

单词 petitgrain oil

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petitgrain oil
Any of various essential oils with a floral scent, distilled from the leaves and other parts of orange and other citrus trees, and used in perfumery. Also petitgrain oil.
1839 A. Ure Dict. Arts 949 The essence of petit-grain..is obtained by distilling the leaves of the orange shrub.
1862 G. W. S. Piesse Art of Perfumery (ed. 3) v. 109 If a leaf of the orange-tree be held up between the observer and the sun, he will perceive small globular specks in the leaf, which are in truth the sacs of otto; from this fact the term petit grain..is derived.
1871 Appletons' Jrnl. 27 May 615/2 The orange..gives three distinct perfumes: from the leaves we have the petit grain; from the flowers, neroli; and from the rind of the fruit is distilled the essential oil of orange.
1903 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 84 i. 186 Petit grain oil (Paraguay) contains furfuraldehyde, 1-pinene (?), 1-camphene (?), dipentene, an alcohol, C10H18O,..probably linalool.., d-terpineol.., geraniol, geranyl acetate, and traces of a basic compound.
1926 H. Finnemore Essent. Oils xliv. 445 Petitgrain oil contains 20 per cent of free alcohol.
1945 F. R. Fosberg in F. Verdoorn et al. Plants & Plant Sci. Lat. Amer. 25/2 Paraguay produces most of the world supply of petitgrain oil from the leaves of the bitter orange (Citrus aurantium L.).
1981 Analyt. Chem. 53 68 r/1 Petitgrain oils from bitter orange, lemon, and mandarin leaves were investigated.
1999 Independent on Sunday 14 Mar. (Review Suppl.) 24/2 Then a refreshing lavender sorbet, with an astringent offering of petitgrain, cedar and myrrh.
extracted from petitgrainn.
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