

单词 predestination


Brit. /priːˌdɛstᵻˈneɪʃn/, /prᵻˌdɛstᵻˈneɪʃn/, U.S. /priˌdɛstəˈneɪʃ(ə)n/
Forms: Middle English predestinacioun, Middle English predestynacioun, Middle English predestynacyoun, Middle English–1500s predestinacion, 1500s predestynacion, 1500s predestynacyon, 1500s– predestination, 1600s praedestination; Scottish pre-1700 predestinacioun, pre-1700 predestinacioune, pre-1700 predestinatiounn, pre-1700 1700s– predestination.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French predestination; Latin praedestination-, praedestinatio.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman predestinatiun, Anglo-Norman and predestination (c1190 in Old French; French prédestination ) and its etymon post-classical Latin praedestination-, praedestinatio action or state of predestination (3rd cent.) < classical Latin praedestināt- , past participial stem of praedestināre predestine v. + -iō -ion suffix1. Compare Old Occitan predestinació (14th cent.), Catalan predestinació (14th cent.), Spanish predestinación (15th cent.), Portuguese predestinação (15th cent.), Italian predestinazione (a1292).
1. Theology.
a. The preordaining of God's elect to salvation; the fact of being so preordained; = election n. 3a.
society > faith > aspects of faith > spirituality > salvation, redemption > [noun]
soul healtha1393
inner light1856
society > faith > aspects of faith > spirituality > salvation, redemption > [noun] > predestination to
c1400 J. Wyclif On the Seven Deadly Sins (Bodl. 647) in Sel. Eng. Wks. (1871) III. 134 Þese two glues, of predestinacioun and of prescience of God, joynen þese two bodies.
1402 Reply Friar Daw Topias in T. Wright Polit. Poems & Songs (1861) II. 82 Cristis..predestinacion may onlich save soulis, and his prevy presciens may dampne whom him list.
a1450 (a1401) Chastising of God's Children (Bodl.) (1957) 156 (MED) Predestinacioun sowneþ euermore to goode; þe prescience may be vndirstonden to yuel..Predestinacion is begunne bi þe ordynaunce of god, it is holpen be þe preier of seintes and of goode men, and it is endid bi a mannes owne wirchyng.
a1500 (c1340) R. Rolle Psalter (Univ. Oxf. 64) (1884) civ. 10 I gif heuen in heritage til anly tha that ere takynd with the strenge of predestinacioun of god.
1562 Articles of Relig. xvii Of Predestination and Election.
1579 W. Wilkinson Confut. Familye of Loue Brief Descr. sig. ☛.iiij The most blessed and comfortable doctrine of Predestination.
1615 T. Jackson Iustifying Faith iv. i. i. §1 Our personal election, predestination, salvation, or possessory right in state of grace.
1736 J. Gill Truth Defended 14 The foreknowledge, according to which election and predestination proceed, is God's special foreknowledge of his own people.
1850 E. H. Browne Expos. Thirty-nine Art. (1878) xvii. 404 The Gallican clergy state, that their own belief had hitherto been that God's predestination was founded on prevision of faith.
1887 W. Smith & H. Wace Dict. Christian Biogr. IV. 466/1 Predestination is but another word for election,..carried out in instalments on earth, but registered in the archives of heaven in advance.
1901 B. J. Kidd 39 Articles II. ii. xvii. 157 The tenet of particular redemption, which held that God's predestination had reference not to mankind at large, but to this and that particular individual.
1994 Aquinas Rev. 1 74 Critically important questions such as those bearing on the goodness of God, the love and mercy of God, divine providence, predestination, and reprobation.
b. The action by which God is held to have immutably predetermined the course of events by an eternal decree or purpose, esp. in relation to the salvation or damnation of human beings; the fact of this having taken place; any doctrine which holds this to be true; belief in such a doctrine.The nature of the theological concept denoted by predestination has been much disputed, and in some instances it is difficult to distinguish between this sense and sense 1a. For a recent discussion of the term see A. Hastings et al. Oxf. Compan. Christian Thought (2000) s.v. The concept of predestination to both salvation and reprobation (sometimes called double predestination) is perhaps most closely associated with the teaching of St Augustine and Calvin, and is also a doctrine of some varieties of Islam. See also note to predestinate v. 1a.
