

单词 overthwart and endlong

> as lemmas

overthwart and endlong
b. overthwart and endlong, (also) endlong and overthwart: crosswise and lengthwise, in breadth and length, transversely and longitudinally. Also figurative: all over, throughout. Cf. endlong adv. 2. Now archaic and rare.
the world > space > direction > specific directions > [phrase] > transversely and longitudinally
overthwart and endlongc1385
the world > relative properties > wholeness > completeness > completely [phrase]
high and low1397
every (also ilk, ilka) stick?a1400
root and rind?a1400
hair and hide?c1450
stout and routc1450
bane and routc1480
overthwart and endlonga1500
(in) hide and hairc1575
right out1578
horse and footc1600
flesh and fella1616
root and branch1640
stab and stow1680
stoop and roop1728
stick, stock, stone dead1796
rump and stump1824
stump and rump1825
rump and rig1843
good and1885
c1385 G. Chaucer Knight's Tale 1991 The dore was al of athamant eterne Yclenched ouerthwart [v.rr. ouer thward, ouertwert, ouereþwart] and endelong With iren togh.
1417 in J. Raine Vol. Eng. Misc. N. Counties Eng. (1890) 13 (MED) We..awarde..that the same Thomas Bernard hafe all the alde stuffe of lede that lay thare before, endelang and overthwart.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll.) 718 Sir Helyus..drove sir Palomydes ovirtwarte and endelonge all the fylde.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. xii. 108 He saue you and me, Ouertwhart and endlang.
1543 ( Chron. J. Hardyng (1812) 85 (MED) Ioseph conuerted this kyng Aruigarus..And gaue hym then a shelde of siluer white, A crosse endlong and ouertwhart full perfect.
1865 W. S. Banks List Provinc. Words Wakefield Owerthwart, across.
1892 Jrnl. Amer. Geogr. Soc. N.Y. 24 118 Mr. Paul Macey, in a communication..describes the results of his two years' exploration, endlong and overthwart, in the Indo-Chinese peninsula.
1896 W. Morris Well at World's End xxi The wall..was some seven feet high, and the pound within the wall of forty feet space endlong and overthwart.
extracted from overthwartprep.adv.
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