

单词 paternity


Brit. /pəˈtəːnᵻti/, U.S. /pəˈtərnədi/
Forms: late Middle English paternite, late Middle English paternyte, late Middle English peternytee, 1500s–1600s paternitie, 1600s– paternity.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French paternité; Latin paternitat-, paternitas.
Etymology: < Middle French paternité (French paternité ) state of being a father (12th cent. in Old French with reference to God, 1690 used as title of respect for clergymen) and its etymon post-classical Latin paternitat-, paternitas, title of respect given to a bishop, etc., fatherhood, fatherly feeling or affection (5th cent.; already in Vetus Latina (Ephesians 3:15) as a mistranslation of ancient Greek πατριά family: see patriarch n.) < classical Latin paternus of or relating to a father (see paternal adj.) + -tās (see -ty suffix1; compare -ity suffix). Compare Spanish paternidad (1376–96 as paternidat), Catalan paternitat (c1300), Old Occitan paternitat (c1350; Occitan paternitat), Italian paternitá (a1342).
1. Christian Church. A person entitled to be addressed as ‘father’, as a monk or a priest. Chiefly, with possessive adjective: a title of respect given to a bishop, as His Paternity, etc. Obsolete. rare.
society > faith > church government > member of the clergy > priest > [noun]
1439 Chancery Proc. Ser. C1 File 9 No. 111 (MED) Please itt to ȝoure full reuerent paternyte..to graunt a Writ sub pena.
a1444 in Cal. Proc. Chancery Queen Elizabeth (1827) I. p. xxiv Plese on to yov, gracyous lord, of your reverent paternyte & of your hye gracyous lordschip, to considere [etc.].
1629 J. Wadsworth Eng. Spanish Pilgrime iii. 11 Thay tooke their leaue of them and the rest of the paternities, and returned into their owne Couents.
1691 Blount's Νομο-λεξικον (ed. 2) Abbacy (abbatia) is the same to an Abbot, as Bishoprick to a Bishop: We may call it his Paternity.
1855 R. Boyle Boyle versus Wiseman 47 His Paternity coincides with the opinion which I had entertained.
a. The quality or condition of being a father; fatherly feeling or affection; fatherhood.
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > kinsman or relation > parent > father > fatherhood > [noun]
a1456 J. Lydgate Seying of Nightingale (Trin. Cambr.) 275 in Minor Poems (1911) i. 231 (MED) Þer he was sone and his fadres heyre With him alloone by peternytee.
a1500 Hymnal in R. S. Loomis Medieval Stud. in Memory G. S. Loomis (1927) 483 (MED) Help vs, lord, of þi paternite; help vs, fadyr, for we thy chyldyrn be.
1548 Princess Elizabeth & J. Bale tr. Queen Margaret of Angoulême Godly Medytacyon Christen Sowle f. 15 This truthe maketh her to feale that there is in the, true paternyte [1582 paternitie].
a1631 J. Donne Serm. (1957) III. 265 Now we consider in God, a two-fold Paternity, a two-fold Fatherhood.
a1667 Bp. J. Taylor Serm. in Wks. (1831) III. iv. (R.) Where a spiritual paternity is evident: we need look no further for spiritual government.
1766 S. R. Scott Hist. Sir George Ellison I. ii. iv. 206 Father to seven children, and well pleased with his paternity.
1816 S. Henley tr. W. Beckford Vathek (ed. 3) 67 Having been spared the cares as well as the honour of paternity.
1869 E. M. Goulburn Pursuit of Holiness vii. 57 That most comfortable truth, the Paternity of God.
1920 F. S. Fitzgerald This Side of Paradise ii. iii. 250 That sudden absurd instinct for paternity that Rosalind had stirred.
1982 E. Simpson Poets in their Youth iv. 91 He may..have known or suspected how ambivalent John's feelings about paternity were.
b. Patriarchal rule or authority; government by patriarchy. Obsolete.
society > authority > rule or government > rule or government of family or tribe > [noun] > patriarchy or patriarchalism
father right1899
1614 W. Raleigh Hist. World i. i. x. §2. 187 That he [sc. Nimrod] first brake the rule of Eldership and paternitie.
1707 G. Hickes Two Treat. ii. i. 186 It is not only an Empire, but a Paternity.
a. Source, origin, or authorship of a work, idea, etc.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > literary and textual criticism > textual criticism > [noun] > literary origin of text
1829 W. Scott Waverley Novels (new ed.) I. Gen. Pref. p. xxxv The paternity of these novels was from time to time warmly disputed in Britain.
1854 R. W. Emerson Quot. & Orig. in Lett. & Social Aims in Wks. (Bohn) III. 215 Many of the historical proverbs have a doubtful paternity.
1867 F. S. Cozzens Sayings Dr. Bushwhacker xii. 73 The paternity of some trite quotation is put in question.
1936 J. Schafer Soc. Hist. Amer. Culture viii. 283 The paternity of the idea is generally ascribed to W. J. Spillman.
1957 I. Watt Rise of Novel iv. 93 The two later claimants to the paternity of the novel, Richardson and Fielding.
1991 A. Hastings et al. Mod. Catholicism (BNC) 27 It is very striking to note the way Pope John always claimed paternity of the idea of the Council.
b. literal. Paternal origin or descent; the identity of the father of a particular child or offspring.
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > kinsman or relation > parent > father > fatherhood > [noun] > paternal relationship
1815 W. Scott Guy Mannering II. xviii. 230 The colours [of a litter of puppies] had occasioned some doubts about the paternity.
1868 W. E. Gladstone Juventus Mundi (1870) v. 137 The foreign paternity of a group of distinguished men who had cast their lot in that country.
1882 ‘Ouida’ In Maremma I. iii. 69 She resolved..to keep the secret of the baby's paternity from all.
1950 Sci. News 15 125 Legal disputes arising over the paternity of infants.
1988 M. Spark Far Cry from Kensington ii. 17 The row concerned the true paternity of the baby boy.
2000 D. M. Buss in M. S. Kimmel & A. Aronson Gendered Society Reader 8 Men have faced the adaptive problem of uncertainty of paternity in putative offspring.


