

单词 picture


Brit. /ˈpɪktʃə/, U.S. /ˈpɪk(t)ʃər/
Forms: late Middle English pectur, late Middle English pictoure, late Middle English pittour, late Middle English pyctore (in a late copy), late Middle English pyctowre, late Middle English–1500s pyctour, late Middle English–1500s pyctoure, late Middle English–1600s pictor, late Middle English–1600s pycture, late Middle English– pictur (now nonstandard), late Middle English– picture, 1500s pictour, 1500s pyghtur, 1500s– picter (now nonstandard), 1600s pickter, 1600s pickture, 1600s pictuer, 1600s pyctur, 1700s pitture; English regional 1800s– picksher, 1800s– picktre, 1800s– picter, 1800s– pictur, 1800s– pictur'; U.S. regional 1800s– picter, 1800s– pictur, 1900s– pitchture, 1900s– pitchure, 1900s– pi'ture, 1900s– pixture (New England); Scottish pre-1700 pecktour, pre-1700 picktor, pre-1700 picktur, pre-1700 picktwr, pre-1700 picteur, pre-1700 pictour, pre-1700 pictoure, pre-1700 pictuir, pre-1700 piktar, pre-1700 piktor, pre-1700 piktour, pre-1700 piktur, pre-1700 pittoner (transmission error), pre-1700 pykter, pre-1700 1700s pictor, pre-1700 1700s– picture, pre-1700 1800s– picter, pre-1700 1800s– pictur, 1800s– pictur', 1900s– pickter, 1900s– pikter; also Irish English (chiefly northern) 1800s picthur, 1900s– picsture, 1900s– picther, 1900s– pictur. See also pitcher n.4
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin pictūra.
Etymology: < classical Latin pictūra painting, picture, action or art of painting, natural colouring, mental image < pict- , past participial stem of pingere paint v.1 + -ūra -ure suffix1. Compare Old Occitan pictura (c1350, rare), Italian pittura art of painting (1313–19), painting (a1321), and also Middle French picture painting (1487, rare). Compare earlier painting n., painture n.In sense 4b probably short for motion picture n. In sense 6b after German Bild (1922 in the passage translated in quot. 1922 at sense 6b). In picture-face n. (b) at Compounds 4 after German Bildgesicht (1953 in the passage translated in quot. 1953 for picture-face n. at Compounds 4).
I. A visual representation.
a. A painting, drawing, photograph, or other visual representation on a surface; esp. such a representation as a work of art.
society > communication > representation > a plastic or graphic representation > [noun] > on a surface
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > [noun] > a picture
?a1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (N.Y. Acad. Med.) f. 8 By þise manerez [of dissections] in bodiez..G. come to þe knewelych of anathomie, And noȝt by picturez [?c1425 Paris peyntinges; L. picturas].
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) i. 1376 (MED) His chambre..schon ful schene with golde & with asure Of many ymage þat was þer in picture.
1484 W. Caxton tr. Subtyl Historyes & Fables Esope iv. xv A pyctour, where as a man had vyctory ouer a lyon.
1542 A. Borde Compend. Regyment Helth xl. sig. N.iv Holde a crosse or a pyctour of the passyon of cryste before the eyes of the sycke person.
1598 E. Guilpin Skialetheia sig. B5 Pictures are curtaind from the vulgar eyes.
1653 I. Walton Compl. Angler To Rdr. sig. A5v He that likes not the discourse, should like the pictures of the Trout and other fish. View more context for this quotation
1695 J. Dryden in tr. C. A. Du Fresnoy De Arte Graphica Pref. p xxxvi In the Composition of a Picture, the Painter is to take care that nothing enter into it, which is not proper..to the Subject.
1742 H. Fielding Joseph Andrews II. iii. v. 89 To purchase fine Furniture, Pictures, Clothes, and other things at a great Expence. View more context for this quotation
1780 R. Burrow Compan. Ladies Diary 6 Engraving wooden blocks for printing pictures with the letter-press.
1839 Sat. Mag. 13 Apr. 139/2 The photogenic picture being formed, requires fixing.
1852 J. Ruskin in Times 29 Dec. 5/5 Every noble picture is a manuscript book, of which only one copy exists or ever can exist.
1901 M. Franklin My Brilliant Career xxviii. 237 She has teeny little hands,..like that woman in the picter ma got off of the tea.
1937 Life 12 Apr. 24/1 (caption) On the walls of his caves, he drew remarkably vivid pictures of buffalo, mammoth and deer.
2003 Which? July 18/2 Laser printers don't require expensive photo paper for best results when printing pictures and graphics.
b. Pictorial representations collectively; painting, ornamentation. Obsolete.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > [noun] > a picture > collectively
a1450 Generides (Pierpont Morgan) (1865) 9325 (MED) Hir speres and sheldes brast..Gold, asure, and rich pittour Was al defaced with here rigour.
c1475 (?c1440) J. Lydgate Horse, Goose & Sheep (Harl.) in Select. Minor Poems (1840) 120 The riche is shitte withe colours and picture, To hide his careyne stuffid withe foule ordure.
c1500 (?a1475) Assembly of Gods (1896) 1865 The pycture also yeueth clere intellygence Therof.
1574 J. Baret Aluearie P 308 Picture, worke of woodd: stone, or mettall finelie sette in diuers colours, as in chesse bordes and tables.
a1625 J. Fletcher Woman Pleas'd (1647) iv. iv. 41 How blest am I in this rich spoile, this picture.
1658 A. Cokayne Small Poems 89 But were this all, you onely did present A curious Outside, picture, Ornament.
c. With of or genitive. A portrait, now esp. a photograph.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > painting > painting according to subject > [noun] > portrait-painting > a portrait
family portrait1732
portrait picture1853
1505 F. Marsin et al. Rep. Ferdinand of Arragon in J. Gairdner Historia Regis Henrici Septimi (1858) 271 In case that the said yonge quyn were here ye shuld have the pictor of hir with yow.
1538 T. Cromwell in R. B. Merriman Life & Lett. T. Cromwell (1902) II. 120 To thentent he might..visite and see his daughter and also take her picture.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Twelfth Night (1623) iii. iv. 203 Heere, weare this Iewell for me, tis my picture . View more context for this quotation
1662 S. Pepys Diary 3 May (1970) III. 76 At the goldsmiths took my picture in little..home with me.
1713 J. Addison Spectator No. 328 ed. 2 v.* ¶1 She..draws all her Relations Pictures in Miniature.
1761 F. Sheridan Mem. Miss Sidney Bidulph II. 227 She was a fine woman, and I had seen her picture.
1811 J. Austen Sense & Sensibility I. xii. 139 You were certain that Marianne wore his picture round her neck. View more context for this quotation
1888 Harper's Mag. Sept. 545/2 He got Bret to take her picture,..and he said it didn't begin to do her justice.
1925 A. Loos Gentlemen prefer Blondes iii. 76 A picture of her father painted in oil paint.
2003 J. Lethem Fortress of Solitude i. iii. 49 Yo mama's so ugly bigfoot takes her picture.
d. A three-dimensional representation of something, esp. as a work of art; a statue, a sculpture. Now rare.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > plastic art > statuary > [noun] > statue
1517 S. Hawes Pastime of Pleasure (1928) i. 9 This goodly pycture was in altytude Nyne fote and more of fayre marble stone.
1590 in R. Pitcairn Criminal Trials Scotl. (1833) I. ii. 192 Thow art accusit for the making of twa pictouris of clay.
1608 T. Heywood Rape of Lucrece sig. I2v Thy noble picture shalbe caru'd in brasse, And fix't..in our high capitoll.
1682 N. Crouch Admirable Curiosities (1684) 132 But K. Henry 7. afterward caused a Tomb to be set over the Place, with his Picture in Alabaster.
1710 Gloucester City Council Minute-bk. in H. Colvin Biogr. Dict. Eng. Architects 1660–1840 497 John Rickets of Cheltenham Carver hath petitioned..to carve the Queen's Majestie's picture in stone.
1771 J. Langhorne Fables of Flora ix. 54 I sought the living Bee to find, And found the picture of a Bee.
a1904 T. Stickney Poems (1905) i. 15 Up in the shadows of the fane, yonder, Is marble picture by a studied hand.
1969 D. J. Mulvaney Prehist. Austral. 170 Unique stone arrangements which are more appropriately described as ‘pictures’.
2003 Art in Amer. (Nexis) 1 Dec. 88 In other cases, Noguchi makes ‘pictures’ from clay.
e. A tableau in a play, ballet, etc.; a person or group set in a (static) position so as to symbolically represent an idea, etc.living picture: see living picture n. (a) at living adj. and n.1 Compounds.
society > leisure > the arts > performance arts > drama > mime > tableau > [noun]
tableau vivant1821
living picture1851
set piece1859
1588 A. Fraunce Arcadian Rhetorike ii. iii. sig. I7v Verie pictures which being dumme, yet speake by gesture and action.
1633 W. Prynne Histrio-mastix vi. iv. 387 If these livelesse pictures are so apt to ingenerate unchaste affections..much more will..these lively pictures, these reall representations of adultery and uncleanesse in our Stage-playes, doe it.
1754 S. Fielding & J. Collier Cry I. i. ix. 171 This scene I have always call'd the Picture.
1761 L. Sterne Life Tristram Shandy III. Pref. 98 In the foreground of this picture, a statesman turning the political wheel.
1826 J. Poole Paul Pry (new ed.) i. ii. 13 There is a general shout of ‘Paul Pry’. Picture, and act closes.
c1877 E. Harrigan Rising Star (MS) i. i. 10 This picture (strikes attitude) is Sampson defying the lightning.
1904 Daily Chron. 9 Dec. 8/5 The girls are called upon to practise the ‘picture’... A ‘picture’ means the moment when the dance is stopped, and the dancers get into a most uncomfortable attitude and pretend to enjoy it.
1967 Stud. Eng. Lit. 1500–1900 7 482 Garrick's letters frequently suggest that he conceived the art of directing as the art of forming a ‘picture’.
2001 New Republic 18 June 30/3 Energy translates to flailing, and stage pictures disappear.
2. The art or process of pictorial representation; the fact or condition of being pictorially represented; painting and drawing; the visual arts. Now rare.
society > communication > representation > [noun]
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > [noun] > pictorial representation
a1439 J. Lydgate Fall of Princes (Bodl. 263) iv. 2941 (MED) Ther is a difference of colours in picture [v.r. peynture], On table or wal..Tween gold & gold, atween bis & asure.
c1500 Melusine (1895) 352 There were the armes of Lusynen wel shewed and knowen in pycture.
1570 J. Dee in H. Billingsley tr. Euclid Elements Geom. Math. Præf. sig. dijv Picture and Sculpture, are Sisters germaine.
1606 H. Peacham Art of Drawing 3 Certain Festival dayes were yearly appointed at Corinth for the exercise of Picture.
a1637 B. Jonson Timber 1549 in Wks. (1640) III Picture tooke her faining from Poetry.
1694 J. Dryden To Sir G. Kneller in Ann. Miscellany 89 By slow degrees, the Godlike Art advanc'd; As Man grew polish'd, Picture was inhanc'd.
1721 N. Bailey Universal Etymol. Eng. Dict. Frontispiece..the Title or first Page of a Book done in Picture.
1743 W. Collins Verses to T. Hanmer 10 O might the Muse with equal Ease persuade, Expressive Picture, to adopt thine Aid!
1844 L. Hunt Imagination & Fancy (1846) 104 That subtler spirit of the art [poetry], which picture cannot express.
1876 H. Melville Clarel I. i. xxx. 108 He the night-scene in picture drew.
1936 W. Cox et al. Graphic Arts 285 We have a great legacy of poetry, picture and sculpture derived from Greece.
1999 T. Conley in I. Buchanan Deleuzian Century? 257 A conjunction of picture and writing that has a rich aesthetic history.
