticulture): one of the numerous kinds grown for ornament.The genus includes the cowslip ( Primula veris) and the primrose ( P. vulgaris).Valid publication of the genus name: Linnaeus Species Plantarum (1753) I. 142.
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > particular flower or plant esteemed for flower > [noun] > primrose and allied flowers > primrose or auricula
petty mullein1578
bear's ear1597
bear's ear sanicle1597
bird's eye1597
mountain cowslip1597
rock rose1597
French cowslip1629
Scotch primrose1777
bird's eye primrose1796
Chinese primrose1825
dusty miller1825
Jack in the green1875
polyanthus primrose1882
1526 Grete Herball cccl. sig. Tv/2 Primula veris is called prymerolles. Some call it saynt peterworte. Other paralisie. It is called prymerolle or primula, of pryme tyme, because it beareth the fyrst floure in pryme tyme. [Fr. Est appellee primerole ou primule de ver ou de printemps pour ce qu'elle pourte la premiere fleur en printemps.]
1599 ‘T. Cutwode’ Caltha Poetarum l. 147 A fairer flower perfumes not forth in May, Then is this Daisie, or this Primula.
1753 Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. The species of primula enumerated by Mr. Tournefort, are these [etc.].
1787 Bot. Mag. 1 14 Mountain Primula... It varies with the brilliancy of its colours, flowers in April, and will succeed with the method of culture recommended for the Round-Leaved Cyclamen.
1834 M. Somerville On Connexion Physical Sci. (1849) xxvii. 303 On the lofty range of the Himalaya the primula, the convallaria, and the veronica blossom.
1841 Penny Cycl. XIX. 3/1 The Primula, Anagallis, [etc.],..are the gayest of the genera, some of whose species are found in almost all gardens.
1882 Garden 18 Feb. 121/3 One of the finest varieties of the Chinese Primula yet produced..was shown.
1909 Decatur (Illinois) Rev. 17 Dec. 11/2 There are a number of species of primulas of both the English and Chinese types which are winter blooming abd may be obtained at Christmas time.
1938 Amer. Home Jan. 63/1 In their homes their roots are closely intertwined with those of neighboring androsaces, tufted pinks, and rare primulas.
1963 V. Nabokov Gift ii. 119 All the slopes were studded with anemones and primulae.
2005 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 21 May (News section) 8 Primulas have fleshy roots, so they are vulnerable to vine-weevil grubs, both under glass and outside.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2007; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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