paternity case n. Law an action brought to determine whether a defendant is the father of a particular child.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > action of courts in claims or grievances > [noun] > a case before court > terms for various kinds of cases
cross cause1696
cause célèbre1763
business case1826
test case1894
prima facie case1895
paternity case1909
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > kinsman or relation > parent > father > fatherhood > [noun] > paternal relationship > attribution of > legal action in
paternity case1909
paternity suit1945
1909 Biometrika 6 353 Such reversions are comparatively rare, sufficiently rare to be practically disregarded in a court of law in the decision of bastardy paternity cases.
1940 D. McCarthy Drama 104 We have seen him confronted..with a paternity case he cannot solve.
2000 N.Y. Times 1 Aug. f1/2 The same DNA fingerprinting techniques used in paternity cases.
paternity leave n. a short period of authorized absence from employment granted to a father after or shortly before the birth of his child.
society > leisure > [noun] > leave of absence > type of
annual leave1825
parental leave1847
home leave1860
study leave1894
maternity leave1919
mat leave1947
family leave1968
paternity leave1973
1973 Guardian 4 June 9/1 Imagine the day when firms allow their male employees paternity leave to be with their wives during the last part of their pregnancies.
1992 Washington Post (National Weekly ed.) 19 Oct. 38/4 Even men who take paternity leaves say they worried that their decision would eventually endanger their career.
paternity suit n. Law = paternity case n.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > action of courts in claims or grievances > [noun] > a lawsuit > other types of action
mort d'ancestora1325
trespass on the case1429
action of detinue1467
nisi prius1533
faint action1542
transitory action1594
suit of the King's peace1607
quia timet1628
petitory action1681
restitution of conjugal rights1720
amicable suit1768
noxal action1774
real action1818
witness action1892
class suit1894
foreclosure action1905
class action1910
derivative action1934
paternity suit1945
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > kinsman or relation > parent > father > fatherhood > [noun] > paternal relationship > attribution of > legal action in
paternity case1909
paternity suit1945
1945 Canad. Jrnl. Econ. & Polit. Sci. 11 178 The Charlie Chaplin paternity suit has lent zest this winter to the conversation of some of our most respected citizens.
1994 Amer. Spectator Nov. 25/2 The test is now used in paternity suits.
paternity test n. a test for assessing the likelihood that a particular man is the father of a particular child.
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > kinsman or relation > parent > father > fatherhood > [noun] > paternal relationship > attribution of > blood-test
paternity test1926
paternity testing1960
1926 R. J. E. Scott Gould's Med. Dict. 773/2 Mayoral and Jiminez paternity test.
1996 M. M. Boumil & J. Friedman Deadbeat Dads i. 18 A paternity test after the child was born revealed a 98.77 percent likelihood that Glenn was the father.
paternity testing n. the action or practice of carrying out a paternity test or tests.
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > kinsman or relation > parent > father > fatherhood > [noun] > paternal relationship > attribution of > blood-test
paternity test1926
paternity testing1960
1960 Current Anthropol. 1 169/2 (title) Multifactorial genetic paternity testing.
1998 Amer. Naturalist 152 617/1 Microsatellite markers for paternity testing in the willow warbler.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2005; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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