3. figurative.
a. With of or genitive. A person who strongly resembles another; a person who appears to be a likeness or image of someone or something else. Also (in early use) derogatory: a person who is a poor imitation of someone or something else; a counterfeit. Cf. image n. 4.
the world > relative properties > relationship > similarity > [noun] > image of a person or thing
splitting image1880
spitting image1901
c1475 Wisdom (Folger) (1969) 350 (MED) Of Gode man ys þe fygure, Hys symylytude, hys pyctowre.
1525 J. Rastell New Commodye sig. Aii It is one which is all other excedyng The picture of angelle yf thou her see.
1559 W. Cuningham Cosmogr. Glasse 1 Those most miserable men (yea, rather Images, and pictures of men, then very men in dede).
1609 W. Shakespeare Troilus & Cressida v. i. 6 Thou picture of what thou seemest, and Idoll, Of idiot worshippers. View more context for this quotation
1640 J. Gough Strange Discov. i. ii. sig. B4 I will have it so; the very picture of his father.
1677 Smithfield Jockey 2 He..swears how he is their Friend, whereas he is but the Picture of one.
1712 Spectator No. 520. ⁋1 My daughter, who is the picture of what her mother was.
1755 J. Shebbeare Lydia IV. cii. 37 ‘Lydy’, says his Lordship, ‘'tis [sc. a newborn child] your Picture to the utmost Resemblance’.
a1817 J. Austen Northanger Abbey (1818) I. iv. 49 ‘How excessively like her brother Miss Morland is!’ ‘The very picture of him, indeed!’
1877 G. MacDonald Marquis of Lossie III. iv. 81 Isna his mere 'at they ca' Kelpie jist the pictur' o' the deil's ain horse.
1924 D. Parker in Amer. Mercury Sept. 85/2 Junior would be the very picture of his father, when they got the bands off his teeth.
1987 B. Knapp Women in 20th-cent. Lit. iii. 51 When she wears her hair in an upsweep she is the picture of her mother, who died at her birth.
b. colloquial. A beautiful or picturesque object, person, or scene. Also ironic: something remarkable or amusing in appearance (now frequently of a person's face or expression when surprised).pretty as a picture: see pretty adj. 2e.
the mind > attention and judgement > beauty > [noun] > beautiful thing or person
jewel box1846
a1645 W. Strode Floating Island (1655) iv. xv. sig. E4v/2 A pretty Picture, Here's Day and Night united in one peice; Look here a Swan, look there a foule black Raven.
1730 J. Ralph Fashionable Lady iii. xiii. 84 Such a Picture as this has Charms enough to ensnare a Statesman, and tempt a Hermit.
1796 J. Cross Way to get Unmarried 121 Matrimony! Love borne on the wings of Zephyr to the shrine of Hymen! ha! ha! ha! that's a pretty picture!
1815 Sporting Mag. 47 135/2 She looked a perfect picture.
1827 J. Constable Let. 4 Oct. in Corr. (1962) I. 234 Minna looks so nice in her pelisse—the blew band or what it is called was a picture.
1899 S. MacManus In Chimney Corners 38 He was a picthur and no doubt of it.
1937 A. Christie Dumb Witness vii. 65 The gardens are a picture.
1961 Guardian 9 June 12/1 The bride was, as they say, ‘a picture’.
1992 B. Anderson Portrait of Artist's Wife (1993) xi. 203 His jaw dropped. His face was a picture.
c. U.S. regional. With genitive pronoun: euphemistically substituted for a personal pronoun in imprecations, in darn your picture and variants. Now rare.
1823 J. Neal Errata I. 263 Hang my picture!.. I do not say, hang me..it is very ungenteel.
1825 J. Neal Brother Jonathan III. 387 Young Bob's Dad—con-sarn his pictur! Spry as a cat.
1858 J. G. Burnett Blanche of Brandywine iv. i. 36 Well, darn your picter! don't scrouge the mourners!
1867 G. W. Harris Sut Lovingood 50 Nun ove y-u-r-e b-i-s-n-i-s-s, durn yure littil ankshus picter!
1908 Independent (N.Y.) 23 Apr. 905/1 Every man Jack on board was frosted, dod blast his old pictur'.
1934 Chicago Tribune 10 Dec. 16/3 Sir: Darn your picture, if it is your picture.
a. A visible image produced by an optical or (in later use) electronic system; (now) esp. that on a television screen.
society > communication > representation > [noun] > a representation > formed by physical means
1668 R. Hooke in Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 3 741 A Contrivance to make the Picture of any thing appear on a Wall,..or within a Picture-frame, &c. in the midst of a Light room.
1756 T. Amory Life John Buncle I. lxv. 340 Tho' the image of a flea may be magnified to eight feet..the image or picture is more distinct and exact, when not enlarged to more than three feet.
1833 N. Arnott Elements Physics (ed. 5) II. 211 The image or picture of the sun formed by that glass or lens.
1878 E. W. Clark Life & Adventure Japan 171 Splendid stereopticon pictures.
1897 Westm. Gaz. 6 May 8/2 The celluloid films upon which the cinematographic pictures are printed.
1915 Wireless World June 193/1 A picture..is thus obtained on the receiving screen.
1934 J. H. Reyner Television iii. 33 Fig. 14 shows the number of pictures per second at which flicker can just be detected, in terms of illumination.
1977 J. French Small Craft Radar iii. 86 The radar picture is built up by displaying on a time-related sweep line the instantaneous point of arrival of the echo.
2002 Wired Nov. 174/2 Astronomers often refer to telescopes as ‘photon buckets’: the bigger the bucket, the sharper the picture.
(a) Chiefly North American. A cinematic scene or production; a film. Also in plural: films collectively, as an industry or art form. Cf. motion picture n.
society > leisure > the arts > performance arts > cinematography > a film > [noun]
living picture1851
motion picture1891
moving picture1896
action film1909
movie picture1913
moom pitcher1929
1894 Times 18 Oct. 4/5 Then by amplifying the phonograph and throwing the [kinetograph] pictures on a screen, making them life size, he will give the world a startling reproduction of human life.
1897 R. W. Paul Brit. Patent 4686/1896 1 My invention relates to an improved apparatus for producing representations of moving scenes, figures or objects by projecting onto a screen..by means of..suitable projecting apparatus, a series of photographic pictures of such scenes... In order to give a definite position to the picture on the film which is to be projected I prefer to employ the following mechanism.
1912 Home Chat 25 May 391/1 In order to get a picture of the sacking of a village, an actual village was some time ago purchased and fired.
1915 Kinematograph & Lantern Weekly 1 July 61/2 During his very successful career in ‘pictures’ he has appeared in some..thrilling productions.
1916 Variety 27 Oct. 12/2 His bride was in the Kellermann picture, ‘A Daughter of the Gods’.
1943 M. G. McCoy MS Let. 29 Aug. (O.E.D. Archive) 3 The main picture was terribly funny: Deanna Durbin and Charles Laughton in ‘It Started with Eve’.
1947 A. Huxley Let. 27 July (1969) 573 We hope and intend to make the trip after the picture is finished.
1977 I. Shaw Beggarman, Thief iii. xi. 354 The picture was not scheduled to start for another ten minutes.
1994 Starweek Mag. 29 Oct. 14/2 This Bob Hope comedy was..his first ‘A’ picture.
1999 N.Y. Times 21 Oct. f10/1 Once upon a time, everybody wanted to be in pictures. Now, every able-bodied celebrity or demi-celebrity wants to be in the furniture business.
(b) British. In plural. With the. A showing of a film in a cinema.
society > leisure > the arts > performance arts > cinematography > [noun] > films or the cinema
movie screen1912
big screen1914
motion pictures1915
seventh art1921
silver screen1924
1915 T. Burke Nights in Town 110 Mother and Father..go to the pictures at the Palladium near Balham Station.
1923 P. G. Wodehouse Inimitable Jeeves xii. 129 Charlotte is coming to the Zoo with me this afternoon. Alone. And later on to the pictures.
1937 D. L. Sayers Busman's Honeymoon x. 225 Off to them pictures again.
1960 M. Spark Ballad of Peckham Rye viii. 187 They came out of the pictures at eight o'clock.
2001 Sun 27 Jan. 72/5 I'm Ordinary Joe who watches the TV and goes to the pictures, but maybe the job is extraordinary.
II. Extended uses.
5. A vivid or graphic description, written or spoken; esp. a description emblematic or illustrative of a particular concept, quality, or character; an impression or understanding formed by such a description.
the mind > language > speech > narration > description or act of describing > [noun] > graphic or vivid > a vivid description
word picture1835
pen portrait1850
1531 T. Elyot Bk. named Gouernour i. xiii. sig. Giiv First comedies whiche they suppose to be a doctrinall of rybaudrie, they be vndoutedly a picture or as it were a mirrour of mans life.
1550 R. Sherry Treat. Schemes & Tropes sig. E1v Charactirismus, that is the efficcion or pycture of the bodye or mynde, as Dauus described Crito, & Mino describeth Demea.
1598 W. Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost v. ii. 38 I am comparde to twentie thousand fairs. O he hath drawen my picture in his letter. View more context for this quotation
1611 T. Coryate Crudities sig. Z5 Whereof [sc. the Amphitheatre at Verona] I haue expressed a picture in this place.
1677 Lady Chaworth in 12th Rep. Royal Comm. Hist. MSS (1890) App. v. 44 Two of your acquaintances have their picture drawne in it [Hudibras]..to the lyfe.
1722 D. Defoe Moll Flanders 356 In a word, I gave him an Abridgement of this whole History; I gave him the Picture of my Conduct for 50 Years in Miniature.
1768 L. Sterne Sentimental Journey I. 52 It is a miserable picture which I am going to give of the weakness of my heart.
1814 J. Austen Mansfield Park III. i. 20 Her heart was almost broke by such a picture of what she appeared to him; by such accusations, so heavy, so multiplied, so rising in dreadful gradation! View more context for this quotation
1867 J. A. Froude Short Stud. (1883) IV. i. xi. 139 The details of the miracles contain many interesting pictures of old English life.
1958 G. Greene Our Man in Havana 219 Our enemies picture the salesman often as a loud-mouthed braggart... That is not a true picture.
1993 Coloradoan (Fort Collins) 10 Jan. e2/1 Adding a powerful word picture to his thesis, Moynihan quotes Judge Edwin Torres.
a. A mental image, an impression or idea created in the mind; the sum of impressions apprehended mentally; an intellectual model or framework of understanding, as world picture (see world n. Compounds 3b), etc.mind-picture: see mind n.1 Compounds 1.
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > thing seen > [noun] > scene
a1538 T. Starkey Dial. Pole & Lupset (1989) 19 The mynd of man fyrst of hyt selfe ys as a clene & pure tabul..apt & indyfferent to receyve al maner of pycturys, & image.
a1547 Earl of Surrey tr. Virgil Fourth Bk. Aeneas (1554) iv. sig. Aiv In her brest Imprinted stacke his wordes, and pyctures forme.
1621 M. Wroth Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania ii. 172 His face is so ingrauen in my thoughts, his picture drawne so liuely in my heart.
1690 J. Locke Ess. Humane Understanding ii. x. 66 The Pictures drawn in our Minds, are laid in fading Colours.
1713 G. Berkeley Three Dialogues Hylas & Philonous i. 59 It seems then, you will have our Ideas, which alone are immediately perceived, to be Pictures of external Things.
1785 T. Jefferson Let. 2 Sept. in Papers (1953) VIII. 467 It presented me a lively picture of what I wish to be, but am not.
1857 Ld. Dufferin Lett. from High Latitudes (ed. 3) 179 The vigorous imagination of the north..strove to blend, in a grand world picture,..the influences which sustained both the physical and moral system of its universe.
