

单词 phonetic


Brit. /fəˈnɛtɪk/, U.S. /fəˈnɛdɪk/, /foʊˈnɛdɪk/
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin phoneticus.
Etymology: < post-classical Latin phoneticus (1797 in nota phonetica , G. Zoega De origine et usu obeliscorum 454) < ancient Greek ϕωνητικός relating to speech < Hellenistic Greek ϕωνητός to be spoken (although this is apparently first attested later; < ancient Greek ϕωνεῖν to produce a sound, to speak ( < ϕωνή sound: see -phone comb. form) + -τός , suffix forming verbal adjectives) + -ικός -ic suffix. Compare French phonétique (1801 designating a character representing a sound, 1838 in sense ‘relating to the voice’), Italian fonetico relating to speech sounds (1834). With sense A. 2a compare earlier phonologic adj., phonological adj.
A. adj.
I. General uses, chiefly in Linguistics and Phonetics.
a. Designating written characters that represent sounds rather than ideas or objects; (of writing) using such characters.
the mind > language > linguistics > study of speech sound > [adjective] > representing spoken sounds
1802 Scots Mag. Jan. 66/2 He [sc. G. Zoega] investigates..the origin of alphabetical characters, which he derives from the Phonetic Hieroglyphic, or that which was used to indicate a particular sound.
1816 tr. W. von Humboldt in Q. Rev. July 448 The horn, which is represented on the left, is the phonetic hieroglyphic of Colhuacan.
1863 D. Wilson Prehistoric Ann. Scotl. (ed. 2) II. iv. iv. 285 The derivation of..phonetic symbols from a primitive system of pictorial writing.
1879 P. Le P. Renouf Lect. Orig. Relig. 16 The key to hieroglyphic decipherment [consists] in the knowledge of the simultaneous use of both phonetic and ideographic signs.
1983 J. Hutchinson Lett. 13 After picture writing came phonetic writing.
2002 Africa News (Nexis) 30 Apr. Africans are credited for phonetic writing, paper and ink, aspirin, tetracycline, pregnancy testing, [etc.].
b. Designating a fixed system of spelling in which each letter or symbol represents invariably the same spoken sound; designating a symbol used in such a system. Cf. International Phonetic Alphabet n. at international adj. and n. Compounds.
the mind > language > linguistics > study of speech sound > [adjective] > representing spoken sounds > phonetic spelling
1824 Monthly Rev. 104 App. 508 The discovery of the phonetic alphabet is the genuine key of the whole hieroglyphic system.
1844 Hampshire Independent 30 Nov. 2/3 Mr. Balshaw was voted to the chair, and addressed the meeting at some length on the advantages of the phonetic system of writing.
1848 A. J. Ellis Essent. Phonetics (facing title page) A copious account of the English phonetic alphabet is furnished.
1864 Soc. Sci. Rev. 223 The Phonetic alphabet..consists of thirty-four letters, twenty-two being consonants and twelve vowels. These..fairly represent every important sound in our language.
1864 F. M. Müller Lect. Sci. Lang. 2nd Ser. iii. 108 A new system of ‘Brief Writing and True Spelling’, best known under the name of the Phonetic Reform.
1887 W. Benson Universal Phonogr. Introd. 5 When once a really good phonetic system of writing has come into use in any single nation, its immense advantages (we may safely say) will procure its early extension.
1898 Mod. Lang. Q. June 152/1 Once the habit of associating sound with phonetic symbol is started, we must admit that it grows. All adults who have mastered a phonetic system bear witness to this.
1912 R. Weeks et al. N.E.A. Phonetic Alphabet 20 Manifestly, it would be of very great advantage if all these books used a common phonetic alphabet, if there were a national scientific alphabet.
1921 Mod. Lang. Jrnl. 6 137 My own practice has been to number the phonetic characters representing the vowel sounds.
1961 R. E. Keller German Dial. Introd. 19 The aims of the phonetician and of the dialectologist not being the same, the dialectologist has to choose a phonetic system which is most practical and convenient for his task.
