

单词 party plaintive

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party plaintive
2. Law. Of or relating to the complainant or plaintiff in a lawsuit. Also (chiefly in party plaintive): that is a plaintiff, that brings a lawsuit.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > action of courts in claims or grievances > party in litigation > [adjective] > being or relating to plaintiff
1397 in T. Rymer Fœdera (1709) VIII. 18 (MED) Al ye..þat ar Plantif of ony of þe Kings Leges of Inlande, þai sal sende þair Billes..to the Castel of Roxburgh..Ande al þai..þat ar Plantife of any of þe Kinges Leges of Scotlande, þai sal sende þair Billes..to the Abbey of Kelsow.
1429–30 Acts II. 19/2 Sa that the party playntife mak prufe..of the violent presumpcion..be his athe.
c1460 (?c1400) Tale of Beryn 3533 And eke also the cost Of euery party plentyff þat fallith in his pleynt.
1489 W. Caxton tr. C. de Pisan Bk. Fayttes of Armes iv. v. 240 Ryght and restytucion were made vnto the party playntyff of his actyon and demaunde.
1577 W. Harrison Hist. Descr. Islande Brit. iii. iii. f. 99v/2, in R. Holinshed Chron. I The parties plaintiffe and defendant..proceede..by plaint or declaration, aunswere, replication and reioynder.
1581 J. Marbeck Bk. Notes & Common Places 886 If in this place the Judge doe signifie God, and the aduersarie plaintiue the Diuell.
1596 E. Spenser Second Pt. Faerie Queene v. iv. sig. P6 To heare the piteous beast pleading her plaintiffe cause. View more context for this quotation
1676 C. Molloy De Jure Maritimo x. 269 At the Tryal the party Plaintiff must produce the Bill accepted, and not the Protest; otherwise he will fail in his Action at that time.
1795 C. Abbot Jurisdict. & Pract. Court Great Sessions Wales p. xxvi A party plaintiff, whose cause of suit arises within Wales.
1824 J. G. C. Brainard Lett. found in Ruins Fort Braddock vii. 39 This was termed running the Indians, or being run by the Indians, depending as a lawyer would say, on who was the party Plaintiff, and who was the party Defendant.
1921 H. Wehberg Limitation of Armaments v. 84 The plaintiff party may in this session call for a conditional and provisional solution.
1995 S. A. Stave Achieving Racial Balance vii. 130 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) joined as a party plaintiff to the suit.
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