1878 T. Hardy Return of Native III. v. ii. 120 There was housed in his memory a vivid picture of the face of a little boy as he entered the hovel where Clym's mother lay.
1910 Encycl. Brit. I. 366/2 The map is over six feet long, printed from wooden blocks, and gives a valuable picture of the London of Elizabeth's time.
1992 Sci. News 20 June 408/2 So-called ‘lumping’ of specimens led to a picture of human evolution as a series of three progressive steps.
b. Philosophy. In the study of meaning: the mental image that is assumed to correspond to a fact. picture theory of meaning n. (and variants) (in Wittgenstein's philosophy) the view that the form of a sentence must correspond to the state of affairs it represents as a picture or physical model does.
the mind > mental capacity > philosophy > epistemology > [adjective] > of cognition > of an idea or concept
the mind > mental capacity > philosophy > epistemology > [noun] > cognition > imagism > elements of
1922 C. K. Ogden et al. tr. L. Wittgenstein Tractatus 39 We make to ourselves pictures of facts [Ger. Wir machen uns Bilder der Tatsachen].
1940 B. Russell Inq. Meaning & Truth xiii. 230 I can make a picture of Brutus killing Caesar..but I cannot make a picture, either real or imagined, of quadruplicity killing procrastination.
1956 J. O. Urmson Philos. Anal. v. 54 The relation of language and the world, or picture of fact and fact.
1970 D. M. Taylor Explan. & Meaning xi. 132 (heading) The picture theory of meaning.
1992 Mind 101 28 The radical disruption caused by his dismantling of the early logical atomism and picture theory.
a. A concrete representation or illustration of an abstract idea or quality; a symbol, type, or figure.
society > communication > representation > physical representation of abstraction > [noun] > a physical representation of abstraction
1553 T. Wilson Arte of Rhetorique iii. sig. cc4 God woulde have men to see as though it [sc. virginity] were a paterne, or rather a picture of that heavenly habitacion.
1570 B. Googe tr. T. Kirchmeyer Spirituall Husbandry i, in tr. Popish Kingdome f. 69 Goodly starres, and pictures in the skie, Besides the twelue familiar signes that in the Zodiake lie.
1656 H. Jeanes Mixture Scholasticall Divinity 49 Mans soule is Gods temple, and picture.
1667 A. Cowley To Royal Soc. iv, in T. Sprat Hist. Royal-Soc. sig. B2 From Words, which are but Pictures of the Thought.
1742 I. Watts Death & Heaven (ed. 4) i. §4 53 When Death shall be destroyed, Sleep, the Image and Picture of Death, shall be destroyed too.
1779 S. Johnson Butler in Pref. Wks. Eng. Poets II. 30 Of the ancient Puritans;..our grandfathers knew the picture from the life.
1844 R. W. Emerson Ess. 2nd Ser. i. 18 The world is a temple, whose walls are covered with emblems, pictures, and commandments of the Deity.
1863 M. Howitt tr. F. Bremer Greece & Greeks I. vii. 246 I had before me daily..a beautiful picture of the life of the Greek grand seigneur.
1973 tr. C. Baudelaire in H. Marks Bk. Dope Stories (2001) i. 9 A philosophical school which sees in dreams of this type..a symbolic and moral picture.
1995 B. Rumscheidt & M. Rumscheidt tr. L. Schottroff Lydia's Impatient Sisters ii. ii. 81 The parable of the leaven makes the work of a woman a picture of God's reign.
b. A person or thing seen as the embodiment of some quality.
society > communication > representation > physical representation of abstraction > symbolizing > [noun] > a symbol
picture message1912
1580 J. Lyly Euphues & his Eng. (new ed.) f. 45v Behold England, where Camilla was borne, the flower of curtesie, the picture of comlynesse.
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Arcadia (1590) iii. vi. f. 265 Her naked hands raising vp their whole length..as if the right had bene the picture of Zeale, and the left, of Humblenesse.
1635 J. Reynolds Triumphs Gods Revenge (new ed.) v. xxiv. 506 Quatbrissons unkindnesse to Marieta formerly made her seeme to bee the picture of sorrow.
1689 C. Goodall Poems & Transl. 43 Seven days are past, since I beheld thy face..Picture of Beauty, and the Stamp of Grace.
1749 H. Fielding Tom Jones VI. xviii. ii. 171 Upon these Words, Jones became in a Moment a greater Picture of Horror than Partridge himself. View more context for this quotation
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth II. 52 If any thing can give us a picture of complete imbecillity, it is a man when just come into the world.
1816 J. Austen Emma I. v. 78 One hears sometimes of a child being ‘the picture of health’. View more context for this quotation
1888 J. W. Burgon Lives Twelve Good Men I. iii. 331 Those rooms were the very picture of disorder.
a1925 H. T. Lane Talks to Parents & Teachers (1928) 184 He was a picture of misery and dejection.
1991 Rage 13 Feb. 6/1 I am normally a picture of tolerance and understanding.
a. The circumstances as they are; a state of affairs, situation.
the world > existence and causation > existence > state or condition > circumstance or circumstances > [noun] > state of affairs or situation
state of thingsa1500
state of play1916
the form1934
1661 H. More Let. 2 Aug. in Conway Lett. (1992) iv. 190 I am sorry that things in Ireland are in so ill a picture.
1781 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall II. ii. iv The general picture of the affairs of the East Indies under the reign of Valens.
1793 ‘J. Gifford’ Hist. France IV. 342 The ascendancy which he suffered Richelieu to acquire over his mind threw him..into the back ground of the political picture.
1852 Southern Q. Rev. Oct. 316 While some will ascribe sublimity to the proportions of our national picture, to others it will appear too commonplace.
1929 Times 17 May 13/1 He deepened the shadows of the American picture.
1966 ‘A. Hall’ 9th Directive i. 14 At this time..the South-east Asian picture is confused and threatening.
1996 H. Smith Events leading up to my Death lxi. 289 My report [on Cuba] detailed shipments and plans, obtained from an entirely trustworthy source, and the picture was alarming.
b. Medicine. The sum of the clinical or other features present in a particular case. clinical picture n. the total impression or apprehension of a diseased condition, as formed by a physician.blood picture: see blood n. Compounds 5.
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > symptom > [noun] > sum of features
1891 Harper's Mag. Nov. 920/2 In the clinical picture of the disease,..Nature shows the dislike to sharp contrasts which marks all her work.
1931 Jrnl. Exper. Med. 54 244 The clinical picture of ‘mad itch’ is very suggestive of pseudorabies.
1940 Endocrinology 27 127 The histological pictures of the hypertrophied uteri after vitamin E administration and after mechanical stimulation of the cervix uteri were identical.
1949 H. W. C. Vines Green's Man. Pathol. (ed. 17) xxi. 530 The picture of pure ischæmia of vascular origin is often mixed to a greater or less extent with that of chronic inflammatory nephritis.
1991 Lancet 25 May 1281/2 The progression of signs in fatal cerebral malaria resembles the neurological picture of cerebral herniation.
c. With the and modifying adjective, as whole, large, wide, etc. The overall situation; the objective reality of a situation, as opposed to an individual's narrow perspective on it. Cf. big picture n. 1.
1948 W. J. Cohen & W. Haber Readings in Social Security Pref. p. vii If the Congress fails to see the whole picture and fails to act, the Nation is In grave danger.
1963 F. L. K. Hsu Clan v. 99 This is another example of how concentration on local details tends to obscure rather than clarify our understanding of the larger picture.
1984 Times 30 Nov. 12/5 The accepted irrelevance of the British Labour Party to the wider picture would have been painfully apparent.
1999 Angling Times 16 June 17/1 You must take a step back sometimes and see the whole picture, despite popular opinion, fishing isn't life or death.


P1. colloquial. in the picture: involved in or fully aware of a particular situation or activity; in harmony with one's surroundings; present; out of the picture, out of place, at odds with one's surroundings; uninvolved, inactive; (figurative) dead. to get the picture: to grasp or become aware of certain circumstances or facts; to put (a person) in the picture: to inform (a person) of particular circumstances or facts.
the mind > mental capacity > understanding > understand [phrase]
to know what's whatc1422
to know where to find a person1565
to see the light1812
to be awake to1813
to know a move or two1819
to get on to ——1880
to get the strength of1890
to be (or get) wise to1896
to get the picture1900
the penny dropped1939
to pick up1944
to get the message1959
to take on board1979
society > communication > information > action of informing > give (information) [verb (transitive)] > inform (a person)
to teach a person a thingc888
do to witc1275
let witc1275
let seec1330
to wit (a person) to saya1400
to do to ware1594
to let into one's knowledge1596
to put up1811
to put a person au fait of1828
to keep (someone) straight1862
to put next to1896
to put (one) wise (to)1896
in the picture1900
to give (someone) a line on1903
to wise up1905
to fill (someone) in on1945
to mark a person's card1961
to loop in1994
1900 M. Beerbohm in Sat. Rev. 30 June 809/1 His performance is, strictly, more ‘in the picture’ than was Mr. Robertson's.
1900 Bulletin (Sydney) 22 Dec. 12/3 Non-ornamental sufferers feel themselves quite out of the picture.
1928 Daily Mail 5 June 14/1 Rustom Pasha collapsed soon after leading the field into the straight at a time when Blenheim was not in the picture at all.
1938 P. Gallico Confessions of Story Writer (1946) 226 Keep your chin up. I get the picture.
1942 E. Waugh Put out More Flags ii. 150 ‘Put these men in the picture, Smallwood’, he said.
1948 Life 6 Sept. 38/1 (advt.) If I'm taken out of the picture, The Mutual Life will send you a check every month.
1950 N. Streatfeild Mothering Sunday 144 You keep calling me a criminal, darling, but that's where you aren't in the picture.
1971 K. Amis Girl, 20 iv. 129 I'm sorry I've been out of the picture, but I've been up to my neck.
a1985 P. White With the Jocks (2003) 357 He put me in the picture on where to find the Company.
1985 P. Larkin Let. 6 Feb. in Sel. Lett. (1992) 731 I've kept Andrew in the picture.
1994 Amer. Spectator June 18/1 The black rank-and-file would no doubt love welfare reform, but they're out of the picture.
1998 I. Rankin Hanging Garden (1999) v. 73 I think I get the picture.
P2. a picture is worth a thousand words and variants: a picture conveys far more than words.
society > communication > information > action of informing > information [phrase]
every picture tells a story1904
a picture is worth a thousand words1925
1828 J. K. Paulding New Mirror for Travellers 60 A look, which said as plainly as a thousand words.
1921 Printers' Ink 8 Dec. 96 (heading) One look is worth a thousand words.]
1925 Washington Post 26 July (Amusements section) 2/2 ‘The picture is worth ten thousand words.’ So says an old Chinese proverb.
1954 R. Haydn Jrnl. Edwin Carp 90 ‘One picture speaks louder than ten thousand words.’ Mr. Bovey repeated the adage this morning when..he handed me my finished portrait.
1979 Daily Tel. 14 Aug. 11 If proof was ever needed that a few good pictures are worth more than a thousand statistics it came with bludgeoning force..last night.
1996 Business Age June 95/2 One picture of a share price's oscillations can be worth a thousand words of corporate history.
P3. every picture tells a story: used of an image that is particularly significant, revealing, or suggestive of subsequent events.Originally popularized by an advertising slogan which appeared alongside a picture of a woman clutching the small of her back: see quot. 1904.
society > communication > information > action of informing > information [phrase]
every picture tells a story1904
a picture is worth a thousand words1925
1847 C. Brontë Jane Eyre I. i. 5 The letter-press..I cared little for... Each picture told a story.]
1904 Daily Mail 26 Feb. 8/1 (advt.) Doan's Backache Kidney Pills..cure Backache, Weak Back, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Congestion of the Kidneys [etc.]... Every picture tells a story.
