

单词 porno-

porno-comb. form

Stress is usually determined by a subsequent element and vowels may be reduced accordingly.
Origin: Formed within English, by clipping or shortening. Etymons: pornography n., pornographer n.
Etymology: Shortened < pornography n. and pornographer n. Compare ancient Greek πορνο- , combining form (in e.g. πορνοβοσκός brothel-keeper) of πόρνη prostitute < an ablaut variant of the base of περνάναι to export for sale ( < the same Indo-European base as πέρα beyond: see far adv.) + -νη , suffix forming nouns, as prostitutes were often bought slaves. Compare porno adj., porno n.1, and porn n.2Formations occur from the first half of the 20th cent. With pornomania n. at sense 2 compare compare Greek πορνομανής mad for prostitutes, in scholia (medieval Greek or earlier) on Aristophanes Frogs 432. With pornophile n. at sense 2 compare Hellenistic Greek πορνοϕίλης fond of prostitutes, French pornophile (1885, used as a pseudonym), German pornophil, adjective.
a. Forming nouns denoting people, activities, publications, films, etc., which relate to or constitute pornography.
pornobiography n.
Brit. /ˌpɔːnəʊbʌɪˈɒɡrəfi/
U.S. /ˌpɔrnoʊˌbaɪˈɑɡrəfi/
1970 Sat. Rev. (U.S.) 17 Oct. 32 The mildly lascivious may be grateful that he gives the longest plot summary of Glenarvon I know of, and prints the entire text of Don Leon, a not very titillating piece of pornobiography.
1989 Boston Globe (Nexis) 7 May b51 In an era when people write best-selling pornobiographies, it is touching to hear Friedrich confess his embarrassment at having to ask a singer colleague of Gould's if she had had an affair with him.
2008 K. Dickinson Off Key 103 In a spiteful exchange between film critic Alexander Walker and Russell, Walker accused the director of making ‘porno-biography’.
porno-photographer n.
Brit. /ˌpɔːnəʊfəˈtɒɡrəfə/
U.S. /ˌpɔrnoʊfəˈtɑɡrəfər/
1965 Listener 3 June 837/1 A sequence of Gaby..untrussing for Pierre Louys in a room full of Oriental knick-knacks, then being somewhat primly caressed by the great pornophotographer.
2007 J. K. Muir Horror Films 1980s iii. 83/1 Lt. McCabe..tracks the obsessed strangler, finding out that he is a porno photographer.
b. Forming adjectives in the same sense.
porno-chic adj.
Brit. /ˌpɔːnəʊˈʃiːk/
U.S. /ˌpɔrnoʊˈʃik/
1973 Times 17 Feb. 12/8 I went to see Deep Throat, which is the big porno-chic movie of all time.
2003 Amer. Photo May–June 82/2 In 2001 a French watchdog organization drafted standards to rein in porno-chic ads.
porno-Gothic adj.
Brit. /ˌpɔːnəʊˈɡɒθɪk/
U.S. /ˌpɔrnoʊˈɡɑθɪk/
society > leisure > the arts > literature > prose > narrative or story > novel > [adjective] > types of novel
Minerva press1843
cape and sword (also cape and cloak)1898
Mills & Boon1912
Mills and Boony1946
private eye1946
police procedural1957
1968 Tribune 16 Feb. 11/1 So one must, I think acquit James Saunders of all but the technical responsibilities of adapting ‘The Italian Girl’, a pornogothick novel by Iris Murdoch, for the stage.
1975 New Yorker 19 May 23/1 The Night Porter—A porno gothic, set in Vienna in 1957 and veneered with redeeming social values.
1998 N.Y. Times Bk. Rev. 4 Jan. 16/3 What recommends the novel, though, is less its porno-Gothic radical-femme trappings than its dry humor and deadpan characterizations.
pornogram n.
Brit. /ˈpɔːnə(ʊ)ɡram/
U.S. /ˈpɔrnəˌɡræm/
a short, pornographic poem or other piece of literature.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > poetry > poem or piece of poetry > other types of poem > [noun] > licentious or pornographic poem
1936 C. S. Lewis Allegory of Love vi. 251 He [sc. Dunbar] practises every form from satiric pornogram to devotional lyric.
1961 E. Waugh Let. 23 Sept. (1980) 572 He will be able to write a revealing pornogram of English life.
1993 Polit. Theory 21 288 More dominant sexual actors produce submission as they organize the pornograms to elicit their own pleasure and that of others.
2003 T. Dant Crit. Social Theory v. 100 The enclosed, idealised anti-utopia of Sade's ‘pornograms’.
pornomania n.
Brit. /ˌpɔːnə(ʊ)ˈmeɪnɪə/
U.S. /ˌpɔrnəˈmeɪniə/
a mania for pornography.
society > morality > moral evil > licentiousness > moral or spiritual impurity > indecency > [noun] > pornography > mania for
1858 Sat. Rev. 4 Sept. 229/2 Dipsomania and pornomania were only hinted at; but the ‘mad doctors’ generally gave it against Mr. Ruck.
1969 Daily Tel. 25 Apr. 20/3 Haven't we got a steadily increasing amount of violence, bigotry and gang warfare (to say nothing of..nihilism and pornomania)?
2003 M. Dean Rock 'n' Roll Gold Rush xxxviii. 534/2 Five-minute mini-reels (PG-13 stuff, mostly, not Pornomania Peep Shows).
pornomaniac n.
Brit. /ˌpɔːnə(ʊ)ˈmeɪnɪak/
