

单词 accend


Forms: late Middle English–1600s accende, 1500s–1800s accend.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin accendere.
Etymology: < classical Latin accendere to set on fire, kindle, ignite, to stir up, arouse, to intensify, aggravate, to rouse the feelings, passions, or ambitions, to incite, in post-classical Latin also to burn with desire (12th cent. in a British source) < ac- ac- prefix + -cendere (only attested in compounds) to set alight (see candour n.). Compare Middle French ascendre to set (a thing) on fire (1497 in an isolated attestation).
a. To stir up, excite, incite, stimulate.More purely figurative than the metaphorical uses in sense 2.
(a) transitive. With a person as object.
c1425 Bk. Found. St. Bartholomew's (1923) 19 (MED) This dede anoon was dyvulgate..And with a grete fame gretely accendid the peple of boith ordres.
?a1475 (?a1425) tr. R. Higden Polychron. (Harl. 2261) (1869) II. 249 (MED) Ionicus schewede this to Nemproth his disciple whiche, accende in luste of dominacion, reignede in Babilon among the childer of Cham.
1524 T. Wolsey in State Papers Henry VIII (1849) VI. 367 Makyng suche persuasyons unto the Pope, as may accende and kindle hym therunto.
a1620 M. Fotherby Atheomastix (1622) Pref. sig. B4v He must needes..be greatly accended vnto true deuotion.
(b) transitive. With an emotion or condition as object.
?a1475 Ludus Coventriae (1922) 201 (MED) Ageyn hym wrath if þou accende, the same in happ wyll falle on the.
1583 P. Barrough Methode of Phisicke v. xvi. 237 When erysipelas doth accend and kindle feuers, & those more vehement then phlegmone, those medicines which are exceedingly hote and the iuice of scammonium..are in no wise meete or conuenient for this disease.
1660 R. Allestree Private Devotions in Gentlemans Calling 169 That Wealth whereby I should have glorified Thee, and succoured my Brethren, I have converted into fuel to maintain and accend my Covetousness, Pride, and Luxury.
1780 T. Frewen Physiologia 146 The acrid, fervent, boiling blood, gets ahead, and tumultuously breaks in upon the brain, and accends the spirits.
1829 T. Wade Woman's Love i. i. 7 I go to accend grief; for the divorced lady, I trow, will even marry her tears, and encouch herself with sorrow.
b. intransitive. To become ardent or inflamed.
a1456 J. Lydgate Minor Poems (1911) i. 44 Hir song made so myn herte for to accende Þat vnto studye holly I gan attende.
2. transitive. To set light to, set on fire, kindle. Also in figurative contexts.
the world > matter > properties of materials > temperature > heat > burning > burn or consume by fire [verb (transitive)] > kindle or set alight
to set (a) fire in, on, upon, of, now only toc1400
to light upa1500
to shoot (something) on firec1540
to give fire1562
to touch off1759
a1475 Revelations St. Birgitta (Garrett) (1929) 116 (MED) In that poynte of tyme was ther accendid and kyndelid in myn herte a sparcle of charitee.
?a1475 (?a1425) tr. R. Higden Polychron. (Harl. 2261) (1865) I. 223 (MED) A precious ston callede Albestes whiche, accendede [L. accensus] and putte furthe in the aiere, wylle not be extincte by eny crafte.
a1500 in C. Brown Relig. Lyrics 15th Cent. (1939) 101 (MED) O spirit, inspire loue and desire, Accende thy ffyre.
1542 T. Becon Newe Pathway vnto Praier x. sig. E.vijv That I by rehearsyng them, & Gods mooste holye Spiryte workynge therwith also maye so accend, kyndle, inflame, & sette on fyre Christen mennes hertes with ye loue of faythfull prayer.
1630 H. Lord Display Two Forraigne Sects ix. 66 After this putting combustible matter to the body, accended and lighted by the helpe of sweete oyle, and aromaticall odours strowed thereon.
1698 R. Boulton Treat. concerning Heat of Blood 30 To produce Heat, there is no need of a Flame to be always accended, is evident; since there are several degrees of hot Bodies, in which no Flame at all is apparent.
1729 G. Shelvocke, Jr. tr. K. Siemienowicz Great Art Artillery iv. 279 Accended by the Wind, or Rain, or Dew, it must consequently take fire.
1857 T. Hood Pen & Pencil Pict. 254 By the mystic power of friction, oh Ebony! shalt thou ignite the match; and accend the rich weed in the bowl of the hookah therewith.


accending adj. rare
the world > matter > properties of materials > temperature > heat > burning > [adjective] > setting on fire or alight
1646 Sir T. Browne Pseudodoxia Epidemica 90 Small-coale, Salt-peter and Camphire made into powder will bee of little force, wherein notwithstanding there wants not the accending ingredient. View more context for this quotation
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2011; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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