1923 A. Huxley Antic Hay xxi. 290 She waved her hand towards the sizzling brilliance of the portrait. ‘Before and after. Like the advertisements, you know. Every picture tells a story.’
1976 Radio Times 25 Sept. 5 (caption) Every picture tells a story: Rod Stewart, the working-class boy who has become a working-class hero.
1991 G. Cotter Eng. v. West Indies (BNC) 239 Every picture tells a story. Paul Downton has just failed to reach a snick..and the response of Botham and Gower says it all.


a. General attributive uses relating to the painting, sale, collection, etc., of pictures.
picture art n.
1863 Godey's Lady's Bk. Dec. 561 What improvements have been made in picture art, Annie, since your and my remembrance.
1998 Financial Times (Nexis) 10 Jan. 13 Should picture art obscure when it can explain?
picture craft n.
1762 H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Painting II. iii. 207 An adept in all the arts of picture-craft.
1916 C. Bailey in Univ. Soc. Child Welfare Man. II. x. 243 The smooth floor of the home piazza or stoop is an adaptable place for this outline picture craft.
2003 Contra Costa (Calif.) Times 5 Sept. f4 Festival activities include planting and picture crafts, games and carnival fun.
picture critic n.
1819 W. Allston Let. 5 Nov. in Scribner's Mag. (1892) Jan. 74/2 There is not one of the London picture critics who could have done them half so well.
1956 A. Henderson G. B. Shaw: Man of Cent. ii. xiii. 166 Yates' picture critic died; and Yates asked Archer to carry on for him.
picture knowledge n.
1775 J. Barry Inq. Obstructions Arts Eng. vi. 73 The celebrated names..came to be lisped even by the children in picture knowledge.
1886 J. Ruskin Præterita II. v. 180 I had advanced in picture knowledge since the Roman days.
a1958 D. Schwartz Summer Knowl. (1967) 157 Not picture knowledge, nor..the knowledge of lore and learning.
picture library n.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > display of pictures > [noun] > library
picture library1901
1901 Daily Northwestern (Wisconsin) 9 July 6/2 Miss Tanner is well known..for her work in the interest of travelling picture libraries.
1991 Photo Answers June 27/4 If I'm not booked I'll often do a shoot for my picture library.
picture merchant n.
1760 D. Webb Inq. Beauties Painting Pref. 11 An idle art more useful to a picture-merchant, than becoming a man of taste.
1828 J. Kenney Ella Rosenberg i. i. 14 ‘Who's there?’..‘A person from Isaac, the picture-merchant.’
1995 Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Nexis) 2 Aug. c4 Nowinski is a local art collector... He has no experience as a picture merchant.
picture shop n.
1708 G. Vaux tr. J. C. Sturm Mathesis Juvenilis II. 102 Too great a Number of these Ornaments..would make the House look like a Picture Shop.
1843 W. M. Thackeray Let. 17 Aug. (1945) II. 120 We go out to see pictures at old picture-shops.
1913 D. H. Lawrence Sons & Lovers v. 89 Soon the folk in the picture-shop knew her, and knew about Paul.
1997 Guardian (Nexis) 9 Apr. 17 A man..who runs a picture shop..told me how he still regularly gets requests to frame photos of Margaret Thatcher.
b. In the sense ‘consisting of, expressed in, or of the nature of a picture or pictures’.
picture-dialect n.
1882 Internat. Rev. June 613 Catlin found songs written out in the picture dialect of the Chippeway Indians.
1901 Daily Chron. 14 Dec. 8/1 With this picture-dialect at your command, why trouble to learn Sicilian?
1958 F. Kermode in Spectator 22 Aug. 257/2 Man..can think; he replaces with language that picture-dialect, guiltless of all abstraction, which..is found in homo sapiens only in certain pathological conditions.
picture-poem n.
a1860 T. Parker in O. B. Frothingham T. Parker 110 Sundry flowers for my picture-poem have begun to unfold.
1991 Christian Sci. Monitor 16 Oct. 17/3 He recreates the itchy whack of wind-thumped grasses and molds a picture-poem.
picture puzzle n.
1869 Riverside Mag. Nov. 526/2 The greatest variety of riddles; but picture puzzles will not be counted.
1995 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 30 Nov. 6/3 Forms fitted tightly together like pieces in a picture puzzle.
picture-sign n.
1865 E. B. Tylor Res. Early Hist. Mankind v. 99 The Egyptians were later..in throwing off the crutches of picture signs.
1899 Daily News 19 Aug. 7/7 On the other side of the high~way..is the picture-sign of the house.
1983 J. Hutchinson Lett. i. 21 The picture-sign (hieroglyph) for ‘sun’ was a diamond-shaped figure.
picture story n.
1867 Piqua (Ohio) Democrat 3 Apr. 3/4 Picture Stories, Puzzles, and a variety of other choice articles.
1991 Appl. Linguistics 12 185 To provide panel members with the extra-linguistic context, they were given the relevant picture story as a handout.
picture-thought n.
1874 W. Wallace tr. G. W. F. Hegel Logic 53 The predicates by which the object is to be determined are supplied from the resources of picture-thought.
1993 Amer. Jrnl. Philol. 114 591 A continuum of states of perception, running from picture-thought at the lowest to complete intellection at the highest end.
c. In the sense ‘adorned or illustrated with a picture or pictures’.
picture cover n.
1879 Godey's Lady's Bk. Feb. 181 A handsome volume with a colored picture cover, full of illustrated stories and poems.
2004 Virginian-Pilot (Nexis) 22 Feb. 12 I filled orders for a silk screening company on Staten Island that did book picture covers.
picture newspaper n.
1843 W. M. Thackeray Let. Mar. (1945) II. 100 I hope both are pleased with the picture-newspapers. They are excellent speculations, the man sold 10000 of the first number.
1988 N. Postman Conscientious Objections Pref. p. xiv We have adapted ourselves to disinformation.., to imagery disguised as thought, to picture newspapers and magazines.
picture paper n.
society > communication > journalism > journal > periodical > [noun] > magazine > pictorial
picture paper1853
picture magazine1895
photo magazine1903
1853 Hornellsville (N.Y.) Tribune 11 June 3/2 His eye caught one of the picture papers.
1996 Guardian (Nexis) 27 July 28 Especially the Daily and Sunday Graphic picture papers.
picture sheet n.
1863 Charleston Mercury 4 Dec. (Editorial section) Of the letter press of this sorry picture sheet, nothing need be said.
1983 Past & Present No. 99. 117 The French printers of popular picture sheets..continued to use engravings and woodcuts.
picture-strip n.
1904 Trenton (New Jersey) Times 5 Dec. 2/1 Above the rail is a picture strip depicting groups of Dutch children at play.
1996 Spectator 31 Aug. 19/2 Here in 24 whizzo pages, using the picture-strip format familiar to students of Beano, is The Story of Monetary Policy.
picture-table n. Obsolete
1622 H. Peacham Compl. Gentleman xii. 119 He was the first..to make a Glew for Picture Tables, that should neuer decay.
1629 H. Burton Truth's Triumph 10 An artificiall indented picture-table.
picture tile n.
1896 Daily News 30 July 2/3 Furnishing and decorating with picture tiles a ward which is now being added to this hospital.
2003 Edmonton (Alberta) Jrnl. (Nexis) 13 Nov. f3 He has also installed the occasional Versace picture tile inlaid with 24-carat gold.
d. In the sense ‘such as might be represented in a picture, suitable for a picture’.
picture dress n.
1888 Pall Mall Gaz. 20 Feb. 5/2 These are ‘picture dresses’, called so..on account of the fact that their salient features are copied from the paintings of Lawrence, Reynolds, Gainsborough, and other masters of the last century.
1971 Times 22 Jan. 9/4 Chiffon picture dresses loaded with artificial flowers.
picture frock n.
1899 Marion (Ohio) Daily Star 25 Mar. 10/1 Mousseline will be largely utilized for picture frocks to be worn with guimpes.
1995 Jrnl. Design Hist. 8 45 In Australia wide-skirted picture frocks were advertised in 1928.
picture gown n.
1889 Salem (Ohio) Daily News 23 Nov. 3/4 (heading) Quaint picture gowns in preparation for pretty latter day belles.
1975 G. Howell In Vogue 147 (caption) Picture gown of black tulle.
1992 MLN 107 950 The beginning of a shift from the picture-thinking of all prior consciousness to the new age of absolute knowledge.
e. In the sense ‘relating to films or the cinema’.
picture palace n.
society > leisure > the arts > performance arts > cinematography > film show > a cinema > [noun]
picture house1906
picture theatre1906
picture palace1908
movie house1912
movie palace1913
movie theatre1913
1908 Stage Year Bk. 48 There are now indications that before long these picture ‘palaces’ will be a feature of London and the larger provincial towns.
1993 S. Stewart Ramlin Rose ix. 99 Most picture palaces was away from the Cut in the grander part of towns and cities.
picture playhouse n.
1910 Los Angeles Times 17 July v. 18/2 (caption) Handsome picture playhouse for South Broadway.
1912 Syracuse (N.Y.) Herald 8 Jan. 3/6 Not only does the code prohibit the use of rooms above the picture playhouses for dwelling purposes, but also provides that they shall not be used for storage or office purposes.
2004 Hull Daily Mail (Nexis) 17 Feb. 2 Lib Dems wanted to hold back for six months a decision to sell Beverley's Picture Playhouse.
picture theatre n.
society > leisure > the arts > performance arts > cinematography > film show > a cinema > [noun]
picture house1906
picture theatre1906
picture palace1908
movie house1912
movie palace1913
movie theatre1913
1906 Altoona (Pa.) Mirror 26 Sept. 1/2 The entrance to the Edisonia picture theatre on Eleventh avenue.
1997 Dominion (Wellington, N.Z.) (Nexis) 15 May 13 A group of Napier people..leased the former State picture theatre in Napier.
C2. Objective.
picture borrowing n. and adj.
1899 Daily News 22 May 5/1 A visit was paid to the Guildhall, also on a picture-borrowing quest.
2000 Guardian (Nexis) 24 Oct. 12 The layers—of art history and art fashion, picture borrowing, play with titles and music—go on piling up.
picture-buying n. and adj.
1766 O. Goldsmith Vicar of Wakefield II. i. 27 To instruct you in the art of picture buying at Paris.
1885 W. D. Howells Rise Silas Lapham ii. 33 Lapham had not yet reached the picture-buying stage of the rich man's development.
2002 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 21 Oct. 18 Maastricht pulls in picture-buying visitors from Germany, Holland, Belgium and France.
picture-cleaner n.
1746 G. Vertue Note-bks. (1938) V. 78 This picture I saw at Mr. Andersons picture cleaner.
1812 J. Smyth Pract. of Customs ii. 33 Balsam Canada..much used by Picture-cleaners for their Varnishes.
1987 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 4 Oct. 35/1Picture cleaners’ who throughout history..have destroyed many masterpieces.
picture cleaning n. and adj.
1798 J. Barry Let. Dilettanti Soc. 4 As to that business of picture-cleaning..as it may be of use to push our remarks on this picture-defacing a little farther, I shall..here insert the following passage.
1850 Harper's Mag. Nov. 835/1 Not only picture-cleaning and repairing, but painting.
1985 Economist (Nexis) 18 May 19 The Washington National Gallery of Art has been reconsidering its picture-cleaning policy.
picture dealer n.
1756 B. Brenan Painter's Breakfast i. 5 He is an half witted knave, and picture dealer.
1847 A. Brontë Agnes Grey i. 14 What do you say to doing a few more pictures..and trying to dispose of them to some liberal picture-dealer?
1991 K. Jones Learning not to be First xiv. 182 An unscrupulous picture dealer who had been forging paintings.
picture dealing n. and adj.
