

单词 beamtrawl

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beam-trawl v. to fish with a trawl-net of which the mouth is kept open by a beam.
the world > food and drink > hunting > fishing > type or method of fishing > [verb (intransitive)] > fish with net > with trawl-nets
pair trawl1977
1883 Great Internat. Fisheries Exhib. Catal. 3 The rapid growth of beam-trawling.
extracted from beamn.1
1. A strong net or bag dragged along the bottom of fishing-banks; a dragnet; = trawl-net n. 1; esp. that now often distinguished as the beam-trawl, described in its modern form in quot. 18801. Also applied to a similar smaller dragnet used for the scientific investigation of the sea-bottom, dredging for deep-sea organisms, etc.
the world > food and drink > hunting > fishing > fishing-tackle > net > [noun] > drag-net
pole trawl1836
train net1864
otter trawlc1870
pair trawl1967
1481–90 Howard Househ. Bks. (Roxb.) 192 My lorde Rekened with his netter and he had sent home to stoke a dragge of viij fadam ye fadam xij d... Item a trawelle (?) of vij fadam, the Fadam vj d.]
1759 B. Martin Nat. Hist. Eng. I. 120 Tho' the Method of using Trawls, which of late Years has prevailed, is no small Diminution of their Plenty, it being found by Experience to destroy the Spawn.
1764 J. Ellis in Philos. Trans. 1763 (Royal Soc.) 53 419 The Animal..was taken in a trawl in 72 fathoms water.
1834 Tait's Edinb. Mag. New Ser. 1 125/2 The trawl-net scrapes along the ground; and as the flat fish breed in the channel, it appears that much injury and destruction has been done to the young fry when the trawl has been used near the shore.
1877 C. W. Thomson Voy. ‘Challenger’ I. i. 17 A portion of a huge Pyrosoma..was brought up in the trawl.
1880 Chambers's Encycl. IX. 524 The Trawl, or Beam-trawl..is a triangular purse-shaped net, about 70 feet long, usually having a breadth of about 40 feet at the mouth, and gradually diminishing to 4 or 5 feet at the commencement of the cod, or smaller end.., which is about 10 feet long, and of nearly uniform breadth. The upper part of the mouth is secured to a wooden beam about 40 feet long, which keeps the net open; this beam is supported on two upright iron frames, known as the trawl-heads or irons. The under side of the net..is made with a deeply-curved margin attached to the ground-rope, the whole length of it in contact with the ground... Two stout ropes..are fastened, one to the front of each of the trawl-heads, the other ends united to form a bridle, to which is shackled a warp 150 fathoms long. By this warp the trawl is towed.
1880 Chambers's Encycl. IX. 525 A kind of trawl called the pole-trawl..is now used only in the south of Ireland. It is much less effective than the beam-trawl.
1884 Science 4 225/2 American appliances for deep-sea investigation.—Trawls and Tangles.
1884 Science 4 226/2 The method of attaching the bridle in the Challenger trawl was similar to that afterwards adopted for the Blake trawl.
1887 E. J. Mather Nor'ard of Dogger (1889) ix. 114 The cry of the watch on deck, ‘Haul here! haul the trawl! all haul! all haul!’ roused me at 5 a.m.
extracted from trawln.
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