

单词 per piece

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per piece
a piece n. (for) each object or individual unit of a group, set, or class; each. Frequently used adverbially, esp. in stating the unit price, weight, etc., of something. Also occasionally the piece, each piece, every piece, per piece. Formerly also (Scottish): † ilk piece (obsolete). See also apiece adv.In Scotland and northern England sometimes used of people as well as things. Cf. French la pièce.
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > individual character or quality > individual [phrase] > individually or separately > each piece
a piece1418
1418 Inquisition Misc. (P.R.O.: C 145/296/10) m. 3 xxx basenettes prec. le pece vj s. viij d.
c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) 5474 Lamprays of weȝt twa hundreth pond ay a pece.
1480 Table Prouffytable Lernynge (Caxton) (1964) 44 The good candelmaker Gyueth foure talow candellis For one peny the pece [Fr. le piece].
1531 W. Tyndale Answere Mores Dialoge f. xxxv Ye pope..sett vppe in Rome a stues of .xx. or .xxx. thousand hores, takynge of every pece tribute yerly.
1553 in J. H. Burton Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1877) 1st Ser. I. 150 Thai had payit ane grott for the heid off ilk peax [of cattle] for thair poindlaw.
1600 J. Pory tr. J. Leo Africanus Geogr. Hist. Afr. vii. 289 Horses..sold againe for fortie and sometimes for fiftie ducates a piece.
c1650 J. Spalding Memorialls Trubles Scotl. & Eng. (1850) I. 81 The bischopis had causit imprint thir bookis..and sould haue gottin fra ilk minister four pundis for the peice.
1697 J. Pollexfen Disc. Trade & Coyn sig. A5v Fat Oxen were often sold at 6s. per piece.
1721 Session Bk. Rothesay (1931) 361 James Stewart as justice of peace fined them in ten pounds Scots the piece.
1797 J. Sinclair Statist. Acct. Scotl. XIX. 48 A fine of a cow the piece [sc. each person].
1825 J. Neal Brother Jonathan I. 54 A ‘twig o' cider’ a piece.
1864 B. Taylor John Godfrey's Fortunes xxv. 328 There are scores of retail dry-goods merchants who would give fifty dollars a piece to have their establishments mentioned in a novel or a play.
1913 C. Murray Hamewith 57 Lang-leggit Time, but he was fleet When we'd a lass the piece.
1989 Daily Nation (Nairobi) 26 July 18/3 For a lorry load of hard core stone, two men earn Sh30 a piece.
extracted from piecen.
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