1381 Diuersa Servicia in C. B. Hieatt & S. Butler (1985) 62 Pecokys and pertrigchis schul ben yperboyld & lardyd..&etyn wyþ gyngeuyr.
a1450 in T. Austin (1888) 6 Take fayre caboges..an parboyle hem in fayre water.
?a1475 Noble Bk. Cookry in at Parboilen To mak yonge pessene, tak pessen and par boille hem in water, then gadar hem up and set the tone half upon the fyere with good brothe of beef and bray the remniant in a mortair.
1530 J. Palsgrave 652/1 It muste be parboyled first and than baken: il le fault parbouyllyr premier et puis le mettre cuyr au four.
1555 R. Eden tr. G. F. de Oviedo y Valdés Summarie Gen. Hist. W. Indies in tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria f. 183v Flesshe..can not bee preserued..except it be rosted, sodden, or perboylde.
1594 21 Cut off his legs..and after the manner of a Feasant trusse him short, then perboyle him a litle.
1613 S. Purchas viii. iii. 623 Sometimes they will perboile their meate a little.
1670 T. Blount (ed. 3) Par-boile, Part-boil, to boil in part not fully.
1723 J. Nott sig. M6 Draw and truss your wild Ducks, parboil them, and half roast them.
1769 E. Raffald v. 132 Parboil a Calf's-Head, when cold cut it in Pieces.
1811–12 W. J. Titford p. xiii Cut in slices, parboiled and fried, resembles fried eggs.
1853 E. K. Kane (1856) xvii. 130 Rub with soda; wash out the soap thus freely made; parboil and pickle.
1911 F. M. Farmer ix. 212 Bisque of Oysters. Parboil one quart oysters in their own liquor, strain, reserve liquor, and finely chop the oysters.
1993 43 233/1 In describing rice, the degree of milling and whether or not it was parboiled were recorded separately.