

单词 bend up

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bend up
a. To constrain or bring into tension by a string (a bow, an arbalest, a catapult, etc.) Formerly also bend up; = Latin tendere. In later times associated with the curved shape into which the bow is brought; = Latin flectere. (Hence branch II.)
society > armed hostility > military equipment > operation and use of weapons > action of propelling missile > use of bow and arrow > shoot (arrow) [verb (transitive)] > bring (bow) into tension
c1000 Ags. Ps. vii. 13 He bende his bogan, se is nu gearo to sceotanne.
1297 R. Gloucester's Chron. 377 So styf man he was in harmes, in Ssoldren, & in lende, Þat vnneþe eny man myȝte hys bowe bende.
1297 R. Gloucester's Chron. 536 Arblastes sone & ginnes withoute me bende.
a1400 Octovian 1495 And they withoute gynnes bente, And greet stones to hem sente.
c1440 Promptorium Parvulorum 30 Bende bowys, tendo.
1487 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (St. John's Cambr.) xvii. 682 The Engynour than deliuerly Gert bend the gyne in full gret hy.
c1500 Rob. Hood (Ritson) i. i. 1266 Sone there were good bowes ibent.
c1540 (?a1400) Destr. Troy xxiii. 9475 Paris bend vp his bow with his big arme.
1599 George a Greene sig. E3 Bend vp your bowes, and see your strings be tight.
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Georgics ii, in tr. Virgil Wks. 94 The Groom his Fellow Groom at Buts defies; And bends his Bow, and levels with his Eyes. View more context for this quotation
1870 W. C. Bryant tr. Homer Iliad I. ii. 71 Philoctetes, A warrior skilled to bend the bow.
extracted from bendv.
bend up
3. figurative. To strain, brace, tighten, wind up, bring into tension (like a strung bow or wound up harquebus). reflexive. To strain every nerve, brace or wind oneself up, nerve oneself; = French se bander. Obsolete or archaic. Also bend up: cf. 2.
the mind > emotion > courage > encouragement > encourage or strengthen oneself [verb (reflexive)] > brace oneself
the mind > emotion > courage > encouragement > encourage or embolden [verb (transitive)] > strain every nerve
c1380 Sir Ferumbras (1879) l. 545 Wiþ þat þe Sarsyn þat was þor wax wroþ on his herte & bente hym brymly as a bor.
a1529 J. Skelton Poems against Garnesche in Poet Wks. (1843) I. 117 Boldly bend you to batell, and buske your selfe to saue.
c1565 R. Lindsay Hist. & Cron. Scotl. (1814) 79 Nothing effeired of this disadvantage, bot rather bendit up, and kindled thereat, [he] rushed forward upon Craigiewallace.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry V (1623) iii. i. 16 Now set the Teeth..Hold hard the Breath, and bend vp euery Spirit To his full height. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Macbeth (1623) i. vii. 79 I am settled, and bend vp Each corporall Agent to this terrible Feat. View more context for this quotation
1816 W. Scott Old Mortality vii, in Tales of my Landlord 1st Ser. II. 144 Her whole mind apparently bent up to the solemn interview.
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