1766 J. Gwynn London & Westm. Improved 70 There is for example, at Rome..a set of fellows whose profession is what we in England call picture dealing.
1824 T. Hook Sayings & Doings 1st Ser. I. 92 At the suggestion of his picture-dealing friend.
2002 Times (Nexis) 9 Sept. 10 A..French adventurer..who dabbled in picture dealing and was not infrequently bamboozled into buying copies of Old Masters.
picture-framer n.
1788 T. Jefferson Memorandum Bks. 1 Sept. (1997) I. 714 P[ai]d. Petit..for picture framer.
1853 F. A. Durivage Life Scenes 104 He found the picture framer, who was also a picture dealer, in his shirt sleeves.
1992 Pop. Crafts Mar. 24/2 Mounting board..can be obtained at any picture-framers or art shop.
picture-gazer n.
1836 Tait's Edinb. Mag. Dec. 814/1 We despair of English picture-gazers understanding the full merit of this unique specimen of the Fine Arts.
1998 R. Pearson in M. Freeman et al. Process of Art p. xii The flair and flexibility of the observer, whether reader, picture-gazer, or music-lover.
picture-hanging n. and adj.
1876 Times 14 Mar. 5/1 In the Art Gallery, picture-hanging will begin on April 1.
1972 ‘T. Coe’ Don't lie to Me vi. 63 He was killed with picture-hanging wire.
1989 Guardian Weekly (Nexis) 16 Apr. 15 A less cluttered approach to picture-hanging came into fashion.
picture keeper n.
1684 E. Chamberlayne Angliæ Notitia: 1st Pt. (ed. 15) i. 181 One Picture-keeper, Mr. Henry Norris.
1961 G. Aylmer King's Servants App. 473 Vestry Staff..2 Picture Keepers.
picture maker n.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > [noun] > painter or drawer of pictures
picture maker1589
1589–90 in M. Bateson Rec. Borough Leicester (1905) III. 263 Affabell Watson of Markefyld picture maker.
1633 J. Ford Loves Sacrifice ii. sig. E Where dwels the picture maker?
1755 S. Johnson Dict. Eng. Lang. at Limner A painter; a picture-maker.
a1886 D. Grant Sc. Stories (1888) 7 Ye hae taen in yer heid to turn a pictur'-maker.
1989 San Diego Union-Tribune (Nexis) 11 June e10 Two of his artists..also are Basque and one is a premier Mexican picture maker.
picture-making n. and adj.
1805 S. T. Coleridge Coll. Lett. (1956) II. 1161 Those comic picture-making combinations of Fancy, that characterizes the old wit of old England.
1889 Internat. Ann. Anthonys Photogr. Bull. 118 Any one who has a glimmering of the science of picture-making.
1993 Harper's Mag. July 40/2 Mrs. Sargent..took her boy John on picture-making excursions.
picture-painting n. and adj.
1830 T. Flint Shoshonee Valley I. viii. 317 Indian simplicity, and picture painting power.
1919 W. Lewis Caliph's Design ii. i. 36 A type of rhyming or picture-painting crétin.
2003 South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) (Nexis) 8 June 11 This differs starkly from the eras..when rosy picture-painting was a national policy.
picture restorer n.
1831 Edinb. Rev. Sept. 166 The rude hands of picture-restorers.
1992 J. Barnes Talking it Over (BNC) 118 Her special picture restorer's cotton wool.
picture seller n.
1666 S. Pepys Diary 20 June (1972) VII. 173 Thence to Faythorne the picture-seller's.
1891 Econ. Jrnl. 1 763 If he had spent £300 on a picture it would have remained his income, though it would be part of the picture-seller's also.
1981 Times 22 Sept. 12/8 He played the spiv picture seller in Spring in Park Lane.
picture-taker n.
1872 Syracuse (N.Y.) Daily Courier & Union 15 Apr. 2/1 These novel picture ‘takers’.
1992 Sunday Sun (Brisbane) 5 Jan. (Mag.) 4/4 Among the picture-takers on that fateful day was the so-called ‘Babushka Lady’.
picture-taking n. and adj.
1869 Elyria (Ohio) Independent Democrat 4 Aug. 2/3 There have been many improvements in the art of picture taking since that period.
1992 Gazette (Montreal) 28 May c3/4 Kodak has published a useful book on picture-taking during tricky light conditions.
picture-viewing adj. and n.
1867 Old Guard June 450/2 As a climax to picture-viewing at Hampton Court, it is well to reserve the visit..to the Picture Gallery erected by Sir Christopher Wren.
1983 Jrnl. Aesthetics & Art Crit. 41 257/1 The act of picture-making or picture-viewing..would seem to supersede our inborn, biological responses.
C3. Instrumental.
picture-broidered adj. Obsolete
1904 T. S. Moore Ode to Leda p. x Thy picture-broidered train might be a book.
picture-hung adj.
1897 Daily News 21 Dec. 8/3 Leaving extra seats and wooden chairs around the picture-hung walls.
2003 Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) (Nexis) 30 Nov. (Travel section) 1 The picture-hung walls (each frame encasing a dear, uninsipid image).
picture-pasted adj.
1827 J. Clare Shepherd's Cal. 14 The old clock, that strikes unseen Behind the picture-pasted screen.
1949 Gaz. & Bull. (Williamsport, Pa.) 15 Dec. 11/1 One of those picture-pasted identification cards.
picture-thinking n.
1874 W. Wallace tr. G. W. F. Hegel Logic 30 Conception or picture-thinking works with materials from the same sensuous source.
1945 R. A. Knox God & Atom vii. 90 One will depend more on picture-thinking, on crude, unanalysed notions, than another.
2001 Y. Wang Buddhism & Deconstruction (Afterword) 221 A vulgar person's understanding is characteristically picture-thinking..and his approach to reality is grasping.
picture black n. Television the light level of the darkest element of a television picture.
society > communication > broadcasting > television > visual element > [noun] > signals, types, or parts of
picture frequency1926
picture signal1927
black level1935
line frequency1936
line scan1938
picture black1938
white level1938
test signal1945
spot wobble1950
1938 Jrnl. Inst. Electr. Engineers 83 770/1 The insertion of the d.c. component into a train of picture signals implies that the signal corresponding to picture black is established at a definite potential.
1961 G. Millerson Technique Television Production iii. 51 Picture black may not be constant. The darkness of the blackest tones in the picture may vary from shot to shot, with picture content.
1972 G. J. King Beginner's Guide Television (ed. 5) ii. 43 In television parlance, below-picture black level is called blacker than black.
picture board n. a flat surface displaying or decorated with a picture or pictures.
1889 Q. Rev. Apr. 420 That measure of popularity, of which the outward and visible sign is bad print, and the superscription, ‘Fcap. 8vo, picture-boards, 2s.’
1939 G. Greene Lawless Roads Prol. 5 A game called ‘Monopoly’ played with a picture-board and dice and little counters.
1996 J. Brown Hong Kong & Macau: Rough Guide (ed. 3) 126 The Exhibition Hall is well laid out, with push-button exhibits, video presentations..and picture boards.
picture book n. and adj. (a) n. a book consisting wholly or partly of pictures, esp. one written for children; (b) adj. characteristic or suggestive of a picture book; excessively pretty.
society > communication > book > kind of book > [noun] > picture book
picture book1699
the mind > attention and judgement > beauty > pleasing appearance > [adjective] > picturesque
picture book1922
1699 G. Harvey Vanities Philos. & Physick i. 4 The purchase of a Gerard's Herbal, or such like picture Book.
1847 W. M. Thackeray Vanity Fair (1848) xxxvii. 338 Rawdon bought the boy plenty of picture-books, and crammed his nursery with toys.
1922 A. Huxley Mortal Coils 201 It's one of those picture-book German towns.
1992 Ships Monthly Apr. 49/1 This is not just another picture book, but a real pictorial history.
picture bride n. U.S. a woman who agrees to a marriage arranged through the exchange of photographs, esp. (now historical) an Asian woman for whom marriage is thus arranged to a man from her own country who is already resident in the United States.
1910 Reno (Nevada) Evening Gaz. 14 Dec. 8/4 The thirty Japanese ‘picture’ brides who arrived on the Chiyo Maru on Friday.
2003 KoreAm May 25/2 Born in San Francisco, the daughter of a picture bride, Sonia graduated in 1938 from San Francisco State University.
picture card n. a card decorated with a picture; spec. (a) a court or face card in a pack of playing cards (cf. pictured card n. at pictured adj. Compounds) (obsolete); (b) a picture postcard (now rare).
society > communication > representation > a plastic or graphic representation > [noun] > on a surface > types of
picture card1707
society > leisure > entertainment > pastimes > game > card game > card or cards > [noun] > picture-card
coated card1566
picture card1707
pictured card?1770
face carda1804
1707 Philos. Trans. 1706–7 (Royal Soc.) 25 2398 They rub it off with a round List with their hand..; this is for Picture or Court Cards.
1838 C. Dickens Oliver Twist II. xxv. 81 He..offered to cut any gentleman..for the first picture-card, at a shilling a time.
1932 H. Crane Let. 13 Aug. (1965) 409 I must write him a picture card at least in answer; but I'm damned if I want to continue any correspondence of that kind.
1992 ELT Jrnl. 46 119 A two-part introductory course for children; plus Activity Book..cassettes, and picture cards.
picture-coffin n. Obsolete historical a type of coffin decorated with an image of the deceased person, dating from the early 17th cent.
the world > life > death > disposal of corpse > receptacle for remains > [noun] > coffin > leaden coffin > type of
1884 E. Peacock in Notes & Queries 6th Ser. 9 218/2 I suggested at the time, and still think, that it may have been part of a picture-coffin.
picture cycle n. Art a series of pictures forming a narrative, esp. (in medieval art) a biblical or hagiographic narrative presented in illuminated manuscripts, stained-glass windows, etc.
1933 Amer. Jrnl. Archaeol. 37 522/2 These lost miniatures probably were on evidence taken from other gospel picture-cycles.
1971 Amer. Notes & Queries Sept. 14/2 The whole vast field of early Biblical picture-cycles.
2002 Independent on Sunday (Nexis) 16 June (Features section) 68 ‘Desolation’, the fifth and final scene from Thomas Cole's picture cycle, The Course of Empire (1836).
picture desk n. Journalism the department of a newspaper or magazine office responsible for the collection and provision of photographic material or other images.
1937 Washington Post 14 Sept. 9/1 Anyone who ever has anything to do with a picture desk knows of the temptation to go as far as public opinion will allow in the presentation of salacious illustrations.
2001 Daily Tel. 8 Nov. 19/4 Her decision to put on a few pounds recently was a dark day for the Mail picture desk.
picture disc n. (also picture disk) (a) = stroboscope n. a (rare); (b) a version of a gramophone record or compact disc featuring a picture or design on its surface (usually produced in a limited edition); (c) Computing a floppy disk or CD-ROM on which photographic or other images are stored.
society > communication > record > recording or reproducing sound or visual material > sound recording and reproduction > a sound recording > [noun] > record or disc > type of record
record album1904
demonstration record1911
rush release1935
pop record1937
demonstration disc1947
pop disc1947
pop single1947
picture disc1948
demo disc1952
top of the pops1956
gold disc1957
platinum disc1964
pirate label1968
rock record1968
thirty-three (and a third)1968
double album1971
1948 M. Quigley Magic Shadows xii. 98 General Uchatius invents a projector combining Kircher's magic lantern and the Plateau-Stampfer picture disks.
1978 Washington Post 28 July b4/1 Capitol is planning to release some 100,000 ‘picture discs’ of the ‘Sgt. Pepper’ album (the real one), plus white vinyl pressings of ‘The White Album’.
