

单词 primer seisin

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primer seisin
primer seisin n. [after Law French primer seisin (1428 or earlier); compare post-classical Latin seisina prima (1245, 1282 in British sources in legal use)] Feudal Law (now historical) the right of the English Crown, on the death of a tenant-in-chief, to take and retain seisin of land until the heir has performed homage and paid relief (subsequently regarded as equivalent to the profits of the inherited estate for the first year); cf. seisin n. 1c.
society > trade and finance > fees and taxes > impost, due, or tax > payment or service to feudal superior > [noun] > of first year's profits
first fruit1395
primer seisin1488
1488 Rolls of Parl. VI. 415/2 Savyng to the King and his Heires, the avantage of his primer cession of thos Landes.
1540 Act 32 Hen. VIII c. 1 Saving alway and reserving to the King..all his right title and interest of prymer season and reliefis, and..all other rightes and dueties.
1629 Vse of Law 38 in J. Doddridge Lawyers Light The 4. Institution, was for Recognizon of the Kings bounty by euery heire succeeding his ancestor in those Knts. seruice lands, the King should haue Primer seissin of the lands.
1672 T. Manley Νομοθετης: Cowell's Interpreter sig. Fff2b All the charges arising by Primer seisins are taken away by the Stat. made 12 Car. 2. ca. 24.
1891 Dict. National Biogr. XXVI. 85/1 He had sent them a bill concerning wards and primer seisin, to mitigate the loss of feudal dues sustained by the crown through the legal device called ‘uses’ for willing away lands.
1951 Eng. Hist. Rev. 66 527 The king could then offer to comply with their wishes against the Church if they complied with his wishes regarding wards and primer seisin.
2002 R. C. Palmer Selling Church viii. 235 The bill of primer seisin would have only put a third of an inheritance into wardship, as would the statute of wills finally in 1540.
extracted from primeradj.
primer (also premier, †first) seisin
c. primer (also premier, first) seisin: see primer adj. Now historical.
1459 Rolls of Parl. V. 362/1 And the seid Edward..used to have and had..the furst seisine of all Londes..of every Tenaunt that held of them in chief.
1622 F. Bacon Hist. Raigne Henry VII 210 Wardships, Liueries, Primier Seisines, and Alienations.
1875 J. C. Curtis Elem. Hist. Eng. 396 All wardships, forfeitures for marriage.., premier seisins..for alienation.
extracted from seisinn.
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