

单词 partaking


Brit. /pɑːˈteɪkɪŋ/, U.S. /pɑrˈteɪkɪŋ/

α. Middle English part takinge, Middle English part takyng, Middle English part takynge, Middle English–1500s parte takyng, 1500s parte taking, 1500s parttaking, 1600s part-taking; Scottish pre-1700 pairttaking, pre-1700 parttaking, pre-1700 parttakyng.

β. 1500s partes-taking, 1500s–1600s parts taking, 1500s–1600s parts-taking.

γ. 1500s partakyng, 1500s– partaking; Scottish pre-1700 pairtacking, pre-1700 1700s– partaking.

Origin: Formed within English, by compounding; perhaps partly modelled on a Latin lexical item. Etymons: part n.1, taking n.
Etymology: < part n.1 + taking n., perhaps partly after classical Latin participātiō participation n. Compare partaker n., and later partake v.; compare also to take part at part n.1 Phrases 3a, to take (a) part with at part n.1 Phrases 3c(a).
1. The taking of a part or share; sharing, participation; an instance of this; spec. the sharing of food or drink; (now also more widely) eating, drinking.Frequently (esp. in early use) with reference to the Eucharist.
the mind > possession > sharing > [noun]
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) 1 Cor. x. 16 The breed which we breken, wher it is not the delynge, or part takynge [a1425 L.V. takyng; L. participatio] of the body of the Lord?
c1475 (?c1400) Apol. Lollard Doctr. (1842) 12 In part takyng of þe defaut.
1483 Catholicon Anglicum (BL Add. 89074) (1881) 270 A Part takynge, participacio.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) 1 Cor. x. 16 Ys not the breed which we breake partetakynge of the body of Christ?
1564 in D. H. Fleming Reg. Christian Congregation St. Andrews (1889) I. 198 Be parttakyng of the Lordis Suppar wyth his bretheren.
γ. 1563 D. Fergusson Tracts (1860) 33 This partaking requireth nether transubstantiation inpanation nor carnall presence.1564 T. Becon Displayeng Popishe Masse f. l, in Wks. iii Ye call it a Communion, which is a partaking of many together.1657 W. Morice Coena quasi Κοινὴ Def. xv. 229 I may [then]..beleeve the Supper of the Lords may be alimental and refective to the soul, by seeing, as well as by partaking.1690 W. Mountfort Successfull Straingers iii. i. 27 If you please Sir let's drink first, I hope the partaking of a Bottle will not choak your Information.a1714 J. Sharp Serm. vi. in Wks. (1754) IV. 108 In order to the partaking of his benefits.1797 S. Instone Poems 53 Give me the power to sooth them [sc. the Innocent] to repose, Or by partaking, mitigate their woes.1846 ‘G. Eliot’ tr. D. F. Strauss Life Jesus III. 144 It [sc. the entering of a Gentile house in the morning] would have been such [sc. a disqualification] for the partaking of the Chagiga, which was eaten in the afternoon.1923 Internat. Jrnl. Ethics 33 165 The value of reality makes the honest attempt to understand it, itself a partaking of universal value.1988 Sc. Curler Jan. 15/2 No one could quite decide which was more fun—the pleasures of curling three mini games or the partaking of ‘Cakes’.2000 Boston Herald (Nexis) 12 Mar. 1 ‘We must find more effective ways of reaching out to inactive Catholics,’ Law said of the absenteeism from Mass and from a partaking of the Eucharist.
2. The taking of another's part or side; the action of taking sides in a dispute or contest; an instance of this. Obsolete.
society > society and the community > social relations > party or faction > [noun] > partisanship or factionalism
party spirit1705
party feeling1796
1533 tr. Erasmus Enchiridion Militis Christiani iv. sig. Dv Thou mayst compare therfore a man properly to a communaltie where is debate & parte takyng among them selfe.
1544 in D. H. Fleming Registrum Secreti Sigilli Regum Scotorum (1936) III. 168/2 Ar convict for..plane parttaking with the auld inymeis of Ingland.
1548 N. Udall et al. tr. Erasmus Paraphr. Newe Test. I. Matt. ii. 27 No nede of helpes, riches, power, parte taking.
1611 J. Speed Hist. Great Brit. ix. xx. 740/1 Remembring withall the mischiefes of part-takings.
1646 Earl of Monmouth tr. G. F. Biondi Hist. Civil Warres Eng. II. vii. 84 Hearing that there was part-taking, and tumults raised in the City.
1675 W. Dugdale Baronage Eng. I. 308 John excusing his former part-taking with King Edward; and alleaging, he did it for fear of his life, was received to favor.
β. ?1539–40 Abp. M. Parker Corr. (1853) (modernized text) 11 We should by our disagreement..cause a murmur and parts-taking among themself.1593 R. Bancroft Daungerous Positions i. i. 3 To draw them into partes-taking.1604 R. Dallington View of Fraunce sig. R4 The ambition of the house of Guise, and the parts-taking with them, and those other of Burbon, is guilty thereof.1655 E. Robinson Warr in Lancs. (1864) 3 The raynes of civill Gouernment being in part broken through the prevailing of Divisions and parts taking.γ. 1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VII f. iiv Forgettynge clerely the diuersite of faccions & voyce of partakyng.a1618 W. Raleigh Maxims of State (1651) 23 Joyning with them in their partakings and Factions.1657 Earl of Monmouth tr. P. Paruta Politick Disc. 50 There was no siding nor partaking studied amongst them.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2005; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Brit. /pɑːˈteɪkɪŋ/, U.S. /pɑrˈteɪkɪŋ/
Forms: 1500s– partaking, 1600s part-taking.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Apparently partly formed within English, by derivation. Apparently partly formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: partake v., -ing suffix2; part n.1, taking n.
Etymology: Apparently partly partake v. + -ing suffix2, and partly < part n.1 + taking n. Compare partaking n., partaker n., and also to take part at part n.1 Phrases 3a, to take (a) part with at part n.1 Phrases 3c(a). With sense 2 compare slightly earlier unpartaking adj.
1. That takes another's part or side. Obsolete. rare.
the mind > possession > sharing > [adjective]
society > society and the community > social relations > party or faction > [adjective]
c1547 H. Latimer Let. in J. Foxe Actes & Monuments (1563) 1351/2 Who woulde haue thought that there had bene so many partaking Iustices, that is to say vniust iustices in Warwickshier.
1639 G. Digby in G. Digby & K. Digby Lett. conc. Relig. (1651) 113 Mens part-taking subtilties have given to God's Word many various acceptions.
1639 G. Digby in G. Digby & K. Digby Lett. conc. Relig. (1651) 131 Through any partaking passion, or forelaid designe.
2. That takes part or participates. Now rare.
1608 G. Wilkins Painfull Adventures Pericles iii. sig. C2 Pericles by this is landed, and no sooner entred into their vnshut gates, but his princely eies were partaking witnesses of their widowed desolation.
1662 J. Chandler tr. J. B. van Helmont Oriatrike 119 Second, partaking causes, also free mediating con-causes, and occasionall ones accompanying them: over all which..God is..the totall, immediate, and independent cause.
1753 H. Jones Mem. Earl of Essex iii. 30 The kind condoling Comfort of a dear Partaking Friend.
2003 Korea Herald (Nexis) 24 Feb. We will input an intensive sum of budget into attracting overseas buyers to create on-the-spot transactions that will help open global gates to partaking companies.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2005; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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