1984 InfoWorld (Nexis) 15 Oct. 66 You must start a picture disk or initialize a blank disk to save pictures.
1995 Echoes 30 Sept. 20/4 Mr Benson's second release is a picture disc depicting a raspberry gateau being stabbed.
2002 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 12 Nov. 35 In subsequent episodes we'll be looking at..creating your own music and picture discs, and recordable DVD.
picture document n. Cultural Anthropology now rare a record, chronicle, etc., made up partly or wholly of pictographs.
society > communication > record > pictorial, etc., records > [noun] > pictorial record > collectively
picture document1865
1865 E. B. Tylor Res. Early Hist. Mankind v. 96 It is to this transition-period that we owe many..of the picture-documents still preserved.
1963 F. Atkinson tr. J. Hackin et al. Asiatic Mythol. 182 Although representing a legend from outside India, our picture documents have the Buddhist hallmark.
picture-dramatist n. now rare a filmmaker; a screenwriter.
1911 Chambers's Jrnl. Sept. 621/1 So many rules have to be borne in mind that a successful picture-dramatist is as rare as a poet.
1915 Play-bk. (Wisconsin Dram. Soc.) Jan. 22 No, until the art of the picture-dramatist develops marvelously, the realm where the soul battles is shut to the picture-dramatist.
1948 Motion Picture Herald 10 Apr. 7/1 The show is ‘Joy to the World’, out of movie- land by Mr. Allan Scott, picture dramatist.
picture editor n. Journalism a person with overall responsibility for the photographs and other images that appear in a newspaper or magazine; an editor who works on a picture desk.
1919 Times 15 May 3/3 (advt.) Wanted, Picture Editor for important weekly newspaper; must be able to procure and initiate photographs.
2001 Guardian 10 Oct. i. 3/1 63-year-old picture editor Bob Stevens died after inhaling anthrax.
picture element n. each of many minute areas of light and dark into which a picture may be analysed for purposes of transmission or reproduction; spec. = pixel n.
society > communication > broadcasting > television > visual element > [noun] > picture elements, lines, or rasters
picture element1925
scanning line1929
scanning field1935
scanning raster1935
line standard1959
1925 Sci. Monthly Dec. 561 A picture transmission system..involves..some means for assuring that the recomposition of the picture elements at the receiving end shall place these in their proper relative positions.
1940 D. G. Fink Princ. Television Engin. ii. 25 The transmission of television images..is accomplished by analyzing the scene into its picture elements.
1967 Technol. Week 20 Feb. 22/3 The complete refresh memory is made up of 16 parallel magnetostrictive delay-line loops that store all of the picture elements for one frame.
1998 P. E. Ceruzzi Hist. Mod. Computing viii. 262 The Alto also had a ‘bit-mapped’ screen, where each picture element on the screen could be manipulated by setting bits in the Alto's memory.
picture-face n. (a) a face resembling a picture, a painted face (obsolete); (b) spec. in the philosophy of Wittgenstein: a figure that can be seen as a face.
1598 E. Guilpin Skialetheia sig. B5v Painted Nigrina with the picture face.
1898 A. Brodrick Wanderer's Rhymes 121 There was a sort of ‘holy calm’ Upon your picture-face.
1953 G. E. M. Anscombe tr. L. Wittgenstein Philos. Investig. 194 Here it is useful to introduce the idea of the picture-object. For instance [line drawing of a face in text at this point] would be a ‘picture-face’.
1999 S. Cavell Claim of Reason iv. xiii. 355 The number of technical concepts Wittgenstein introduces in the course of these pages, e.g., secondary meaning, picture-face, aspects, aspect-blindness.
picture frequency n. Television (a) (the frequency of) a picture signal; (b) the number of times per second that a complete television image is scanned or transmitted.
society > communication > broadcasting > television > visual element > [noun] > signals, types, or parts of
picture frequency1926
picture signal1927
black level1935
line frequency1936
line scan1938
picture black1938
white level1938
test signal1945
spot wobble1950
1926 Wireless World 5 May 645/1 The same wavelength carries both the picture frequency, from which the received photograph is built up, and the synchronism frequency which controls the motors.
1935 Discovery Sept. 277/2 They [sc. television pictures] are bright, steady (having regard to picture frequency).
1953 S. W. Amos & D. C. Birkinshaw Television Engin. I. i. 15 The picture frequency..must be high enough to give the impression of natural movement and to minimise flicker.
1987 Which Video? Jan. 15/3 In preparing the video signal for modulation it is standard practice to pre-emphasise the higher picture frequencies.
picture-frustration n. Psychology used attributively with reference to a personality test that aims to assess a subject's prejudices or personality traits through his or her reactions to pictures showing potentially frustrating incidents.
the mind > mental capacity > psychology > psychology of personality > testing of personality > [adjective] > relating to attitudes > showing potential frustration
1945 Jrnl. Abnormal & Social Psychol. 40 155/1 The battery comprised the following:... Picture-Frustration Test..a series of cartoon-like pictures, usually involving two persons, in which frustration occurs in some way.
1968 Jrnl. Abnormal Psychol. 73 381 (title) Coronary artery disease and response to the Rosenzweig picture-frustration study.
1999 Personality & Individual Differences 26 905 The Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study [is] a semiprojective test of aggressive responses to everyday frustrating situations.
picture gallery n. a place where pictures are exhibited, usually a building or room within a house, museum, etc.; a collection of pictures so exhibited; also in extended use.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > display of pictures > [noun] > gallery
picture gallery1721
portrait gallery1780
picture house1838
art gallery1841
art museum1845
rogues' gallery1857
art house1882
1721 G. Vertue Note Bks. (1930) I. 105 The Picture of Robt. Walker painter in the Picture Gallery.
1842 ‘J. Cypress, Jr.’ Sporting Scenes I. 178 [Wild geese are] willing to wait for the wooden devices which we have anchored in the shallow feeding-grounds, as a picture-gallery of their uncles, cousins, and sweet-hearts.
1941 F. Thompson Over to Candleford x. 152 One of these new fancy bazaars..was to be held in the picture gallery.
1991 Compute Sept. 90/2 It changes the Open Drawing dialog box to a picture gallery containing thumbnail bitmaps.
picturegoer n. a person who goes to the cinema.
society > leisure > the arts > performance arts > cinematography > film show > going to film shows > [noun] > film-goer or lover
film fan1908
1911 Mansfield (Ohio) News 2 Sept. 16/5 All picture goers know what that means.
1999 Stage 30 Sept. 24/6 Ageing picturegoers fondly recalled Odeons, B-features, newsreels, [etc.].
picturegoing adj. and n. (a) adj. that goes to the cinema; (b) n. the action of going to the cinema.
1911 Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Press 7 Aug. 1/5 A picture that has a lesson and should be seen by the picture going people of Sheboygan.
1928 N.Y. Times 8 July viii. 4/3 However, it is now the custom of the picturegoing public to refer to anything in the way of crude, elemental humor, as being hokum.
1976 ‘G. Black’ Moon for Killers i. 19 I always watch the movie. I really catch up on my picture-going in airplanes.
2003 Guardian 6 June 7 Crowds flock to cinema... Picturegoing hits a 30-year high.
picture hat n. a wide-brimmed woman's hat, usually black and elaborately decorated with ostrich feathers, flowers, etc.
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > types or styles of clothing > headgear > [noun] > hat > with a brim > broad-brimmed > other
Pamela hat1802
picture hat1887
cowgirl hat1897
Merry Widow1908
ten-gallon hat1928
Smokey Bear1969
1887 Daily News 20 July 6/1 A large ‘picture’ hat in black velvet is to be worn with an all-white dress and black gloves.
2003 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 18 June 3 The exquisite little hats..were in complete contrast to the big picture hats favoured by traditional racegoers.
picture-hatted adj. wearing a picture hat.
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > wearing clothing > [adjective] > wearing headgear > wearing a hat > types of
top hat1902
1906 Washington Post 29 July iii. 4/2 The big, handsomely gowned, picture-hatted damsels of the sextet.
2000 Evening Standard (Nexis) 5 Dec. 36 Cecil Beaton wins the prizes, snapping a picture-hatted Audrey Hepburn.
picture-in-picture n. a feature on some television sets that allows the monitoring of two channels simultaneously, with a smaller picture inset in the corner of the main picture; a picture of this type.
1984 Fortune 16 Apr. 72/2 Simultaneous viewing of two or more stations without channel hopping, known as ‘picture-in-picture’, is one of the early features expected to show up in..top-of-the line sets that will debut early next year.
2002 Which? June 14/1 You can select three sizes of picture-in-picture (the biggest covers a quarter of the screen) to see what's on TV while you're working.
picture language n. language consisting chiefly or wholly of pictures, picture-writing; an instance of this; also figurative.
1816 S. T. Coleridge Statesman's Man. 36 An Allegory is but a translation of abstract notions into a picture-language.
1855 E. B. Pusey Doctr. Real Presence Note E. 69 They are figures (as in what is plainly picture-language).
1989 DEC Professional Sept. 130/2 The Remote Graphic Instruction Set, is an ‘object-oriented’ geometric picture language.
picture lens n. (a) a large double convex lens of long focus, mounted in a frame and used for viewing pictures (rare); (b) Photography the lens in a twin-lens reflex which forms the image on the film, as opposed to the lens of the viewfinder; also called taking lens.
1906 N.E.D. at Picture sb. Picture-lens.
1991 D. H. Levy Sky ii. vii. 79 I took a twin lens camera, focused it at infinity, mounted it on a tripod, and set it up so that its picture lens was virtually resting against the low power eyepiece of..my 8-inch telescope.
2000 D. S. Young Minox v. 40 The new EC variant..is distinguished externally by a silver coloured circular bezel around the picture lens.
picture lesson n. a lesson taught with pictures; an object lesson (object lesson n. at object n. Compounds 2).
1835 S. J. B. Hale Catholic Convert in Traits Amer. Life 70 Mrs. Redfield would permit Jem to join George in the picture lessons which she daily gave him.
1882 R. W. Dale in Good Words Apr. 262 It was the gospel..taught in picture-lessons.
2001 Augusta (Georgia) Chron. (Nexis) 9 Dec. a5 A picture lesson to us all that the color of our skin has nothing to do with the unique gifts that God has given to us.
picture magazine n. an illustrated magazine.
society > communication > journalism > journal > periodical > [noun] > magazine > pictorial
picture paper1853
picture magazine1895
photo magazine1903
1895 Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) 27 Sept. 3/4 The reader must not think that this is altogether a picture magazine for Max Pemberton and L. Cope Coroford contribute two remarkably clever stories.
1992 Camera & Darkroom Feb. 63/3 In this age of electronic journalism, photo books have replaced picture magazines in addressing serious topics with aggressive, thoughtful photo-reportage.
picture miniature n. now rare a miniature of which the subject is something other than a portrait.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > painting > painting according to subject > [noun] > miniature > a miniature
picture miniature1903
1903 Westm. Gaz. 16 Apr. 10/2 A private view of picture-miniatures painted by Mr. Charles Sainton.
1988 Wellsboro (Pa.) Gaz. 28 Sept. (Marketplace section) 8/3 Sale of quilts, pillows, quilt racks, picture miniatures all handmade by local people.
picture monitor n. Television a television screen which is used to provide an immediate display of the image being received by a television camera.
1933 Proc. IRE 21 1690 The picture monitor may be connected to either the output of the picture amplifier or to a radio receiver, which makes possible the monitoring of the radiated signals.
1961 G. Millerson Technique Television Production i. 15 The [production control] room's dominating feature is the row of picture monitors.
1990 Amiga Computing Dec. 75 (advt.) All our video digitisers..include a live framestore output for connecting to a second picture monitor.
picture mosaic n. a mosaic that forms a picture rather than a geometrical design.
