

单词 piece of plate

> as lemmas

piece of plate
7. A single item belonging to a group or class of similar objects. Frequently in piece of furniture, piece of ordnance, piece of plate, etc. Cf. a piece n. at Phrases 3.
the world > relative properties > wholeness > incompleteness > part of whole > [noun] > constituent part or component > single element of collective whole
1473 J. Paston in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) I. 472 Myn jnstrumentys..I praye yow..to trusse in a pedde and sende them me..and a byll ther-in how many pecys.
1523 Earl of Surrey in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1824) 1st Ser. I. 216 Dyvers other good peces of ordynaunce for the feld.
c1540 (?a1400) Gest Historiale Destr. Troy 9504 Syluer and Sarrigold sadly þai grippet..Pesis of plates plentius mekyll.
1563 in J. H. Burton Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1877) 1st Ser. I. 237 Ane brasin pece of artailyerie, ten irn pecis.
1603 M. Pring Voy. N. Virginia in S. Purchas Purchas his Pilgrimes (1906) XVIII. 328 Our Master..caused a piece of great Ordnance to bee shot off, to give terrour to the Indians.
1636 R. Fewster Will in B. Cusack Everyday Eng. 1500–1700 (1998) 341 Item I giue &c to my wiffe & my two daughters 4 peeces off pewter to each.
1669 S. Sturmy Mariners Mag. v. 75 Of the..Motion or Course of a Shot discharged out of any Piece of Ordnance.
1715 London Gaz. No. 5336/2 A Piece of Plate of the value of 100 Ducats.
1792 Gentleman's Mag. 12/2 A statue or a piece of plate require inscriptions very different from a monument.
1832 R. Southey Hist. Peninsular War III. 319 A regiment..succeeded in taking two pieces of cannon.
1886 M. Linskill Haven under Hill I. xv. 201 It was a handsome piece of furniture.
1940 W. E. Crook Electr. in Aircraft vii. 93 The impulse starter..is a purely mechanical piece of apparatus.
1991 J. Phillips You'll never eat Lunch in this Town Again (1992) 115 He has always been very proud of this piece of equipment.
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