

单词 owner


Brit. /ˈəʊnə/, U.S. /ˈoʊnər/

α. Old English acnere (transmission error), Old English agenere, Old English agnere, Old English ahnere, Middle English auner, Middle English avnere, Middle English awener, Middle English–1600s awner, 1600s awenner, 1600s awiner.

β. early Middle English ownære, Middle English honure, Middle English oȝenere, Middle English ouner, Middle English ounnere, Middle English ownere, Middle English ownour, Middle English–1500s owener, Middle English– owner, 1600s ownor; also Scottish pre-1700 ouner, pre-1700 ownair, pre-1700 ownar, pre-1700 vwner.

Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: own v., -er suffix1.
Etymology: < own v. + -er suffix1. Compare ower n.For the relative chronology of own and owner , compare discussion s.v. own v.
1. A person who holds something as his or her own; a possessor or proprietor; a person who has the rightful claim or title to a thing.
the mind > possession > possessor > [noun] > owner
society > leisure > sport > types of sport or game > racing or race > horse racing > people involved in horse racing > [noun] > owner
horse racer1888
OE Ælfric Gram. (Royal 15 B.xxii) 110 Meus min hæfð vocativvs na þæs agneres [c1225 Worcester ownæres], ac ðæs oðres hades þe he to sprecð.
1340 Ayenbite (1866) 37 (MED) Zuych is þe zenne..of ham of religion þet byeþ oȝeneres.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1876) VI. 345 Þinges þat were i-ȝeve to abbayes in olde tyme beeþ now more i-wasted in glotenye and outrage of honures [v.rr. ouners, owneres; ?a1475 anon. tr. governoures; L. possessorum].
1429 Rolls of Parl. IV. 345/2 The saide trespassours..the hausters of the same trowes cutte atwayne, and maneshud the owners of the saide goodes.
1491 Act 7 Hen. VII c. 2 §5 Suche persons as the same feoffoure or ownour shall depute and assigne.
1552 Abp. J. Hamilton Catech. Prol. f. 2 I am thair only awner, Lord & maister.
1607 E. Topsell Hist. Foure-footed Beastes 663 His seruants seeing a stray Sow come among them, the owner whereof they did not know, presently they slew her.
1631 in A. I. Ritchie Churches St. Baldred (1880) 226 The awiners of the seittis wer not willing heirto.
1672 Kirkcudbright Town Council Rec. 24 Feb. With the said John Staffin elder who is onlie ouner of the said boat.
1724 J. Henley et al. tr. Pliny the Younger Epist. & Panegyrick I. iv. vi. 162 I am Owner of nothing there but a House and Garden.
1774 Racing Cal. III. p. xxviii In case of neglect or refusal..such owners and riders shall be immediately declared incapable of running or riding any more.
1782 F. Burney Cecilia V. x. iv. 253 She now lived upon an estate of which she no longer was the owner.
1844 J. Williams Princ. Law Real Prop. i. i. 17 No man is in law the absolute owner of lands.
1869 J. S. Mill Subjection Women ii. 56 Debarring the rightful owner from its use.
1898 A. E. T. Watson Turf v. 124 The winner of a selling race has..to be sold by auction; the owner receives no more than the entered selling price.
1916 E. H. Porter Just David i. 3 At the door appeared a pair of dark, wistful eyes. ‘Daddy!’ called the owner of the eyes.
1972 Guardian 6 May 11/3 A famous owner..was watching his horse on the gallops.
1997 J. E. Lendon Empire of Honour ii. 67 A slave's former owner enjoyed patronage.
2. Nautical slang. The captain of a ship. Also in extended use.
society > travel > travel by water > one who travels by water or sea > sailor > [noun] > captain or master
master shipmana1393
master mariner?a1400
old man1821
society > travel > air or space travel > people who fly in aircraft or spacecraft > [noun] > person in control of aircraft or spacecraft > person in control of aircraft > captain of aircraft
1903 R. Kipling Traffics & Discov. (1904) 49 I'm goin' to deviate to the owner's comfortable cabin direct.
1943 C. H. Ward-Jackson It's a Piece of Cake 45 Owner, the Commanding Officer, the captain of an aircraft.
1971 ‘D. Halliday’ Dolly & Doctor Bird xiii. 192 Johnson slept for an hour. I left the wheel to go into the owner's cabin to rouse him.
2002 Age (Melbourne) (Nexis) 7 Dec. 15 Accommodation for five is spread between two aft cabins and an owner's cabin forward.


