

单词 before all

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before all (also everything)
P2. before all (also everything) (and variants): more than anything else, above all. [Compare Middle Dutch vore al (Dutch vooral), German vor allem (16th cent. or earlier). With before everything compare Middle Dutch vore alle dinge, German vor allen Dingen (16th cent. or earlier; now archaic).]
c1200 Incipits & Explicits in H. Wanley Catal. Librorum Septentrionalium (1705) 233 Bifore alle þing, þreo þing beoð efric man helwuurþe.
1531 tr. E. Fox et al. Determinations Moste Famous Vniuersities ii. f. 32v In all and before all a man shuld regarde the commaundement of god.
1574 tr. T. de Bèze et al. in Brieff Disc. Troubles Franckford p. ccx And before all we doo require and with teares humbly craue that oure..brethern off the Englishe churches, all bitternes off minde set aparte.
1606 W. Arthur & H. Charteris Rollock's Lect. 1st & 2nd Epist. Paul to Thessalonians (1 Thess.) xxv. 318 Before all we should take heed to the workes of all, the holy Ghost that dwels in our soules as a temple.
1695 W. J. tr. R. Le Bossu Treat. Epick Poem vi. viii. 265 We must before every thing rectifie our Judgment.
1739 S. A. Laval Compend. Hist. Reformation IV. i. 510 Before all, they thought proper to renew a strict and perpetual Union amongst themselves.
1826 tr. F. A. Mignet Hist. French Revol. ix. 312 He drew forth his poniard; waved it before the indignant convention, and demanded before everything the arrest of Henriot and the permanence of the assembly.
1845 tr. F. H. K. de La Motte Fouqué Thiodolf v. 99 I must, before all, get Isolde out of the Provencal castle.
1897 C. Garnett tr. I. Turgenev Torrents of Spring xliv. 240 Then Gemma..wished him before everything peace and a tranquil spirit.
1944 G. Myrdal Amer. Dilemma II. xli. 906 Before all, he needs not to be specialized, but to be changeable, ‘educable’.
2000 K. Jameson-Cemper tr. Mme de Staël Sel. Corr. 297 Before everything, you must know what is going on within me.
extracted from beforeadv.prep.conj.n.
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