

单词 plea-in-law

> as lemmas

a. An allegation or claim formally made by a party to the court; spec. an argument urged by or on behalf of a litigant or party to a suit in support of his or her case; a pleading (pleading n. 4). plea-in-law (Scottish): a statement of the legal grounds of a civil action. Now chiefly as in sense 4d.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > pleading > [noun] > a pleading or plea
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) vii. 2068 (MED) Ther was with him non advocat To make ple for his astat.
1467 in Manners & Househ. Expenses Eng. (1841) 402 (MED) Item, for a nother wrytte uppon his patent of lyvelode..Item, for makenge of a ple for the same.
a1500 Disciplina Clericalis in Western Reserve Univ. Bull. (1919) 22 39 (MED) Than the Right callid thaccusers and the accused and comaunded that thei shulden Reherse the plees.
1607 J. Cowell Interpreter sig. Ccc1v/2 Plea..signifieth in our common lawe, that which either partie alleadgeth for himselfe in court.
1723 W. Bohun Cursus Cancellariæ (ed. 2) 177 As the Register shall not enter any Plea, so neither shall he enter any Demurrer in the Paper at the Instance of any Person upon a Warrant for setting down the same on a cettain [sic] day.
1825 Act 6 George IV c. 120 §9 Each of the Parties shall..lodge with the Clerk, previous to the final Adjustment of the Record, a short and concise Note, drawn and signed by Counsel, of the Pleas in Law on which the Action or Defence is to be maintained.
1861 G. Ross W. Bell's Dict. Law Scotl. (rev. ed.) 636/1 Pleas in law, as a distinct portion of a record, were introduced by the Judicature Act, 6 Geo. IV. c. 120, §9.
1884 Law Rep.: Appeal Cases 9 344 It is declared, That the second plea in law of the defenders ought to be repelled.
1988 Times 25 Apr. 33/1 [Sc. law report] The legal basis on which the interdict was sought was set forth in the first plea-in-law in the petition.
extracted from plean.
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