a. General attributive.
owner-farming n.
1891 Daily News 10 Jan. 3/1 Where that which the Board of Agriculture call ‘owner-farming’ is common.
1924 Times 29 July 18/1 An equitable system of taxation..owing to the system of owner-farming.
owner-occupation n.
1928 Times 11 July 8/5 The Small Holdings Acts prior to the Act of 1926 were deliberately drawn up with a bias against owner-occupation.
1999 Resid. Renting (National Fed. Residential Landlords) Dec. 9/1 House prices continue to rise, doubly fuelled by buy-to-let demand and by people switching from renting to owner-occupation.
owner vote n.
1885 Daily News 14 Oct. 6/1 The owner vote must be given at municipal elections.
2003 Vancouver Province (Nexis) 18 July c11 I am going to approach the strata corporation to amend the bylaw through an owner vote.
b. Appositive.
owner-breeder n.
1926 Times 28 Dec. 4/1 He may be an owner-breeder who will sell some of his stock and keep the remainder.
1997 Indianapolis Star 24 Oct. 10/1 Canada's Eric Baker, the owner-breeder, had to pay several supplemental fees for his gelding.
owner-driver n.
1913 Times 7 Jan. 7/5 The owner-driver can pay their price and live.
1972 Police Rev. 17 Nov. 1484/1 In the case of haulage firms, and in particular the owner-driver..it pays to overload.
1989 Taxi Globe 15 Nov. 10/3 Most of the black cabs in London are operated by owner-drivers.
owner-farmer n.
1922 Times 22 Sept. 22/5 The alternative of the owner-farmer is at this moment on its trial.
1993 Population Stud. 47 354 The 1953 Act made tenants into owner-farmers.
owner-manager n.
1923 University Jrnl. Business 1 434 With consolidation..this close contact between owner-managers and their neighbours who used the line, was lost.
1965 H. I. Ansoff Corporate Strategy iv. 62 During the high-growth phase of the electronics industry many new firms were started by owner-managers.
1996 Loaded Sept. 44/1 He arrived at Peterborough as owner-manager shortly after being given the old heave-ho by Birmingham City in May.
owner-occupant n.
1937 Amer. Statist. Assoc. 32 646 The data used are based on reports by owner-occupants..as to the original cost of their properties.
1998 Amer. Econ. Rev. 88 816 Our main problem with incorporating owner-occupants is that it adds an additional..variable to the model.
owner-operator n.
1915 Jrnl. Polit. Econ. 23 689 We may safely assume that the owner-operator will consider his time worth at least $2.00 per day.
1957 E. Bott Family & Social Network 161 Owner-operator of a small tobacco and sweet shop.
1989 W. Deverell Mindfield 37 Alphonse Bague, owner-operator of the number eight car of Le Top Dog Taxi Cie,..stopped at the corner near Station Twenty-six.
c. Instrumental.
owner-driven adj.
1913 Times 2 Dec. 14/1 These..are typical examples of the owner-driven car.
1988 Jrnl. Econ. Lit. 26 1613/2 The bulk of Americans get around in their own owner-driven cars.
owner-managed adj.
1925 Econ. Jrnl. 35 424 In London the meat shops may be classified according to..ownership,..the multiple or ‘chain’ shops, the owner-managed shops and the Department Stores.
1992 Times Lit. Suppl. 28 Feb. 7/1 As owner-managed companies went to the wall, entrepreneurs would be replaced by teams of faceless managers.
owner-occupied adj.
1911 Econ. Jrnl. 21 34 The exemption for owner-occupied properties up to certain fixed limits.
1960 Times 23 May 3/5 Northern Ireland is a country of small farms, mainly owner-occupied.
1999 Ann. Rep. Crofters' Comm. 1998–9 26/2 There are 3,430 registered owner-occupied crofts.
owner-occupier n. a person who owns the house, flat, etc., in which he or she lives.
1900 Econ. Jrnl. 10 515 If..the property increases.., what is the claim of the owner-occupier to relief?
1958 New Statesman 4 Jan. 7/3 Here and there an enterprising tenant, owner-occupier or determined landlord has repaired and repainted and the contrast is startling.
1989 Which? July 317/1 The lender's past experience might show that owner-occupiers rarely defaulted on loans.
owner-occupiership n. the occupation of a house, flat, etc., by its owner.
1924 Glasgow Herald 28 Nov. 9 As to owner-occupiership, the figures were..encouraging.
1964 Times 10/5 We are in favour of owner-occupiership.
owner's manual n. an instruction book for a specific product, procedure, etc., typically giving information about operation and maintenance; also in extended use.
1788 D. Steel (title) The ship-master's assistant and owner's manual.
1968 S. Turner (title) M G B. A comprehensive owner's manual.
2000 Time 28 Aug. 28/1 She has followed the owner's manual on how to be a candidate. She kisses babies, wears funny hats, eats blintzes.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2005; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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