1913 Amer. Jrnl. Archaeol. 17 95 The picture mosaic discovered in the apse of the church in 1896.
1994 Canad. Workshop Aug. 58/1 (advt.) Intarsia is a method of making picture mosaics in wood, using a combination of wood grains and colors.
picture moulding n. (picture molding) (also (U.S.) = picture rail n.
1863 Morning Oregonian (Portland, Oregon) 27 Apr. (advt.) Looking Glasses, Picture Moldings, &c.
1998 Cabinet Maker (Nexis) 3 July 18 This system is ideal for curing wooden and steel profiled strips such as curtain poles, picture mouldings, architraves, [etc.].
picture nail n. now rare a strong nail on which to hang a picture; esp. one having a decorative head.
1860 Sci. Amer. 1 Sept. 157/1 An improved picture nail head.
1906 N.E.D. at Picture Picture-nail, a strong nail for picture-hanging, having an ornamental head, which is attached after the nail is in position.
1932 Times 16 Nov. 4/4 If the wall were damaged by the picture nail..the landlady could not claim for wilful damage.
picture-perfect adj. aesthetically ideal; completely lacking in defects or flaws.
1909 Atlanta Constit. 3 Jan. m3/1 Exquisite decoration made the setting for the wedding picture perfect.
2002 A. Fuller Don't let's go to Dogs Tonight 30 Mum is not yet twenty-four and her picture-perfect life is shattered.
picture plane n. Perspective an imaginary plane on which the perspective of a picture meets the eye of the viewer.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > perspective > [noun] > planes, lines, or points
horizontal plane1638
principal point1671
geometrical plane1695
terrestrial line1704
vertical plane1704
station line1724
middle ground1753
picture plane1771
middle distance1778
primitive plane1798
station point1859
no-sky line1927
1771 E. Noble Elements Linear Perspective ii. 19 If then another original figure a b g f is drawn on the picture plane p q r f, [etc.].
1886 Amer. Jrnl. Archaeol. & Hist. Fine Arts 2 410 The thunderbolt or lightning, and the fingers that held it, seemed to stand out from the picture-plane.
1991 Oxf. Art Jrnl. 14 18/2 Most of the scenes and figures are pressed up against the picture plane.
picture play n. now rare (a) a theatrical production which uses optical or photographic devices (obsolete); (b) a cinematic production, a film; a screenplay.
1894 Daily Rev. (Decatur, Illinois) 24 Oct. 8/2 Mr. Black began the actual work of preparing such a picture play [= ‘a story to be presented with the stereopticon’] last April.
1909 Moving Picture World 13 Nov. 679 Scenarios for Picture Plays.
1988 A. Nmungwun Video Recording Technol. vi. 123 Motion picture theatres will dispense with film and throw picture plays on the screen with a special television projector.
picture-playwright n. Obsolete a screenwriter.
1910 San Francisco Chron. 20 Mar. (Sunday Mag.) 60/6 Humorous situations are particularly in demand and happy is the picture playwright who can compose humorous stories adapted to this purpose.
1920 Strand Mag. Dec. 93/1 To be a successful picture-playwright requires imagination.
1930 Los Angeles Times 23 Feb. iii. 12/5 Gene Markey, picture playwright and novelist, has returned to Hollywood from a flying trip to New York.
picture postcard n. and adj. (a) n. a postcard having a picture (esp. a scenic view) printed on one side; (figurative) something reminiscent of or suitable for a picture postcard, something pretty or attractive; (b) adj. conventionally attractive or pretty, as a picture postcard.
society > communication > correspondence > letter > card > [noun]
message card1746
birthday card1797
view card1822
Easter card1842
letter card1870
postal card1870
photo card1890
picture postcard1899
seaside postcard1955
sympathy card1967
the world > the earth > land > landscape > [adjective] > scenic > picturesque
picture postcard1899
1899 Daily News 18 July 5/1 Every method has been placed in the service of the picture post-card industry.
1907 R. Brooke Let. 23 Aug. (1968) 100 Staring at picture-postcard skies & snow.
1936 A. Huxley Eyeless in Gaza xli. 491 A picture postcard of sunset.
2001 Oxf. American Mar.–Apr. 106/1 [The 1893 World's Columbian Exposition] debuted products and ideas that would become modern American staples..picture postcards, hamburgers, [etc.].
picture-postcardish adj. of or relating to picture postcards; like a picture postcard; conventionally pretty.
the world > the earth > land > landscape > [adjective] > scenic > picturesque
picture postcard1899
1969 Daily Tel. 14 Mar. 16/4 Bavaria and the Vorarlberg..look very picture-postcardish in Robert Paynter's colour photography.
1989 J. Conway Road from Coorain (1990) viii. 199 The Lake Country..remained picture-postcard-ish in my memory.
picture rail n. Interior Decorating a horizontal wooden fitting or plaster moulding running parallel to the ceiling of a room, from which pictures are hung.
1887 Indiana (Pa.) Weekly Messenger 13 Apr. 4/4 Its neutral color being relieved by a band of maroon ‘flock’ paper and gilt picture rail.
1992 Pract. Householder Nov. 25/2 It was also fashionable to break up the smooth wall surface with a picture rail one foot or so below the cornice.
picture researcher n. a person who locates and provides photographs or other images for a publication or broadcast.
1942 N.Y. Times 6 May 38 (advt.) University graduate; expert picture researcher; salary nominal.
2003 Independent on Sunday (Nexis) 14 Sept. 12 Someone..has the vaunted job of ‘picture researcher’ on the programme.
picture ring n. Interior Decorating a ring for hanging a picture on a wall.
1864 Brit. Patent 2166 (1865) 1 Screw eyes, applicable for holding stair rods, picture rings, and other..purposes.
1995 Hist. Today 45 9 His first successful radiograph was of two keys, a half crown, sixpence, a picture ring and a microscope cover-glass.
picture rod n. = picture rail n.
1869 Sci. Amer. 4 Dec. 354/1 Picture-rods, hand-rails,..carpet rods and such like.
1995 News (Frederick, Maryland) 7 Jan. c7 The Home Gallery Picture Rod..is a variation on the curtain rod.
picture-roll n. a scroll illustrated by or chiefly written in pictures, esp. a historical record or chronicle; also figurative.
1875 (title) Natural history picture roll, lessons for each day of the month, on a roller.
1931 Times Lit. Suppl. 20 Aug. 634/1 Mr. Mehta's monograph treats of a fifteenth-century cloth picture-roll.
1988 Jrnl. Black Stud. 18 326 The spirit of the immovable Past rose before my eyes, unfolding the misty picture-rolls of vanished greatness.
picture search n. a feature on video recorders and DVD players that allows the recording to be played, either forwards or backwards, at greater than the normal playing speed.
1980 Japan Econ. Jrnl. 22 July 17 The new model also features a ‘picture search’ function which reproduces the video program at 5-20 times normal playback speed.
1995 Kay & Co. (Worcester) Catal. Autumn–Winter 617/2 Philips Nicam video recorder..High speed picture search with slow motion and perfect still..Skip search.
picture signal n. Television the component of the video signal which carries the information relating to the brightness of individual pixels.
society > communication > broadcasting > television > visual element > [noun] > signals, types, or parts of
picture frequency1926
picture signal1927
black level1935
line frequency1936
line scan1938
picture black1938
white level1938
test signal1945
spot wobble1950
1927 H. W. Secor & J. H. Kraus Television iii. 15 As the incoming picture signals are passed through an electromagnet or solenoid, it is caused to open and close a light shutter made of a small piece of aluminum and a spring.
1954 E. Molloy Radio & Television Engineers' Ref. Bk. xxxiii. 10 As with all forms of interference, the effect will largely depend upon the ratio of the levels of the interfering signal to the picture signal.
1993 New Scientist 3 Apr. 21/1 Satellite TV channels use a wider range of frequencies..so there is room for four extra signals, known as subcarriers, along with the conventional TV picture signal and mono sound.
picture sleeve n. (a) a broad, free-flowing sleeve (on a dress, etc.) fashionable in the early 20th cent. (now rare); (b) an illustrated slip case for a record or compact disc.
1894 Westm. Gaz. 6 Oct. 5/3 Picture sleeves, finished with a flounce of silk and chiffon.
1903 New Oxford (Pa.) Item 5 June 2/5 The ‘picture’ sleeve is quite popular for house gowns. This is a long, floating model that discloses the whole arm or else the undersleeve of lace or chiffon.
1992 DJ 26 Nov. 24/2 Until the mid 70s a single was a 7 inch vinyl disk in a fairly plain paper cover, then the punk revolution ushered in the era of the picture sleeve as standard.
picture-space n. the whole area of a painting, etc., considered in relation to its parts.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > painting > [noun] > a painting > as a whole
1899 Amer. Jrnl. Archaeol. 3 268 Early black-figured Attic amphora with picture-space framed by red lines.
1991 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 7 Mar. 11/1 Friedrich's skies..often take up more than half of his picture space.
picture stage n. now chiefly historical a picture-frame stage (see picture frame adj.).
society > leisure > the arts > performance arts > the theatre or the stage > a theatre > stage > [noun] > other types of stage
platform stage1869
apron stage1903
picture stage1908
space stage1928
open stage1940
thrust stage1968
1908 Times 3 Mar. 10/5 The very essence of drama under the conditions of our modern picture-stage.
1993 D. Payne Scenographic Imagination 11 The opera..retained the vestiges of the nineteenth century picture stage well into this century.
picture telegraphy n. facsimile telegraphy (cf. phototelegraphy n.).
society > communication > telecommunication > communication of visual images > [noun]
picture telegraphy1896
1896 Cycl. Rev. Current Hist. (U.S.) 6 950 (title) Picture telegraphy.
1907 Times 18 Dec. 11/1 Belin's picture telegraphy.
1934 Discovery Dec. 336/2 Partly owing to..the..lack of general realisation of the existence of picture telegraphy services, these have not yet been nearly as freely used as they might be.
1982 Telecom Rep. 5 127 The development of facsimile devices is outlined from the beginnings of picture telegraphy via CCITT Group 2 devices to the extension of the telefax service to employ Group 3 devices.
picture telephone n. = video telephone n. at video adj. and n. Compounds 2; cf. picture phone n.
society > communication > telecommunication > telegraphy or telephony > telephony > telephone equipment > [noun] > telephone > types of
field telephone1880
telephone extension1881
pay telephone1886
home telephone1893
dial phone1917
dial telephone1921
mobile telephone1930
mobile phone1945
car phone1946
video telephone1947
picture telephone1956
princess phone1959
touchtone telephone1961
touchtone phone1963
picture phone1964
princess telephone1966
feature phone1979
cell phone1983
mobile device1989
burner phone1996
1956 Times 24 Aug. 7/1 (headline) Picture telephone. Coast-to-coast tests in U.S.
1968 Listener 1 Aug. 155/3 Picture-telephones are not only going to be embarrassing to live with, they are going to drain a lot more magic out of life.
1992 Times 8 Jan. 8/7 Across Europe telecommunications manufacturers are gearing up to launch their ‘picture telephones’.
picture tie n. a necktie with a representational design.
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > types or styles of clothing > neck-wear > [noun] > neck-tie or cravat > neck-tie > types of > other
tawdry lace1548
Windsor tie1895
shoestring tiea1902
bolo tie1954
picture tie1957
kipper tie1966
1957 R. Mason World of Suzie Wong ii. iv. 151 I thought how quietly dressed you were for an American. I mean, you weren't wearing a picture-tie, or anything like that.
