

单词 paraclete


Brit. /ˈparəkliːt/, U.S. /ˈpɛrəˌklit/
Forms: late Middle English paraclit, late Middle English paraclyt, 1500s paraclet, 1500s– paraclete, 1600s paraclite.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin paracletus.
Etymology: < post-classical Latin paracletus (also paraclitus , paraclytus ) advocate, helper, comforter (Vetus Latina, Vulgate) < ancient Greek παράκλητος advocate, intercessor, a person called to one's aid, in Hellenistic Greek also comforter < παρα- para- prefix1 + κλητός called out, invited ( < the stem of καλεῖν to call (see calends n.) + -τός , suffix forming verbal adjectives), after παρακαλεῖν to call in, call to one's aid. In sense 1, as applied to the Holy Spirit, representing Hellenistic Greek παράκλητος in John 14:16, 26, 15:26, 16:7; the precise interpretation of the word here is disputed. As applied to Christ, representing Hellenistic Greek παράκλητος ‘advocate’ (1 John 2:1); compare quot. 1659 at sense 1. Compare Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French, French †paraclit (first half of the 13th cent. in Anglo-Norman; 1248 in Old French; subsequently from a1525), Middle French, French paraclet (a1506), Italian paraclito (c1260), paracleto (mid 17th cent. or earlier), Spanish paràclito (14th cent. or earlier), paracleto (1554 or earlier), Portuguese paracleto, †paraclito (16th cent.), Catalan paràclit (1551 or earlier; also as paraclet).Although a passive verbal formation corresponding to classical Latin advocātus advocate n., παράκλητος was at an early date associated by the Greek Fathers with the Hellenistic sense of παρακαλεῖν to console, comfort (Septuagint, New Testament: Matthew), and the active agent noun παρακλήτωρ encourager, comforter (Septuagint: Job); compare the active sense acquired by advocate . In Job 16:2, where the Septuagint has παρακλήτορες κακῶν πάντες ‘miserable comforters are ye all’ (King James Bible, 1611), Aquila and Theodotion (both 2nd cent. a.d.) have παράκλητοι . For earlier use of post-classical Latin paraclitus , paraclytus in an English context compare the following (in quot. ?a1475 in the vocative case):OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 1st Ser. (Royal) (1997) xxii. 361 Se halga gast..is gehaten on greciscum gereorde paraclitus þæt is froforgast.?a1475 Ludus Coventriae (1922) 269 We prey þe, spiritus paraclyte, With þe ffyre of þi love to slake All detraccion.a1500 (?a1400) Stanzaic Life of Christ (Harl. 2250) (1926) 10753 Paraclitus is as mych to say As comfortour..which comfortour he send..the Holy Gost.
1. Christian Church. In form Paraclete. As a title given to the Holy Spirit (or occasionally Christ): an advocate, intercessor; a helper or comforter.
the world > the supernatural > deity > Christian God > the Trinity > the Holy Spirit > [noun] > specific title of
Frovre Ghostc1000
c1429 Mirour Mans Saluacioune (1986) l. 3638 An othere, Paraclit, I shalle send ȝowe..And the Paraclyt comes noght bot so be þat I weende.
1582 Bible (Rheims) John xiv. 26 The Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name.
1659 J. Pearson Expos. Creed (1662) viii. 361 ‘If any man sin we have a Paraclete with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous’..saith S. John.
a1700 J. Dryden tr. Veni Creator in Examen Poeticum 307 O, Source of uncreated Light, The Father's promis'd Paraclite!
1724 E. Tollet Poems Several Occasions 51 In Thee! the Third of that eternal Trine: The vital Spirit! Paraclete divine!
1843 J. M. Neale Hymns for Sick (1863) 58 Consoler of our hearts, Blest Paraclete!
1871 J. Morley Carlyle in Crit. Misc. 238 With him [sc. Carlyle]..The victorious hero is the true Paraclete.
1936 C. H. Dodd Apostolic Preaching iii. 156 This promise of a second coming is realized in the presence of the Paraclete..in the life of the Church.
1985 M. Green I Believe in Holy Spirit 48 They have known Jesus as their Paraclete..during his ministry. He has dwelt with them, but the one whom he promises as another Paraclete will dwell in them.
2. In extended and allusive uses.
the world > action or operation > easiness > aid, help, or assistance > intercession or influence on someone's behalf > [noun] > one who
citizen advocate1958
?1548 J. Bale Image Bothe Churches (new ed.) iii. sig. Cciiijv Braggyng Wynchester, the Popes paraclete in Englande, that is master of the Stewes at London.
1581 N. Burne Disput. Headdis of Relig. in T. G. Law Catholic Tractates (1901) 126 Your paraclet Theodore Beze is constranit to deny this pairt of the scripture.
1701 tr. J. Le Clerc Lives Primitive Fathers 82 Plato..has likewise used in one place, the term Paraclete, Intercessor, in speaking of the Reason.
a1855 R. Montgomery St. Barnabas Apostle in Sanctuary (1855) 244 But on this day the Church may see A mortal paraclete in love.
1954 G. Barker Coll. Poems (1987) 308 The worm and the first bird found him larking In a Welsh dawn with a paraclete of the word.
1992 D. Pannick Advocates ii. 29 The proper performance of the function of a lawyer, according to the Supreme Court of Tennessee, ‘does not include a self-appointed role as a paraclete..under the guise of legal services and at a lawyer's compensation rate’.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2005; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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