?a1425 (c1380) G. Chaucer tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. iv. pr. vi. 30 To maken questiouns of..the ordre of destyne..predestinacioun devyne and of the liberte of fre wil.
?a1425 Bible (Wycliffite, L.V.) (Claud.) Tobit xiv. 6 Gloss. God ȝaf ful doom of distriynge of Nynyue bi profesie of predestynacioun, ether of ful doom.
c1450 (?c1400) tr. Honorius Augustodunensis Elucidarium (1909) 4 (MED) It is writun þat þat was in him was lijf, in whom it semeþ euery creature euere to haue ben inuysible in predestinacioun [L. prædestinatione] of god, which aftirwarde uysible to him creatour schewiþ apertly in makynge.
c1450 ( J. Walton tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (Linc. Cathedral 103) 256 (MED) I schall þe rehersen here..Of knawynge eke of goddes ordynaunce, Þat clepid is predestinacioun, And eke of fredom of eleccioun.
1509 S. Hawes Pastime of Pleasure (1845) xxvii. 123 For many one..lytell thought that tribulacion To them was ordeyned by predestinacion.
1532 (c1385) Usk's Test. Loue in Wks. G. Chaucer iii. f. ccclvi Thoughe predestynacion be as wel of good as of badde.
1570 J. Foxe Actes & Monumentes (rev. ed.) II. 1840/2 Betwene Predestination & Election this difference there is. Predestination is as well to the Reprobate, as to the elect. Election onely pertayneth to them that be saued. Predestination, in that it respecteth the Reprobate, is called reprobation: in that it respecteth the saued, is called Election.
1626 F. Rous Testis Veritatis (new ed.) 4 Diuers be the effects of Prædestination; but chiefely it bringeth to the Elect Iustification,..Glorification.
1645 J. Ussher Body of Divin. (1647) 91 What is Predestination? It is the speciall decree of God, whereby he hath..fore-ordained all reasonable creatures to a certain and everlasting estate of glory in heaven, or flame in hell.
1690 W. Temple Ess. Heroick Virtue v. 110 in Miscellanea: 2nd Pt. The severe Prohibition of drinking Wine, and the Principle of Predestination, were the first and chief Doctrines and Institutions of Mahomet.
1722 P. Aubin tr. F. Pétis de la Croix Hist. Genghizcan iii. ii. 213 The Belief of Predestination generally comforted the Mahometans in their Misfortunes.
1725 J. Wesley Let. 29 July (1931) I. 23 I used to think that the difficulty of Predestination might be solved by supposing that it was indeed decreed from eternity that a remnant should be elected, but that it was in every man's power to be of that remnant.
1759 A. Butler Lives Saints IV. 891 Her predestination to the sublime dignity of Mother of God.
1845 N. Amer. Rev. Apr. 273 The dark problems of predestination, free will, and saving grace, which have been almost constantly agitated in the Church during its whole history.
1882 W. Smith & H. Wace Dict. Christian Biogr. III. 46/2 He [sc. Jerome] reduces predestination to God's foreknowledge of human determination.
1952 P. Tillich Courage to Be ii. 65 The darkness of ultimate destiny could not be removed; not even the Reformers were able to remove it, as their doctrine of predestination shows.
1961 J. Heller Catch-22 ix. 95 Major Major's father had a Calvinist's faith in predestination and could perceive distinctly how everyone's misfortunes but his own were expressions of God's will.
1988 J. L. Esposito Islam iii. 73 Al-Ashari..reasserted the doctrines of the omnipotence of God, His attributes, the uncreatedness of the Quran, and predestination.
