

单词 beltane day

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Beltane day
1. Scottish. The first of May, May Day. In early use also designating the day of the church festival closest to May Day, the Invention of the Cross (3 May). Also more fully Beltane day.Occasionally denoting each of the two dates of 1 May and 8 May, perhaps for the purpose of marking the beginning and end of the first week of May; cf. quots. 1685, 1927.From 1753 sometimes reckoned in the Old Style; cf. quot. 1793 at sense 3, and Old May-day at old adj. 11d.
the world > time > period > year > [noun] > specific days of the year
May Day1267
All Souls' Dayc1300
midsummer evena1400
midsummer eve1426
quarter day1435
Lord Mayor's day1591
Barnaby bright1595
All Saints' Night1607
Handsel Monday1635
distaff's day1648
long Barnabya1657
St. Valentine's eve1671
All Fools' Day1702
Boxing Day1743
April Fool's Day1748
Royal Oak Day1759
box day1765
Oak-apple Day1802
All Souls' Eve1805
mischief night1830
Shick-shack Day1847
chalk-back day1851
call night1864
Arbor Day1872
April Fool's1873
Labour Day1884
Martinmas Sunday1885
call day1886
Mother's Day1890
Father's Day1908
Thinking Day1927
Punkie night1931
Tweede Nuwejaar1947
1424 Acts Jas. 1 (1597) §19 And the nest be funden in the Trees at Beltane the trees sall be foirfaulted to the King.
1484 in T. Thomson Acts Lords Auditors (1839) 134/2 Vmfra sall deliuer & pay to the said Johne ix tidy ky..at beltan nixt tocum.
c1540 J. Bellenden tr. H. Boece Hyst. & Cron. Scotl. xvii. ii. f. 245/1 On beltane day in the ȝeir nixt followyng callit the Inuentioun of the haly croce.
a1586 Peblis to Play in W. A. Craigie Maitland Folio MS (1919) I. 176 At beltane quhen ilk bodie bownis To peblis to the play.
1615 in J. R. N. Macphail Highland Papers (1920) III. 195 Aucht dayis befoir beltane last.
1685 G. Sinclair Satans Invisible World Discovered xvii. 127 It is likewise a sort of Charm, which many Witches have prescrived namely to cut the Rouan-Tree between the two Beltan days.
1716 M. Martin Descr. W. Islands Scotl. (ed. 2) 240 In the Highlands, the first day of May is still called La Baaltine—corruptly Beltan-day.
a1733 Shetland Acts in Proc. Soc. Antiquaries Scotl. (1892) 26 App. 6 That none fish with haddock lines within voes, from Belton to Martinmas, or so long as they can draw haddocks on hand lines.
a1859 W. Watt Poems & Songs (1860) 107 Then haste thee round, blithsome beltan, For thou art my bridal day!
1862 A. Hislop Prov. Scotl. 8 A gowk at Yule'll no be bright at Beltane.
1927 J. Buchan Witch Wood vi. 110 There's anither Beltane on the aught day of May, and till that's by we maun walk eidently.
1970 E. J. Marsh Inshore Craft Great Brit. I. ii. 39 The ‘haaf’, or deep-sea fishing, generally began about ‘Beltane’ Day, 1 May.
1980 A. Blair Rowan on Ridge 8 Leave it be till next Beltane's by.
2000 S. Blackhall Singing Bird 9 Mem'ries..O April sunlicht drappin gowd on Cluny's scentit trees; Blindrift's doonfa, saft Beltane's thaw, ower Tullich's rigs o green.
extracted from Beltanen.
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