

单词 piece of workmanship

> as lemmas

piece (also bit, etc.) of workmanship
1. The performance or execution of work or a piece of work; labour, esp. (in early use) the (amount of) labour expended on a particular task or job, as an item incurring a charge. Also: †an instance of this (obsolete). Now rare except in piece (also bit, etc.) of workmanship (cf. piece of work n. at piece n. Phrases 4).In later use chiefly with reference to the degree of skill involved; cf. sense 3.
society > occupation and work > work > [noun]
society > occupation and work > work > amounts of work > [noun] > amount done on a task
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) i. l. 2541 With gret sleihte Of werkmanschipe it was begrave.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Fairf. 14) l. 1684 (MED) Loke þi werk-monshepe be sleyghe.
c1450 (?c1408) J. Lydgate Reson & Sensuallyte (1901) l. 6132 Nature..Passeth soothly werke-man-shepe.
1467–8 Rolls of Parl.: Edward IV (Electronic ed.) Parl. June 1467 §19. m. 31 To oversee the werkmanship of the seid craftymen.
1503 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1900) II. 206 For making and werkmanschip and inlayk of the samyn..xx li.
1552 in A. Feuillerat Documents Office of Revels Edward VI (1914) 124 The charges of garniture & workemanshipp with stuf & other prouisions bought & made of new this year.
1581 G. Pettie tr. S. Guazzo Ciuile Conuersat. i. f. 9v The knowledge of..handicrafts, of woorkemanships.
c1595 Countess of Pembroke Psalme xciv. 16 in Coll. Wks. (1998) II. 142 Sight shall he want, From whose first workmanshipp the eye did grow?
1612 in J. Barmby Churchwardens' Accts. Pittington (1888) 163 Paid for mendinge the bell ropes with leather and workmanshipp, x d.
1617 F. Moryson Itinerary i. ii. ii. 150 A table..the Iewels wherof they valued at fiftie thousand Crownes, and the workmanship at twelue thousand Crownes.
1686 R. Plot Nat. Hist. Staffs. viii. 297 In case they would be at the charge of bringing stone, he would find Workmanship, and build them a Tower.
1710 M. Prior Examiner No. 6. ⁋2 A curious Piece of poetical Workmanship.
1751 C. Labelye Descr. Westm. Bridge 78 All Workmanship to be performed at a fixed Price.
1818 2nd Rep. Minutes of Evid. Ribbon Weavers 195 in Parl. Papers (H.C. 211 & 278) IX. 53 An instance..where a master took a man up to a magistrate for spoiling the work, and the man paid every penny of the workmanship of it.
1882 Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag. Oct. 267/2 Cannot this risk be avoided with careful, conscientious and honest workmanship, carried out under the strict supervision of an expert?
1930 Jrnl. Amer. Water Wks. Assoc. 22 1258 Differences of opinion..as to the quality of materials used, character of workmanship performed or financial adjustments as the work progresses arise.
2008 D. Madden Molly Fox's Birthday (2010) 39 Beside the wardrobe, a poor piece of workmanship, was a row of shoes.
extracted from workmanshipn.
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