U.S. /ˌpɔrnəˈmeɪniˌæk/
a person who is obsessed with pornography; a person affected by pornomania.
1923 H. L. Mencken in Smart Set June 139/1 I suppose that the smut-snufflers..would be prosecuting the publisher by now... I can only hope that the pornomaniacs will tell us how any normal man could..[write an] honest autobiography, without introducing matters of sex.
1977 Albuquerque (New Mexico) Jrnl. 29 July b4/1 Declaring war on ‘pornomaniacs…the addicts of pornomania’.
2007 Times Higher Educ. Suppl. (Nexis) 26 Oct. 26 The innumerable sallies into the dramatisation of the creative act made by..painters, sculptors, photographers, poets, novelists, film-makers, exhibitionists, pornomaniacs [etc.].
pornophile n.
Brit. /ˈpɔːnə(ʊ)fʌɪl/
U.S. /ˈpɔrnəˌfaɪl/
a lover of pornography.
society > morality > moral evil > licentiousness > moral or spiritual impurity > indecency > [noun] > pornography > lover of
1918 Urol. & Cutaneous Rev. Mar. 165/2 Anthony Comstock, the great American pornophile collector, left at his death a large and extensive museum of pornographic objects.
a1966 E. Waugh in D. Pryce-Jones Evelyn Waugh (1973) xiv. 226 Will not this bit in the Sunday Times excite your pornophiles to fancy prices?
2003 Guardian 23 Jan. (Online section) 2/3 The link between child porn use and active molestation is tenuous and unproven. Most molesters probably use porn, but a great many pornophiles do not molest.
pornophobe n.
Brit. /ˈpɔːnə(ʊ)fəʊb/
U.S. /ˈpɔrnəˌfoʊb/
a person who is afraid of or horrified by pornography.
1916 H. L. Mencken in Smart Set Nov. 285/1 It goes without saying that these books are under the ban of the professional pornophobes.
1970 G. Vidal in N.Y. Rev. Bks. 4 June 10/4 Even St. Paul was not a pornophobe; he was a chiliast who believed the day of judgment was at hand.
1995 Entertainm. Weekly 7 Apr. 84/4 Strossen reveals the hypocrisy of pornophobes who use their free-speech right to promote censorship.
pornophobic adj. and n.
Brit. /ˌpɔːnə(ʊ)ˈfəʊbɪk/
U.S. /ˌpɔrnəˈfoʊbɪk/
(a) adj. that is afraid of or horrified by pornography (b) n. (with the) people who have a fear or horror of pornography, regarded collectively.
society > morality > virtue > purity > chastity > modesty or decency > [adjective] > having a horror of pornography
a1890 R. F. Burton Bibliogr. of Bk. in tr. Bk. 1,000 Nights & Night (1894) XII. 257 I resolved that, in case of..the rabid pornophobic suggestion of certain ornaments of the Home-Press being acted upon, to appear in Court with my version of The Nights in one hand and bearing in the other the Bible.
1973 Austral. Humanist xxvi. 4/2 Mary Whitehouse could provide fresh impetus for the pornophobic.
2005 P. Paul Pornified (2006) 272 Pornography proponents have even taken to calling their opponents ‘pornophobic’.
Pornosec n.
Brit. /ˈpɔːnəʊsɛk/
U.S. /ˈpɔrnoʊˌsɛk/
[ < porno- comb. form + sec- (in section n.)] (a name given by ‘George Orwell’ to) a department of the Ministry of Truth (see quots. 19491, 19492); also in extended use.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > prose > narrative or story > fiction > [noun] > specific fictional places
1949 ‘G. Orwell’ Nineteen Eighty-four i. 46 There was even a whole sub-section [sc. of the Ministry of Truth]—Pornosec, it was called in Newspeak—engaged in producing the lowest kind of pornography.
1949 ‘G. Orwell’ Nineteen Eighty-four ii. 132 Pornosec, the sub-section of the Fiction Department which turned out cheap pornography for distribution among the proles.
1999 Independent (Nexis) 3 Apr. 13 Meanwhile the ‘Pornosec’ [channel]..mass-produces cheap smut for the proles.
pornotopia n.
Brit. /ˌpɔːnəˈtəʊpɪə/
U.S. /ˌpɔrnəˈtoʊpiə/
an ideal setting for the activities described in pornographic literature.
the mind > mental capacity > perception or cognition > faculty of imagination > faculty of conceiving ideals > ideal place > [noun] > for pornographers
society > morality > moral evil > licentiousness > moral or spiritual impurity > indecency > [noun] > pornography > in literature > ideal setting for
1966 S. Marcus Other Victorians v. 216 The results..are to turn the novel in the direction of pornotopia—that vision which regards all of human experience as a series of exclusively sexual events or conveniences.
1994 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 7 Apr. 14/4 One is struck over and over again by how little Baker's skill and insight matter once they enter the land of what Steven Marcus once called ‘Pornotopia’.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2006; most recently modified version published online March 2022).
comb. form1858




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