2003 R. Taylor How to Read a Church 169 His [sc. Augustine's] teachings on predestination (which consigned predestined souls to damnation) and on sex (which he held to be sinful except for the direct purpose of procreation) have been much criticized.
2. gen. Predetermination; fate, destiny; an instance of this. Cf. predestine v. 2.Occasionally used with reference to determinism as conceived in certain philosophies, in which no divine action is implied.
the mind > will > necessity > fate or destiny as determining events > [noun] > predestination
society > faith > aspects of faith > spirituality > salvation, redemption > doctrine of salvation > [noun] > predestinarianism > adherent
?1503–5 H. Watson tr. Valentine & Orson (1937) 80.35 He did to grete a foly when he enterprised to fight with the grene knyght For the predestynacyon of hym was suche that he shuld neuer be conquered, nor vainquysshed but of a man that shoulde be a kynges sonne.
1631 E. Jorden Disc. Nat. Bathes xii. 88 A natural necessity, or fatum, or predestination, frames euery member and part of the body to the best vse for the creature.
1667 R. Pycaut Let. 23 Nov. in H. Oldenburg Corr. (1966) III. 603 And now by reason of that principle of Predestination, the contagion [sc. plague] increases among the Turkes together with the heats.
1709 M. Prior Hans Carvel in Poems on Several Occasions (1905) 83 She made it plain, that Human Passion Was order'd by Predestination; That, if weak Women went astray, Their Stars were more in Fault than They.
1781 S. Johnson Pope in Pref. Wks. Eng. Poets VII. 181 A kind of moral predestination, or over-ruling principle which cannot be resisted.
1831 C. Darwin Let. 6 Sept. in Corr. (1985) I. 144 From Cap. FitzRoy wishing me so much to go, & from his kindness I feel a predestination I shall start.
1858 R. A. Vaughan Ess. & Remains I. 33 The gloomy fate of Aeschylus, and the predestination of the Stoics, were repugnant to a heart of such a temperament.
a1883 E. FitzGerald Downfall & Death Oedipus (1903) i. 382 In mine [sc. my story] the Sire it was who foil'd Predestination, as in yours the Son.
1901 Sir W. Harcourt in Daily Chron. 11 July 5/6 It is what you may call political predestination, and it appears to me that it indicates a satisfactory condition of things, because by the law of Nature we younger sons are in the majority.
1955 Z. Grey Black Mesa viii. 124 In the end Paul could not believe in fatalism, in predestination, in atheism, in all those fetters of the free mind and soul.
1998 Chicago Sun-Times (Nexis) 24 July 6 nc Anyone who believes in predestination would have to think Bernard Allison was born to be a bluesman.


ˌpredestiˈnationism n. belief in predestination.
the mind > will > necessity > fate or destiny as determining events > [noun] > fatalism
1874 J. W. Watson & M. J. Evans tr. J. J. Van Oosterzee Christian Dogmatics iv. 616 That side of the High-priestly work,..in the Reformed Church—under the influence of a one-sided Predestinationism [Du. Praedestinatianisme]—has sometimes been under-rated.
1937 Mind 46 287 The unsatisfactory answer offered by Leibniz to readers frightened by his Predestinationism.
2004 First Things (Nexis) 1 May 18 This exaltation of blind faith frequently goes hand in hand with a strong predestinationism.
ˌpredestiˈnationist n. = predestinarian n.
society > faith > aspects of faith > spirituality > salvation, redemption > doctrine of salvation > [noun] > predestinarianism > adherent
a1852 F. S. Mines Presbyterian Clergyman Looking for Church (1853) xxiii. 433 As the ‘Little-children Baptists’, or ‘Mormons’,..or ‘Predestinationists’, fasten on certain texts, isolating them from the whole tenor and drift and spirit of Scripture.
1938 Mind 47 196 Leibniz remains..a strict Predestinationist. God is, after all, the ultimate first cause of the treason of Judas.
1994 ELH 61 914 She..resembles Fortune, the patron saint of gamblers and religious predestinationists.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2007; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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