

单词 pew for penance

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pew for penance
2. A raised standing-place or desk in a church or chapel, to enable a preacher, reader, etc., to be seen and heard by the congregation. Frequently with modifying word, as minister's pew, praying pew, reader's pew, pew for penance, etc. Now only in reading pew (see reading pew n. at reading n.1 Compounds 3).shriving pew: see shriving pew n. at shriving n. Compounds 2.
society > faith > artefacts > furniture > seat > [noun] > preacher's
reading pew1636
rising seat1851
1479 in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 50 My body to be beryed in the pariche cherche of Euston be for the chaunsell dore by syde the pue.
1529 T. More Dialogue Heresyes i, in Wks. (1557) 127 Vpon ye sondaye at high masse time..for fulfillinge of hys penance, vp was the pore soule set in a pew, that ye peple might wonder on him and hyre [sic] what he sayd.
1551 J. Bale Actes Eng. Votaryes: 2nd Pt. f. xxxiv To laye stones of great wayghte vpon the roufe beames of the temple ryght ouer hys prayenge pewe, and to lete them fall vpon hym to hys vtter destruccyon.
1568 Churchwardens' Accts. St. Peter, Chepe in A. C. Heales Hist. Pews (1872) 38 Paid for ii matts for the pewe wherein Mr Parson saithe the service.
1640 T. Fuller Joseph's Coat 170 Passe from the Font to the Ministers Pue.
1644 J. Maxwell Answer to Worthy Gentleman 8 Two alwaies speak, the first from the Readers Desk or Pew; the other, in some other place distant from him.
1692 G. Burnet Sarum Visit. Art. in A. C. Heales Hist. Pews (1872) I. 39 Have you in your said Church or Chappel a convenient seat or Pew for your minister to read Divine Service in?
1881 A. P. Stanley Christian Inst. iii. 55 In England the huge reading-desk or ‘pew’ long supplied the place of the old ambo.
1962 J. F. White Cambridge Movement iv. 99 The westernmost stall on the south side formed a reading pew.
extracted from pewn.1
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