1991 Times Educ. Suppl. 22 Feb. 39/2 Young pupils may find the phonetic symbols for pronunciation confusing.
2005 A. Rahman Sinicization beyond Great Wall ix. 120 A political attempt to bring the Uighur writing system closer to the Chinese one by introducing the Chinese phonetic alphabet.
c. Of the spelling of a word or of the written form of a language: closely corresponding to the current pronunciation; (also) modified from the standard orthographic spelling so as to reflect the current pronunciation more accurately, or less ambiguously.
1848 A. J. Ellis Essent. Phonetics (facing title page) Key To the Phonetic Spelling Employed In This Work.
1883 Amer. Jrnl. Philos. 4 373 A pair of elegiac distichs is appended in which the reader will recognize the phonetic spelling of the stonecutter.
a1884 J. A. Goodwin Pilgrim Republic (1888) App. 610 Olerton for Allerton is somewhat phonetic, like the English form Ollerton.
1906 Westm. Gaz. 24 Dec. 16/3 It is..distinctly American-English in its tendency towards phonetic spelling.
1922 O. Jespersen Lang. xv. 294 Such hypercorrect forms are closely related to those ‘spelling pronunciations’ which become frequent when there is much reading of a language whose spelling is not accurately phonetic.
1972 K. Tynan Let. 20 Nov. (1994) vii. 531 After lunch, to Tunis and its Suqs (Souks is wrong: it's vulgar French phonetic spelling, as if we should call Hammersmith ‘Ammersmiff’—I got this snatch of linguistic insight from the guide book.).
1999 D. Adams Handbk. Diction for Singers 1 While Italian is grammatically easier than German, and is much more phonetic than French (and English), it is difficult to speak and sing Italian well.
a. Of or relating to speech sounds or phonetics; consisting of speech sounds.
the mind > language > linguistics > study of speech sound > speech sound > [adjective]
1827 Trans. Royal Soc. Lit. 1 i. xvi. 205 Whatever doubts may be entertained on the nature and degree of the phonetic powers of Egyptian hieroglyphics, it may now be presumed that they do exist to a certain extent.
1843 New Englander July 435/1 To investigate the nature of these phonetic changes, has been an important object with modern philologists.
1861 F. M. Müller Lect. Sci. Lang. i. ii. 40 Two processes which should be carefully distinguished... 1. Dialectical Regeneration. 2. Phonetic Decay.
1875 W. D. Whitney Life & Growth Lang. iv. 53 This..is itself an example of phonetic change.
1884 J. Tait Mind in Matter 144 Advanced languages are ‘evolved’ chiefly by plagiarism and by phonetic corruption.
1904 Jrnl. Royal Asiatic Soc. Oct. xxxii. 726 The only omissions are a few extremely common phonetic changes that are found in both Eranian and Indian, and from which no lesson could be derived.
1974 R. Quirk Linguist & Eng. Lang. 12 There is a pleasing use of phonetic similarity to match a dramatic equation when we are told that the worldly Mrs. Merdle ‘concurred with all her heart—or with all her art, which was exactly the same thing’.
2004 National Post (Canada) (Nexis) 28 Feb. They [sc. Italian actors] get ahead of historical phonetic change by prematurely pronouncing the letter ‘c’ in certain positions as if it were ‘tch’.
b. Of or relating to allophones; analysed or analysable in terms of allophones; rendered using allophones; occurring within a phoneme. Contrasted with phonemic.
the mind > language > linguistics > study of speech sound > [adjective] > representing spoken sounds
1933 E. Sapir in Encycl. Social Sci. IX. 155/2 Not only are all languages phonetic in character; they are also ‘phonemic’.
1963 M. W. Bloomfield & L. Newmark Ling. Introd. Hist. Eng. ii. 38 When sounds are represented as sounds—that is, when we make a phonetic transcription—the transcription is enclosed between square brackets... When sounds are represented as components of significant linguistic wholes—that is, when we make a phonemic transcription—the transcription is enclosed between slants.