1994 Phoenix Gaz. (Nexis) 7 Dec. d3 Amusing novelty picture tie in silk.
picture-tree n. Obsolete an arborescent plant of the genus Acalypha (family Euphorbiaceae) having markings on the leaves suggestive of pictures.
the world > plants > particular plants > trees and shrubs > tree or shrub groups > spurges and allies > [noun]
physic nut1657
milk hedge1780
chandelier plant1827
Jew bush1830
zebra poison1871
oil tree1879
slipper spurs1887
monkey fiddle1913
milk plant1965
1885 A. Brassey In Trades viii. 145 On the plantation, as in Trinidad generally, the acalypha seemed to flourish in a marvellous manner... One variety, which bears green leaves, with yellow and white markings, is called the ‘geographical-tree’, or sometimes the ‘picture-tree’, because it is said to be always possible to trace in imagination a map or a picture upon the surface of each leaf.
picture tube n. the cathode ray tube of a television set or computer monitor, the end of which constitutes the screen.
society > communication > broadcasting > television > transmitting or receiving apparatus > [noun] > television set > cathode-ray tube
television tube1928
picture tube1940
TV tube1945
1940 D. G. Fink Princ. Television Engin. i. 19 The image-reproducing tube (‘picture’ tube)..is a funnel-shaped glass structure in the narrow end of which is contained an electrode structure capable of producing a narrow beam of electrons.
1993 What Hi-Fi? Oct. 2/2 It offers hi-fi stereo sound, and 14″ Trinitron picture tube which gives you brilliant, natural colour with no ‘fringing’.
picture window n. originally U.S. a window which frames a scenic view, etc., as a picture; spec. a large window consisting of a single pane of glass.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > parts of building > window or door > types of window > [noun] > large window
picture window1864
weaver's lights1866
weaver's windows1896
1864 H. B. Stowe in Atlantic Monthly Nov. 573/2 My sunshine and my fresh air, my breezes, and all that can be seen through the picture-windows of an open, airy house.
1960 Times 13 Feb. 8/7 The main living room had a large picture window entirely filling one end.
1992 Independent 22 Aug. 25/4 Through the picture window of the club lounge a golf course stretches away.
picture-windowed adj. having a picture window.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > parts of building > window or door > types of window > [adjective] > large window
1947 Bridgeport (Connecticut) Sunday Post 19 Sept. c8/4 (advt.) A potential 7 room 2 bathroom house consisting of a large picture windowed living room, dining section, domestic science kitchen, [etc.].
1993 G. Ward Water Damage (1994) i. 16 The picture-windowed brick office.
picture wire n. wire used for hanging pictures.
society > occupation and work > materials > derived or manufactured material > metal > metal in specific state or form > [noun] > wire > types of
silver wire14..
white wire1463
virginal wire1662
binding wire1767
pinion wire1767
electric wire1819
music wire1823
No. eight1876
picture wire1876
number eight1952
plated wire1960
1876 Daily Republican (Decatur, Illinois) 16 May 3/2 (advt.) Picture wire, nails, and cord.
1985 Draw It! Paint It! v. lv. 1549 Picture wire..is for hanging pictures up to 60lb..in weight. It's more expensive than picture cord, but stronger.
picture-word n. a word consisting of or expressed by a picture; also figurative.
1819 S. T. Coleridge Notebks. (1990) IV. §4518 It is evidently a mere picture-word for the joint properties of Cohesion and Divisibility.
1855 E. B. Pusey Doctr. Real Presence Note F. 63 Passages..in which the words ‘Door’ and ‘Husbandman’ are figurative, metaphorical, picture-words.
1986 Austral. Personal Computer Sept. 60 Chinese..uses pictograms, picture-words in which, say, the word ‘house’ is represented by a picture of a house.


ˈpictureful adj. rare full of pictures, having the qualities of a picture or pictures.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > [adjective] > adorned with or containing pictures
1861 Temple Bar 2 255 My recollections seem to take very pictureful forms.
1947 Bridgeport (Connecticut) Sunday Post 12 Oct. (Feature section) b1/4 (caption) The upper city in all its pictureful lineaments.
ˈpictureless adj. without a picture or pictures.
1821 C. Lamb in London Mag. Feb. 163/1 With their naked names upon the drab pasteboard, the game might go on very well, picture-less.
1987 R. Mistry Tales from Firozsha Baag 109 The Parsi calendar, pictureless but showing the English and Parsi names for the months.
ˈpicture-like adj. and adv. like a picture, in the manner of a picture.
1567 T. Drant tr. Horace Arte of Poetrie sig. B.iiii A Poesie is picture lyke, the which if thou stande nere, Delytes the muche.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Coriolanus (1623) i. iii. 11 It was no better then Picture-like to hang by th'wall. View more context for this quotation
1852 H. B. Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin I. xiv. 212 The picture-like head gleamed through the window of the round-house.
2004 Daily Post (Liverpool) (Nexis) 14 July 3 Private tuition helped him grasp Chinese and he can read the picture-like words with ease.
ˈpicturely adj. having the qualities of a picture or pictures, like a picture.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > [adjective] > like a picture
1832 W. Barnes in Gentleman's Mag. 102 216/2 To preserve so interesting and picturely an object.
1998 Opera Canada (Nexis) Dec. 45 This video is vintage Lofti Mansouri..which means picturely grands tableaux.
ˈpictury adj. rare = picturely adj.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > [adjective] > like a picture
1819 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. 6 175 That pictury-looking glare and freshness which distinguishes the scenery at our theatres.
1883 W. Morris Let. 26 July (1950) iv. 178 They are very pictury sculpture not beautiful or decorative but certainly with genius in them.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2006; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Brit. /ˈpɪktʃə/, U.S. /ˈpɪk(t)ʃər/
Forms: late Middle English pycture, late Middle English– picture.
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymon: picture n.
Etymology: < picture n. Compare post-classical Latin picturare (late 5th cent.).
a. transitive. To draw, paint, or photograph; to represent in a picture or in pictorial form, to depict. Also in extended use: to reflect as in a mirror (rare). Also occasionally with out.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > [verb (transitive)] > represent pictorially
1490 W. Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) xxiv. 512 Margarys..bare in his armes a dragon pyctured [Fr. paigt] wyth an horryble figure.
1495 Trevisa's Bartholomeus De Proprietatibus Rerum (de Worde) xix. xxxvii. sig. JJv/2 He that pictureth [MSS portrayeþ] ymages and lyknesse of thynges is callyd a payntour.
1588 T. Hariot Briefe Rep. Virginia sig. D3 Wee haue seen and eaten of many more [foul], which for want of leasure..coulde not bee pictured.
1608 D. Tuvill Ess. Politicke, & Morall f. 23v Hee was pictur'd out in the religious garment of a Monke.
1632 P. Massinger Emperour of East i. ii. sig. C A cunning Painter thus..woulde picture iustice.
1665 R. Head Eng. Rogue I. xliv. 96 Beside him stand lesser Deumo's attending on this grand Pagod, some whereof are represented or pictured devouring souls.
1700 T. Brown Amusem. Serious & Comical x. 110 Other Amusements presented themselves as thick as Hops, as Moses Pictur'd with Horns on his Head.
1763 H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Painting III. i. 35 On the ceiling..he has pictured Antony earl of Shaftsbury, in the character of Faction, dispersing libels.
1836 J. H. Newman et al. Lyra Apost. 62 Its pure, still glass Pictures all earth-scenes as they pass.
1850 J. G. Bruff Jrnl. 1 Oct. in Gold Rush (1944) II. iv. 862 I pictured several of the..groups of symbols..but was compelled to have a friend at my elbow with ready rifle..while I sketched.
1924 R. H. Mottram Spanish Farm iii. 214 Doré used to picture such events in his illustrations to the Bible, but no one has ever seen the like in reality.
1992 Toronto Star 21 Oct. a13/1 Grand and Toy stationery stores also made a formal apology yesterday for picturing white people wearing headdresses and face paint in an advertising flyer.
b. transitive. To represent (an abstract idea or quality) through a symbol or sign; to figure, betoken, or symbolize. Also occasionally with out. Now rare.
society > communication > representation > physical representation of abstraction > represent physically [verb (transitive)]
to body forth1800–24
a1530 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfeccyon (1531) ii. f. xlixv What these graces be, it is more playnly pictured & set forth in this tree folowyng.
1593 Sir P. Sidney Arcadia f. 125 The other piece being of Rubies, and Opalles, had a fierie glistring, which he thought pictured the two passions of Feare & Desire, wherein he was enchained.
1655 S. Fisher Christianismus Redivivus 377 We must have them all [sc. the death, burial and resurrection of Christ] not only signified, but also..lively pictured out in the sign of baptism..in submersion and immersion.
1782 F. Burney Cecilia VI. vii. vi. 73 The anxiety of his mind was strongly pictured upon his face.
1857 E. B. Pusey Real Presence (1869) ii. 232 When the people were so much taught by the eye, it pictured to them the mysteries of the Redemption.
1923 Mind 32 467 It is not asserted that the picture must have the same logical form as what it pictures, but that all pictures must have the logical form.
1967 C. A. Moore Indian Mind 157 The soul or spirit is said to be enclosed by five sheaths—the sheaths of matter, life, mind, reason, and bliss. Each of these sheaths is pictured in the form of a bird, and the parts of each are mentioned.
2. transitive. To describe vividly or graphically in words. Also with out, forth.
the mind > language > speech > narration > description or act of describing > describe [verb (transitive)] > in detail or graphically
1586 J. Ferne Blazon of Gentrie To Innes of Court, sig. Avi She pictureth out their base and seruile conditions.
1621 T. W. tr. S. Goulart Wise Vieillard 98 Horace in his art of Poetrie doth pensill and picture out an old man in this manner.
1787 F. Burney Diary 26 Feb. (1842) III. 337 I think this last sentence pictures him exactly.
1838 T. Carlyle Scott in Crit. & Misc. Ess. (1869) V. 217 To picture-forth the life of Scott.
1894 W. Besant Equal Woman 122 Such a woman as you have pictured is rare indeed.
1928 C. Dawson Age of Gods iv. 82 The Dravidian was pictured as a mere jungle-dwelling savage.
1994 L. Gordon Charlotte Brontë (1995) ix. 285 In an unpublished letter.., she pictured her opponent as a High-Church ecclesiastic.
3. transitive. To imagine; to form a mental picture of; esp. to imagine (a person) with regard to particular qualities or circumstances.
the mind > mental capacity > perception or cognition > faculty of imagination > imagine or visualize [verb (transitive)]
to frame to oneselfa1529
to call up1622
to conjure up1819
to dream up1837
1668 Duchess of Newcastle Grounds Nat. Philos. (ed. 2) v. ix. 55 The Sensitive Organs; which Parts (in my opinion) have their perceptive actions, after the manner of patterning, or picturing the exterior Form, or Frame, of Foreign Objects.
1737 R. Glover Leonidas ii. 182 Imagination pictures all the scenes.
1779 Mirror No. 78 I have pleased myself with fondly picturing out the progress of such a plan.
a1817 J. Austen Persuasion (1818) IV. iv. 60 She..could not seriously picture to herself a more agreeable or estimable man. View more context for this quotation
1874 J. R. Green Short Hist. Eng. People viii. §1. 449 We must not..picture the early Puritan as a gloomy fanatic.
1908 E. F. Benson Climber 100 She could with difficulty picture herself talking to him as he sat on the American-cloth sofa.
1951 ‘J. Wyndham’ Day of Triffids xiv. 242 I had pictured her in, I must admit, a rather cinematic way, as battling bravely against all the forces of nature.
1991 J. Kelman Burn (1992) 178 She would have taken good care of it over the years; you could picture it.
4. transitive. To resemble (a person); to be the image of. Obsolete. rare.
the world > relative properties > relationship > similarity > render similar to [verb (transitive)] > be like, resemble, or take after
to bear a resemblance toa1225
to look likec1390
to take after ——1553
turn after ——1848
1850 F. Trollope Petticoat Govt. 138 Never, perhaps, did a child more accurately picture a parent, than Judith did her mother.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2006; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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