1991 Lang. in Society 20 669 Chapter 1 investigates the phonetic and phonological characteristics of isleño Spanish in order to provide a general picture of the phonemic system and how phonetic variation works within it.
2002 J. R. Taylor Cognitive Gram. viii. 151 An utterance can be represented by a (broad) phonemic transcription, consisting of a sequence of phonemes, and by a narrow phonetic transcription, consisting of a sequence of allophones, such that each allophone stands in a one-to-one relation to the phoneme of which it is an instance.
3. Medicine. Of or relating to phonation; designating or involving movements of the vocal folds that produce vocal sounds. Obsolete. rare.
the mind > language > linguistics > study of speech sound > speech sound > voiced or voiceless sound gen > [adjective] > voiced or voicing
1864 Lancet 15 Oct. 435/2 In the phonetic movements of the larynx, displayed in manifestations of the chest and falsetto registers, the glottis assumes linear and other narrow forms.
1880 M. Mackenzie Man. Dis. Throat & Nose I. 443 His voice was weak, but phonetic.
II. Entomology.
4. Designating the prothorax of a hymenopteran insect when the hind corners of the pronotum cover the mesothoracic spiracles (which were formerly believed to produce sound). Obsolete. rare.
1826 W. Kirby & W. Spence Introd. Entomol. IV. 331 Collar... 5. Phonetic..When its posterior angles approaching the wings, cover the vocal spiracles. Ex. Hymenoptera.
B. n. Linguistics.
A Chinese character used to form part of another character having the same or a similar sound; = primitive n. 6b. Cf. radical n. 2c.In quot. 1838 apparently used more generally: a symbol designating a speech sound.
society > communication > writing > written character > [noun] > Chinese
1838 P. S. Du Ponceau Diss. Nature & Char. Chinese Syst. Writing 76 The phonetics of nations differ as much as their countenances and external appearance... In vain we may invent new signs and new characters to represent sounds to which our ears and our vocal organs are not accustomed.
1842 J.-M. Callery Encycl. Chinese Lang. 3 The phonetic is in itself one of the characters of primitive formation, which cannot be annexed to any of the preceding orders, and which must therefore be looked on as indivisible.
1874 S. W. Williams Syllabic Dict. Chinese Lang. p. lvi/1 That part of a character which is not the radical, has no name among the Chinese, but foreigners have termed it the primitive or phonetic.
1907 W. Hillier Chinese Lang. i. 6 It is possible..by learning these phonetics, or primitives as they are sometimes called, to make a very close guess at the sound of any Chinese character.
1948 R. A. D. Forrest Chinese Lang. ii. 38 The connection of the phonetic element..with a word still existing independently, or with the same phonetic in other characters, has become much more obscure through changes in sound or in written form.
1984 J. Defrancis Chinese Lang. 122 The Chinese procedure of adding different radicals to a common phonetic is similar to the procedure adopted in both Mesopotamia and Egypt of using ‘determinatives’ to suggest the semantic category of homophonous words.
2012 L. Tao & G. Qian in C. Leung & J. Ruan Perspectives Teaching & Learning Chinese Literacy in China i. 6 To access correct meanings and pronunciations of characters using phonetics would require somewhat advanced and special knowledge of Chinese.


phonetic-linguistic, phonetic-morphological, phonetic-semantic, etc. Cf. phonetico- comb. form.
1921 E. Sapir Lang. viii. 185 In other words, on this particular point it took German at least three hundred years to catch up with a phonetic-morphological drift that had long been under way in English.
1931 L. Bloomfield in Language 7 205 Some linguistic forms bear no partial phonetic-semantic resemblance to other forms.
1961 L. F. Brosnahan Sounds of Lang. v. 101 The criteria..are of phonetic-linguistic nature.
1966 M. Pei Gloss. Ling. Terminol. p. ix A specialist in descriptive linguistics and phonetic-phonemic description.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2006; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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